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Camacho-Morles, Jesus; Slemp, Gavin R.; Oades, Lindsay G.; Pekrun, Reinhard and Morrish, Lucy (2019): Relative incidence and origins of achievement emotions in computer-based collaborative problem-solving: A control-value approach. In: Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 98: pp. 41-49

Full text not available from 'Open Access LMU'.


This study applied the control-value theory of achievement emotions to investigate the antecedents of achievement emotions experienced by adolescents in computer-based collaborative problem-solving (CPS) activities. In addition, it identified the set of discrete achievement emotions that adolescents experience in CPS scenarios. Results of structural equation modeling revealed that experiencing enjoyment was associated with higher task value and small increases in perceived academic control, whereas anger and boredom were negatively associated with control and value. Further, during CPS activities students experienced stronger positive activating emotions (e.g., enjoyment) more intensely than negative activating (e.g., anger) or deactivating emotions (e.g., boredom), providing us with the first profile of adolescents' emotions in the new CPS domain. These findings contribute uniquely to the field of affective computing, and specifically, are relevant to the development of advanced learning technologies (ALTs) used to automatically detect and respond to adolescents' emotions in CPS scenarios.

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