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Moritz, Wolfgang (1978): Low-energy electron diffraction from disordered surfaces. In: Institute of Physics Conference Series, Vol. 41: pp. 261-269 [PDF, 1MB]

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Model calculations are presented of L E E D intensities diffracted by a onedimensionally disordered overlayer adsorbed on a well ordered substrate. Multiple scattering amplitudes are calculated by an extension of Beeby's multiple scattering method. The surface layers are divided into overlapping configurations of atoms, the diffraction of each of which is described by individual scattering amplitudes. In this way the surrounding of each adsorbed atom is divided into two parts: the immediate vicinity, in which multiple scattering is treated self-consistently, and the outer region which is represented by an averaged Τ matrix. The results of the model calculations indicate that the intensities are not correctly described if only averaged Τ matrices are used, and that in a first approximation the half-widths of the diffuse streaks observed in the experiment can be analysed using the kinematic theory.

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