In study 1 24 chess experts and the same number of novices were analyzed with regard to their performance in recalling specific chess positions after a brief exposure. Parameters obtained from the memory process revealed considerable qualitative differences between expert and novice performance. Thus, the assumption had to be rejected that knowledge chunks are equivalent across different levels of expertise - as it is proposed by the pattern recognition theory. In study 2 the subjects were allowed to ask questions about the position to be recalled before ot was exposed to them. In this way the different ways in which experts and novices organized their knowledge were elucidated: The novices' questions referred to isolated chess pieces or squares, whereas the experts asked about information necessary for planning and evaluation. The latter obviously succeeded in integrating the acquired knowledge in a complex knowledge context. The model of memory performance proposed by the pattern recognition theory suits well for novices, but fails to give an adequate explanation as far as memory processes of experts are concerned.
In Studie 1 wurde der Wiedergabeprozeß beim freien Erinnern von jeweils 24 Experten und Novizen (in der Domäne Schach) untersucht. Experten und Novizen unterschieden sich dabei qualitativ voneinander, wie Parameter des Erinnernsprozesses belegten. Die von der pattern recognition-Theorie unterstellte Annahme der Äquivalenz der Chunks über verschiedene Expertisegrade hinweg konnte damit zurückgewiesen werden. In Studie 2 stellten die Versuchspersonen Fragen über das zu erinnernde Material, bevor es ihnen präsentiert wurde. Experten und Novizen ordneten ihr Wissen auf diese Weise sehr unterschiedlich. Novizen bezogen sich auf einzelne Figuren oder Felder, Experten hingegen auf Planungs- und Evaluationsinformation. Experten stellten das erfragte Wissen in einen komplexen Wissenskontext. Eine Modellierung der Gedächtnisleistung, wie sie von der pattern recognition-Theorie vorgenommen wird, ist zwar für Novizen, nicht aber für Experten adäquat.
Item Type: | Paper |
Faculties: | Psychology and Education Science Psychology and Education Science > Department Psychology > Education and Educational Psychology Psychology and Education Science > Department Psychology > Education and Educational Psychology > Research Reports |
Subjects: | 100 Philosophy and Psychology > 100 Philosophy 100 Philosophy and Psychology > 150 Psychology |
ISSN: | psych01 |
Language: | German |
Item ID: | 113 |
Date Deposited: | 13. Apr 2005 |
Last Modified: | 26. Apr 2017, 12:55 |