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Bry, François; Lorenz, Bernhard; Ohlbach, Hans Jürgen and Spranger, Stephanie (2003): On Reasoning on Time and Location on the Web. PPSWR 2003, International Workshop on Principles and Practice of Semantic Web Reasoning, Mumbai, India, 9. - 13. Dezember 2003. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin u.a.: Springer. pp. 69-83 [PDF, 154kB]


Reasoning on time and location is receiving increasing attention on the Web due to emerging fields like Web adaptation, mobile computing, and the Semantic Web. Web applications in these fields often refer to rather complex temporal, calendric, and location information. Unfortunately, today’s Web languages and formalisms have merely primitive temporal and location data types and temporal and location reasoning capabilities – if any. This article reports on work in progress aiming at integrating temporal and locational reasoning into XML query and transformation operations. We analyze the problem and propose a concrete architecture. A prototype of the temporal reasoner, the WebCal system has already been realized.

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