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Schmidt, Stefan; Arlt, Thomas; Hamm, P.; Lauterwasser, Christoph; Finkele, Ulrich; Drews, G. and Zinth, Wolfgang (4. October 1993): Time-resolved spectroscopy of the primary photosynthetic processes of membrane-bound reaction centers from an antenna-deficient mutant of Rhodobacter capsulatus. In: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, No. 1144: pp. 385-390 [PDF, 526kB]


The primary photosynthetic reactions in whole membranes of the antenna-deficient mutant strain U43 (pTXA6–10) of Rhodobacter capsulatus are studied by transient absorption and emission spectroscopy with subpicosecond time resolution. Extensive similarities between the transient absorption data on whole membranes and on isolated reaction centers support the idea that the primary processes in isolated reaction centers are not modified by the isolation procedure.

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