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Buchheim, Thomas (2015): Die Idee des Existierenden und der Raum. Vernunfthintergründe einer Welt äußerer Dinge nach Schellings Darstellung des Naturprocesses von 1843/44. In: Kant-Studien, Vol. 106, No. 1: pp. 36-66 [PDF, 964kB]


Schelling’s Presentation of the Natural Process (1843/44), which traces back to a Berlin lecture manuscript, constitutes the only example of an elaborated natural philosophy of Schelling’s latest creative period. Thereby, certain ontological main features of subject-independently existing things and beings, such as the feature of being based on an ontology of spatially existing bodies, and being descended from an evolving overall context of causally connected processes, are speculatively derived from the initial idea of existence that is to be presupposed to all sciences. For, according to that, bodies are to be conceived of as ontologically fundamental, Schelling needs to critically incorporate Kant’s transcendental argumentation for space as a merely subjective form of intuition that does not permit any inference to the nature of things-in-themselves, and to invalidate it at the same time, in order to transform it into a novel theory of space, according to which space and spatiality of the therein occurring objects need to be considered as real conditions of actually existing beings that are a priori and even prior to the subject.

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