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Saake, Irmhild and Nassehi, Armin (2019): Zwischen affirmativer Teilnehmer- und kritischer Beobachterperspektive. Ein Kommentar zu Stefan Hirschauers Text über die „Gynisierung und Symmetrisierung der Elternschaft bei schwangeren Paaren“. In: Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Vol. 48, No. 4: pp. 326-332

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This comment is based on a study by Stefan Hirschauer on the development of gendered asymmetries in pregnancy, in order to reflect on the sociological form of the thematization of symmetries and asymmetries. In the aforementioned study, the modern struggle for symmetrical proportions in parenthood is presented with analytical intent, but at the same time, it is involved in this struggle by engaging in a symmetrization of (pre-) parenthood. The contribution therefore alternates between critical observation and an affirmative participant perspective. Accordingly, it always knows which solution is the better one. The commentary wants to lead beyond such an affirmative participant perspective by pointing to the "cultural meaning" (Weber) of modern symmetry postulates and to a critical observation of the handling of differences (Luhmann, Foucault).

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