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Drooge, Barend L. van; Garriga, Guillem; Koinig, Karin A.; Psenner, Roland; Pechan, Paul and Grimalt, Joan O. (June 2014): Sensitivity of a Remote Alpine System to the Stockholm and LRTAP Regulations in POP Emissions. In: Atmosphere, Vol. 5, No. 2: pp. 198-210 [PDF, 310kB]


Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) have been restricted and prohibited at national level for several decades now and since the 21st century at international level under the Stockholm Convention and the Convention of Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP). A high mountain lake sediment core was sampled in the Alps (Gossenköllesee) in summer 2010 and analyzed on POPs to examine whether the expected decreasing trends due to the implementation of the international Conventions could be observed. Higher POPs concentrations were observed in the sections corresponding to the period of large scale production and usage. p,p'-DDE and p,p'-DDD showed maximum concentrations in the core sections corresponding to the 1970s. These concentrations decreased to more or less constant levels in the top sediments, which is in agreement with the timing of past usage and banning of this pesticide. On the other hand, PCBs and HCB peaked in 1980s and the concentrations fluctuated afterwards. These observed profiles suggest that the studied site is still under influence of primary or secondary emissions and that the regulations of the international Conventions have still not been noticed in this site.

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