Anzahl der Publikationen auf dieser Ebene: 739
Hoerl, Sebastian
ORCID:; Moine, Thomas le
ORCID:; Peter, Nicolas J.
ORCID:; Amini, Shahrouz; Griesshaber, Erika; Wang, J.; Harper, Elizabeth M.; Salas, Carmen
ORCID:; Checa, António Gerardo
ORCID:; Schwaiger, Ruth
ORCID: und Schmahl, Wolfgang Wilhelm
Crystal organisation and material properties of Chama and Glycymeris myostraca and shells.
In: Materialia, Bd. 36, 102149
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Chumakova, Aleksandra
ORCID:; Steegemans, Tristan; Baburin, Igor A.
ORCID:; Mistonov, Alexander; Dubitskiy, Ilya S.; Schlotheuber, Julian
ORCID:; Kirner, Felizitas
ORCID:; Sturm, Sebastian; Lubk, Axel
ORCID:; Müller‐Caspary, Knut
ORCID:; Wimmer, Ilona; Fonin, Mikhail
ORCID:; Sturm, Elena V.
ORCID: und Bosak, Alexeï
Multiscale Reciprocal Space Mapping of Magnetite Mesocrystals.
In: Advanced Materials, Bd. 35, Nr. 2, 2207130
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Hartl, A.; Jura¡nyi, F.; Krack, M.; Lunkenheimer, P.; Schulz, A.; Sheptyakov, D.; Paulmann, C.; Appel, M. und Park, S.-H.
(7. März 2022):
Dynamically disordered hydrogen bonds in the hureaulite-type phosphatic oxyhydroxide Mn5(PO4)2(PO3(OH))2(HOH)4.
In: Journal of Chemical Physics, Bd. 156, Nr. 9, 094502
Simonet Roda, Maria; Griesshaber, Erika; Angiolini, Lucia; Rollion-Bard, Claire; Harper, Elizabeth M.; Bitner, Maria Aleksandra; Milner Garcia, Sara; Ye, Facheng; Henkel, Daniela; Häussermann, Vreni; Eisenhauer, Anton; Gnägi, Helmut; Brand, Uwe; Logan, Alan und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
The architecture of Recent brachiopod shells: diversity of biocrystal and biopolymer assemblages in rhynchonellide, terebratulide, thecideide and craniide shells.
In: Marine Biology, Bd. 169, 4
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Strohm, Samuel B.; Inckemann, Sebastian E.; Gao, Kun; Schweikert, Michael; Lemloh, Marie-Louise; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Jordan, Guntram
On the nucleation of ikaite (CaCO3x6H2O) – A comparative study in the presence and absence of mineral surfaces.
In: Chemical Geology, Bd. 611, 121089
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Kappel, Isabella; Böcklein, Sebastian; Park, SoHyun; Wharmby, Michael; Mestl, Gerhard und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
(31. Oktober 2021):
Crystal Imperfections of Industrial Vanadium Phosphorous Oxide Catalysts.
In: Catalysts, Bd. 11, Nr. 11, 1325: S. 1-15
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Roda, Maria Simonet; Griesshaber, Erika; Angiolini, Lucia; Harper, David A. T.; Jansen, Ulrich; Bitner, Maria Aleksandra; Henkel, Daniela; Manzanero, Eloy; Muller, Tamas; Tomasovych, Adam; Eisenhauer, Anton; Ziegler, Andreas und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
The evolution of thecideide microstructures and textures: traced from Triassic to Holocene.
In: Lethaia
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Zeman, Otto E. O.; Hochleitner, Rupert; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Karaghiosoff, Konstantin und Braeuniger, Thomas
(April 2021):
Relationship between Pb-207 NMR chemical shift and the morphology and crystal structure for the apatites Pb-5(AO(4))(3)Cl, vanadinite (A = V), pyromorphite (A = P), and mimetite (A = As).
In: American Mineralogist, Bd. 106, Nr. 4: S. 541-548
Crippa, Gaia; Griesshaber, Erika; Checa, Antonio G.; Harper, Elizabeth M.; Roda, Maria Simonet und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
(Dezember 2020):
SEM, EBSD, laser confocal microscopy and FE-SEM data from modern Glycymeris shell layers.
In: Data in Brief, Bd. 33
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Ernst, Franziska; Fabritius, Helge-Otto; Griesshaber, Erika; Reisecker, Christian; Neues, Frank; Epple, Matthias; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Hild, Sabine und Ziegler, Andreas
(Oktober 2020):
Functional adaptations in the tergite cuticle of the desert isopod Hemilepistus reaumuri (Milne-Edwards, 1840).
In: Journal of Structural Biology, Bd. 212, Nr. 1
Pan, Fei; Altenried, Stefanie; Liu, Mengdi; Hegemann, Dirk; Bülbül, Ezgi; Moeller, Jens; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Maniura-Weber, Katharina und Ren, Qun
(Januar 2020):
A nanolayer coating on polydimethylsiloxane surfaces enables a mechanistic study of bacterial adhesion influenced by material surface physicochemistry.
In: Materials Horizons, Bd. 7, Nr. 1: S. 93-103
Schenk, Anna S.; Goll, Miriam; Reith, Lukas; Roussel, Manuel; Blaschkowski, Bjoern; Rosenfeldt, Sabine; Yin, Xiaofei; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Ludwigs, Sabine
(Oktober 2020):
Hierarchically Structured Spherulitic Cobalt Hydroxide Carbonate as a Precursor to Ordered Nanostructures of Electrocatalytically Active Co3O4.
In: Crystal Growth & Design, Bd. 20, Nr. 10: S. 6407-6420
Trepmann, Claudia A.; Dellefant, Fabian; Kaliwoda, Melanie; Hess, Kai-Uwe; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Hoelzl, Stefan
(November 2020):
Quartz and cristobalite ballen in impact melt rocks from the Ries impact structure, Germany, formed by dehydration of shock-generated amorphous phases.
In: Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Bd. 55, Nr. 11: S. 2360-2374
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Well, Natalija van; Ramakrishnan, Sitaram; Beauvois, Ketty; Qureshi, Navid; Ressouche, Eric; Skoulatos, Markos; Georgii, Robert; Zaharko, Oksana und Smaalen, Sander van
Magnetic‐Field‐Controlled Quantum Critical Points in the Triangular Antiferromagnetic Cs2CuCl4‐xBrx Mixed System.
In: Annalen der Physik (AdP), Bd. 532, Nr. 7, 2000147
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Yin, Xiaofei; Weitzel, Florian; Griesshaber, Erika; Fernandez-Diaz, Lurdes; Jimenez-Lopez, Concepcion; Ziegler, Andreas; Rodriguez-Navarro, Alejandro B. und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
(Juli 2020):
Bacterial EPS in Agarose Hydrogels Directs Mineral Organization in Calcite Precipitates: Species-Specific Biosignatures of Bacillus subtilis, Mycobacterium phley, Mycobacterium smagmatis, and Pseudomonas putida EPS.
In: Crystal Growth & Design, Bd. 20, Nr. 7: S. 4402-4417
Yin, Xiaofei; Weitzel, Florian; Jimenez-Lopez, Concepcion; Griesshaber, Erika; Fernandez-Diaz, Lurdes; Rodriguez-Navarro, Alejandro; Ziegler, Andreas und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
(März 2020):
Directing Effect of Bacterial Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS) on Calcite Organization and EPS-Carbonate Composite Aggregate Formation.
In: Crystal Growth & Design, Bd. 20, Nr. 3: S. 1467-1484
Angiolini, Lucia; Crippa, Gaia; Azmy, Karem; Capitani, Giancarlo; Confalonieri, Giorgia; Della Porta, Giovanna; Griesshaber, Erika; Harper, David A. T.; Leng, Melanie J.; Nolan, Leah; Orlandi, Marco; Posenato, Renato; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Banks, Vanessa J. und Stephenson, Michael H.
(November 2019):
The giants of the phylum Brachiopoda: a matter of diet?
In: Palaeontology, Bd. 62, Nr. 6: S. 889-917
Cicerali, D.; Arslan, M.; Yazar, E.A.; Yücel, C.; Temizel, İ. und Park, S.-H.
(1. November 2019):
Mineralogy, chemistry, and genesis of zeolitization in Eocene tuffs from the Bayburt area (NE Turkey). Constraints on alteration processes of acidic
pyroclastic deposits.
In: Journal of African Earth Sciences, Bd. 162, 103690: S. 1-14
Ferrari, Alberto; Kadletz, Peter M.; Chakraborty, Tanmoy; Liao, Kunyen; Langenkämper, Dennis; Motemani, Yahya; Paulsen, Alexander; Lysogorskiy, Yury; Frenzel, Jan; Rogal, Jutta; Ludwig, Alfred; Somsen, Christoph; Drautz, Ralf und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
(März 2019):
Reconciling Experimental and Theoretical Data in the Structural Analysis of Ti-Ta Shape-Memory Alloys.
In: Shape Memory and Superelasticity, Bd. 5, Nr. 1: S. 6-15
Greiner, M.; Rodriguez-Navarro, A.; Heinig, M. F.; Mayer, K.; Kocsis, B.; Göhring, A.; Toncala, A.; Grupe, G. und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
(Juni 2019):
Bone incineration: An experimental study on mineral structure, colour and crystalline state.
In: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Bd. 25: S. 507-518
Heldmann, Alexander; Hoelzel, Markus; Hofmann, Michael; Gan, Weimin; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Griesshaber, Erika; Hansen, Thomas; Schell, Norbert und Petry, Winfried
(Oktober 2019):
Diffraction-based determination of single-crystal elastic constants of polycrystalline titanium alloys.
In: Journal of Applied Crystallography, Bd. 52, Nr. 5: S. 1144-1156
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Krooß, P.; Lauhoff, C.; Langenkämper, D.; Paulsen, A.; Reul, A.; Degener, S.; Aminforoughi, B.; Frenzel, J.; Somsen, C.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Eggeler, G.; Maier, H. J. und Niendorf, T.
(März 2019):
Impact of Heating-Cooling Rates on the Functional Properties of Ti-20Ta-5Al High-Temperature Shape Memory Alloys.
In: Shape Memory and Superelasticity, Bd. 5, Nr. 1: S. 95-105
Lauhoff, C.; Reul, A.; Langenkämper, D.; Krooß, P.; Somsen, C.; Gutmann, M. J.; Kireeva, I.; Chumlyakov, Y. I.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Niendorf, T.
(Juli 2019):
Effect of nanometric gamma'-particles on the stress-induced martensitic transformation in <001>-oriented Co49Ni21Ga30 shape memory alloy single crystals.
In: Scripta Materialia, Bd. 168: S. 42-46
Nindiyasari, Fitriana; Fernandez-Diaz, Lurdes; Yin, Xiaofei; Greiner, Martina; Griesshaber, Erika; Tsige, Meaza; Ziegler, Andreas und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
(März 2019):
Influence of gel-strength and magnesium doping on the organization of calcite/hydrogel mesocrystal composites.
In: European Journal of Mineralogy, Bd. 31, Nr. 2: S. 217-229
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Paulsen, Alexander; Frenzel, Jan; Langenkämper, Dennis; Rynko, Ramona; Kadletz, Peter; Grossmann, Lukas; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Somsen, Christoph und Eggeler, Gunther
(März 2019):
A Kinetic Study on the Evolution of Martensitic Transformation Behavior and Microstructures in Ti-Ta High-Temperature Shape-Memory Alloys During Aging.
In: Shape Memory and Superelasticity, Bd. 5, Nr. 1: S. 16-31
Roda, Maria Simonet; Griesshaber, Erika; Ziegler, Andreas; Rupp, Ulrich; Yin, Xiaofei; Henkel, Daniela; Haussermann, Vreni; Laudien, Juergen; Brand, Uwe; Eisenhauer, Anton; Checa, Antonio G. und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
(Januar 2019):
Calcite fibre formation in modern brachiopod shells.
In: Scientific Reports, Bd. 9, 598
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Simonet Roda, M.; Ziegler, A.; Griesshaber, E.; Yin, X.; Rupp, U.; Greiner, M.; Henkel, D.; Haussermann, V; Eisenhauer, A.; Laudien, J. und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
(August 2019):
Terebratulide brachiopod shell biomineralization by mantle epithelial cells.
In: Journal of Structural Biology, Bd. 207, Nr. 2: S. 136-157
Solntsev, V.P.; Bekker, T.B.; Davydov, A.V.; Yelisseyev, A.P.; Rashchenko, S.V.; Kokh, A.E.; Grigorieva, V.D. und Park, S.-H.
(28. Januar 2019):
Optical and Magnetic Properties of Сu-Containing Borates with 'Anti-Zeolite' Structure.
In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Bd. 123, Nr. 7: S. 4469-4474
Bekker, T. B.; Solntsev, V. P.; Rashchenko, S. V.; Yelisseyev, A. P.; Davydov, A. V.; Kragzhda, A. A.; Kokh, A. E.; Kuznetsov, A. B. und Park, SoHyun
(19. Februar 2018):
On the nature of color of the new borates with the 'anti-zeolite' structure.
In: Inorganic chemistry, Bd. 57, Nr. 5: S. 2744-2751
Casella, L. A.; Griesshaber, Erika; Simonet Roda, M.; Ziegler, A.; Mavromatis, V.; Henkel, D.; Laudien, J.; Haeussermann, V.; Neuser, R. D.; Angiolini, L.; Dietzel, M.; Eisenhauer, A.; Immenhauser, A.; Brand, U. und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Micro- and nanostructures reflect the degree of diagenetic alteration in modern and fossil brachiopod shell calcite: A multi-analytical screening approach (CL, FE-SEM, AFM, EBSD).
In: Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, Bd. 502: S. 13-30
Fichtner, Vanessa; Strauss, Harald; Mavromatis, Vasileios; Dietzel, Martin; Huthwelker, Thomas; Borca, Camelia N.; Guagliardo, Paul; Kilburn, Matt R.; Goettlicher, Joerg; Pederson, Chelsea L.; Griesshaber, Erika; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Immenhauser, Adrian
Incorporation and subsequent diagenetic alteration of sulfur in Arctica islandica.
In: Chemical Geology, Bd. 482: S. 72-90
Greiner, Martina; Yin, Xiaofei; Fernandez-Diaz, Lurdes; Griesshaber, Erika; Weitzel, Florian; Ziegler, Andreas; Veintemillas-Verdaguer, Sabino und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Combined Influence of Reagent Concentrations and Agar Hydrogel Strength on the Formation of Biomimetic Hydrogel-Calcite Composites.
In: Crystal Growth & Design, Bd. 18, Nr. 3: S. 1401-1414
Jones, Travis E.; Wyrwich, Regina; Böcklein, Sebastian; Carbonio, Emilia A.; Greiner, Mark T.; Klyushin, Alexander Yu.; Moritz, Wolfgang; Locatelli, Andrea; Mentes, Tefvik O.; Nino, Miguel A.; Knop-Gericke, Axel; Schlögl, Robert; Günther, Sebastian; Wintterlin, Joost und Piccinin, Simone
The Selective Species in Ethylene Epoxidation on Silver.
In: ACS Catalysis, Bd. 8: S. 3844-3852
Kadletz, Peter M.; Motemani, Yahya; Iannotta, Joy; Salomon, Steffen; Khare, Chinmay; Grossmann, Lukas; Maier, Hans Juergen; Ludwig, Alfred und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Crystallographic Structure Analysis of a Ti-Ta Thin Film Materials Library Fabricated by Combinatorial Magnetron Sputtering.
In: ACS Combinatorial Science, Bd. 20, Nr. 3: S. 137-150
Moritz, Wolfgang; Günther, S. und Pussi, K.
Quantitative LEED Studies on Graphene.
In: Wandelt, Klaus (Hrsg.):
Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry, Surface Science and Electrochemistry. Elsevier. S. 370-377
Reul, A.; Lauhoff, C.; Krooss, P.; Gutmann, M. J.; Kadletz, P. M.; Chumlyakov, Y. I.; Niendorf, T. und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
In Situ Neutron Diffraction Analyzing Stress-Induced Phase Transformation and Martensite Elasticity in 001-Oriented Co49Ni21Ga30 Shape Memory Alloy Single Crystals.
In: Shape Memory and Superelasticity, Bd. 4, Nr. 1: S. 61-69
Röska, Benedikt; Park, Sohyun; Behal, David; Hess, Kai-Uwe; Guenther, Amanda; Benka, Georg; Pfleiderer, Christian; Hoelzel, Markus und Kimura, Tsuyoshi
(27. April 2018):
Determination of the hydrogen-bond network and the ferrimagnetic structure of a rockbridgeite-type compound, Fe2+Fe3+3.2(Mn2+,Zn)0.8(PO4)3(OH)4.2(HOH)0.8.
In: Journal of physics: Condensed matter, Bd. 30, 235401: S. 1-12
Schiebel, Korbinian; Jordan, Guntram; Kaestner, Anders; Schillinger, Burkhard; Georgii, Robert; Hess, Kai-Uwe; Böhnke, Sandra und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
(Dezember 2018):
Effects of heat and cyclic reuse on the properties of bentonite-bonded sand.
In: European Journal of Mineralogy, Bd. 30, Nr. 6: S. 1115-1125
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Yin, Xiaofei; Ziegler, Andreas; Kelm, Klemens; Hoffmann, Ramona; Watermeyer, Philipp; Alexa, Patrick; Villinger, Clarissa; Rupp, Ulrich; Schlueter, Lothar; Reusch, Thorsten B. H.; Griesshaber, Erika; Walther, Paul und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Formation and mosaicity of coccolith segment calcite of the marine algae Emiliania huxleyi.
In: Journal of Phycology, Bd. 54, Nr. 1: S. 85-104
Cereser, Alberto; Strobl, Markus; Hall, Stephen A.; Steuwer, Axel; Kiyanagi, Ryoji; Tremsin, Anton S.; Knudsen, Erik B.; Shinohara, Takenao; Willendrup, Peter K.; Bastos da Silva Fanta, Alice; Iyengar, Srinivasan; Larsen, Peter M.; Hanashima, Takayasu; Moyoshi, Taketo; Kadletz, Peter M.; Krooss, Philipp; Niendorf, Thomas; Sales, Morten; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Schmidt, Soren
Time-of-Flight Three Dimensional Neutron Diffraction in Transmission Mode for Mapping Crystal Grain Structures.
In: Scientific Reports, Bd. 7
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Grupe, Gisela; Grünewald, Martin; Gschwind, Markus; Hölzl, Stefan; Kröger, Peer; Lang, Amei; Mayr, Christoph; McGlynn, George C.; Metzner-Nebelsick, Carola; Neuberger, Ferdinand; Peters, Joris; Reuß, Simone; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Söllner, Frank; Sommer, C. Sebastian; Steidl, Bernd; Trixl, Simon und Wycisk, Dominika
Current Synthesis and Future Options.
In: Grupe, Gisela; Grigat, Andrea und McGlynn, George (Hrsg.):
Across the Alps in Prehistory : Isotopic Mapping of the Brenner Passage by Bioarchaeology. Cham: Springer International Publishing. S. 229-250
Jamati, A. P. Bayuseno; Atweh, Bill; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Zhang, Sheng
Selected Peer-Reviewed Articles from the First International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST 2016), Bali, Indonesia, 12-13 October, 2016.
In: Advanced Science Letters, Bd. 23, Nr. 12: S. 11635-11636
Niessner, Christine; Denzau, Susanne; Malkemper, Erich Pascal; Gross, Julia Christina; Burda, Hynek; Winklhofer, Michael und Peichl, Leo
Cryptochrome 1 in Retinal Cone Photoreceptors Suggests a Novel Functional Role in Mammals.
In: Scientific Reports, Bd. 6, 21848
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Chiang, H-Y.; Park, Sohyun; Mayer, M.; Schmid, K.; Balden, M.; Bösenberg, U.; Jungwirth, R.; Zweifel, T.; Falkenberg, G. und Petry, W.
Swift heavy ion irradiation induced interactions in the UMo/X/Al trilayer system (X= Ti, Zr, Nb, and Mo.
In: Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Bd. 626: S. 381-390
Hochleitner, Rupert; Fehr, Karl T.; Rewitzer, Christian; Kaliwoda, Melanie; Günther, Amanda; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Park, Sohyun
Hydroniumpharmacoalumite, (H3O)Al4[(OH)4(AsO4)3].4-5 H2O, a new mineral of the pharmacosiderite supergroup from Rodalquilar, Spain.
In: Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie - Abhandlungen / Journal of Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Bd. 192, Nr. 2: S. 169-176
Hoffmann, R.; Kirchlechner, C.; Langer, G.; Wochnik, A. S.; Griesshaber, Erika; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Scheu, C.
Insight into Emiliania huxleyi coccospheres by focused ion beam sectioning.
In: Biogeosciences, Bd. 12, Nr. 3: S. 825-834
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Krooss, P.; Niendorf, T.; Kadletz, P. M.; Somsen, C.; Gutmann, M. J.; Chumlyakov, Y. I.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Eggeler, G. und Maier, H. J.
Functional Fatigue and Tension-Compression Asymmetry in 001-Oriented Co49Ni21Ga30 High-Temperature Shape Memory Alloy Single Crystals.
In: Shape Memory and Superelasticity, Bd. 1, Nr. 1: S. 6-17
Li, Zi-An; Fontaíña-Troitiño, N.; Kovács, A.; Liébana-Viñas, S.; Spasova, M.; Dunin-Borkowski, R. E.; Müller, M.; Doennig, D.; Pentcheva, R.; Farle, M. und Salgueiriño, V.
Electrostatic doping as a source for robust ferromagnetism at the interface between antiferromagnetic cobalt oxides.
In: Scientific Reports, Bd. 5, 7997
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Motemani, Yahya; Kadletz, Peter M.; Maier, Bernd; Rynko, Ramona; Somsen, Christoph; Paulsen, Alexander; Frenzel, Jan; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Eggeler, Gunther und Ludwig, Alfred
Microstructure, Shape Memory Effect and Functional Stability of Ti67Ta33 Thin Films.
In: Advanced Engineering Materials, Bd. 17, Nr. 10: S. 1425-1433
Nindiyasari, Fitriana; Ziegler, Andreas; Griesshaber, Erika; Fernandez-Diaz, Lurdes; Huber, Julia; Walther, Paul und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Effect of Hydrogel Matrices on Calcite Crystal Growth Morphology, Aggregate Formation, and Co-Orientation in Biomimetic Experiments and Biomineralization Environments.
In: Crystal Growth & Design, Bd. 15, Nr. 6: S. 2667-2685
Hahn, Sabine; Griesshaber, Erika; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Neuser, Rolf D.; Ritter, Ann-Christine; Hoffmann, Rene; Buhl, Dieter; Niedermayr, Andrea; Geske, Anna und Immenhauser, Adrian
Exploring aberrant bivalve shell ultrastructure and geochemistry as proxies for past sea water acidification.
In: Sedimentology, Bd. 61, Nr. 6: S. 1625-1658
Hoffmann, Ramona; Wochnik, Angela S.; Heinzl, Christoph; Betzler, Sophia B.; Matich, Sonja; Griesshaber, Erika; Schulz, Hartmut; Kucera, Michal; Young, Jeremy R.; Scheu, Christina und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Nanoprobe crystallographic orientation studies of isolated shield elements of the coccolithophore species Emiliania huxleyi.
In: European Journal of Mineralogy, Bd. 26, Nr. 4: S. 473-483
Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Griesshaber, Erika; Kelm, Klemens; Goetz, Andreas; Jordan, Guntram; Ler, Alexander M. Gig; Ball, Alex; Xu, Dayin; Merkel, Casjen und Brand, Uwe
Erratum: Hierarchical structure of marine shell biomaterials: biomechanical functionalization of calcite by brachiopods.
In: Zeitschrift für Kristallographie = Crystalline Materials, Bd. 229, Nr. 4: S. 343
Chang, Liao; Winklhofer, Michael; Roberts, Andrew P.; Heslop, David; Florindo, Fabio; Dekkers, Mark J.; Krijgsman, Wout; Kodama, Kazuto und Yamamoto, Yuhji
Low-temperature magnetic properties of pelagic carbonates: Oxidation of biogenic magnetite and identification of magnetosome chains.
In: Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, Bd. 118, Nr. 12: S. 6049-6065
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Gray, A.X.; Minár, J.; Plucinski, L.; Huijben, M.; Bostwick, A.; Rotenberg, E.; Yang, S.-H.h; Braun, J.; Winkelmann, A.; Conti, G.; Eiteneer, D.; Rattanachata, A.; Greer, A.A.; Ciston, J.; Ophus, C.; Rijnders, G.; Blank, D. H. A.; Doennig, D.; Pentcheva, Rossitza; Kortright, J.B.; Schneider, C.M.; Ebert, H. und Fadley, C. S.
Momentum-resolved electronic structure at a buried interface from soft X-ray standing-wave angle-resolved photoemission.
In: EPL, Bd. 104, Nr. 1
Hoelzel, Markus; Gan, W. M.; Hofmann, M.; Randau, C.; Seidl, G.; Jüttner, P.a und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Rotatable multifunctional load frames for neutron diffractometers at FRM II - Design, specifications and applications.
In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Bd. 711: S. 101-105
Hämäläinen, S.K.; Boneschanscher, M. P.; Jacobse, P. H.; Swart, I.; Pussi, K.; Moritz, Wolfgang; Lahtinen, J.; Liljeroth, P. und Sainio, J.
Structure and local variations of the graphene moiré on Ir(111).
In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Bd. 88, Nr. 20
Jordan, Guntram; Eulenkamp, C.; Calzada, E.; Schillinger, B.; Hoelzel, Markus; Gigler, Alexander M.; Stanjek, H. und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Quantitative in situ study of the dehydration of bentonite-bonded molding sands.
In: Clays and Clay Minerals, Bd. 61, Nr. 2: S. 133-140
Jordan, Guntram; Eulenkamp, Constanze; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Calzada, Elbio; Schillinger, Burkhard; Stanjek, Helge; Steinkemper, Udo und Wolff, Horst
Neutronenradiographie an bentonitgebundenem Formstoff. Eine leistungsstarke Methode zur Untersuchung momentaner Feuchteverteilungen.
In: GIESSEREI, Bd. 100, Nr. 9: S. 24-29
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Jungwirth, R.; Palancher, H.; Bonnin, A.; Bertrand-Drira, C.; Borca, C.; Honkimäki, V.; Jarousse, C.; Stepnik, B.; Park, Sohyun; Iltis, X.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Petry, W.
Microstructure of as-fabricated UMo/Al(Si) plates prepared with ground and atomized powder.
In: Journal of Nuclear Materials, Bd. 438, Nr. 1-3: S. 246-260
Kendelewicz, T.; Kaya, S.; Newberg, J.T.; Bluhm, H.; Mulakaluri, Narasimham; Moritz, Wolfgang; Scheffler, Matthias; Nilsson, A.; Pentcheva, Rossitza und Brown Jr., G. E.
X-ray photoemission and density functional theory study of the interaction of water vapor with the Fe3O4(001) surface at near-ambient conditions.
In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Bd. 117, Nr. 6: S. 2719-2733
Ledieu, J.; Gaudry, E.; Serkovic Loli, Laura Natalia; Alarcón Villaseca, S.; Weerd, M.-C. de; Hahne, Michael; Gille, Peter; Grin, Yuri; Dubois, J.-M. und Fournée, V.
Structural investigation of the (010) surface of the Al13Fe 4 catalyst.
In: Physical Review Letters, Bd. 110, Nr. 7
Mihailova, B.; Waeselmann, N.; Maier, Bernd J.; Angel, R. J.; Prüßmann, T.; Paulmann, C.; Gospodinov, M. und Bismayer, U.
Chemically induced renormalization phenomena in Pb-based relaxor ferroelectrics under high pressure.
In: Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Bd. 25, Nr. 11
Novotny, Z.; Mulakaluri, Narasimham; Edes, Z.; Schmid, M.; Pentcheva, Rossitza; Diebold, Ulrike und Parkinson, Gareth S.
Probing the surface phase diagram of Fe3O4(001) towards the Fe-rich limit: Evidence for progressive reduction of the surface.
In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Bd. 87, Nr. 19
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Oehlerich, Markus; Mayr, Christoph; Griesshaber, Erika; Luecke, Andreas; Oeckler, Oliver M.; Ohlendorf, Christian; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Zolitschka, Bernd
Ikaite precipitation in a lacustrine environment - implications for palaeoclimatic studies using carbonates from Laguna Potrok Aike (Patagonia, Argentina).
In: Quaternary Science Reviews, Bd. 71, Nr. SI: S. 46-53
Parle, Joseph; Beni, A.; Dhanak, V. R.; Smerdon, Joseph; Schmutz, P.; Wardé, M.; Barthés-Labrousse, M.-G.; Bauer, Birgitta; Gille, Peter; Sharma, H. R. und McGrath, Ronan
STM and XPS investigation of the oxidation of the Al4(Cr,Fe) quasicrystal approximant.
In: Applied Surface Science, Bd. 283: S. 276-282
Rashchenko, Sergey V.; Bekker, Tatyana B.; Bakakin, Vladimir V.; Seryotkin, Yurii V.; Kokh, Alexander E.; Gille, Peter; Popov, Arthur I. und Fedorov, Pavel P.
A new mechanism of anionic substitution in fluoride borates.
In: Journal of Applied Crystallography, Bd. 46, Nr. 4: S. 1081-1084
Sirtl, T.; Jelic, J.; Meyer, J.; Das, K.; Heckl, W. M.; Moritz, Wolfgang; Rundgren, J.; Schmittel, M.; Reuter, K. und Lackinger, M.
(7. Mai 2013):
Adsorption structure determination of a large polyaromatic trithiolate on Cu(111): Combination of LEED-I(V) and DFT-vdW.
In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Bd. 15, Nr. 26: S. 11054-11060
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Walter, C.; Wheeler, J. M.; Barnard, J. S.; Raghavan, R.; Korte-Kerzel, S.; Gille, Peter; Michler, J. und Clegg, W. J.
Anomalous yielding in the complex metallic alloy Al13Co4.
In: Acta Materialia, Bd. 61, Nr. 19: S. 7189-7196
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Armbrüster, Marc; Kovnir, K.; Friedrich, M.; Teschner, D.; Wowsnick, G.; Hahne, Michael; Gille, Peter; Szentmiklósi, L.; Feuerbacher, M.; Heggen, M.; Girgsdies, F.; Rosenthal, Dirk; Schlögl, Robert und Grin, Yuri
Al 13 Fe 4 as a low-cost alternative for palladium in heterogeneous hydrogenation.
In: Nature Materials, Bd. 11, Nr. 8: S. 690-693
Bobnar, M.; Jeglič, P.; Klanjšek, M.; Jagličić, Z.; Wencka, M.; Popčević, Petar; Ivkov, Jovica; Stanic, Denis; Smontara, Ana; Gille, Peter und Dolinšek, Janez
Intrinsic anisotropic magnetic, electrical, and thermal transport properties of d-Al-Co-Ni decagonal quasicrystals.
In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Bd. 85, Nr. 2
Chang, Liao; Winklhofer, Michael; Roberts, Andrew P.; Dekkers, Mark J.; Horng, Chorng-Shern; Hu, Lei und Chen, Qianwang
Ferromagnetic resonance characterization of greigite (Fe3S4), monoclinic pyrrhotite (Fe7S8), and non-interacting titanomagnetite (Fe3-xTixO4).
In: Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, Bd. 13
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Hahn, S.; Rodolfo-Metalpa, R.; Griesshaber, Erika; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Buhl, D.; Hall-Spencer, J. M.; Baggini, C.; Fehr, K. T. und Immenhauser, A.
Marine bivalve shell geochemistry and ultrastructure from modern low pH environments: environmental effect versus experimental bias.
In: Biogeosciences, Bd. 9, Nr. 5: S. 1897-1914
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Hofmann, J.P.; Rohrlack, S.F.; Heß, F.; Goritzka, J.C.; Krause, P.P.T.; Seitsonen, A.P.; Moritz, Wolfgang und Over, Herbert
Adsorption of chlorine on Ru(0001)-A combined density functional theory and quantitative low energy electron diffraction study.
In: Surface Science, Bd. 606, Nr. 3-4: S. 297-304
Kelm, Klemens; Goetz, Andreas J.; Sehrbrock, Angelika; Irsen, Stephan; Hoffmann, Ramona; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Griesshaber, Erika
Mosaic structure in the spines of Holopneustes porossisimus.
In: Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, Bd. 227, Nr. 11: S. 758-765
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Klanjšek, M.; Gradišek, A.; Kocjan, A.; Bobnar, M.; Jeglič, P.; Wencka, M.; Jagličić, Z.; Popčević, Petar; Ivkov, Jovica; Smontara, Ana; Gille, Peter; Armbrüster, Marc; Grin, Yuri und Dolinšek, Janez
PdGa intermetallic hydrogenation catalyst: An NMR and physical property study.
In: Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Bd. 24, Nr. 8
Prinz, Jan; Gaspari, Roberto; Pignedoli, Carlo A.; Vogt, Jochen; Gille, Peter; Armbrüster, Marc; Brune, Harald; Gröning, Oliver; Passerone, Daniele und Widmer, Roland
Isolated Pd Sites on the Intermetallic PdGa(111) and PdGa(bar 1bar 1bar 1) Model Catalyst Surfaces.
In: Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, Bd. 51, Nr. 37: S. 9339-9343
Rosenthal, Dirk; Widmer, Roland; Wagner, R.; Gille, Peter; Armbrüster, Marc; Grin, Yuri; Schlögl, Robert und Gröning, Oliver
Surface investigation of intermetallic PdGa(1̄ 1̄ 1̄).
In: Langmuir, Bd. 28, Nr. 17: S. 6848-6856
Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Griesshaber, Erika; Kelm, Klemens; Ball, Alexander; Goetz, Andreas J.; Xu, Dayin; Kreitmeier, Lisa und Jordan, Guntram
Towards systematics of calcite biocrystals: insight from the inside.
In: Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, Bd. 227, Nr. 8, 2: S. 604-611
Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Griesshaber, Erika; Kelm, Klemens; Goetz, Andreas J.; Jordan, Guntram; Ball, Alexander; Xu, Dayin; Merkel, Casjen und Brand, Uwe
Hierarchical structure of marine shell biomaterials: biomechanical functionalization of calcite by brachiopods.
In: Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, Bd. 227, Nr. 11: S. 793-804
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Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Steurer, Walter
Laue centennial.
In: Acta Crystallographica Section A, Bd. 68, Nr. 1: S. 1-2
Seidl, B.H.M.; Reisecker, C.; Hild, S.; Griesshaber, Erika und Ziegler, A.
Calcite distribution and orientation in the tergite exocuticle of the isopods porcellio scaber and armadillidium vulgare (Oniscidea, Crustacea) - A combined FE-SEM, polarized SCm-RSI and EBSD study.
In: Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, Bd. 227, Nr. 11: S. 777-792
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Waeselmann, N.; Maier, Bernd J.; Mihailova, B.; Angel, R. J.; Zhao, J.; Gospodinov, M.; Paulmann, C.; Ross, N. und Bismayer, U.
Pressure-induced structural transformations in pure and Ru-doped 0.9PbZn 1/3Nb 2/3O 3-0.1PbTiO 3 near the morphotropic phase boundary.
In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Bd. 85, Nr. 1
Addou, R.; Shukla, A.K.; Weerd, M.-C. de; Gille, Peter; Widmer, Roland; Gröning, Oliver; Fournée, V.; Dubois, J.-M. und Ledieu, J.
Pseudomorphy, surface alloys and the role of elementary clusters on the domain orientations in the Cu/Al13Co4(100) system.
In: Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Bd. 23, Nr. 43
Alarcón Villaseca, S.; Ledieu, J.; Serkovic Loli, Laura Natalia; Weerd, M.-C. de; Gille, Peter; Fournée, V.; Dubois, J.-M. und Gaudry, E.
Structural Investigation of the (001) Surface of the Al9Co2 Complex Metallic Alloy.
In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Bd. 115, Nr. 30: S. 14922-14932
Beni, A.; Ott, N.; Ura-Bińczyk, E.; Rasinski, M.; Bauer, Birgitta; Gille, Peter; Ulrich, A. und Schmutz, P.
Passivation and localised corrosion susceptibility of new Al-Cr-Fe complex metallic alloys in acidic NaCl electrolytes.
In: Electrochimica Acta, Bd. 56, Nr. 28: S. 10524-10532
Freeland, J. W.; Liu, J.; Kareev, M.; Gray, B.; Kim, J.W.; Ryan, P.; Pentcheva, Rossitza und Chakhalian, J.
Orbital control in strained ultra-thin LaNiO3/LaAlO3 superlattices.
In: EPL, Bd. 96, Nr. 5
Gilder, Stuart A.
ORCID:; Egli, R.; Hochleitner, Rupert; Roud, S.C.; Volk, M.W.R.; Le Goff, M. und Wit, M. de
Anatomy of a pressure-induced, ferromagnetic-to-paramagnetic transition in pyrrhotite: Implications for the formation pressure of diamonds.
In: Journal of Geophysical Research G: Biogeosciences, Bd. 116, Nr. 10
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Goetz, Andreas J.; Steinmetz, David R.; Griesshaber, Erika; Zaefferer, Stefan; Raabe, Dierk; Kelm, Klemens; Irsen, Stephan; Sehrbrock, Angelika und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Interdigitating biocalcite dendrites form a 3-D jigsaw structure in brachiopod shells.
In: Acta Biomaterialia, Bd. 7, Nr. 5: S. 2237-2243
Hoffmann, Viktor H.; Hochleitner, Rupert; Torii, M.; Funaki, M.; Mikouchi, Takashi; Kaliwoda, Melanie; Jenniskens, P. und Shaddad, M.H.
Magnetism and mineralogy of Almahata Sitta polymict ureilite (= asteroid 2008 TC 3): Implications for the ureilite parent body magnetic field.
In: Meteoritics and Planetary Science, Bd. 46, Nr. 10: S. 1551-1564
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Katzmann, Emanuel; Mueller, Frank D.; Lang, Claus; Messerer, Maxim; Winklhofer, Michael; Plitzko, Juergen M. und Schueler, Dirk
Magnetosome chains are recruited to cellular division sites and split by asymmetric septation.
In: Molecular Microbiology, Bd. 82, Nr. 6: S. 1316-1329
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Maier, Bernd J.; Waeselmann, N.; Mihailova, B.; Angel, R. J.; Ederer, C.; Paulmann, C.; Gospodinov, M.; Friedrich, A. und Bismayer, U.
Structural state of relaxor ferroelectrics PbSc0.5Ta 0.5O3 and PbSc0.5Nb0.5O3 at high pressures up to 30 GPa.
In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Bd. 84, Nr. 17
Maier, Bernd J.; Welsch, A.-M.; Mihailova, B.; Angel, R. J.; Zhao, J.; Paulmann, C.; Engel, J. M.; Marshall, W.G.; Gospodinov, M.; Petrova, D. und Bismayer, U.
Effect of la doping on the ferroic order in Pb-based perovskite-type relaxor ferroelectrics.
In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Bd. 83, Nr. 13
Schillinger, B.; Calzada, E.; Eulenkamp, C.; Jordan, Guntram und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Dehydration of moulding sand in simulated casting process examined with neutron radiography.
In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Bd. 651, Nr. 1: S. 312-314
Shin, Heekeun; Pussi, K.; Gaudry, E.; Ledieu, J.; Fournée, V.; Alarcón Villaseca, S.; Dubois, J.-M.; Grin, Yuri; Gille, Peter; Moritz, Wolfgang und Diehl, R. D.
Structure of the orthorhombic Al13Co4(100) surface using LEED, STM, and ab initio studies.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 84, Nr. 8
Welsch, A.-M.; Maier, Bernd J.; Mihailova, B.; Angel, R. J.; Zhao, J.; Paulmann, C.; Engel, J. M.; Gospodinov, M.; Marinova, V. und Bismayer, U.
Transformation processes in relaxor ferroelectric PbSc0.5Ta 0.5O3 heavily doped with Nb and Sn.
In: Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, Bd. 226, Nr. 2: S. 126-137
Allmen, K. von; Nägler, T.F.; Pettke, T.; Hippler, D.; Griesshaber, Erika; Logan, A.; Eisenhauer, A. und Samankassou, E.
Stable isotope profiles (Ca, O, C) through modern brachiopod shells of T. septentrionalis and G. vitreus: Implications for calcium isotope paleo-ocean chemistry.
In: Chemical Geology, Bd. 269, Nr. 3-4: S. 210-219
Antipov, Evgeny; Bismayer, Ulrich; Grin, Yuri; Perez-Mato, J. Manuel; Poettgen, Rainer; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Zou, Xiaodong
In: Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, Bd. 225, Nr. 1:
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Armbrüster, Marc; Borrmann, Horst; Wedel, Michael; Prots, Yurii; Giedigkeit, Rainer und Gille, Peter
Refinement of the crystal structure of palladium gallium (1:1), PdGa.
In: Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures, Bd. 225, Nr. 4: S. 617-618
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Buikin, A. I.; Trieloff, M.; Korochantseva, E.V.; Hopp, J.; Kaliwoda, Melanie; Meyer, H.-P. und Altherr, R.
Distribution of mantle and atmospheric argon in mantle xenoliths from the Western Arabian peninsula: Constraints on timing and composition of metasomatizing agents in the lithospheric mantle.
In: Journal of Petrology, Bd. 51, Nr. 12: S. 2547-2570
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Eberspaecher, Eva; Blobner, Manfred; Werner, Christian; Ruf, Stefanie; Eckel, Barbara; Engelhard, Kristin; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Gelb, Adrian W.
The Long-Term Effect of Four Hours of Hyperventilation on Neurocognitive Performance and Lesion Size After Controlled Cortical Impact in Rats.
In: Anesthesia and Analgesia, Bd. 110, Nr. 1: S. 181-187
Ferreira de Oliveira, Jandira; Wajnberg, Eliane; Motta de Souza Esquivel, Darci; Weinkauf, Sevil; Winklhofer, Michael und Hanzlik, Marianne
Ant antennae: are they sites for magnetoreception?
In: Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Bd. 7, Nr. 42: S. 143-152
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Jeglič, P.; Vrtnik, S.; Bobnar, M.; Klanjšek, M.; Bauer, Birgitta; Gille, Peter; Grin, Yuri; Haarmann, F. und Dolinšek, Janez
M-Al-M groups trapped in cages of Al13 M4 (M=Co, Fe, Ni, Ru ) complex intermetallic phases as seen via NMR.
In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Bd. 82, Nr. 10
Maier, Bernd J.; Angel, R. J.; Marshall, W.G.; Mihailova, B.; Paulmann, C.; Engel, J. M.; Gospodinov, M.; Welsch, A.-M.; Petrova, D. und Bismayer, U.
Octahedral tilting in Pb-based relaxor ferroelectrics at high pressure.
In: Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Bd. 66, Nr. 3: S. 280-291
Maier, Bernd J.; Welsch, A.-M.; Angel, R. J.; Mihailova, B.; Zhao, J.; Engel, J. M.; Schmitt, L.A.; Paulmann, C.; Gospodinov, M.; Friedrich, A. und Bismayer, U.
A-site doping-induced renormalization of structural transformations in the PbSc0.5 Nb0.5 O3 relaxor ferroelectric under high pressure.
In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Bd. 81, Nr. 17
Nabi, Hasan Sadat und Pentcheva, Rossitza
Origin of Interface Magnetism in Fe(2)O(3)/FeTiO(3) Heterostructures.
In: Wagner, S.; Steinmetz, M.; Bode, A. und Muller, M. M. (Hrsg.):
Pentcheva, Rossitza; Huijben, M.; Otte, Katrin; Pickett, Warren E.; Kleibeuker, J.E.; Huijben, J.; Boschker, H.; Kockmann, D.; Siemons, W.; Koster, G.; Zandvliet, H. J. W.; Rijnders, G.; Blank, D. H. A.; Hilgenkamp, H. und Brinkman, A.
Parallel electron-hole bilayer conductivity from electronic interface reconstruction.
In: Physical Review Letters, Bd. 104, Nr. 16
Popčević, Petar; Smontara, Ana; Ivkov, Jovica; Wencka, M.; Komelj, M.; Jeglič, P.; Vrtnik, S.; Bobnar, M.; Jagličić, Z.; Bauer, Birgitta; Gille, Peter; Borrmann, Horst; Burkhardt, U.; Grin, Yuri und Dolinšek, Janez
Anisotropic physical properties of the Al13Fe4 complex intermetallic and its ternary derivative Al13 (Fe,Ni) 4.
In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Bd. 81, Nr. 18
Winklhofer, Michael
In: Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Bd. 7, Nr. 2:
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Addou, R.; Gaudry, E.; Deniozou, Th.; Heggen, M.; Feuerbacher, M.; Gille, Peter; Grin, Yuri; Widmer, Roland; Gröning, Oliver; Fournée, V.; Dubois, J.-M. und Ledieu, J.
Structure investigation of the (100) surface of the orthorhombic Al13Co4 crystal.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 80, Nr. 1
Beni, A.; DeRose, J.; Schmutz, P.; Barthés-Labrousse, M.-G.; Wardé, M.; McGrath, Ronan; Parle, Joseph; Gille, Peter und Bauer, Birgitta
Oxidation and corrosion behavior of new Al4(Cr,Fe) complex metallic alloys.
In: EMPA Activities, Nr. 2009-2010 EMPA ACT: S. 17
Dolinšek, Janez; Komelj, M.; Jeglič, P.; Vrtnik, S.; Stanic, Denis; Popčević, Petar; Ivkov, Jovica; Smontara, Ana; Jagličić, Z.; Gille, Peter und Grin, Yuri
Anisotropic magnetic and transport properties of orthorhombic Al13 Co4.
In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Bd. 79, Nr. 18
Goetz, Andreas J.; Griesshaber, Erika; Neuser, Rolf D.; Lueter, Carsten; Huehner, Manfred; Harper, Elisabeth und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Calcite morphology, texture and hardness in the distinct layers of rhynchonelliform brachiopod shells.
In: European Journal of Mineralogy, Bd. 21, Nr. 2: S. 303-315
Li, H.I.; Pussi, K.; Hanna, K.J.; Wang, L.-L.; Johnson, D. D.; Cheng, H.-P.; Shin, Heekeun; Curtarolo, S.; Moritz, Wolfgang; Smerdon, Joseph; McGrath, Ronan und Diehl, R. D.
Surface Geometry of C60 on Ag(111).
In: Physical Review Letters, Bd. 103, Nr. 5
Maier, Bernd J.; Mihailova, B.; Paulmann, C.; Ihringer, J.; Gospodinov, M.; Stosch, R.; Güttler, B. und Bismayer, U.
Effect of local elastic strain on the structure of Pb-based relaxors: A comparative study of pure and Ba- and Bi-doped PbSc0.5 Nb0.5 O3.
In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Bd. 79, Nr. 22
Merkel, Casjen; Deuschle, Julia; Griesshaber, Erika; Enders, Susan; Steinhauser, Erwin; Hochleitner, Rupert; Brand, Uwe und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Mechanical properties of modern calcite- (Mergerlia truncata) and phosphate-shelled brachiopods (Discradisca stella and Lingula anatina) determined by nanoindentation.
In: Journal of Structural Biology, Bd. 168, Nr. 3: S. 396-408
Pan, Yongxin; Lin, Wei; Li, Jinhua; Wu, Wenfang; Tian, Lanxiang; Deng, Chenglong; Liu, Qingsong; Zhu, Rixiang; Winklhofer, Michael und Petersen, Nikolai
Reduced Efficiency of Magnetotaxis in Magnetotactic Coccoid Bacteria in Higher than Geomagnetic Fields.
In: Biophysical Journal, Bd. 97, Nr. 4: S. 986-991
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Pentcheva, Rossitza; Mulakaluri, Narasimham; Moritz, Wolfgang; Pickett, Warren E.; Kleinhenz, Hans-Georg und Scheffler, Matthias
Compensation Mechanisms and Functionality of Transition Metal Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces: A Density Functional Theory Study.
In: Wagner, S.; Steinmetz, M.; Bode, A. und Brehm, M. (Hrsg.):
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Garch/Munich 2007. S. 709-717
Welsch, A.-M.; Maier, Bernd J.; Engel, J. M.; Mihailova, B.; Angel, R. J.; Paulmann, C.; Gospodinov, M.; Friedrich, A.; Stosch, R.; Güttler, B.; Petrova, D. und Bismayer, U.
Effect of Ba incorporation on pressure-induced structural changes in the relaxor ferroelectric PbSc0.5 Ta0.5 O3.
In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Bd. 80, Nr. 10
Dolinšek, Janez; Vrtnik, S.; Smontara, Ana; Jagodič, M.; Jagličić, Z.; Bauer, Birgitta und Gille, Peter
Anisotropic electrical, magnetic and thermal transport properties of the Al80Cr15Fe5 decagonal approximant.
In: Philosophical Magazine, Bd. 88, Nr. 13-15: S. 2145-2153
Hasan, M.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Hackl, K.; Heinen, R.; Frenzel, J.; Gollerthan, S.; Eggeler, Gunther; Wagner, M.; Khalil-Allafi, Jafar und Baruj, A.
Hard X-ray studies of stress-induced phase transformations of superelastic NiTi shape memory alloys under uniaxial load.
In: Materials Science and Engineering A, Bd. 481-482, Nr. 1-2 C: S. 414-419
Hjorvarsson, Bjorgvin und Pentcheva, Rossitza
Modern growth problems and growth techniques.
In: Zabel, H. und Bader, S. D. (Hrsg.):
Magnetic Heterostructures: Advances and Perspective in Spinstructures and Spintransport. Bd. 227. S. 1-44
Martoccia, D.; Willmott, P. R.; Brugger, T.; Björck, M.; Günther, S.; Schlepütz, C.M.; Cervellino, A.; Pauli, S.A.; Patterson, B.D.; Marchini, S.; Wintterlin, J.; Moritz, Wolfgang und Greber, T.
Graphene on Ru(0001): A 25 × 25 supercell.
In: Physical Review Letters, Bd. 101, Nr. 12
Mihailova, B.; Maier, Bernd J.; Paulmann, C.; Malcherek, T.; Ihringer, J.; Gospodinov, M.; Stosch, R.; Güttler, B. und Bismayer, U.
High-temperature structural transformations in the relaxor ferroelectrics PbSc0.5 Ta0.5 O3 and Pb0.78 Ba0.22 Sc0.5 Ta0.5 O3.
In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Bd. 77, Nr. 17
Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Griesshaber, Erika; Merkel, Casjen; Kelm, Klemens; Deuschle, J.; Neuser, Rolf D.; Goetz, Andreas J.; Sehrbrock, Angelika und Mader, Werner
Hierarchical fibre composite structure and micromechanical properties of phosphatic and calcitic brachiopod shell biomaterials - An overview.
In: Mineralogical Magazine, Bd. 72, Nr. 2: S. 541-562
Smontara, Ana; Smiljanic, Igor; Ivkov, Jovica; Stanic, Denis; Barišić, Osor S.; Jagličić, Z.; Gille, Peter; Komelj, M.; Jeglič, P.; Bobnar, M. und Dolinšek, Janez
Anisotropic magnetic, electrical, and thermal transport properties of the Y-Al-Ni-Co decagonal approximant.
In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Bd. 78, Nr. 10
Tarcea, N.; Frosch, T.; Rösch, P.; Hilchenbach, M.; Stuffler, T.; Hofer, S.; Thiele, H.; Hochleitner, Rupert und Popp, J.
Raman spectroscopy - A powerful tool for in situ planetary science.
In: Space Science Reviews, Bd. 135, Nr. 1-4: S. 281-292
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Dolinšek, Janez; Jeglič, P.; Komelj, M.; Vrtnik, S.; Smontara, Ana; Smiljanic, Igor; Bilušić, A.; Ivkov, Jovica; Stanic, Denis; Zijlstra, E. S.; Bauer, Birgitta und Gille, Peter
Origin of anisotropic nonmetallic transport in the Al80 Cr15 Fe5 decagonal approximant.
In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Bd. 76, Nr. 17
Merkel, Casjen; Griesshaber, Erika; Kelm, Klemens; Neuser, Rolf D.; Jordan, Guntram; Logan, A.; Mader, Werner und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Micromechanical properties and structural characterization of modern inarticulated brachiopod shells.
In: Journal of Geophysical Research G: Biogeosciences, Bd. 112, Nr. G2
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Reichelt, R.; Günther, S.; Wintterlin, J.; Moritz, Wolfgang; Aballe, L. und Mentes, T.O.
Low energy electron diffraction and low energy electron microscopy microspot IV analysis of the (4×4) O structure on Ag(111): Surface oxide or reconstruction?
In: Journal of Comparative Physiology A - Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology, Bd. 127, Nr. 13
Tarcea, N.; Harz, M.; Rösch, P.; Frosch, T.; Schmitt, M.; Thiele, H.; Hochleitner, Rupert und Popp, J.
UV Raman spectroscopy-A technique for biological and mineralogical in situ planetary studies.
In: Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Bd. 68, Nr. 4: S. 1029-1035
Wiltschko, Wolfgang; Ford, Hugh; Munro, Ursula; Winklhofer, Michael und Wiltschko, Roswitha
Magnetite-based magnetoreception: the effect of repeated pulsing on the orientation of migratory birds.
In: Journal of Comparative Physiology A - Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology, Bd. 193, Nr. 5: S. 515-522
Fonin, M.; Pentcheva, Rossitza; Dedkov, Yu. S.; Sperlich, M.; Vyalikh, D.V.; Scheffler, Matthias; Rüdiger, U. und Güntherodt, G.
Surface electronic structure of the Fe3O4(100): Evidence of a half-metal to metal transition.
In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Bd. 72, Nr. 10
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Jordan, Guntram; Aldushin, Kirill; Lohkämper, T.H.K. und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Dissolution-precipitation creep under cyclic stress.
Goldschmidt Conference Moscow, Idaho 2005, Moscow, Idaho, 21. - 25. Mai 2005.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
Bd. 69, Nr. 10, S
Jordan, Guntram; Aldushin, Kirill und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Kinematics of interlayer reactions.
Goldschmidt Conference Moscow, Idaho 2005, Moscow, Idaho, 21. - 25. Mai 2005.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
Bd. 69, Nr. 10, S
Popp, J.; Schmitt, M.; Tarcea, N.; Kiefer, W.; Hilchenbach, M.; Stuffler, T.; Hofer, S.; Hochleitner, Rupert; Wuttig, A. und Riesenberg, R.
Raman-microscopy for in situ planetary science.
In: European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP, Nr. 588
Park, Sohyun; Schmidt, W.; Dreier, A. und Tesche, B.
Investigation on the generation of supermicropores in the microporous titanosilicate ETS-10.
13th European Microscopy Congress, Antwerp, Belgium, 22.-27. August 2004.
Van Tendeloo, G. (Hrsg.):
In: Proceedings, Vol. 2 / 13th European Microscopy Congress, University of Antwerp, Belgium, August 22-27,
Liège: Belgian Society of Microscopy. S. 531-532
Popp, J.; Tarcea, N.; Baciu, L.; Thomas, N.; Cockell, C.; Edwards, H. W. G.; Gomez-Elvira, J.; Hilchenbach, M.; Hochleitner, Rupert; Hofer, S.; Hoffmann, Viktor H.; Hofmann, B.; Jessberger, E. K.; Kiefer, W.; Martinez-Frias, J.; Maurice, S.; Rull Pérez, F.; Schmitt, M.; Simon, G.; Sobron, F.; Weigand, W.; Whitby, J. A.; Wurz, P. und Battrick, B.
EXTENDED-MIRAS: The instrumental approach for the search of traces of extinct and extant life on Mars, instrument setup.
In: European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP, Nr. 543
Popp, J.; Tarcea, N.; Thomas, N.; Cockell, C.; Edwards, H. W. G.; Gomez-Elvira, J.; Hilchenbach, M.; Hochleitner, Rupert; Hofer, S.; Hoffmann, Viktor H.; Hofmann, B.; Jessberger, E. K.; Kiefer, W.; Martinez-Frias, J.; Maurice, S.; Pérez, F.R.; Schmitt, M.; Simon, G.; Sobron, F.; Weigand, W.; Whitby, J. A. und Wurz, P.
EXTENDED-MIRAS: The instrumental approach for the search of traces of extinct and extant life on mars, measuring scenario.
In: European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP, Nr. 545
Popp, J.; Tarcea, N.; Schmitt, M.; Kiefer, W.; Hochleitner, Rupert; Simon, G.; Hilchenbach, M.; Hofer, S. und Stuffler, T.
Raman spectroscopy - A suitable tool for in-situ planetary science.
In: Microscopy and Microanalysis, Bd. 9, Nr. SUPPL. 2: S. 1100-1101
Sitepu, H.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Reinecke, T.; Khalil-Allafi, Jafar; Eggeler, Gunther; Pietikainen, J. und Soderberg, Eds. O.
Phase fractions of B2, B19′, R-phase and Ni4Ti3 in NiTi alloys during two-step phase transformations.
In: Journal De Physique. IV : JP, Bd. 112 II
Brunauer, G.; Frey, Friedrich; Boysen, Hans; Schneider, H.; Fischer, P.; Hansen, Th.; Többens, D. M. und Ehrenberg, H.
Neutron-diffraction study up to 1600°C of 3:2 mullite.
In: Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, Bd. 74, Nr. SUPPL.II:
Frey, Friedrich; Weidner, Eveline; Hradil, K.; Boissieu, M. de; Letoublon, A.; McIntyre, G.; Currat, R. und Tsai, A.-P.
Temperature dependence of the 8-Å superstructure in decagonal Al-Co-Ni.
In: Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Bd. 342, Nr. 1-2: S. 57-64
Higgins, Steven R.; Stack, Andrew G.; Knauss, Kevin G.; Eggleston, Carrick M. und Jordan, Guntram
Probing molecular-scale adsorption and dissolution-growth processes using nonlinear optical and scanning probe methods suitable for hydrothermal applications.
In: Hellmann, Roland und Wood, Scott A. (Hrsg.):
Water-Rock Interactions, Ore Deposits, and Environmental Geochemistry: A Tribute to David A. Crerar. The Geochemical Society, Special Publication, Bd. 7. St. Louis, MO, USA: The Geochemical Society. S. 111-128
Hirnet, A.; Schroeder, K.; Blügel, S.; Torrelles, Xavier; Albrecht, M.; Jenichen, B.; Gierer, M. und Moritz, Wolfgang
Novel Sb induced reconstruction of the (113) surface of Ge.
In: Physical Review Letters, Bd. 88, Nr. 22:
Kaack, M.; Yohannes, T.; Gibkes, J.; Pelzl, J.; Heckmann, A.; Sitepu, H.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Tankovsky, N.; Chu, Y. Y. und Zhao, L. C.
Elastic bulk and surface properties of thermally and mechanically cycled NiTi shape-memory alloys.
In: Materials Science Forum, Bd. 394-395: S. 341-344
Sitepu, H.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Khalil-Allafi, Jafar; Eggeler, Gunther; Reinecke, T.; Brokmeier, H.; Tovar, M.; Többens, D. M.; Chu, Y. Y. und Zhao, L. C.
Texture and quantitative phase analysis of aged Ni-rich NiTi using X-ray and neutron diffractions.
In: Materials Science Forum, Bd. 394-395: S. 237-240
Tarcea, N.; Popp, J.; Schmitt, M.; Kiefer, W.; Hochleitner, Rupert; Simon, G.; Hilchenbach, M.; Hofer, S.; Stuffler, T. und Lacoste, H.
Raman spectroscopy as a suitable tool for biological and mineralogical in situ planetary studies.
In: European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP, Nr. 518
Torrelles, Xavier; Rius, J.; Hirnet, A.; Moritz, Wolfgang; Pedio, M.; Felici, R.; Rudolf, P.; Capozi, M.; Boscherini, F.; Heun, S.; Mueller, B. H. und Ferrer, S.
Real examples of surface reconstructions determined by direct methods.
In: Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Bd. 14, Nr. 16: S. 4075-4086
Park, Sohyun; Parise, John B. und Gies, Hermann
Optimized synthesis and structural properties of lithosilicate RUB-29.
13 International Zeolite Conference, Montpellier, France, 8.–13. June 2001.
Galarneau, A.; Di Renzo, F.; Fajula, F. und Vedrine, J. (Hrsg.):
In: Zeolites and Mesoporous Materials at the dawn of the 21st century : Proceedings of the 13 International Zeolite Conference, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis
Bd. 135
Elsevier. S. 164
Frey, Friedrich; Weidner, Eveline; Hradil, K.; Boissieu, M. de; Currat, R.; Shibata, K.; Tsai, A.-P. und Sato, T.J.
On the one-dimensional 8 Å periodic superstructure in decagonal phases.
In: Philosophical Magazine A: Physics of Condensed Matter, Structure, Defects and Mechanical Properties, Bd. 80, Nr. 10: S. 2375-2391
Sondergeld, P.; Fuess, H.; Mason, S.A.; Ishihara, H. und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Pseudo-symmetries of the phases of (Et4N)2ZnBr4.
In: Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung - Section A Journal of Physical Sciences, Bd. 55, Nr. 9-10: S. 801-809
Weidner, Eveline; Hradil, K.; Frey, Friedrich; Boissieu, M. de; Letoublon, A.; Morgenroth, W.; Krane, H.-G.; Capitan, M. und Tsai, A.-P.
High resolution X-ray and neutron diffraction of super- and disorder in decagonal Al-Co-Ni.
In: Materials Science and Engineering A, Bd. 294-296: S. 308-314
Brecht, E.; Schweiss, P.; Wolf, T.; Boothroyd, A. T.; Reynolds, J. M.; Andersen, N. H.; Lutgemeier, H. und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Antiferromagnetic ordering states of oxygen-deficient NdBa2Cu3O6+x and Nd1+yBa2-yCu3O6+x single crystals.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 59, Nr. 5: S. 3870-3878
Brecht, E.; Schweiss, P.; Wolf, Th.; Boothroyd, A. T.; Reynolds, J.M.; Andersen, N. H.; Lütgemeier, H. und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
InstituteAntiferromagnetic ordering states of oxygen-deficient NdBa2Cu3O6+x and Nd1+yBa2-y,Cu3O6+x single crystals.
In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Bd. 59, Nr. 5: S. 3870-3878
Kriven, W.M.; Palko, J.W.; Sinogeikin, S.; Bass, J. D.; Sayir, A.; Brunauer, G.; Boysen, Hans; Frey, Friedrich und Schneider, J.
High temperature single crystal properties of mullite.
In: Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Bd. 19, Nr. 13-14: S. 2529-2541
Nouvertné, F.; May, U.; Bamming, M.; Rampe, A.; Korte, U.; Güntherodt, G.; Pentcheva, Rossitza und Scheffler, Matthias
Atomic exchange processes and bimodal initial growth of Co/Cu(001).
In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Bd. 60, Nr. 20: S. 14382-14386
Brecht, E.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Fuess, H.; Schmenn, S.; Lütgemeier, H.; Andersen, N. H.; Lebech, B. und Wolf, Th.
Neutron diffraction and NQR study of the intermediate turn angle phase formed during AFI to AFII reordering in YBa2Cu3-xAlxO6+δ.
In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Bd. 56, Nr. 2: S. 940-948
Park, Sohyun; Große Kunstleve, R.-W.; Graetsch, H. und Gies, Hermann
The thermal expansion of the zeolites MFI, AFI, DOH, DDR, and MTN in their calcined and as synthesized forms.
11th International Zeolite Conference, Seoul, Korea, 12. – 17. August 1996.
Chon, Hakze; Ihm, Son-Ki und Uh, Young Sun (Hrsg.):
In: Progress in Zeolite and Microporous Materials : Proceedings of the 11th International Zeolite Conference, Progress in Zeolite and Microporous Materials, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis
Bd. 105
Elsevier Science. S. 1989-1994
Brecht, E.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Miehe, G.; Rodewald, M.; Fuess, H.; Andersen, N. H.; Hanßmann, J. und Wolf, Th.
Thermal treatment of YBa2Cu3-xAlxO6+δ single crystals in different atmospheres and neutron-diffraction study of excess oxygen pinned by the Al substituents.
In: Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, Bd. 265, Nr. 1-2: S. 53-66
Steinborn, T.; Adrian, H.; Brecht, E.; Fuess, H.; Maul, M.; Miehe, G.; Petersen, K.; Rodewald, M.; Rao, M.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Traeholt, C.; Wiesner, J.; Wirth, G.; Zandbergen, H. und Zegenhagen, J.
Orientational changes in the ab plane of YBa2Cu3O7-8 films on different substrates.
In: Journal of Applied Crystallography, Bd. 29, Nr. 2: S. 125-133
Brecht, E.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Fuess, H.; Casalta, H.; Schleger, P.; Lebech, B.; Andersen, N. H. und Wolf, Th.
Significance of Al doping for antiferromagnetic AFII ordering in YBa2Cu3-xAlxO6+ materials: A single-crystal neutron-diffraction study.
In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Bd. 52, Nr. 13: S. 9601-9610
Strauss, B.; Boysen, Hans; Frey, Friedrich; Steigenberger, U.; Guthoff, F.; Krimmel, A.; Mayer, H. M. und Welz, D.
Lattice dynamical study of Zr0.85Ca0.15O 1.85 and CeO2.
In: Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Bd. 7, Nr. 40: S. 7823-7831
Casalta, H.; Schleger, P.; Brecht, E.; Montfrooij, W.; Andersen, N. H.; Lebech, B.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Fuess, H.; Liang, R.; Hardy, W.N. und Wolf, Th.
Absence of a second antiferromagnetic transition in pure YBa2Cu3O6+x.
In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Bd. 50, Nr. 13: S. 9688-9691
Casalta, H.; Schleger, P.; Brecht, E.; Montfrooij, W.; Andersen, N. H.; Lebech, B.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Fuess, H.; Liang, R. X.; Hardy, W.N. und Wolf, T.
No antiferromagnetic reordering at low temperature in pure YBa2Cu3O6+x.
In: Physica C, Bd. 235, Nr. 3: S. 1623-1624
Wever, J.; Meyerheim, Holger L.; Moritz, Wolfgang; Jahns, V.; Wolf, D.; Schulz, H.; Seehofer, Lorenz und Johnson, Robert L.
A new type of reconstruction on the InSb() surface determined by grazing incidence X-ray diffraction.
In: Surface Science, Bd. 321, Nr. 3:
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Stampfl, Catherine; Burchhardt, J.; Nielsen, Morten; Adams, David L.; Scheffler, Matthias; Over, Herbert und Moritz, Wolfgang
The structure ofAl(111)-K−(√3 × √3)R30° determined by LEED: stable and metastable adsorption sites.
In: Surface Science, Bd. 287-28, Nr. 1: S. 418-422
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Van Hove, Michael A.; Moritz, Wolfgang; Over, Herbert; Rous, P.J.; Wander, A.; Barbieri, A.; Materer, N.; Starke, U.; Jentz, D.; Powers, J.M.; Held, G. und Somorjai, G. A.
Fitting dozens of coordinates by LEED: automated determination of complex surface structures.
In: Surface Science, Bd. 287-288, Nr. PART 1: S. 428-431
Van Hove, Michel A.; Moritz, Wolfgang; Over, Herbert; Rous, Philip J.; Wander, Adrian; Barbieri, Angelo; Materer, Nick; Starke, Ulrich und Somorjai, Gabor A.
Automated determination of complex surface structures by LEED.
In: Surface Science Reports, Bd. 19, Nr. 3-6: S. 191-229
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Dornisch, D.; Moritz, Wolfgang; Schulz, H.; Feidenhans'l, Robert; Nielsen, Morten; Grey, F.; Johnson, Robert L. und Le Lay, Guy
Ag on Ge(111): 2D X-ray structure analysis of the (Wurzel)3 x (Wurzel)3 superstructure.
In: Surface Science, Bd. 274, Nr. 2: S. 215-221
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Ludwig, F.; Nachtwei, G.; Watts, M.; Bassom, N. J.; Müller, H.-U.; Kraak, W.; Gille, Peter und Nicholas, R. J.
Cyclotron resonance of the quasi-two-dimensional electron gas at Hg1-xCdxTe grain boundaries.
In: Semiconductor Science and Technology, Bd. 7, Nr. 4: S. 511-515
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Rossmann, R.; Meyerheim, Holger L.; Jahns, V.; Wever, J.; Moritz, Wolfgang; Wolf, D.; Dornisch, D. und Schulz, H.
The Ge(001) (2 × 1) reconstruction: asymmetric dimers and multilayer relaxation observed by grazing incidence X-ray diffraction.
In: Surface Science, Bd. 279, Nr. 1-2: S. 199-209
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Schamper, Christian; Dornisch, D.; Moritz, Wolfgang; Schulz, H.; Feidenhans'l, Robert; Nielsen, Morten; Grey, F. und Johnson, Robert L.
Au Adsorption on Si(111). Studied by Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference, Physik-Zentrum, Bad Honnef, Fed. Rep. of Germany, June 25 - 28, 1991.
Zabel, Hartmut und Robinson, Ian K. (Hrsg.):
In: Surface X-Ray and Neutron Scattering - Springer Proceedings in Physics, Springer proceedings in physics
Bd. 61
Berlin [u.a.]: Springer. S. 17-20
[PDF, 797kB]
Schamper, Christian; Meyerheim, Holger L.; Moritz, Wolfgang und Schulz, H.
Analytical calculation of the resolution correction function for X-ray surface structure analysis.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference, Physik-Zentrum, Bad Honnef, Fed. Rep. of Germany, June 25 - 28, 1991.
Zabel, Hartmut und Robinson, Ian K. (Hrsg.):
In: Surface X-Ray and Neutron Scattering - Springer Proceedings in Physics, Springer proceedings in physics
Bd. 61
Berlin [u.a.]: Springer. S. 247-249
[PDF, 702kB]
Stampfl, Catherine; Scheffler, Matthias; Over, Herbert; Burchhardt, J.; Nielsen, Morten; Adams, David L. und Moritz, Wolfgang
Identification of stable and metastable adsorption sites of K adsorbed on Al(111).
In: Physical Review Letters, Bd. 69, Nr. 10: S. 1532-1535
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Dornisch, D.; Moritz, Wolfgang; Schulz, H.; Feidenhans'l, Robert; Nielsen, Morten; Grey, F. und Johnson, Robert L.
Au/Si(111): Analysis of the (√3 × √3 )R30° and 6×6 structures by in-plane x-ray diffraction.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 44, Nr. 20: S. 11221-11230
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Moritz, Wolfgang; Over, H.; Kleinle, G. und Ertl, G.
Progress in automatic structure refinement with LEED.
3rd International Conference on the Structure of Surfaces (ICSOS III), Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, July 9 - 12, 1990.
Tong, S. Y.; Van Hove, Michel A.; Takanayagi, K. und Xie, X. D. (Hrsg.):
In: The structure of surfaces III, Springer series in surface sciences ; 24
Bd. 3
Berlin [u.a.]: Springer. S. 128-138
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Over, Herbert; Kleinle, Gerald; Ertl, Gerhard; Moritz, Wolfgang; Ernst, Karl-Heinz; Wohlgemuth, Heinz; Christmann, Klaus und Schwarz, Eberhard
A LEED structural analysis of the Co(100) surface.
In: Surface Science Letters, Bd. 254, Nr. 1-3:
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Schamper, Christian; Moritz, Wolfgang; Schulz, H.; Feidenhans'l, Robert; Nielsen, Morten; Grey, F. und Johnson, Robert L.
Static lattice distortions and the structure of Au/Si(111)-(5×1): An x-ray-diffraction study.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 43, Nr. 14: S. 12130-12133
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Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Putnis, A.; Salje, E.; Blunt, J.; Zhang, D. N.; Freeman, P. und Graeme-Barber, A.
Spontaneous Strain and Microstructures of YBA2 (CU1-XCOX)3O7-DELTA.
In: Freyhardt, H. C.; Flukiger, R. und Peuckert, M. (Hrsg.):
High-Temperature Superconductors : Materials Aspects, Vol 1 and 2. S. 617-622
Krause, R.; Klimakow, A.; Kießling, F. M.; Polity, A.; Gille, Peter und Schenk, M.
Study of Hg vacancies in (Hg,Cd)Te after THM growth and post-growth annealing by positron annihilation.
In: Journal of Crystal Growth, Bd. 101, Nr. 1-4: S. 512-516
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Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Putnis, A.; Salje, E.; Freeman, P.; Graeme-Barber, A.; Jones, R.; Singh, K. K.; Blunt, J.; Edwards, P. P.; Loram, J. und Mirza, K.
Twin formation and structural modulations in orthorhombic and tetragonal YBa2(Cu1-xCox)3O7-δ.
In: Philosophical Magazine Letters, Bd. 60, Nr. 6: S. 241-248
Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
In: Journal of Physics C - Solid State Physics, Bd. 21, Nr. 34: S. 5889
Weser, T.; Bogen, A.; Konrad, B.; Schnell, R. D.; Schug, C. A.; Moritz, Wolfgang und Steinmann, W.
Chemisorption of sulfur on Ge(100).
In: Surface Science, Bd. 201, Nr. 1-2: S. 245-256
Martin, J. A.; Aumann, C. E.; Savage, D. E.; Tringides, Michael C.; Lagally, Max G.; Moritz, Wolfgang und Kretschmar, F.
Atomic steps on Si(100) surfaces.
In: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, Bd. 5, Nr. 4: S. 615-618
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Moritz, Wolfgang; Behm, Rolf Jürgen; Ertl, Gerhard; Kleinle, Gerald; Penka, Volker; Reimer, W. und Skottke, Maria
Relaxation and reconstruction on Ni(110) and Pd(110) surfaces induced by absorbed hydrogen.
2nd International Conference on the Structure of Surfaces (ICSOS II), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, June 22 - 25, 1987.
Veen, Johannes F. van der und Van Hove, Michel A. (Hrsg.):
In: The structure of surfaces II, Springer Series in Surface Sciences ; 11
Bd. 2
Berlin u.a.: Springer. S. 207-213
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Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Tillmanns, E.
In: Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie-Monatshefte, Nr. 3: S. 107-118
Tringides, Michael C.; Wu, Peter K.; Moritz, Wolfgang und Lagally, Max G.
Ordering kinetics for O on W(110).
In: Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie, Bd. 90: S. 277-281
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