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Berensmeyer, Ingo (2018): The Forger's Shakespeare Library Authorship, Book History, and The Tragedy of Arthur. In: Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik : AAA, Vol. 43, No. 2: pp. 125-140

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This essay explores the literary strategies used in a contemporary novel that engages with key questions in Shakespeare studies, book history and authorship research - something not usually considered a promising topic for a novel. The essay is in two parts: first, it addresses current ways of thinking about the relationship between Shakespeare and the history of the book, including questions of Shakespearean authorship and ownership; then it uses by Arthur Phillips (2011) as a case study of how a contemporary novel explores these questions creatively. Connecting this case study with current research in early modern bibliography, textual studies and authorship studies should lead to an improved sense not only of the kind of writer that Shakespeare was, but also of the ways in which the possible-world scenarios of fiction can illuminate the limits of our understanding. How can Shakespeare studies contribute to contemporary fiction, and what - if anything - can a novel contribute to Shakespeare studies?

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