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Rojas, Roberto; Ilg, Tabea; Geissner, Edgar and Hautzinger, Martin (2016): Auswirkungen von automatischen Gedanken und psychologischer Flexibilität auf die depressive Symptomatik und Rückfallwahrscheinlichkeit remittiert Depressiver. In: Verhaltenstherapie, Vol. 26, No. 4: pp. 270-277 [PDF, 107kB]


Theoretical Background: Although positive and negative automatic thoughts (PAT, NAT) and psychological flexibility (PF) are strongly related to depressive symptoms, the role of these variables in a depressive relapse has not been examined yet. Question: The study examines the impact of an inpatient treatment on clinical variables like PAT, NAT, and PF. Furthermore, the course of PAT, NAT, and PF of individuals with early relapse after therapy is observed. Finally, the study focuses on the question, to what extent PAT, NAT, and PF predict a relapse in depression. Method: The variables were measured in 39 remitted depressed subjects and 45 healthy control persons. During the experimental phase, a sad mood was induced in both groups. The remitted depressed subjects went through a 16-month follow-up phase. Results: After the negative mood induction, remitted depressed showed less PAT in comparison to healthy persons. During the follow-up phase, individuals with early relapse showed restricted access to PAT and low PF. None of the variables (PAT, NAT, PF) could predict depressive relapse. Conclusion: Remitted depressive and early relapsed subjects show limited access to PAT. The weak production of PAT represents a risk factor for a depressive relapse.

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