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Anzahl der Publikationen: 37


Hartmann, Julia; Rossmeier, Carola; Riedl, Lina; Dorn, Bianca; Fischer, Julia; Slawik, Till; Fleischhaker, Mareike; Hartmann, Florentine; Egert-Schwender, Silvia; Kehl, Victoria; Haller, Bernhard; Schneider-Schelte, Helga; Dinkel, Andreas; Jox, Ralf J. und Diehl-Schmid, Janine (2021): Quality of Life in Advanced Dementia with Late Onset, Young Onset, and Very Young Onset. In: Journal of Alzheimers Disease, Bd. 80, Nr. 1: S. 283-297 [PDF, 154kB]

Rossmeier, Carola; Hartmann, Julia; Riedl, Lina; Dorn, Bianca; Fischer, Julia; Hartmann, Florentine; Egert-Schwender, Silvia; Kehl, Victoria; Schneider-Schelte, Helga; Jox, Ralf J.; Dinkel, Andreas und Diehl-Schmid, Janine (2021): How Do Persons with Young and Late Onset Dementia Die? In: Journal of Alzheimers Disease, Bd. 81, Nr. 2: S. 843-852 [PDF, 136kB]

Ortner, Marion; Riedl, Lina; Jox, Ralf J.; Hartmann, Julia; Rossmeier, Carola; Dorn, Bianca; Kehl, Victoria; Egert-Schwender, Silvia; Fischer, Julia und Diehl-Schmid, Janine (2021): Suicidal Ideations and Behavior in Patients With Young and Late Onset Dementia. In: Frontiers in Neurology, Bd. 12, 647396 [PDF, 409kB]

Schmitten, Jürgen in der; Jox, Ralf J.; Pentzek, Michael und Marckmann, Georg (2021): Advance care planning by proxy in German nursing homes: Descriptive analysis and policy implications. In: Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, Bd. 69, Nr. 8: S. 2122-2131

Kuehlmeyer, Katja; Bender, Andreas; Jox, Ralf J.; Racine, Eric; Ruhfass, Maria und Schembs, Leah (2021): Next of kin's Reactions to Results of Functional Neurodiagnostics of Disorders of Consciousness: a Question of Information Delivery or of Differing Epistemic Beliefs? In: Neuroethics, Bd. 14, Nr. 3: S. 357-363

Friedrich, Orsolya; Racine, Eric; Steinert, Steffen; Pomsl, Johannes und Jox, Ralf J. (2021): An Analysis of the Impact of Brain-Computer Interfaces on Autonomy. In: Neuroethics, Bd. 14, Nr. 1: S. 17-29

Schembs, Leah; Ruhfass, Maria; Racine, Eric; Jox, Ralf J.; Bender, Andreas; Rosenfelder, Martin und Kuehlmeyer, Katja (2020): How Does Functional Neurodiagnostics Inform Surrogate Decision-Making for Patients with Disorders of Consciousness? A Qualitative Interview Study with Patients' Next of Kin. In: Neuroethics

Götz, Sophie-Charlotte; Marckmann, Georg; Hasford, Jörg und Jox, Ralf J. (2020): Arzneimittelprüfung an nicht einwilligungsfähigen Erwachsenen: Kritische Bewertung der neuen gesetzlichen Regelung durch medizinische Ethikkommissionen in Deutschland. In: Bundesgesundheitsblatt-Gesundheitsforschung-Gesundheitsschutz, Bd. 63, Nr. 4: S. 465-474

Wagner, Elias; Marckmann, Georg und Jox, Ralf J. (2020): Koinzidenz von Patientenverfügung und Zustimmung zur Organspende: was wünschen die Betroffenen? Eine Befragung deutscher Senioren. In: Gesundheitswesen, Bd. 82, Nr. 12: S. 977-983

Koegel, Johannes; Jox, Ralf J. und Friedrich, Orsolya (2020): What is it like to use a BCI? - insights from an interview study with brain-computer interface users. In: BMC Medical Ethics, Bd. 21, Nr. 1, 2

Koegel, Johannes; Schmid, Jennifer R.; Jox, Ralf J. und Friedrich, Orsolya (2019): Using brain-computer interfaces: a scoping review of studies employing social research methods. In: BMC Medical Ethics, Bd. 20, 18

Sample, Matthew; Aunos, Marjorie; Blain-Moraes, Stefanie; Bublitz, Christoph; Chandler, Jennifer A.; Falk, Tiago H.; Friedrich, Orsolya; Groetzinger, Deanna; Jox, Ralf J.; Koegel, Johannes; McFarland, Dennis; Neufield, Valerie; Rodriguez-Arias, David; Sattler, Sebastian; Vidal, Fernando; Wolbring, Gregor; Wolkenstein, Andreas und Racine, Eric (2019): Brain?computer interfaces and personhood: interdisciplinary deliberations on neural technology. In: Journal of Neural Engineering, Bd. 16, Nr. 6, 063001

Diehl-Schmid, Janine; Hartmann, Julia; Rossmeier, Carola; Riedl, Lina; Förstl, Hans; Egert-Schwender, Silvia; Kehl, Victoria; Schneider-Schelte, Helga und Jox, Ralf J. (2018): IssuEs in Palliative care for people in advanced and terminal stages of Youngonset and Late-Onset dementia in GErmany (EPYLOGE): the study protocol. In: BMC Psychiatry 18:271 [PDF, 538kB]

Wolkenstein, Andreas; Jox, Ralf J. und Friedrich, Orsolya (2018): Brain-Computer Interfaces Lessons to Be Learned from the Ethics of Algorithms. In: Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, Bd. 27, Nr. 4: S. 635-646 [PDF, 500kB]

Jox, Ralf J.; Bosisio, Francesca und Truchard, Eve Rubli (2018): Demenz aus palliativmedizinischer Perspektive: warum ein krankheitsspezifisches Advance Care Planning wichtig ist. In: Therapeutische Umschau, Bd. 75, Nr. 2: S. 105-111

Englschalk, Christine; Eser, Daniela; Jox, Ralf J.; Gerbes, Alexander; Frey, Lorenz; Dubay, Derek A.; Angele, Martin; Stangl, Manfred; Meiser, Bruno; Werner, Jens und Guba, Markus (2018): Benefit in liver transplantation: a survey among medical staff, patients, medical students and non-medical university staff and students. In: BMC Medical Ethics 19:7 [PDF, 924kB]

Müller, Sabine; Bittlinger, Merlin; Brukamp, Kirsten; Christen, Markus; Friedrich, Orsolya; Gruber, Malte-C.; Leefmann, Jon; Merkel, Grischa; Nagel, Saskia K.; Stier, Marco und Jox, Ralf J. (2018): Neuroethik – Geschichte, Definition und Gegenstandsbereich eines neuen Wissenschaftsgebiets. In: Ethik in der Medizin, Bd. 30, Nr. 2: S. 91-106

Gasparetto, Alessandra; Jox, Ralf J. und Picozzi, Mario (2018): The Notion of Neutrality in Clinical Ethics Consultation. In: Philosophy Ethics and Humanities in Medicine 13:3 [PDF, 412kB]

Friedrich, Orsolya; Wolkenstein, Andreas; Jox, Ralf J.; Rogger, Niek und Bozzaro, Claudia (2018): Do New Neuroimaging Findings Challenge the Ethical Basis of Advance Directives in Disorders of Consciousness? In: Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, Bd. 27, Nr. 4: S. 675-685 [PDF, 486kB]

Jox, Ralf J.; Spickhoff, Andreas und Marckmann, Georg (2017): Forschung mit nicht Einwilligungsfähigen: Nach dem Gesetz ist vor dem Gesetz. In: Deutsches Ärzteblatt, Bd. 114, Nr. 11: A520-522

Racine, Eric; Dubljevic, Veljko; Jox, Ralf J.; Bärtschi, Bernard; Christensen, Julia F.; Farisco, Michele; Jotterand, Fabrice; Kahane, Guy und Müller, Sabine (2017): CAN NEUROSCIENCE CONTRIBUTE TO PRACTICAL ETHICS? A CRITICAL REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF THE METHODOLOGICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL CHALLENGES OF THE NEUROSCIENCE OF ETHICS. In: Bioethics, Bd. 31, Nr. 5: S. 328-337

Dubljevic, Veljko; Jox, Ralf J. und Racine, Eric (2017): NEUROETHICS: NEUROSCIENCE'S CONTRIBUTIONS TO BIOETHICS. In: Bioethics, Bd. 31, Nr. 5: S. 326-327

Rietjens, Judith A. C.; Sudore, Rebecca L.; Connolly, Michael; Delden, Johannes J. van; Drickamer, Margaret A.; Droger, Mirjam; Heide, Agnes van der; Heyland, Daren K.; Houttekier, Dirk; Janssen, Daisy J. A.; Orsi, Luciano; Payne, Sheila; Seymour, Jane; Jox, Ralf J. und Korfage, Ida J. (2017): Definition and recommendations for advance care planning: an international consensus supported by the European Association for Palliative Care. In: Lancet Oncology, Bd. 18, Nr. 9, E543-E551

Jox, Ralf J.; Black, Isra; Borasio, Gian Domenico und Anneser, Johanna (2017): Voluntary stopping of eating and drinking: is medical support ethically justified? In: BMC Medicine 15:186 [PDF, 779kB]

Thiersch, Sandra; Jox, Ralf J. und Marckmann, Georg (2017): Außerklinische Ethikberatung: Unterstützung bei ethischen Fragen in der ambulanten Versorgung. In: Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift, Bd. 142, Nr. 6: S. 453-456

Lotz, Julia Desiree; Daxer, Marion; Jox, Ralf J.; Borasio, Gian Domenico und Führer, Monika (2017): Hope for the best, prepare for the worst: A qualitative interview study on parents' needs and fears in pediatric advance care planning. In: Palliative Medicine, Bd. 31, Nr. 8: S. 764-771 [PDF, 91kB]

Anneser, Johanna; Jox, Ralf J.; Thurn, Tamara und Borasio, Gian Domenico (2016): Physician-assisted suicide, euthanasia and palliative sedation: attitudes and knowledge of medical students. In: GMS Journal For Medical Education, Bd. 33, Nr. 1, Doc11 [PDF, 1MB]

Lotz, Julia Desiree; Jox, Ralf J.; Meurer, Christine; Borasio, Gian Domenico und Führer, Monika (2016): Medical indication regarding life-sustaining treatment for children: Focus groups with clinicians. In: Palliative Medicine, Bd. 30, Nr. 10: S. 960-970 [PDF, 111kB]

Bender, Andreas; Jox, Ralf J.; Grill, Eva; Straube, Andreas und Lulé, Dorothée (2015): Wachkoma und minimaler Bewusstseinszustand. Systematisches Review und Metaanalyse zu diagnostischen Verfahren. In: Deutsches Ärzteblatt, Bd. 112, Nr. 14: S. 235-242

Lotz, Julia D.; Jox, Ralf J.; Borasio, Gian Domenico und Führer, Monika (2015): Pediatric advance care planning from the perspective of health care professionals: A qualitative interview study. In: Palliative Medicine, Bd. 29, Nr. 3: S. 212-222 [PDF, 97kB]

Clemm, Stephanie; Jox, Ralf J.; Borasio, Gian Domenico und Roser, Traugott (2015): The role of chaplains in end-of-life decision making: Results of a pilot survey. In: Palliative & Supportive Care, Bd. 13, Nr. 1: S. 45-51 [PDF, 176kB]

Kuehlmeyer, Katja; Palmour, Nicole; Riopelle, Richard J.; Bernat, James L.; Jox, Ralf J. und Racine, Eric (2014): Physicians' attitudes toward medical and ethical challenges for patients in the vegetative state: comparing Canadian and German perspectives in a vignette survey. In: BMC Neurology 14:119 [PDF, 272kB]

Medau, Irina; Jox, Ralf J. und Reiter-Theil, Stella (2013): How psychotherapists handle treatment errors - an ethical analysis. In: BMC Medical Ethics 14:50 [PDF, 376kB]

Jox, Ralf J.; Schaider, Andreas; Marckmann, Georg und Borasio, Gian Domenico (September 2012): Medical futility at the end of life: the perspectives of intensive care and palliative care clinicians. In: Journal of medical ethics, Bd. 38, Nr. 9: S. 540-545 [PDF, 164kB]

Kühlmeyer, Katja; Borasio, Gian Domenico und Jox, Ralf J. (Juni 2012): How family caregivers' medical and moral assumptions influence decision making for patients in the vegetative state: a qualitative interview study. In: Journal of medical ethics, Bd. 38, Nr. 6: S. 332-337 [PDF, 187kB]

Wiesing, U.; Jox, Ralf J.; Hessler, H.-J. und Borasio, Gian Domenico (2010): A new law on advance directives in Germany. In: Journal of Medical Ethics, Bd. 36, Nr. 12: S. 779-783 [PDF, 161kB]


Breitsameter, Christof und Walker, Andreas (2016): Konflikte und Konfliktregelungen in Hospizen. Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Studie in drei Hospizen in Nordrhein-Westfalen. In: Rauprich, Oliver; Jox, Ralf J. und Marckmann, Georg (Hrsg.): Vom Konflikt zur Lösung : ethische Entscheidungswege in der Biomedizin. Münster: mentis. S. 235-253

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