Number of items at this level: 189.
Kapia, Enkeleida; Riverin-Coutlée, Josiane
ORCID:; Cunha, Conceição und Harrington, Jonathan
A Longitudinal Study of Contrastive Length in Albanian- Speaking Children.
BUCLD 47: Proceedings of the 47th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, 2022.
Gappmayr, Paris und Kellogg, Jackson (eds.) :
In: Proceedings of the 47th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development,,
Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. pp. 421-431
[PDF, 482kB]
Kunay, Esther; Hoole, Philip; Gubian, Michele; Harrington, Jonathan; Jospeh, Arun; Voit, Dirk und Frahm, Jens
Vowel height and velum position in German: Insights from a real-time magnetic resonance imaging study.
In: Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 152, No. 6: pp. 3483-3501
[PDF, 3MB]
Liao, Sishi; Hoole, Philip; Cunha, Conceição; Kunay, Esther; Cui, Aletheia; Bucar Shigemori, Lia Saki; Kleber, Felicitas; Voit, Dirk; Frahm, Jens und Harrington, Jonathan
Nasal Coda Loss in the Chengdu Dialect of Mandarin: Evidence from RT-MRI.
23th Interspeech, Incheon, Korea, September 18 to 22, 2022.
[PDF, 2MB]
Ziegler, Wolfram
ORCID:; Aichert, Ingrid; Staiger, Anja; Willmes, Klaus; Baumgaertner, Annette; Grewe, Tanja; Flöel, Agnes; Huber, Walter; Rocker, Roman; Korsukewitz, Catharina und Breitenstein, Caterina
The prevalence of apraxia of speech in chronic aphasia after stroke: A bayesian hierarchical analysis.
In: Cortex, Vol. 151: pp. 15-29
Aichert, Ingrid; Lehner, Katharina; Falk, Simone; Späth, Mona; Franke, Mona und Ziegler, Wolfram
In Time with the Beat: Entrainment in Patients with Phonological Impairment, Apraxia of Speech, and Parkinson’s Disease.
In: Brain Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 11, 1524
[PDF, 1MB]
Bartolome, G.; Starrost, U.; Schröter-Morasch, H.; Schilling, B.; Fischbacher, L.; Kues, L.; Graf, S. und Ziegler, Wolfram
Validation of the Munich Swallowing Score (MUCSS) in patients with neurogenic dysphagia: A preliminary study.
In: NeuroRehabilitation, Vol. 49, No. 3: pp. 445-457
Carignan, Chris; Coretta, Stefano; Frahm, Jens; Harrington, Johnathan; Hoole, Philip; Joseph, Arun; Kunay, Esther und Voit, Dirk
Planting the seed of sound change: Evidence from real-time MRI of velum kinematics in German.
In: Language, Vol. 97, No. 2: pp. 333-354
[PDF, 4MB]
Schölderle, Theresa
ORCID:; Haas, Elisabet
ORCID:; Baumeister, Stefanie und Ziegler, Wolfram
Intelligibility, Articulation Rate, Fluency, and Communicative Efficiency in Typically Developing Children.
In: Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, Vol. 64, No. 7: pp. 2575-2585
Staiger, Anja
ORCID:; Schroeter, Matthias L.; Ziegler, Wolfram
ORCID:; Schölderle, Theresa
ORCID:; Anderl-Straub, Sarah; Danek, Adrian; Duning, Thomas; Fassbender, Klaus; Fliessbach, Klaus; Jahn, Holger
ORCID:; Kasper, Elisabeth
ORCID:; Kornhuber, Johannes; Landwehrmeyer, Bernhard; Lauer, Martin
ORCID:; Lombardi, Jolina
ORCID:; Ludolph, Albert; Müller-Sarnowski, Felix; Polyakova, Maryna
ORCID:; Prix, Catharina; Prudlo, Johannes; Regenbrecht, Frank; Roßmeier, Carola; Schneider, Anja; Wiltfang, Jens; Otto, Markus und Diehl-Schmid, Janine
Motor speech disorders in the nonfluent, semantic and logopenic variants of primary progressive aphasia.
In: Cortex, Vol. 140: pp. 66-79
Werani, Anke und Draxler, Christoph
Lehre als interdisziplinäre Herausforderung.
In: Frey, Dieter und Uemminghaus, Monika (eds.) :
Innovative Lehre an der Hochschule. Konzepte, Praxisbeispiele und Lernerfahrungen aus COVID-19. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. pp. 139-140
Ziegler, Wolfram
ORCID:; Lehner, Katharina
ORCID:; Klonowski, Madleen; Geißler, Nadine; Ammer, Franziska; Kurfeß, Christina; Grötzbach, Holger; Mandl, Alexander; Knorr, Felicitas; Strecker, Katrin; Schölderle, Theresa
ORCID:; Matern, Sina; Weck, Christiane; Gröne, Berthold; Brühl, Stefanie; Kirchner, Christiane; Kleiter, Ingo; Sühn, Ursula; Eichmann, Joachim von; Möhrle, Christina; Spencer, Pete Guy; Ilg, Rüdiger; Klintwort, Doris; Lubecki, Daniel; Marinho, Steffy und Hogrefe, Katharina
Crowdsourcing as a tool in the clinical assessment of intelligibility in dysarthria: How to deal with excessive variation.
In: Journal of Communication Disorders, Vol. 93, 106135
Ćwiek, Aleksandra; Fuchs, Susanne; Draxler, Christoph; Asu, Eva Liina; Dediu, Dan; Hiovain, Katri; Kawahara, Shigeto; Koutalidis, Sofia; Krifka, Manfred; Lippus, Pärtel; Lupyan, Gary; Oh, Grace E.; Paul, Jing; Petrone, Caterina; Ridouane, Rachid; Reiter, Sabine; Schümchen, Nathalie; Szalontai, Ádám; Ünal-Logacev, Özlem; Zeller, Jochen; Winter, Bodo und Perlman, Marcus
Novel vocalizations are understood across cultures.
In: Scientific Reports, Vol. 11, No. 1, 10108
[PDF, 2MB]
Falk, Simone; Schreier, Ramona und Russo, Frank A.
Singing and Stuttering.
In: Heydon, Rachel; Fancourt, Daisy und Cohen, Annabel J. (eds.) :
The Routledge companion to interdisciplinary studies in singing, Volume III, Wellbeing. 1st Edition. New York, NY: Routledge.
Harrington, Jonathan; Carignan, Christopher; Hoole, Philip; Kunay, Esther; Pouplier, Marianne; Joseph, Arun; Voit, Dirk und Frahm, Jens
Analyzing speech in both time and space: Generalized additive mixed models can uncover systematic patterns of variation in vocal tract shape in real-time MRI.
In: Laboratory Phonology, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2: pp. 1-26
Pouplier, Marianne
Articulatory Phonology.
In: Aronoff, Mark (ed.) :
Oxford research encyclopedias: Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Rosenkranz, Anna; Quinting, Jana; Beer, Carola de; Hogrefe, Katharina; Jaecks, Petra; Jonas, Kristina; Rubi-Fessen, Ilona und Hußmann, Katja
Komplexe semantische Verarbeitung bei kognitiven Kommunikationsstörungen.
In: Sprache, Stimme, Gehör, Vol. 44, No. 2: pp. 84-89
Carignan, Christopher; Hoole, Philip; Kunay, Esther; Joseph, Arun; Voit, Dirk; Frahm, Jens und Harrington, Jonathan
The phonetic basis of phonological vowel nasality: evidence from real-time MRI velum movement in German.
19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia, 5th to 9th August 2019.
Calhoun, Sasha; Escudero, Paola; Tabain, Marija und Warren, Paul (eds.) :
In: Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019,
[PDF, 2MB]
Harrington, Jonathan; Kleber, Felicitas; Reubold, Ulrich; Schiel, Florian und Stevens, Mary
(4. April 2019):
The phonetic basis of the origin and spread of sound change.
In: Katz, William M. und Assmann, Peter F. (eds.) :
The Routledge Handbook of Phonetics. 1st Edition. London: Routledge. pp. 401-426
[PDF, 581kB]
Oschkinat, Miriam und Hoole, Philip
The Effect of Real-Time Temporal Auditory Perturbation on the Timing of Syllable Structure.
19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia, 5-9 August 2019.
Calhoun, Sasha; Escudero, Paola; Tabain, Marija und Warren, Paul (eds.) :
Trends in linguistics. Studies and monographs
Vol. 358
Canberra, Australia: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc.. pp. 1848-1852
Reichel, Uwe D. und Salveste, Nele
(25. March 2015):
Pitch elbow detection.
In: Günther, Wirsching (ed.) :
Elektronische Sprachverarbeitung 2015. Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation, Vol. 78. Dresden: TUDpress.
[PDF, 177kB]
Mády, Katalin; Reichel, Uwe D. und Beňuš, Štefan
Accentual phrase in languages with fixed word stress: a study on Hungarian and Slovak.
Workshop Advancing Prosodic Transcription for Spoken Language Science and Technology II, Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia, Lisbon, 25. - 26. Juni 2013.
Workshop Advancing Prosodic Transcription for Spoken Language Science and Technology II, Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia 2013.
[PDF, 113kB]
Reichel, Uwe D.
Das BAS-Repository.
In: CLARIN-D Newsletter, Vol. 5: pp. 22-26
[PDF, 613kB]
Schiel, Florian; Baumann, Angela; Draxler, Christoph; Ellbogen, Tania; Hoole, Phil und Steffen, Alexander
(21. March 2012):
The Validation of Speech Corpora.
[PDF, 438kB]
Folk, Laura und Schiel, Florian
The Lombard Effect in Spontaneous Dialog Speech.
Interspeech 2011: 12th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Florenz, Italien, 27. - 31. August 2011.
In: Proceedings of the Interspeech 2011,
pp. 2701-2704
[PDF, 136kB]
Heinrich, Christian und Schiel, Florian
Estimating Speaking Rate by Means of Rhythmicity Parameters.
Interspeech 2011: 12th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Florenz, Italien, 27. - 31. August 2011.
In: Proceedings of the Interspeech 2011,
pp. 1873-1876
[PDF, 146kB]
Schiel, Florian
Perception of Alcoholic Intoxication in Speech.
Interspeech 2011: 12th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Florenz, Italien, 27. - 31. August 2011.
In: Proceedings of the Interspeech 2011,
pp. 3281-3284
[PDF, 107kB]
Barfüßer, Sabine und Schiel, Florian
Disfluencies in alcoholized speech.
IAFPA 2010, 19th Annual Conference of the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics, Trier, Deutschland, 18. - 21. Juli 2010.
Nauke, Astrid (ed.) :
In: Abstracts / IAFPA 2010,
Trier: Department of Phonetics, University of Trier. p. 1
[PDF, 329kB]
Baumeister, Barbara und Schiel, Florian
On the Effect of Alcoholisation on Fundamental Frequency.
IAFPA 2010, 19th Annual Conference of the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics, Trier, Deutschland, 18. - 21. Juli 2010.
Nauke, Astrid (ed.) :
In: Abstracts / IAFPA 2010,
Trier: Department of Phonetics, University of Trier. p. 2
[PDF, 43kB]
Müller, Daniela
Phonetic factors influencing /l/-rhoticisation in Greek.
Third ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics, Athens, Greece, 25-26 August 2010.
Botinis, Antonis (ed.) :
In: Proceedings of the third ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics,
Athens, Greece: University of Athens.
[PDF, 1MB]
Reichel, Uwe D.; Kleber, Felicitas und Winkelmann, Raphael
Modelling similarity perception of intonation.
Interspeech 2009: 10thAnnual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Brighton, Großbritannien, 6. - 10. September 2009.
[PDF, 113kB]
Schiel, Florian und Heinrich, Christian
Laying the Foundation for In-car Alcohol Detection by Speech.
Interspeech 2009, 10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Brighton, Großbritannien, 6. - 10. September 2009.
Uther, Maria (ed.) :
In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2009,
pp. 983-986
[PDF, 103kB]
Hajek, John und Stevens, Mary
Vowel duration, compression and lengthening in stressed syllables in Central and Southern varieties of standard Italian.
Interspeech 2008, Brisbane, 22. - 26. September 2008.
Interspeech <9, 2008, Brisbane> (ed.) ,
In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2008,
[Bonn]: ISCA. pp. 516-519
[PDF, 438kB]
Mády, Katalin; Bombien, Lasse und Reichel, Uwe D.
Is Hungarian Losing the Vowel Quantity Distinction?
ISSP 08 - International Speech Producation Seminar 2008, Strasbourg, Frankreich, 8. - 12. Dezember 2008.
Sock, Rudolph (ed.) :
In: Proceedings of ISSP 2008, 8th International Seminar on Speech Production,
Strasbourg: pp. 449-452
[PDF, 142kB]
Stevens, Mary und Hajek, John
Spirantization of /p t k/ in Sienese Italian and so-called semi-fricatives.
Interspeech 2005, Lissabon, 4. - 8. September 2005.
INTERSPEECH, 6, 2005, Lissabon (ed.) ,
In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2005,
Lissabon: pp. 2893-2897
[PDF, 297kB]
Hajek, John und Stevens, Mary
Tonal Activity in Kara, an Austronesian language spoken in New Britain.
10. Australian International Conference on Speech Science & Technology, Sydney, 8. - 10. Dezember 2004.
In: Proceedings of the 10th Australian International Conference on Speech Science & Technology,
Sydney: Macquarie University. pp. 295-300
[PDF, 379kB]
Schiel, Florian
MAUS Goes Iterative.
4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Lissabon, Portugal, 26. - 28. Mai 2004.
Lino, Maria Teresa (ed.) :
In: Proceedings,
Vol. 3
Paris: pp. 1015-1018
[PDF, 41kB]
Draxler, Christoph und Schiel, Florian
Three New Corpora at the Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals - and a First Step Towards Distributed Web-Based Recording.
Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC) 2002, Las Palmas, Spanien, 29. - 31. Mai 2002.
Gonzáles Rodriguez, Manual (ed.) :
In: LREC 2002 Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, proceedings. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 29th, 30th & 31st May 2002,
Vol. 1
Paris: pp. 21-24
[PDF, 197kB]
Weilhammer, Karl; Reichel, Uwe D. und Schiel, Florian
(May 2002):
Multi-Tier Annotations in the Verbmobil Corpus.
LREC 2002 - Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Las Palmas, 29.- 31. Mai 2002.
Gonzáles Rodriguez, Manual (ed.) :
In: LREC 2002 Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, proceedings. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 29th, 30th & 31st May 2002,
Vol. 3
Paris: pp. 912-917
[PDF, 69kB]
Schiel, Florian
Automatic Phonetic Transcription of Non-Prompted Speech.
14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, San Francisco, USA, 1. - 7. August 1999.
Ohala, John J. (ed.) :
In: Proceedings of the XIVth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences : ICPhS 99 ; San Francisco, 1 - 7 August 1999,
San Francisco: 607 -610
[PDF, 93kB]
Schiel, Florian
Speech and Speech-Related Resources at BAS.
First International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), Granada, Spanien, 28. - 30. Mai 1998.
International Conference on Language Resources & Evaluation <1, 1998, Granada> (ed.) ,
In: Proceedings,
Paris: pp. 343-349
[PDF, 124kB]
Schiel, Florian und Kipp, Andreas
Probabilistic Analysis of Pronunciation with "MAUS".
Conference on "The word as a phonetic unit", Berlin, Deutschland, 22. - 23. Oktober 1997.
Alexiadou, Artemis (ed.) :
In: Papers of the Conference on "The Word as a Phonetic Unit",
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This list was generated on Fri Feb 7 18:41:59 2025 CET.