Anzahl der Publikationen: 23
Stoetzer, Oliver; Di Gioia, Dorit; Harbeck, Nadia; Salat, Christoph; Mansmann, Ulrich
ORCID:; Harbeck, Nadia; Würstlein, Rachel; Edler von Koch, Franz; Hamann, M.; Braun, M.; Gluz, O.; Lindner, Lars H.; Abdel-Rahman, Sultan und Issels, Rolf D.
Post-Neoadjuvant Gemcitabine and Cisplatin with Regional Hyperthermia for Patients with Triple-Negative Breast Cancer and Non-pCR after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: A Single-Institute Experience.
In: Breast Care, Bd. 16, Nr. 2: S. 173-180
Nitz, Ulrike; Gluz, Oleg; Clemens, Michael; Malter, Wolfram; Reimer, Toralf; Nuding, Benno; Aktas, Bahriye; Stefek, Andrea; Pollmanns, Anke; Lorenz-Salehi, Fatemeh; Uleer, Christoph; Krabisch, Petra; Kümmel, Sherko; Liedtke, Cornelia; Shak, Steven; Wuerstlein, Rachel; Christgen, Matthias; Kates, Ronald E.; Kreipe, Hans H.; Harbeck, Nadia; Ackermann, S.; Aktas, B.; Augustin, D.; Baake, G.; Baumann, K.; Berger, R.; Bettscheider, J.; Bischoff, J.; Clemens, M.; Deryal, M.; Dubbers, H.; Duchting, D.; Dunnebacke, J.; Fett, W.; Fietz, T.; Fischer, H.; Forner, M.; Forstbauer, H.; Freese, K.; Geberth, M.; Glados, M.; Gnauert, K.; Goette, O.; Gohring, U.; Goppinger, A.; Grafe, A.; Hackenberg, R.; Hackmann, J.; Hellriegel, M.; Heyl, V.; Hoestermann, C.; Hoffmann, G.; Hofmann, M.; Hucke, J.; Jackisch, C.; Jungberg, P.; Just, M.; Kahl, C.; Klare, P.; Kogel, M.; Kohls, A.; Amrawy, B. Konigs-El; Konnecke, P.; Krabisch, P.; Kraudelt, S.; Kremers, S.; Kummel, S.; Kurbacher, C.; Kusche, J.; Liedtke, B.; Liedtke, C.; Link, H.; Lorenz, R.; Salehi, F. Lorenz; Lubbe, K.; Malter, W.; Melekian, B.; Mobus, V.; Montenarh, M.; Müller, V.; Mundhenke, C.; Niederle, N.; Nitz, U.; Noesselt, T.; Oberhoff, C.; Paas, L.; Paepke, S.; Pollmanns, A.; Reichert, D.; Reimer, T.; Romann, D.; Ruhland, T.; Runde, V.; Salem, M.; Schlosser, A.; Schneider, A.; Schrader, I.; Schulz, H.; Schumacher, C.; Schwickerath, J.; Soling, U.; Stauder, H.; Stefek, A.; Steinmetz, T.; Stickeler, E.; Terhaag, J.; Thomssen, C.; Tome, O.; Uleer, C.; Warm, M.; Wachsmann, G.; Wacker, J.; Wiebringhaus, H.; Wiest, W.; Wolfgarten, M.; Nitz, U.; Christgen, H.; Kreipe, H.; Buehne, C.; Gluz, O.; Hansen, K.; Hofmann, D.; Kates, R.; Mangold, M.; Mathissen, M.; Raeth, P.; Renner, I.; Reiser, I.; Schumacher, J.; Staedele, M. und Walter-Kirst, R.
West German Study PlanB Trial: Adjuvant Four Cycles of Epirubicin and Cyclophosphamide Plus Docetaxel Versus Six Cycles of Docetaxel and Cyclophosphamide in HER2-Negative Early Breast Cancer.
In: Journal of Clinical Oncology, Bd. 37, Nr. 10
Wuerstlein, R.; Kates, R.; Gluz, O.; Grischke, E. M.; Schem, C.; Thill, M.; Hasmüller, S.; Köhler, A.; Otremba, B.; Griesinger, F.; Schindlbeck, C.; Trojan, A.; Otto, F.; Knauer, M.; Pusch, R. und Harbeck, N.
Strong impact of MammaPrint and BluePrint on treatment decisions in luminal early breast cancer: results of the WSG-PRIMe study.
In: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, Bd. 175, Nr. 2: S. 389-399
Würstlein, R.; Gluz, O.; Kates, R.; Persoon, M.; Wasmayr, M.; Knauer, M.; Koplmüller, R.; Grischke, E.-M.; Schem, C.; Thill, M.; Hasmüller, S.; Griesinger, F.; Köhler, A.; Otremba, B.; Schindlbeck, C.; Reimer, T.; Krauter, J.; Tome, O.; Otto, F.; Friedrichs, K.; Albert, U.-S.; Gebauer, G.; Nitz, U. und Harbeck, N.
Results of multigene assay (MammaPrint (R)) and molecular subtyping (BluePrint (R)) substantially impact treatment decision making in early breast cancer: Final analysis of the WSG PRIME decision impact study.
In: Cancer Research, Bd. 77
Mamounas, E.; Goldstein, L.; Penault-Llorca, F.; Roche, H.; Gluz, O.; Harbeck, N.; Nitz, U.; O'Shaughnessy, J. und Albain, K.
Chemotherapy (CT) decision in patients (pts) with node-positive (N plus ), ER plus , early breast cancer (EBC) in the wake of new ASCO guideline - A different take on the evidence for the 21-gene recurrence score (RS) assay.
In: Cancer Research, Bd. 77
Harbeck, N.; Nitz, U. A.; Matthias, C.; Kates, R.; Braun, M.; Kümmel, S.; Schumacher, C.; Potenberg, J.; Kraemer, S.; Kleine-Tebbe, A.; Augustin, D.; Aktas, B.; Forstbauer, H.; Tio, J.; Liedtke, C.; Grischke, E.-M.; Haas, S. L. de; Deurloo, R.; Schumacher, J.; Würstlein, R.; Kreipe, H. H. und Gluz, O.
The role of immune and apoptosis markers for prediction of pCR in the WSG-ADAPT HER2+/HR+ phase II trial evaluating 12-weeks of neoadjuvant TDM1 +/- endocrine therapy (ET) versus T + ET in HER2-positive hormone-receptor-positive early breast cancer (EBC).
In: Cancer Research, Bd. 77
Würstlein, R.; Grischke, E. M.; Gluz, O.; Kates, R.; Persoon, M.; Thill, M.; Hasmüller, S.; Knauer, M.; Pusch, R. und Harbeck, N.
Impact of MammaPrint and BluePrint on early breast cancer treatment decisions: WSG PRIMe study results.
In: Breast, Bd. 32:
Mamounas, E. P.; Goldstein, L. J.; Penault-Llorca, F.; Roché, H.; Gluz, O.; Harbeck, N.; Nitz, U.; O'Shaughnessy, J. und Albain, K. S.
Chemotherapy (CT) decision in node-positive (N plus ), ER plus , early breast cancer (EBC) after new ASCO Guideline - evidence for the 21-gene Recurrence Score (RS) assay.
In: Breast, Bd. 32:
Gluz, O.; Nitz, U.; Christgen, M.; Kates, R.; Clemens, M.; Nuding, B.; Shak, S.; Würstlein, R.; Kreipe, H. und Harbeck, N.
Five-year results of the prospective Phase III WSG PlanB trial confirm prognostic impact of 21-Gene Recurrence Score in high-risk HR+/HER2-early breast cancer (EBC) patients with 1-3 involved lymph nodes.
In: Breast, Bd. 32:
Gluz, O.; Nitz, U.; Christgen, M.; Malter, W.; Clemens, M.; Reimer, T.; Nuding, B.; Aktas, B.; Stefek, A.; Ppllmanns, A.; Lorenz-Salehi, F.; Uleer, C.; Krabisch, P.; Kümmel, S.; Liedtke, C.; Shak, S.; Kates, R.; Würstlein, R.; Kreipe, H. H. und Harbeck, N.
Prognostic impact of recurrence score (RS), grade/Ki67 central pathological review, and acycline (A)-free vs. A-containing chemotherapy (CT) on distant and locoregional disease-free survival (DDFS/LRFS) in high clinical risk HER2-early breast cancer (EBC): WSG PlanB trial results.
In: Annals of Oncology, Bd. 28
Nitz, U.; Gluz, O.; Huober, J.; Kreipe, H. H.; Kates, R. E.; Hartmann, A.; Erber, R.; Moustafa, Z.; Scholz, M.; Lisboa, B.; Mohrmann, S.; Möbus, V.; Augustin, D.; Hoffmann, G.; Weiss, E.; Böhmer, S.; Kreienberg, R.; Bois, A. du; Sattler, D.; Thomssen, C.; Kiechle, M.; Jänicke, F.; Wallwiener, D.; Harbeck, N. und Kuhn, W.
Final analysis of the prospective WSG-AGO EC-Doc versus FEC phase III trial in intermediate-risk (pN1) early breast cancer: efficacy and predictive value of Ki67 expression (vol 25, pg 1551, 2014).
In: Annals of Oncology, Bd. 28, Nr. 11: S. 2899
Nitz, U. A.; Gluz, O.; Christgen, M.; Grischke, E.-M.; Augustin, D.; Kümmel, S.; Braun, M.; Potenberg, J.; Kohls, A.; Krauss, K.; Stefek, A.; Schumacher, C.; Forstbauer, H.; Reimer, T.; Fischer, H.; Liedtke, C.; Würstlein, R.; Schumacher, J.; Kates, R.; Kreipe, H. und Harbeck, N.
De-escalation strategies in HER2-positive early breast cancer (EBC): final analysis of the WSG-ADAPT HER2+/HR- phase II trial: efficacy, safety, and predictive markers for 12 weeks of neoadjuvant dual blockade with trastuzumab and pertuzumab +/- weekly paclitaxel.
In: Annals of Oncology, Bd. 28, Nr. 11: S. 2768-2772
Gluz, O.; Nitz, U.; Liedtke, C.; Christgen, M.; Sotlar, K.; Grischke, E. M.; Forstbauer, H.; Braun, M.; Warm, M.; Hackmann, J.; Uleer, C.; Aktas, B.; Schumacher, C.; Bangemann, N.; Lindner, C.; Kuemmel, S.; Clemens, M.; Potenberg, J.; Staib, P.; Kohls, A.; Pelz, E.; Kates, R. E.; Wuerstlein, R.; Kreipe, H. H. und Harbeck, N.
Comparison of 12 weeks neoadjuvant Nab-paclitaxel combined with carboplatinum vs. gemcitabine in triple negative breast cancer: WSG-ADAPT TN randomized phase II trial.
In: Cancer Research, Bd. 76
Liedtke, C.; Gluz, O.; Nitz, U.; Christgen, M.; Sotlar, K.; Grischke, E.-M.; Forstbauer, H.; Braun, M.; Warm, M.; Hackmann, J.; Uleer, C.; Aktas, B.; Schumacher, C.; Bangemann, N.; Linder, C.; Kümmel, S.; Clemens, M.; Potenberg, J.; Peter, S.; Kohls, A.; Pelz, E.; Kates, R. E.; Würstlein, R.; Kreipe, H. und Harbeck, N.
Comparison of 12 weeks neoadjuvant Nab-Paclitaxel combined with Carboplatinum vs. Gemcitabine in triple negative breast cancer: WSG-ADAPT TN randomized phase II trial.
In: Oncology Research and Treatment, Bd. 39: S. 53
Gluz, O.; Nitz, U.; Christgen, M.; Kates, R.; Clemens, M.; Kraemer, S.; Nuding, B.; Aktas, B.; Kuemmel, S.; Reimer, T.; Lorenz-Salehi, F.; Krabisch, P.; Just, M.; Augustin, D.; Liedtke, C.; Svedman, C.; Shak, S.; Wuerstlein, R.; Kreipe, H. und Harbeck, N.
Prospective WSG phase III PlanB trial: Clinical outcome at 5 year follow up and impact of 21 Gene Recurrence Score result, central/local-pathological review of grade, ER, PR and Ki67 in HR+/HER2-high risk node-negative and -positive breast cancer.
In: European Journal of Cancer, Bd. 57:
Wuerstlein, R.; Sotlar, K.; Gluz, O.; Otremba, B.; Schumann, R. von; Witzel, I.; Schindlbeck, C.; Janni, W.; Schem, C.; Bauerfeind, I.; Hasmueller, S.; Tesch, H.; Paulenz, A.; Ghali, N.; Orujov, E.; Kates, R. E.; Cowens, W.; Hornberger, J.; Pelz, E. und Harbeck, N.
The West German Study Group Breast Cancer Intrinsic Subtype study: a prospective multicenter decision impact study utilizing the Prosigna assay for adjuvant treatment decision-making in estrogen-receptor-positive, HER2-negative early-stage breast cancer.
In: Current Medical Research and Opinion, Bd. 32, Nr. 7: S. 1217-1224
Wuerstlein, R.; Sotlar, K.; Gluz, O.; Hofmann, D.; Otremba, B.; Schumann, R. von; Witzel, I.; Schindlbeck, C.; Janni, W.; Schem, C.; Bauerfeind, I.; Hasmueller, S.; Tesch, H.; Paulenz, A.; Morel, P.; Cowens, W.; Hornberger, A.; Kates, R. E.; Pelz, E. und Harbeck, N.
Prosigna® results impact on adjuvant decision making in early breast cancer (EBC): Final analysis of the prospective WSG study.
In: Oncology Research and Treatment, Bd. 39: S. 49
Gluz, O.; Liedtke, C.; Huober, J.; Peyro-Saint-Paul, H.; Kates, R. E.; Kreipe, H. H.; Hartmann, A.; Pelz, E.; Erber, R.; Mohrmann, S.; Möbus, V.; Augustin, D.; Hoffmann, G.; Thomssen, C.; Jänicke, F.; Kiechle, M.; Wallwiener, D.; Kuhn, W.; Nitz, U. und Harbeck, N.
Comparison of prognostic and predictive impact of genomic or central grade and immunohistochemical subtypes or IHC4 in HR+/HER2-early breast cancer: WSG-AGO EC-Doc Trial.
In: Annals of Oncology, Bd. 27, Nr. 6: S. 1035-1040
Braun, M.; Gluz, O.; Nitz, U.; Christgen, M.; Kuemmel, S.; Schumacher, C.; Potenberg, J.; Kraemer, S.; Kleine-Tebbe, A.; Augustin, D.; Aktas, B.; Forstbauer, H.; Tio, J.; Liedtke, C.; Kates, R. E.; Wuerstlein, R.; Kreipe, H.-H. und Harbecks, N.
Final analysis of WSG-ADAPT HER2+/HR+ phase-II-trial - efficacy, safety and predictive markers for 12-weeks of neoadjuvant T-DM1 with or without endocrine therapy versus Trastuzumab plus endocrine therapy in HER2-positive hormone-receptor-positive early breast cancer.
In: Oncology Research and Treatment, Bd. 39: S. 2
Gluz, O.; Nitz, U.; Liedtke, C.; Christgen, M.; Sotlar, K.; Grischke, E. M.; Forstbauer, H.; Braun, M.; Warm, M.; Hackmann, J.; Uleer, C.; Aktas, B.; Schumacher, C.; Bangemann, N.; Lindner, C.; Kuemmel, S.; Clemens, M.; Potenberg, J.; Staib, P.; Kohls, A.; Pelz, E.; Kates, R. E.; Wuerstlein, R.; Kreipe, H. H. und Harbeck, N.
Comparison of 12 weeks neoadjuvant Nab-paclitaxel combined with carboplatinum vs. gemcitabine in triple negative breast cancer: WSG-ADAPT TN randomized phase II trial.
In: Cancer Research, Bd. 76
Harbeck, N.; Gluz, O.; Christgen, M.; Braun, M.; Kuemmel, S.; Schumacher, C.; Potenberg, J.; Kraemer, S.; Kleine-Tebbe, A.; Augustin, D.; Aktas, B.; Forstbauer, H.; Tio, J.; Liedtke, C.; Kates, R. E.; Wuerstlein, R.; Haas, S. L. de; Kiermaier, A.; Kreipe, H. H. und Nitz, U.
Final analysis of WSG-ADAPT HER2+/HR+ phase II trial: Efficacy, safety, and predictive markers for 12-weeks of neoadjuvant TDM1 with or without endocrine therapy versus trastuzumab plus endocrine therapy in HER2-positive hormone-receptor positive early breast cancer.
In: Cancer Research, Bd. 76
Wuerstlein, R.; Sotlar, K.; Gluz, O.; Hofmann, D.; Otremba, B.; Schumann, R. von; Witzel, I.; Schindlbeck, C.; Janni, W.; Schem, C.; Bauerfeind, I.; Hasmueller, S.; Tesch, H.; Paulenz, A.; Morel, P.; Cowens, W.; Hornberger, J.; Kates, R. E.; Pelz, E. und Harbeck, N.
Prosigna®(R) results impact on adjuvant decision making in early breast cancer (EBC): Final analysis of the prospective WSG study.
In: Cancer Research, Bd. 76
Liedtke, C.; Gluz, O.; Heinisch, F.; Feuerhake, F.; Kreipe, H. H.; Clemens, M.; Nuding, B.; Kraemer, S.; Reimer, T.; Svedman, C.; Shak, S.; Nitz, U.; Kates, R. E.; Harbeck, N. und Christgen, M.
Association of TILs with clinical parameters, recurrence score, and prognosis in patients with early HER2-negative breast cancer (BC) A translational analysis of the prospective WSG planB trial.
In: Cancer Research, Bd. 76
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