In order to investigate the effects of the hypnotic state a standardized hypnosis session was conducted with 144 subjects in a controlled laboratory study. The induction of a hypnotic trance in the German version of the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility (HGSHS:A by Shor and Orne, 1962) was tape-recorded and used as the treatment. The HGSHS:A seems to be a reliable measure of suggestibility and hypnotizability. This is underlined by the consistent results of a factor analysis on the depths of hypnosis that is in agreement with former studies. Descriptive data analyses with a sufficient number of subjects of high and low suggestibility suggest that our hypnosis induction by tape is an effective method of producing a hypnotic trance. Analyses of within-subjects variables did not reveal any valid predictors of hypnotizability, thereby confirming the need of screening instruments such as the HGSHS.
Dokumententyp: | Zeitschriftenartikel |
Keywords: | factor structure, hypnosis, suggestibility scales, HGSHS |
Fakultät: | Psychologie und Pädagogik > Department Psychologie > Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie |
Themengebiete: | 100 Philosophie und Psychologie > 150 Psychologie |
URN: | urn:nbn:de:bvb:19-epub-11020-0 |
ISSN: | 0960-5290 |
Dokumenten ID: | 11020 |
Datum der Veröffentlichung auf Open Access LMU: | 29. Okt. 2009, 13:22 |
Letzte Änderungen: | 04. Nov. 2020, 12:52 |
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