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Meyerheim, Holger L.; Wever, J.; Jahns, V.; Moritz, Wolfgang; Eng, P. J. and Robinson, Ian K. (1994): The structure of K- and Cs-monolayers on Cu(0 0 1): diffraction experiments far from the Bragg point. In: Physica B: Condensed Matter, Vol. 198, No. 1-3: pp. 66-69 [PDF, 210kB]


The intensity analysis along the crystal truncation rods has been used to analyse in situ the adsorption behaviour and the structure of K and Cs on Cu(0 0 1) at submonolayer coverages and room temperature. Up to about 0.25 ML K atoms adsorb in hollow sites followed by formation of a quasihexagonal superstructure. In contrast, for Cs adsorption the data can be interpreted by the formation of quasihexagonal Cs islands that grow with increasing coverage. For K an effective radius of 1.6(1) Å independent of coverage is determined. For Cs we fnd d = 2.1 (1) Å after formation of the quasihexagonal superstructure.

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