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Bozzone, Chiara (2022): Homeric Formulas and their Antiquity: A Constructional Study of alpha nu delta rho omicron tau eta tau alpha chi alpha iota eta beta eta nu. In: Glotta - Zeitschrift für Griechische und Lateinische Sprache, Vol. 98, No. 1: pp. 33-67

Full text not available from 'Open Access LMU'.


The article presented here employs the new tools of constructional analysis in order to evaluate the antiquity of the famous Homeric expression lambda iota pi omicron upsilon sigma alpha nu delta rho omicron tau eta tau alpha chi alpha iota eta beta eta nu 'leaving behind manliness and youth' (Il. 16.858, 22.363), which is usually regarded as a deep archaism preserved within the poetic diction, possibly going back to pre-Mycenaean times. As these new tools suggest that the expression belongs to a recent layer in the poetic technique, and is unlikely to preserve centuries-old linguistic features, this paper explores a scenario of how the aberrant form alpha nu delta rho omicron tau eta tau alpha (along with its irregular scansion) might have been created within the ancient written tradition of the text, and it proposes a likely emendation, which is supported by several philological and linguistic considerations.

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