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Moritz, Wolfgang; Zuschke, R.; Pflanz, S.; Wever, J. and Wolf, D. (1992): Adsorption induced reconstruction of the Cu(110) surface. In: Surface Science, Vol. 272, No. 1-3: pp. 94-101 [PDF, 940kB]


The formation of the O/Cu(110)-(2 × 1) and H/Cu(110)-(1 × 2) superstructures has been investigated by a LEED beam profile analysis. The oxygen induced reconstruction proceeds at later stages by creation of holes on flat terraces. This could not be observed at the hydrogen induced missing row reconstruction. The formation of the missing row structure proceeds most probably via nucleation at steps and subsequent growth of (1 × 2) islands. The influence of different distributions of steps and islands on beam profiles is discussed.

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