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Wecker, Christof; Vogel, Freydis und Hetmanek, Andreas (2017): Visionär und imposant – aber auch belastbar? Eine Kritik der Methodik von Hatties "Visible Learning". In: Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, Bd. 20, Nr. 1: S. 21-40

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In German-speaking countries, the book "Visible Learning" by John Hattie has generated broad resonance even in the public media. The discussion in educational research so far has mainly dealt with substantive and rather global methodological issues, whereas a critical appraisal of the methodology in detail is still lacking. In this article, we explicate the methodological requirements of the meta-analytic approach chosen by Hattie and use them to evaluate the underlying database as well as his concrete procedures. In addition, we critically discuss the appropriateness of Hattie's approach in principle. It turns out that his approach of a comprehensive integration of empirical educational research, albeit visionary, is not feasible in a scientifically sound manner, given current publication practices. As a consequence we propose to collect the methods and results of empirical studies - irrespective of journal publications - and make them available in a central database in a standardized and meta-analytically usable format.

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