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Benus, Stefan; Reichel, Uwe D. and Mády, Katalin (2014): Modeling Accentual Phrase Intonation in Slovak and Hungarian. In: Veselovská, L. and Janebová, M. (eds.) : Complex Visibles Out There. Olomouc modern language series, Vol. 4. Olomouc, Czech Republic: Palacký University. pp. 677-689 [PDF, 320kB]


According to Jun and Fletcher (2014), languages with fixed lexical stress towards the edge of the word often include accentual phrases (AP) as a structural prosodic unit between the Prosodic Word (PrWd) and the Intermediate Phrase (ip). APs also tend to show a stable recurrent F0 pattern in various contexts. Slovak and Hungarian both have fixed word-initial lexical stress, and we test the hypothesis that APs are consistently marked with stable F0 contours, which is a precondition for their relevance in the intonational phonologies of the two languages. We employ linear and second-order polynomial stylizations of F0 throughout putative APs and intonation phrases (IPs) in a corpus of spontaneous utterances in Slovak and Hungarian from collaborative dialogues. The results show that these putative APs have consistent F0 contour patterns that are differentiated from the IP pattern in both languages: the Hungarian ones fall, while the Slovak ones rise before they fall.

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