Anzahl der Publikationen: 36
Frank, Konstantin; Moellhoff, Nicholas; Swift, Arthur; Green, Jeremy B.; Schuster, Luca; Gotkin, Robert H.; Hernandez, Claudia A.; Voropai, Daria; Haas, Elisabeth M. und Cotofana, Sebastian
In Search of the Most Attractive Lip Proportions and Lip Volume: An Eye Tracking- and Survey-Based Investigation.
In: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Bd. 150, Nr. 2: S. 301-308
Ingallina, Fabio; Frank, Konstantin; Mardini, Samir; Gavril, Diana L.; Hernandez, Claudia A.; Benslimane, Fahd; Gotkin, Robert H.; Davidovic, Kristina; Moellhoff, Nicholas und Cotofana, Sebastian
Reevaluation of the Layered Anatomy of the Forehead: Introducing the Subfrontalis Fascia and the Retrofrontalis Fat Compartments.
In: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Bd. 149, Nr. 3: S. 587-595
Frank, Konstantin; Ehrl, Denis; Bernardini, Francesco; Walbrun, Alina; Moellhoff, Nicholas; Alfertshofer, Michael; Davidovic, Kristina; Mardini, Samir; Gotkin, Robert H. und Cotofana, Sebastian
How We Look At Mature Faces-An Eye-Tracking Investigation Into the Perception of Age.
In: Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Bd. 43, Nr. 2: S. 115-122
Frank, Konstantin; Assemi-Kabir, Shirin; Alfertshofer, Michael G.; Ehrl, Denis; Gotkin, Robert H.; Moellhoff, Nicholas; Lorenc, Paul Z.; Pavicic, Tatjana; Hernandez, Claudia A. und Cotofana, Sebastian
Electrophysiologic Frontalis Muscle Response Following Neuromodulator Injections.
In: Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Bd. 30, Nr. 2: S. 225-231
Hernandez, Claudia A.; Alfertshofer, Michael; Frank, Konstantin; Freytag, Lysander; Gavril, Diana L.; Davidovic, Kristina; Gotkin, Robert H.; Mercado-Perez, Arnaldo; Mardini, Samir und Cotofana, Sebastian
Quantitative Mobility Analysis of the Face and its Relevance for Surgical and Non-surgical Aesthetic Facial Procedures.
In: Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Bd. 46, Nr. 5: S. 2237-2245
Alfertshofer, Michael; Frank, Konstantin; Melnikov, Dmitry V.; Moellhoff, Nicholas; Gotkin, Robert H.; Freytag, David Lysander; Heisinger, Stephan; Giunta, Riccardo E.; Schenck, Thilo L. und Cotofana, Sebastian
Performing Distance Measurements in Curved Facial Regions: A Comparison between Three-Dimensional Surface Scanning and Ultrasound Imaging.
In: Facial Plastic Surgery, Bd. 37, Nr. 3: S. 395-399
Alfertshofer, Michael G.; Frank, Konstantin; Ehrl, Denis; Freytag, David L.; Moellhoff, Nicholas; Gotkin, Robert H.; Mardini, Samir; Beleznay, Katie; Swift, Arthur und Cotofana, Sebastian
The Layered Anatomy of the Nose: An Ultrasound-Based Investigation.
In: Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Bd. 42, Nr. 4: S. 349-357
Bernardini, Francesco P.; Casabona, Gabriela; Alfertshofer, Michael G.; Frank, Konstantin; Moellhoff, Nicholas; Gotkin, Robert H.; Davidovic, Kristina; Voropai, Daria; Valli, Andrea und Cotofana, Sebastian
Soft tissue filler augmentation of the orbicularis retaining ligament to improve the lid-cheek junction.
In: Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, Bd. 20, Nr. 11: S. 3446-3453
Cotofana, Sebastian; Assemi-Kabir, Shirin; Mardini, Samir; Giunta, Riccardo E.; Gotkin, Robert H.; Moellhoff, Nicholas; Avelar, Luiz E. T.; Mercado-Perez, Arnaldo; Lorenc, Z. Paul und Frank, Konstantin
Understanding Facial Muscle Aging: A Surface Electromyography Study.
In: Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Bd. 41, Nr. 9:
Davidovic, Kristina; Frank, Konstantin; Schenck, Thilo L.; Cohen, Steven R.; Dayan, Steven; Gotkin, Robert H.; Sykes, Jonathan M.; Liew, Steven; Gavril, Diana und Cotofana, Sebastian
Anatomy behind the Paramedian Platysmal Band: A Combined Cadaveric and Computed Tomographic Study.
In: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Bd. 148, Nr. 5: S. 979-988
Frank, Konstantin; Moellhoff, Nicholas; Kaiser, Antonia; Alfertshofer, Michael; Gotkin, Robert H.; Patel, Ashit; Smith, Michael P.; Mardini, Samir; Gavril, Diana und Cotofana, Sebastian
Signal-To-Noise Ratio Calculations to Validate Sensor Positioning for Facial Muscle Assessment Using Noninvasive Facial Electromyography.
In: Facial Plastic Surgery, Bd. 37, Nr. 5: S. 614-624
Freytag, David L.; Alfertshofer, Michael G.; Frank, Konstantin; Melnikov, Dmitry V.; Moellhoff, Nicholas; Swift, Arthur; Heisinger, Stephan; Gotkin, Robert H.; Ehrl, Denis und Cotofana, Sebastian
The Difference in Facial Movement Between the Medial and the Lateral Midface: A 3-Dimensional Skin Surface Vector Analysis.
In: Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Bd. 42, Nr. 1: S. 1-9
Gelezhe, Pavel; Gombolevskiy, Victor; Morozov, Sergey; Melnikov, Dmitry; Korb, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Aleshina, Olga Olegovna; Frank, Konstantin; Gotkin, Robert H.; Green, Jeremy B. und Cotofana, Sebastian
Three-Dimensional Description of the Angular Artery in the Nasolabial Fold.
In: Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Bd. 41, Nr. 6: S. 697-704
Gombolevskiy, Victor; Gelezhe, Pavel; Morozov, Sergey; Melnikov, Dmitry V.; Vorontsov, Alexander; Kulberg, Nikolay; Frank, Konstantin; Gotkin, Robert H.; Lachman, Nirusha und Cotofana, Sebastian
The Course of the Angular Artery in the Midface: Implications for Surgical and Minimally Invasive Procedures.
In: Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Bd. 41, Nr. 7: S. 805-813
Gotkin, Robert H.; Gout, Uliana; Sattler, Sonja; Piansay-Soriano, Miriam Emily; Wanitphakdeedecha, Rungsima; Ghannam, Sahar; Rossi, Elena; Ferrariz, Teresita S.; Hexsel, Doris; Frank, Konstantin; Davidovic, Kristina; Sarnoff, Deborah S. und Cotofana, Sebastian
Global Recommendations on COVID-19 Vaccines and Soft Tissue Filler Reactions: A Survey-Based Investigation in Cooperation With the International Society for Dermatologic and Aesthetic Surgery (ISDS).
In: Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, Bd. 20, Nr. 4: S. 374-378
Nikolis, Andreas; Frank, Konstantin; Guryanov, Robert; Gombolevskiy, Victor; Morozov, Sergey; Makhmud, Kamal; Chernina, Valeria; Gotkin, Robert H.; Green, Jeremy Blair und Cotofana, Sebastian
Differences in Temporal Volume between Males and Females and the Influence of Age and BMI: A Cross-Sectional CT-Imaging Study.
In: Facial Plastic Surgery, Bd. 37, Nr. 5: S. 632-638
Schelke, Leonie; Velthuis, Peter J.; Lowry, Natalia; Rohrich, Rod J.; Swift, Arthur; Gotkin, Robert H.; Moellhoff, Nicholas; Frank, Konstantin; Dumbrava, Mihai und Cotofana, Sebastian
The mobility of the superficial and deep midfacial fat compartments: An ultrasound-based investigation.
In: Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, Bd. 20, Nr. 12: S. 3849-3856
Custozzo, Amanda; Frank, Konstantin; Schenck, Thilo L.; Gotkin, Robert H.; Smith, Michael P.; Green, Jeremy B.; Sykes, Jonathan; Tamura, Bhertha; Lachman, Nirusha und Cotofana, Sebastian
Anatomy of the Dorsum of the Foot and Its Relevance for Nonsurgical Cosmetic Procedures.
In: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Bd. 146, Nr. 1: S. 64-72
Braun, Martin; Frank, Konstantin; Freytag, David L.; Gotkin, Robert H.; Lachman, Nirusha; Hsu, Gloria; Gavril, Diana L.; Silva, Maria V.; Bialowas, Christie und Cotofana, Sebastian
The Influence of the Insertion Angle on Middle and Lower Face Tissue-Mechanics When Treating the Nasolabial Folds with Facial Suspension Threads-An Experimental Split-Face Cadaveric Study.
In: Facial Plastic Surgery, Bd. 36, Nr. 3: S. 268-275
Giammarino, Alexa; Jitaree, Benrita; Gildener-Leapnnan, Neil; Bialowas, Christie; Muste, Justin; Frank, Konstantin; Gotkin, Robert H.; Snnith, Michael P.; Tansatit, Tanvaa und Cotofana, Sebastian
Ethnic differences in platysmal perforators and its relevance for the platysma myocutaneous flap.
In: Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Bd. 72, Nr. 8: S. 1272-1277
Cotofana, Sebastian; Lowry, Natalia; Devineni, Aditya; Rosamilia, Gianna; Schenck, Thilo L.; Frank, Konstantin; Bautista, Sana A.; Green, Jeremy B.; Hamade, Hassan und Gotkin, Robert H.
Can smiling influence the blood flow in the facial vein?-An experimental study.
In: Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, Bd. 19, Nr. 2: S. 321-327
Rudolph, Christina; Hladik, Casey; Stroup, Donna F.; Frank, Konstantin; Gotkin, Robert H.; Dayan, Steven H.; Patel, Ashit und Cotofana, Sebastian
Are Cosmetic Procedures Comparable to Antidepressive Medication for Quality-of-Life Improvements? A Systematic Review and Controlled Meta-Analysis.
In: Facial Plastic Surgery, Bd. 35, Nr. 5: S. 549-558
Frank, Konstantin; Hamade, Hassan; Casabona, Gabriela; Gotkin, Robert H.; Kaye, Kai O.; Tiryaki, Tunc; Freytag, David L.; Bialowas, Christie; Koban, Konstantin C. und Cotofana, Sebastian
Influences of Age, Gender, and Body Mass Index on the Thickness of the Abdominal Fatty Layers and its Relevance for Abdominal Liposuction and Abdominoplasty.
In: Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Bd. 39, Nr. 10: S. 1085-1093
Frank, Konstantin; Casabona, Gabriela; Gotkin, Robert H.; Kaye, Kai O.; Lorenc, Paul Z.; Schenck, Thilo L.; Lachman, Nirusha; Green, Jeremy B.; Duran-Vega, Hector und Cotofana, Sebastian
Influence of Age, Sex, and Body Mass Index on the Thickness of the Gluteal Subcutaneous Fat: Implications for Safe Buttock Augmentation Procedures.
In: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Bd. 144, Nr. 1: S. 83-92
Cotofana, Sebastian; Koban, Konstantin; Pavicic, Tatjana; Yankonva, Mariya; Frank, Konstantin; Green, Jeremy B.; Gotkin, Robert H.; Etzel, Lukas; Giunta, Riccardo E. und Schenck, Thilo L.
Clinical Validation of the Surface Volume Coefficient for Minimally Invasive Treatment of the Temple.
In: Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, Bd. 18, Nr. 6: S. 533-540
Rudolph, Christina; Hladik, Casey; Hamade, Hassan; Frank, Konstantin; Kaminer, Michael S.; Hexsel, Doris; Gotkin, Robert H.; Sadick, Neil S.; Green, Jeremy B. und Cotofana, Sebastian
Structural Gender Dimorphism and the Biomechanics of the Gluteal Subcutaneous Tissue: Implications for the Pathophysiology of Cellulite.
In: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Bd. 143, Nr. 4: S. 1077-1086
Cotofana, Sebastian; Gotkin, Robert H.; Frank, Konstantin; Koban, Konstantin C.; Targosinski, Stefan; Sykes, Jonathan M.; Schlager, Markus; Schlattau, Alexander und Schenck, Thilo L.
The Functional Anatomy of the Deep Facial Fat Compartments: A Detailed Imaging-Based Investigation.
In: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Bd. 143, Nr. 1: S. 53-63
Cotofana, Sebastian; Gotkin, Robert H.; Ascher, Benjamin; Morozov, Sergey P.; Gombolevsky, Victor A.; Laipan, Albina S.; Pyatintsky, Ilya A.; Movsisyan, Tigran V.; Koban, Konstantin C.; Hladik, Casey und Frank, Konstantin
Calvarial Volume Loss and Facial Aging: A Computed Tomographic (CT)-Based Study.
In: Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Bd. 38, Nr. 10: S. 1043-1051
Schenck, Thilo L.; Koban, Konstantin C.; Schlattau, Alexander; Frank, Konstantin; Sclafani, Anthony P.; Giunta, Riccardo E.; Roth, Malcolm Z.; Gaggl, Alexander; Gotkin, Robert H. und Cotofana, Sebastian
Updated anatomy of the buccal space and its implications for plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic procedures.
In: Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Bd. 71, Nr. 2: S. 162-170
Cotofana, Sebastian; Gotkin, Robert H.; Morozov, Sergey P.; Kim, Stanislav Y.; Gombolevskiy, Victor A.; Laipan, Albina S.; Pyatnitskiy, Ilya A.; Movsisyan, Tigran V. und Frank, Konstantin
The Relationship between Bone Remodeling and the Clockwise Rotation of the Facial Skeleton: A Computed Tomographic Imaging-Based Evaluation.
In: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Bd. 142, Nr. 6: S. 1447-1454
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Moqadam, Milad; Frank, Konstantin; Handayan, Christina; Hakami, Mustafa; Benslimane, Fand; Gotkin, Robert H.; Sadick, Neil S. und Cotofana, Sebastian
Understanding the Shape of Forehead Lines.
In: Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, Bd. 16, Nr. 5: S. 471-477
Cotofana, Sebastian; Steinke, Hanno; Schlattau, Alexander; Schlager, Markus; Sykes, Jonathan M.; Roth, Malcolm Z.; Gaggl, Alexander; Giunta, Riccardo E.; Gotkin, Robert H. und Schenck, Thilo L.
The Anatomy of the Facial Vein: Implications for Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Procedures.
In: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Bd. 139, Nr. 6: S. 1346-1353
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Pavicic, Tatjana; Frank, Konstantin; Erlbacher, Katharina; Neuner, Romy; Targosinski, Stefan; Schenck, Thilo; Gotkin, Robert H. und Cotofana, Sebastian
Precision in Dermal Filling: A Comparison Between Needle and Cannula When Using Soft Tissue Fillers.
In: Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, Bd. 16, Nr. 9: S. 866-872
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