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(19. Juni 2015):
Directed Technical Change and Capital Deepening: A Reconsideration of Kaldor’s Technical Progress Function.
Münchener Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Beiträge (VWL)
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This note proposes a growth model that is derived from the standard Solow growth model by replacing the neoclassical production function with Kaldor’s technical progress function while maintaining a marginalist theory of factor prices in the spirit suggested by von Weizsäcker (1966, 1966b). The hybrid model so obtained accounts for balanced growth in a way that appears less arbitrary than the Solow model, especially because it directly accounts for Harrod neutral technical change, without any need for further assumptions.
Dokumententyp: | Paper |
Keywords: | directed technical change, directed technological change, bias in innovation, technical progress function, neoclassical production function, Harrod neutrality, Hicks neutrality, Cambridge theory of distribution, marginal productivity theory, Kaldor, Kennedy, von Weizsäcker, Solow model |
Fakultät: | Volkswirtschaft
Volkswirtschaft > Munich Discussion Papers in Economics Volkswirtschaft > Munich Discussion Papers in Economics > Makroökonomik Volkswirtschaft > Lehrstühle > Seminar für Theorie und Politik der Einkommensverteilung (aufgelöst) |
Themengebiete: | 300 Sozialwissenschaften > 330 Wirtschaft |
JEL Classification: | O30, O40, E12, E13, E25, B59, B31 |
URN: | urn:nbn:de:bvb:19-epub-24853-7 |
Sprache: | Englisch |
Dokumenten ID: | 24853 |
Datum der Veröffentlichung auf Open Access LMU: | 19. Mai 2015, 07:27 |
Letzte Änderungen: | 08. Nov. 2020, 11:18 |
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Alle Versionen dieses Dokumentes
Directed Technical Change and Capital Deepening: A Reconsideration of Kaldor’s Technical Progress Function. (deposited 18. Mrz. 2014, 07:49)
Directed Technical Change and Capital Deepening: A Reconsideration of Kaldor’s Technical Progress Function. (deposited 10. Jun. 2014, 09:38)
- Directed Technical Change and Capital Deepening: A Reconsideration of Kaldor’s Technical Progress Function. (deposited 19. Mai 2015, 07:27) [momentan angezeigt]
Directed Technical Change and Capital Deepening: A Reconsideration of Kaldor’s Technical Progress Function. (deposited 10. Jun. 2014, 09:38)