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Zhang, Yueman; Liesz, Arthur und Li, Peiying (2021): Coming to the Rescue: Regulatory T Cells for Promoting Recovery After Ischemic Stroke. In: Stroke, Bd. 52, Nr. 12, E837-E841

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Immune cell infiltration to the injured brain is a key component of the neuroinflammatory response after ischemic stroke. In contrast to the large amount of proinflammatory immune cells, regulatory T cells, are an important subgroup of T cells that are involved in maintaining immune homeostasis and suppress an overshooting immune reaction after stroke. Numerous previous reports have consistently demonstrated the beneficial role of this immunosuppressive immune cell population during the acute phase after experimental stroke by limiting inflammatory lesion progression. Two recent studies expanded now this concept and demonstrate that regulatory T cells-mediated effects also promote chronic recovery after stroke by promoting a proregenerative tissue environment. These recent findings suggest that boosting regulatory T cells could be beneficial beyond modulating the immediate neuroinflammatory response and improve chronic functional recovery.

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