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Number of items at this level: 256.


Bednarek, Bartłomiej (2024): The uses of stools in classical Athens: diphrophoroi in the Parthenon frieze, old comedy, Attic vases and beyond. In: The Cambridge Classical Journal [Forthcoming]


Wang, Xinpeng; Weissweiler, Leonie; Schütze, Hinrich und Plank, Barbara (2023): How to Distill your BERT: An Empirical Study on the Impact of Weight Initialisation and Distillation Objectives. The 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Toronto, Canada, July 9-14, 2023. Rogers, Anna (ed.) : In: Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Vol. 2 Stroudsburg, PA: Association for Computational Linguistics. pp. 1843-1852 [PDF, 228kB]


Baumgaertner, Annette und Staiger, Anja (2022): Neurogene Störungen der Sprache und des Sprechens. In: Rehabilitation, Vol. 61, No. 1: pp. 52-70

Bednarek, Bartlomiej (2022): Dynamics of desire: Gift-giving and reciprocity in ancient Greek homoerotic courtship. In: Akroterion: Journal for the Classics in South Africa, Vol. 67: pp. 11-28

Bikina, Daria; Rakhman, Denis; Potseluev, Vsevolod; Starchenko, Aleksey und Toldova, Svetlana (2022): Non-finite constructions in Khanty: their unity and diversity. In: Folia Linguistica, Vol. 56, No. 3: pp. 625-665

Bozzone, Chiara (2022): Homeric Formulas and their Antiquity: A Constructional Study of alpha nu delta rho omicron tau eta tau alpha chi alpha iota eta beta eta nu. In: Glotta - Zeitschrift für Griechische und Lateinische Sprache, Vol. 98, No. 1: pp. 33-67

Burghardt, Anja (2022): Passing by Layers of Memory. In: Roczniki Humanistyczne, Vol. 70, No. 1: pp. 45-54

Coretta, Stefano; Riverin-Coutlee, Josiane; Kapia, Enkeleida und Nichols, Stephen (2022): Northern Tosk Albanian. In: Journal of the International Phonetic Association, Vol. 53, No. 3: pp. 1122-1144

Cwiek, Aleksandra; Fuchs, Susanne; Draxler, Christoph; Asu, Eva Liina; Dediu, Dan; Hiovain, Katri; Kawahara, Shigeto; Koutalidis, Sofia; Krifka, Manfred; Lippus, Pärtel; Lupyan, Gary; Oh, Grace E.; Paul, Jing; Petrone, Caterina; Ridouane, Rachid; Reiter, Sabine; Schümchen, Nathalie; Szalontai, Adam; Ünal-Logacev, Özlem; Zeller, Jochen; Perlman, Marcus und Winter, Bodo (2022): The bouba/kiki effect is robust across cultures and writing systems. In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B : Biological Sciences, Vol. 377, No. 1841, 20200390

Fingerle, Maddalena (6. September 2022): Lascivia mascherata. allegoria e travestimento in Torquato Tasso e Giovan Battista Marino. Vigilanzkulturen / Cultures of Vigilance, Vol. 3. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. [PDF, 32MB]

Gubian, Michele; Blything, Ryan; Davis, Colin J. und Bowers, Jeffrey S. (2022): Does that sound right? A novel method of evaluating models of reading aloud. In: Behavior Research Methods, Vol. 55, No. 3: pp. 1314-1331

Haas, Elisabet; Ziegler, Wolfram und Scholderle, Theresa (2022): Intelligibility, Speech Rate, and Communication Efficiency in Children With Neurological Conditions: A Longitudinal Study of Childhood Dysarthria. In: American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, Vol. 31, No. 4: pp. 1817-1835

Holzberg, Niklas (2022): [Rezension von] Barbara Sasse: Zwischen Tugend und Laster. Weibliche Rollenbilder in den Tragedi und Comedi des Hans Sachs, Wiesbaden: Reichert 2020, 409 S. (Imagines Medii Aevi 50). In: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache und Literatur, Vol. 144, No. 1: pp. 156-160

Iskarous, Khalil und Pouplier, Marianne (2022): Advancements of phonetics in the 21st century: A critical appraisal of time and space in Articulatory Phonology. In: Journal of Phonetics, Vol. 95, 101195

Kirby, James; Pittayaporn, Pittayawat und Brunelle, Marc (2022): Transphonologization of onset voicing: revisiting Northern and Eastern Kmhmu'. In: Phonetica, Vol. 79, No. 6: pp. 591-629

Koivunen, Tomi und Erkkila, Riku (2022): The interaction between spatial cases and relational nouns in the Uralic languages of the Volga-Kama area. In: Voprosy Jazykoznanija, No. 5: pp. 64-85

Kruse, Elisabeth (2022): Pervivencia del discurso colonial y fijación de fetiches raciales y culturales en la literatura argentina de la postindependencia: la generación literaria de 1837. In: Iberoromania, Vol. 2022, No. 95: pp. 114-138

Lehner, Katharina und Ziegler, Wolfram (2022): Clinical measures of communication limitations in dysarthria assessed through crowdsourcing: specificity, sensitivity, and retest-reliability. In: Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, Vol. 36, No. 11: pp. 988-1009

Liu, Kai; Wang, Fei; Ding, Zhaoyun; Liang, Sheng; Yu, Zhengfei und Zhou, Yun (2022): Recent Progress of Using Knowledge Graph for Cybersecurity. In: Electronics, Vol. 11, No. 15, 2287

Lu, Yijing; Wiltshire, Charlotte E. E.; Watkins, Kate E.; Chiew, Mark und Goldstein, Louis (2022): Characteristics of articulatory gestures in stuttered speech: A case study using real-time magnetic resonance imaging. In: Journal of Communication Disorders, Vol. 97, 106213

Meroth, Katja und Stauss, Sebastian (2022): Enkulturativer Bruch und Formen der Vermittlung: Empirische Befunde zum deutschen Musiktheater. In: Forum Modernes Theater, Vol. 33, No. 1-2: pp. 22-39

Moll, Melanie (2022): Christian Fandrych / Regula Schmidlin (Hg.): Wissenschaftssprache(n) kontrastiv / Langue(s) scientifique(s) en contraste. Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée numéro 109. In: Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Vol. 59, No. 1: pp. 52-54

Navarro Rincon, Antonia; Carrillo Lopez, Maria Jose; Solano Galvis, Cesar Augusto und Isla Navarro, Laura (2022): Neurodidactics of Languages: Neuromyths in Multilingual Learners. In: Mathematics, Vol. 10, No. 2, 196

Proell, Simon; Hrbek, Daniel; Schirmer, Johanna; Christensen, Victor; Haug, Franziska und Rietzler, Irena (2022): Dialektometrische Analysen graphematischer Variation im Althochdeutschen und Altsächsischen. In: Sprachwissenschaft, Vol. 47, No. 3: pp. 293-328

Quinting, Jana; Stenneken, Prisca; Mahlke, Anne; Beer, Carola de; Hogrefe, Katharina; Hussmann, Katja; Baumgärtner, A.; MacDonald, Sheila und Jonas, Kristina (2022): Measuring Verbal Reasoning and Executive Strategies in German Speaking People with Cognitive-Communication Disorders: Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Pilot Testing of the FAVRES-DE. In: Aphasiology, Vol. 37, No. 10: pp. 1533-1555

Riverin-Coutlee, Josiane und Harrington, Jonathan (2022): Phonetic change over the career: a case study. In: Linguistics Vanguard, Vol. 8, No. 1: pp. 41-52

Riverin-Coutlee, Josiane; Kapia, Enkeleida; Cunha, Conceicao und Harrington, Jonathan (2022): Vowels in urban and rural Albanian: the case of the Southern Gheg dialect. In: Phonetica, Vol. 79, No. 5: pp. 459-512

Roseano, Paolo und Rodriquez, Francesco (2022): Tune-text accommodation in Optimality Theory: an account of Southern Valencian Catalan yes-no questions. In: Folia Linguistica, Vol. 57, No. 1: pp. 81-134

Senel, Lutfi Kerem; Sahinuc, Furkan; Yuecesoy, Veysel; Schuetze, Hinrich; Cukur, Tolga und Koc, Aykut (2022): Learning interpretable word embeddings via bidirectional alignment of dimensions with semantic concepts. In: Information Processing & Management, Vol. 59, No. 3, 102925

Skribnik, Elena K. und Darzhaeva, Nadezhda B. (2022): Бурятские «однократное» и «постоянное» причастия в типологической перспективе. In: Voprosy Yazykoznaniya, No. 3: pp. 132-154

Späth, Mona; Aichert, Ingrid; Timmann, Dagmar; Ceballos-Baumann, Andres O.; Wagner-Sonntag, Edith und Ziegler, Wolfram (2022): The role of the basal ganglia and cerebellum in adaptation to others' speech rate and rhythm: A study of patients with Parkinson's disease and cerebellar degeneration. In: Cortex, Vol. 157: pp. 81-98

Sun, Sha; Xu, Haiyue; He, Minsong; Xiao, Yao und Niu, Huayong (2022): An Alternative Globalization Barometer for Investigating the Trend of Globalization. In: Applied Sciences, Vol. 12, No. 15, 7896


Abenstein, Christina (2021): Wer ist Kynaithos von Chios? In: Hermes-Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie, Vol. 149, No. 1: pp. 4-18

Alderton, Roy (2021): T-tapping in Standard Southern British English: An 'elite' sociolinguistic variant? In: Journal of Sociolinguistics, Vol. 26, No. 2: pp. 287-298

Bartolome, G.; Starrost, U.; Schroter-Morasch, H.; Schilling, B.; Fischbacher, L.; Kues, L.; Graf, S. und Ziegler, W. (2021): Validation of the Munich Swallowing Score (MUCSS) in patients with neurogenic dysphagia: A preliminary study. In: Neurorehabilitation, Vol. 49, No. 3: pp. 445-457

Braun, Bettina; Czeke, Nathalie; Rimpler, Jasmin; Zinn, Claus; Probst, Jonas; Goldluecke, Bastian; Kretschmer, Julia und Zahner-Ritter, Katharina (2. December 2021): Remote Testing of the Familiar Word Effect With Non-dialectal and Dialectal German-Learning 1–2-Year-Olds. In: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 12, 714363 [PDF, 1MB]

Carignan, Christopher; Coretta, Stefano; Frahm, Jens; Harrington, Jonathan; Hoole, Phil; Joseph, Arun; Kunay, Esther und Voit, Dirk (2021): PLANTING THE SEED FOR SOUND CHANGE: EVIDENCE FROM REAL-TIME MRI OF VELUM KINEMATICS IN GERMAN. In: Language, Vol. 97, No. 2: pp. 333-364

Cwiek, Aleksandra; Fuchs, Susanne; Draxler, Christoph; Asu, Eva Liina; Dediu, Dan; Hiovain, Katri; Kawahara, Shigeto; Koutalidis, Sofia; Krifka, Manfred; Lippus, Partel; Lupyan, Gary; Oh, Grace E.; Paul, Jing; Petrone, Caterina; Ridouane, Rachid; Reiter, Sabine; Schuemchen, Nathalie; Szalontai, Adam; Unal-Logacev, Ozlem; Zeller, Jochen; Winter, Bodo und Perlman, Marcus (2021): Novel vocalizations are understood across cultures. In: Scientific Reports, Vol. 11, No. 1, 10108

Doetsch, Hermann (2021): Sistemas fluviales y soberanía: infraestructuras de la navegación fluvial y lo imaginario del poder moderno. In: Designis, No. 34: pp. 205-217

Efimova, Svetlana (2021): The October Revolution as the Passion of Christ: Boris Pasternak's Easter Narrative in Doctor Zhivago and Its Cultural Contexts. In: Religions, Vol. 12, No. 7, 461

Elazar, Yanai; Kassner, Nora; Ravfogel, Shauli; Ravichander, Abhilasha; Hovy, Eduard; Schütze, Hinrich und Goldberg, Yoav (2021): Measuring and Improving Consistency in Pretrained Language Models. In: Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Vol. 9: pp. 1012-1031

Englmeier, Tobias; Büchler, Marco; Gerdjikov, Stefan und Schulz, Klaus U. (2021): Using an Advanced Text Index Structure for Corpus Exploration in Digital Humanities. In: Digital Humanities Quarterly, Vol. 15, No. 1, 1

Haas, Elisabet; Ziegler, Wolfram und Schölderle, Theresa (2021): Developmental Courses in Childhood Dysarthria: Longitudinal Analyses of Auditory-Perceptual Parameters. In: Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, Vol. 64, No. 5: pp. 1421-1435

Hannß, Katja (2021): Salience and shift in salience as means of creating discourse coherence The case of the Chipaya enclitics. In: Pragmatics, Vol. 31, No. 4: pp. 533-559

Holzberg, Niklas (2021): Antonius Diogenes, Die unglaublichen Dinge jenseits von Thule. Edition, Übersetzung, Kommentar von Helena Schmedt. In: Rivista Di Filologia E Di Istruzione Classica, Vol. 149, No. 1: pp. 237-240

Holzberg, Niklas (2021): Johannes Rettelbach: Die nicht-dramatischen Dichtungen des Hans Sachs. Grundlagen, Texttypen, Interpretationen, Wiesbaden: Reichert 2019, 397 S., 6 Abb. (Imagines Medii Aevi 45). In: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache und Literatur, Vol. 143, No. 1: pp. 156-161

Holzberg, Niklas (2021): Nürnberger Fastnachtspiele des 15. Jahrhunderts von Hans Folz und aus seinem Umkreis. Edition und Kommentar, hg. v. Stefan Hannes Greil u. Martin Przybilski unter Mitarbeit v. Theresia Biehl, Christoph Gerhardt u. Mark Ritz, mit einem Beitrag v. Nikolaus Ruge, Berlin u. Boston: de Gruyter 2020, CXXXIII, 685 S., 20 Abb. In: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache und Literatur, Vol. 143, No. 4: pp. 673-677

Horn, Fabian (2021): Masterpieces of Metonymy: From Ancient Greek Times to Now. In: Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol. 141: pp. 269-270

Horn, Fabian (2021): The Death of Achilles in the Iliad Motif Transference and Poetic Technique. In: Mnemosyne, Vol. 74, No. 1: pp. 1-28

Horn, Fabian (2021): Zur Häufung von Kulttiteln in Lykophrons Alexandra. In: Hermes-Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie, Vol. 149, No. 2: pp. 166-176

Krefeld, Thomas (2021): Neues von den Sprach- und Sachatlanten. In: Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie, Vol. 137, No. 4: pp. 1148-1164

Kruse, Elisabeth (2021): Entre catarsis y religación: Una relectura de la obra lírica de Silvina Ocampo. In: Artifara-Revista De Lenguas Y Literaturas Ibéricas Y Latinoamericanas, No. 21: pp. 177-207

Lehner, Katharina und Ziegler, Wolfram (2021): Online-Crowdsourcing als „KommPaS“ in der kommunikationsbezogenen Dysarthriediagnostik. In: Sprache-Stimme-Gehör, Vol. 45, No. 1: pp. 27-31

Lehner, Katharina und Ziegler, Wolfram (2021): The Impact of Lexical and Articulatory Factors in the Automatic Selection of Test Materials for a Web-Based Assessment of Intelligibility in Dysarthria. In: Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, Vol. 64, No. 6: pp. 2196-2212

Lucchetti, Cristiana (2021): Obscene language and the renegotiation of gender roles in post-Soviet contexts. In: Pragmatics & Cognition, Vol. 28, No. 1: pp. 57-86

Pustka, Elissa; Dufter, Andreas und Hornsby, David (2021): L'oralite mise en scene: syntaxe et phonologie - introduction. In: Journal of French Language Studies, Vol. 31, No. 2, PII S0959269521000041: pp. 125-130

Schick, Timo; Udupa, Sahana und Schütze, Hinrich (2021): Self-Diagnosis and Self-Debiasing: A Proposal for Reducing Corpus-Based Bias in NLP. In: Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Vol. 9: pp. 1408-1424

Schölderle, Theresa; Haas, Elisabet; Baumeister, Stefanie und Ziegler, Wolfram (2021): Intelligibility, Articulation Rate, Fluency, and Communicative Efficiency in Typically Developing Children. In: Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, Vol. 64, No. 7: pp. 2575-2585

Senel, Lutfi Kerem; Utlu, Ihsan; Sahinuc, Furkan; Ozaktas, Haldun M. und Koc, Aykut (2021): Imparting interpretability to word embeddings while preserving semantic structure. In: Natural Language Engineering, Vol. 27, No. 6, PII S1351324920000315: pp. 721-746

Staiger, Anja; Schroeter, Matthias L.; Ziegler, Wolfram; Schoelderle, Theresa; Anderl-Straub, Sarah; Danek, Adrian; Duning, Thomas; Fassbender, Klaus; Fliessbach, Klaus; Jahn, Holger; Kasper, Elisabeth; Kornhuber, Johannes; Landwehrmeyer, Bernhard; Lauer, Martin; Lombardi, Jolina; Ludolph, Albert; Mueller-Sarnowski, Felix; Polyakova, Maryna; Prix, Catharina; Prudlo, Johannes; Regenbrecht, Frank; Rossmeier, Carola; Schneider, Anja; Wiltfang, Jens; Otto, Markus und Diehl-Schmid, Janine (2021): Motor speech disorders in the nonfluent, semantic and logopenic variants of primary progressive aphasia. In: Cortex, Vol. 140: pp. 66-79

Staiger, Anja; Ziegler, Wolfram; Schroeter, Matthias L. und Diehl-Schmid, Janine (2021): Sprechmotorische Störungen bei primär progredienter Aphasie. In: Sprache - Stimme - Gehör, Vol. 45, No. 4: pp. 185-189

Strycharczuk, Patrycja; Cavar, Malgorzata und Coretta, Stefano (2021): Distance vs time. Acoustic and articulatory consequences of reduced vowel duration in Polish. In: Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 150, No. 1: pp. 592-607

Stöferle, Dagmar (2021): Dagmar Stöferle:Ehe als Nationalfiktion. Dargestelltes Recht im Roman der Moderne. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2020. 373 S. In: Arcadia, Vol. 56, No. 2: pp. 262-267

Tsartsidis, Thomas (2021): Juvenal and Christian Apologetics in Prudentius' Hymn to Romanus (Peristephanon 10). In: Classical Philology, Vol. 116, No. 2: pp. 231-246

Tsartsidis, Thomas (2021): Prudentius' Agnes and the Elegiac puella Generic Interactions in Late Antique Christian Poetry. In: Mnemosyne, Vol. 74, No. 6: pp. 1034-1054

Verhasselt, Gertjan und Mayhew, Robert (2021): Porphyry and ancient scholarship on Iliad 10.252-253: Edition, translation and discussion. In: Trends in Classics, Vol. 13, No. 2: pp. 437-500

Vukovic, Kresimir (2021): DIVINE INSTITUTIONS: RELIGIONS AND COMMUNITY IN THE MIDDLE ROMAN REPUBLIC. In: Religious Studies Review, Vol. 47, No. 4: p. 527

Weber, Tobias (2021): A LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF HEIKKI OJANSUU'S PHONOGRAPH RECORDINGS OF KRAASNA. In: Eesti Ja Soome-Ugri Keeleteaduse Ajakiri-Journal of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics, Vol. 12, No. 2: pp. 343-390

Ziegler, Wolfram; Lehner, Katharina; Klonowski, Madleen; Geißler, Nadine; Ammer, Franziska; Kurfeß, Christina; Grötzbach, Holger; Mandl, Alexander; Knorr, Felicitas; Strecker, Katrin; Schölderle, Theresa; Matern, Sina; Weck, Christiane; Gröne, Berthold; Brühl, Stefanie; Kirchner, Christiane; Kleiter, Ingo; Sühn, Ursula; von Eichmann, Joachim; Möhrle, Christina; Spencer, Pete Guy; Ilg, Rüdiger; Klintwort, Doris; Lubecki, Daniel; Marinho, Steffy und Hogrefe, Katharina (2021): Crowdsourcing as a tool in the clinical assessment of intelligibility in dysarthria: How to deal with excessive variation. In: Journal of Communication Disorders, Vol. 93, 106135


Bauer, Renate (2020): Arthurianism in Early Plantagenet England: From Henry II to Edward I. In: Anglia : Zeitschrift für Englische Philologie, Vol. 138, No. 2: pp. 315-320

Bosker, Hans Rutger; Sjerps, Matthias J. und Reinisch, Eva (2020): Spectral contrast effects are modulated by selective attention in "cocktail party" settings. In: Attention Perception & Psychophysics, Vol. 82, No. 3: pp. 1318-1332

Bosker, Hans Rutger; Sjerps, Matthias J. und Reinisch, Eva (2020): Temporal contrast effects in human speech perception are immune to selective attention. In: Scientific Reports, Vol. 10, No. 1, 5607 [PDF, 1MB]

Bruno, Nicoletta (2020): Pax in Lucr V 1229-1230. In: Maia - Rivista Di Letterature Classiche, Vol. 72, No. 2: pp. 412-425

Burghardt, Anja (2020): Bildgeschichten. Von den Anfängen der Fotoreportage in der Slavia. In: Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie, Vol. 76, No. 1: pp. 1-17

Burghardt, Anja (2020): Erzählerische Dimensionen polnischer Fotoreportagen in der Zwischenkriegszeit. In: Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie, Vol. 76, No. 1: pp. 19-46

Daniels, Rosali; Fanselow, Anne und Egert, Franziska (2020): Zur Wirksamkeit sprachfördernder Frühinterventionen bei Late Talkers: Eine Metaanalyse. In: Sprache-Stimme-Gehor

Dürr, Susanne (2020): [Rezension zu] Manuel Parodi Muñoz: Cervantes y las Novelas ejemplares contra la ideología de la nobleza. Berlin: edition tranvía-Verlag Walter Frey 2018. In: Archiv für das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, Vol. 257, No. 1: pp. 237-240

Efimova, Svetlana (2020): Die Vermessung des Schreibens. : Navid Kermanis ,,Dein Name“ als Poetologie der Großform. In: Zeitschrift für Germanistik, Vol. 30, No. 3: pp. 561-576

Egurtzegi, Ander und Carignan, Christopher (2020): An acoustic description of Mixean Basque. In: Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 147, No. 4: pp. 2791-2802

Epstein, Katharina (2020): A Poetics of Competition in Conjugal Bedroom Conversation in the "Iliad", the "Odyssey", and the "Argonautica". In: Hermes : Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie, Vol. 148, No. 2: pp. 128-148

Graziadei, Daniel (2020): Caribbean snow and ice. Exploring Literary Tropical-Arctic Island Relations. In: Shima: The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures, Vol. 14, No. 1: pp. 10-29

Hofmann, Valentin; Schütze, Hinrich und Pierrehumbert, Janet B. (2020): A Graph Auto-encoder Model of Derivational Morphology. In: 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2020): pp. 1127-1138

Horn, Fabian (2020): The Casualties of the Latin Iliad. In: Classical Quarterly, Vol. 70, No. 2, PII S0009838820000877: pp. 767-773 [PDF, 197kB]

Huamanghumo-de-la-Cuba, Ofelia (2020): Función de los elementos épicos en la "Carta" de Lope de Aguirre (1578) y en las peticiones jurídico-administrativas del siglo XVI. In: Rilce-Revista De Filologia Hispanica, Vol. 36, No. 1: pp. 230-253

Huber, Irmtraud (2020): Another Poetry of Science: Tom McLeish (2019) in comparison with Robert Hunt (1848). In: Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, Vol. 45, No. 1: pp. 23-28

Kleber, Felicitas (2020): Complementary length in vowel-consonant sequences: Acoustic and perceptual evidence for a sound change in progress in Bavarian German. In: Journal of the International Phonetic Association, Vol. 50, No. 1, PII S0025100317000238: pp. 1-22

Klein, David (2020): KEEPING REALITY AT BAY, LEADING WOMEN ASTRAY Realism and the Semiotics of Costumbrismo in Emilia Pardo Bazan's Insolacion. In: Romanische Forschungen, Vol. 132, No. 3: pp. 307-325

Kohl, Philipp (2020): Scales of sustain and decay: making music in deep time. In: Popular Music, Vol. 39, No. 1, PII S0261143019000588: pp. 108-120

Krefeld, Thomas (2020): [Rezension zu] Peter Wiesinger / Albrecht Greule, Baiern und Romanen. Zum Verhältnis der frühmittelalterlichen Ethnien aus Sicht der Sprachwissenschaft und Namenforschung, Tübingen, Narr Francke Attempto, 2019. In: Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie, Vol. 136, No. 4: pp. 1154-1158

Kruse, Elisabeth (2020): Migración y transculturación del tópico del león reverente y agradecido en la literatura fundacional rioplatense de Ruy Díaz de Guzmán. In: Rilce-Revista De Filologia Hispanica, Vol. 36, No. 1: pp. 356-370

Libovicky, Jindrich; Kasner, Zdenek; Helcl, Jindrich und Dusek, Ondrej (2020): Expand and Filter: CUNI and LMU Systems for the WNGT 2020 Duolingo Shared Task. In: Neural Generation and Translation: pp. 153-160

Llompart, Miquel und Reinisch, Eva (2020): The Phonological Form of Lexical Items Modulates the Encoding of Challenging Second-Language Sound Contrasts. In: Journal of Experimental Psychology-Learning Memory and Cognition, Vol. 46, No. 8: pp. 1590-1610

Maronikolakis, Antonis; Villegas, Danae Sanchez; Preotiuc-Pietro, Daniel und Aletras, Nikolaos (2020): Analyzing Political Parody in Social Media. In: 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2020): pp. 4373-4384

Merlan, Aurelia (2020): Language Contact of Portuguese During the Late Middle Ages and Its Effect on the Portuguese System of Address Forms. In: Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Philologia, Vol. 65, No. 4: pp. 241-260

Moiseeva, Alena und Schuetze, Hinrich (2020): TRENDNERT: A Benchmark for Trend and Downtrend Detection in a Scientific Domain. In: Thirty-Fourth Aaai Conference on Artificial Intelligence, the Thirty-Second Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference and the Tenth Aaai Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 34: pp. 8512-8519

Pouplier, Marianne; Lentz, Tomas O.; Chitoran, Ioana und Hoole, Philip (2020): The imitation of coarticulatory timing patterns in consonant clusters for phonotactically familiar and unfamiliar sequences. In: Laboratory Phonology, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1

Regenbrecht, Frank; Glindemann, Ralf und Büttner-Kunert, Julia (2020): Rating-Verfahren in der Therapieplanung bei kognitiven Kommunikationsstörungen. In: Sprache-Stimme-Gehor, Vol. 44, No. 2: pp. 78-83

Reinisch, Eva; Juhl, Katharina I. und Llompart, Miquel (29. July 2020): The Impact of Free Allophonic Variation on the Perception of Second Language Phonological Categories. In: Frontiers in Communication, Vol. 5, 47: pp. 1-14 [PDF, 729kB]

Schick, Timo und Schuetze, Hinrich (2020): BERTRAM: Improved Word Embeddings Have Big Impact on Contextualized Model Performance. In: 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2020): pp. 3996-4007

Schick, Timo und Schuetze, Hinrich (2020): Rare Words: A Major Problem for Contextualized Embeddings and How to Fix it by Attentive Mimicking. In: Thirty-Fourth Aaai Conference on Artificial Intelligence, the Thirty-Second Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference and the Tenth Aaai Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 34: pp. 8766-8774

Schulz, Verena (2020): Material to Remember? 'Tyrannical' Space in Roman Imperial Historiography and Biography. In: Mnemosyne, Vol. 73, No. 2: pp. 296-319


Schulze, Wolfgang (2020): Explorationen zur Genre-Grammatik von Volksnarrationen. In: Zeitschrift für Germanistische Linguistik, Vol. 48, No. 3: pp. 590-636

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