Anzahl der Publikationen: 52
Pretzsch, Elise; Heinemann, Volker; Stintzing, Sebastian; Bender, Andreas; Chen, Shuo; Holch, Julian Walter; Hofmann, Felix Oliver; Ren, Haoyu; Bösch, Florian; Küchenhoff, Helmut; Werner, Jens und Angele, Martin Konrad
(14. November 2022):
EMT-Related Genes Have No Prognostic Relevance in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer as Opposed to Stage II/III: Analysis of the Randomised, Phase III Trial FIRE-3 (AIO KRK 0306; FIRE-3).
In: Cancers, Bd. 14, Nr. 22
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Barra, Alice; Rosenfelder, Martin; Mortaheb, Sepehr; Carriere, Manon; Martens, Geraldine; Bodien, Yelena G.; Morales-Quezada, Leon; Bender, Andreas; Laureys, Steven; Thibaut, Aurore und Fregni, Felipe
Transcranial Pulsed-Current Stimulation versus Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Patients with Disorders of Consciousness: A Pilot, Sham-Controlled Cross-Over Double-Blind Study.
In: Brain Sciences, Bd. 12, Nr. 4, 429
Platz, Thomas; Kohlmann, Thomas; Flessa, Steffen; Einhaeupl, Bernadette; Koppelow, Martha; Willacker, Lina; Gdynia, Hans-Juergen; Henning, Esther; Herzog, Juergen; Mueller, Friedemann; Nowak, Dennis A.; Pletz, Romy; Schlachetzki, Felix; Schmidt-Wilcke, Tobias; Schuettler, Michael; Straube, Andreas; Suess, Rebekka; Ziegler, Volker und Bender, Andreas
Optimizing home-based long-term intensive care for neurological patients with neurorehabilitation outreach teams - protocol of a multicenter, parallel-group randomized controlled trial (OptiNIV-Study).
In: BMC Neurology, Bd. 22, Nr. 1, 290
Beaudry, Gabrielle; Drouin, Olivier; Gravel, Jocelyn; Smyrnova, Anna; Bender, Andreas; Orri, Massimiliano; Geoffroy, Marie-Claude und Chadi, Nicholas
A comparative analysis of pediatric mental health-related emergency department utilization in Montreal, Canada, before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In: Annals of General Psychiatry, Bd. 21, Nr. 1, 17
Hartl, Wolfgang H.; Kopper, Philipp; Bender, Andreas; Scheipl, Fabian; Day, Andrew G.; Elke, Gunnar und Küchenhoff, Helmut
Protein intake and outcome of critically ill patients: analysis of a large international database using piece-wise exponential additive mixed models.
In: Critical care, Bd. 26, 7
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Bögle, Karoline; Bassi, Marta; Comanducci, Angela; Kühlmeyer, Katja; Oehl, Philipp; Raiser, Theresa; Rosenfelder, Martin; Sitt, Jaco Diego; Valota, Chiara; Willacker, Lina; Bender, Andreas und Grill, Eva
Informal Caregivers of Patients with Disorders of Consciousness: a Qualitative Study of Communication Experiences and Information Needs with Physicians.
In: Neuroethics, Bd. 15, Nr. 3, 24: S. 1-19
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Fabritius, Matthias Philipp; Seidenstickler, Max; Rückel, Johannes; Heinze, Constanze; Pech, Maciej; Paprottka, Karolin Johanna; Paprottka, Philipp Marius; Topalis, Johanna; Bender, Andreas; Ricke, Jens; Mittermeier, Andreas und Ingrisch, Michael
Bi-Centric Independent Validation of Outcome Prediction after Radioembolization of Primary and Secondary Liver Cancer.
In: Journal of Clinical Medicine, Bd. 10, Nr. 16, 3668
Python, Andre; Bender, Andreas; Blangiardo, Marta; Illian, Janine B.; Lin, Ying; Liu, Baoli; Lucas, Tim C. D.; Tan, Siwei; Wen, Yingying; Svanidze, Davit und Yin, Jianwei
A downscaling approach to compare COVID-19 count data from databases aggregated at different spatial scales.
In: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A-Statistics in Society, Bd. 185, Nr. 1: S. 202-218
Python, Andre; Bender, Andreas; Nandi, Anita K.; Hancock, Penelope A.; Arambepola, Rohan; Brandsch, Jürgen und Lucas, Tim C. D.
Predicting non-state terrorism worldwide.
In: Science Advances, Bd. 7, Nr. 31, eabg4778
Ayestaran, Inigo; Galhoz, Ana; Spiegel, Elmar; Sidders, Ben; Dry, Jonathan R.; Dondelinger, Frank; Bender, Andreas; McDermott, Ultan; Iorio, Francesco und Menden, Michael P.
Identification of Intrinsic Drug Resistance and Its Biomarkers in High-Throughput Pharmacogenomic and CRISPR Screens.
In: Patterns, Bd. 1, Nr. 5, 100065
Pratschke, Sebastian; Bender, Andreas; Boesch, Florian; Andrassy, Joachim; van Rosmalen, Marieke; Samuel, Undine; Rogiers, Xavier; Meiser, Bruno; Kuechenhoff, Helmut; Driesslein, David; Werner, Jens; Guba, Markus und Angele, Martin K.
Association between donor age and risk of graft failure after liver transplantation: an analysis of the Eurotransplant database.
In: Transplant International, Bd. 32, Nr. 3: S. 270-279
Stefan, Sabina; Schorr, Barbara; Lopez-Rolon, Alex; Kolassa, Iris-Tatjana; Shock, Jonathan P.; Rosenfelder, Martin; Heck, Suzette und Bender, Andreas
Consciousness Indexing and Outcome Prediction with Resting-State EEG in Severe Disorders of Consciousness.
In: Brain Topography, Bd. 31, Nr. 5: S. 848-862
Lopez-Rolon, Alex; Vogler, Jana; Howell, Kaitlen; Shock, Jonathan; Czermak, Stefan; Heck, Suzette; Straube, Andreas und Bender, Andreas
Severe disorders of consciousness after acquired brain injury: A single-centre long-term follow-up study.
In: Neurorehabilitation, Bd. 40, Nr. 4: S. 509-517
Golkowski, Daniel; Merz, Katharina; Mlynarcik, Caroline; Kiel, Tobias; Schorr, Barbara; Lopez-Rolon, Alex; Lukas, Mathias; Jordan, Denis; Bender, Andreas und Ilg, Rüdiger
Simultaneous EEG-PET-fMRI measurements in disorders of consciousness: an exploratory study on diagnosis and prognosis.
In: Journal of Neurology, Bd. 264, Nr. 9: S. 1986-1995
Schwartz, Christoph; Pfefferkorn, Thomas; Ebrahimi, Caroline; Ottomeyer, Caroline; Fesl, Gunther; Bender, Andreas; Straube, Andreas; Pfister, Hans-Walter; Heck, Suzette; Tonn, Jörg-Christian und Schichor, Christian
Long-term Neurological Outcome and Quality of Life afterWorld Federation of Neurosurgical Societies Grades IV and V Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in an Interdisciplinary Treatment Concept.
In: Neurosurgery, Bd. 80, Nr. 6: S. 967-974
Bergmann, Shana; Louton, Helen; Westermaier, Christine; Wilutzky, Katharina; Bender, Andreas; Bachmeier, Josef; Erhard, Michael H. und Rauch, Elke
Field trial on animal-based measures for animal welfare in slow growing broilers reared under an alternative concept suitable for the German market.
In: Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift, Bd. 129, Nr. 11/12: S. 453-461
Brandl, Susanne; Falk, Wolfgang; Klemmt, Hans-Joachim; Stricker, Georg; Bender, Andreas; Rötzer, Thomas und Pretzsch, Hans
(November 2014):
Possibilities and Limitations of Spatially Explicit Site Index Modelling for Spruce Based on National Forest Inventory Data and Digital Maps of Soil and Climate in Bavaria (SE Germany).
In: Forests, Bd. 5, Nr. 11: S. 2626-2646
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Becker, Lore; Kling, Eva; Schiller, Evelyn; Zeh, Ramona; Schrewe, Anja; Hölter, Sabine M.; Mossbrugger, Ilona; Calzada-Wack, Julia; Strecker, Valentina; Wittig, Ilka; Dumitru, Iulia; Wenz, Tina; Bender, Andreas; Aichler, Michaela; Janik, Dirk; Neff, Frauke; Walch, Axel; Quintanilla-Fend, Leticia; Floss, Thomas; Bekeredjian, Raffi; Gailus-Durner, Valerie; Fuchs, Helmut; Wurst, Wolfgang; Meitinger, Thomas; Prokisch, Holger; Hrabé de Angelis, Martin und Klopstock, Thomas
MTO1-Deficient Mouse Model Mirrors the Human Phenotype Showing Complex I Defect and Cardiomyopathy.
9(12), e114918
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Bergmann, Shana; Ziegler, Nina; Bartels, Thomas; Hübel, Jens; Schumacher, Christoph; Rauch, E.; Brandl, S.; Bender, Andreas; Casalicchio, Giuseppe; Krautwald-Junghanns, Maria und Erhard, Michael
Prevalence and severity of foot pad alterations in German turkey poults during the early rearing phase.
In: Poultry Science, Bd. 92, Nr. 5: S. 1171-1176
Ziegler, Nina; Bergmann, Shana; Hübel, Jens; Bartels, Thomas; Schumacher, Christoph; Bender, Andreas; Casalicchio, Giuseppe; Küchenhoff, Helmut
ORCID:; Krautwald-Junghanns, Maria und Erhard, Michael
Climate parameters and the influence on the foot pad health status of fattening turkeys B.U.T. 6 during the early rearing phase.
In: Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift, Bd. 126, Nr. 5-6: S. 181-188
Bender, Andreas; Desplats, Paula; Spencer, Brian; Rockenstein, Edward; Adame, Anthony; Elstner, Matthias; Laub, Christoph; Mueller, Sarina; Koob, Andrew O.; Mante, Michael; Pham, Emily; Klopstock, Thomas und Masliah, Eliezer
TOM40 Mediates Mitochondrial Dysfunction Induced by α-Synuclein Accumulation in Parkinson's Disease.
8(4), e62277
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Elstner, Matthias; Mueller, Sarina K.; Leidolt, Lars; Laub, Christoph; Krieg, Lena; Schlaudraff, Falk; Liss, Birgit; Morris, Chris; Turnbull, Douglass M.; Masliah, Eliezer; Prokisch, Holger; Klopstock, Thomas und Bender, Andreas
Neuromelanin, neurotransmitter status and brainstem location determine the differential vulnerability of catecholaminergic neurons to mitochondrial DNA deletions.
In: Molecular Brain
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Bender, Andreas
ORCID:; Rügamer, David
ORCID:; Scheipl, Fabian
ORCID: und Bischl, Bernd
A General Machine Learning Framework for Survival Analysis.
In: Hutter, Frank; Kersting, Kristian; Lijffijt, Jefrey und Valera, Isabel (Hrsg.):
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. European Conference, ECML PKDD 2020, Ghent, Belgium, September 14–18, 2020, Proceedings, Part III. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Bd. 12459. Cham: Springer. S. 158-173
Rügamer, David
ORCID:; Bender, Andreas
ORCID:; Wiegrebe, Simon
ORCID:; Racek, Daniel
ORCID:; Bischl, Bernd
ORCID:; Müller, Christian L.
ORCID: und Stachl, Clemens
Factorized Structured Regression for Large-Scale Varying Coefficient Models.
European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD), Grenoble, France, 19. - 23. September 2022.
Amini, Massih-Reza; Canu, Stéphane; Fischer, Asja; Guns, Tias; Kralj Novak, Petra und Tsoumakas, Grigorios (Hrsg.):
In: Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Bd. 13717
Cham: Springer. S. 20-35
Kopper, Philipp; Wiegrebe, Simon; Bischl, Bernd; Bender, Andreas
ORCID: und Rügamer, David
DeepPAMM: Deep Piecewise Exponential Additive Mixed Models for Complex Hazard Structures in Survival Analysis.
26th Pacific-Asia Conference on Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2022), Chengdu, China, May 16–19, 2022.
Gama, João (Hrsg.):
In: Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. 26th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2022, Chengdu, China, May 16–19, 2022, Proceedings, Part II, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Bd. 13281
Cham: Springer. S. 249-261
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Sat Mar 8 23:06:37 2025 CET