Number of items at this level: 127.
Brusuelas, J.; Meccariello, C. und Verhasselt, Gertjan
[Plutarch], De proverbiis Alexandrinorum 50 (?).
In: Grenfell, Bernard P. (ed.) :
The Oxyrhynchus papyri. Volume 81. [Nos. 5258-5289]. Graeco-Roman memoirs, Vol. 102. London: Egypt Exploration Society. pp. 67-70
Fuhrer, Therese und Hose, Martin
Das antike Drama.
C.H. Beck Wissen, Vol. 2729. München: Verlag C.H. Beck.
Faulkner, Andrew; Vergados, Athanassios und Schwab, Andreas
In: Faulkner, Andrew; Vergados, Athanassios und Schwab, Andreas (eds.) :
The Reception of the Homeric Hymns. 1. edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 1-26
Horn, Fabian
Introduction: Space and Metaphor.
In: Horn, Fabian und Breytenbach, Cilliers (eds.) :
Spatial Metaphors. Ancient Texts and Transformations. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Vol. 39. Berlin: edition topoi. pp. 9-20
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Horn, Fabian; Breytenbach, Cilliers; Biase-Dyson, Camilla di; Egg, Markus; Fuhrer, Therese; Olejniczak Lobsien, Verena; Schlesier, Renate; Stenger, Jan und Trînca, Beatrice
Spatial Metaphors of the Ancient World: Theory and Practice.
In: Space and Knowledge : Special volume, Vol. 6: pp. 124-137
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Hose, Martin
Euripides - poet of irritations.
In: Kyriakou, Poulheria und Rengakos, Antonios (eds.) :
Wisdom and folly in Euripides. Trends in classics. Supplementary volumes, Vol. 31. Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 21-35
Janka, Markus und Stierstorfer, Michael
Verjüngte Antike im Mediendialog ‒ Einleitung.
In: Janka, Markus und Stierstorfer, Michael (eds.) :
Verjüngte Antike. Griechisch-römische Mythologie und Historie in zeitgenössischen Kinder- und Jugendmedien. Studien zur europäischen Kinder- und Jugendliteratur (SEKL), Vol. 5. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter. pp. 15-27
Mitsou, Marilisa
Καταγραφές κυπριακής δημοτικής ποίησης από την Εντβίγη Λύντεκε τη δεκαετία του ’30.
In: Pieris, M. (ed.) :
Διά ανθύμησιν καιρού και τόπου». Λογοτεχνικές αποτυπώσεις του Κόσμου της Κύπρου / Dia anthymēsin kairu kai topu logotechnikes apotypōseis tu kosmu tēs Kypru ; praktika Diethnus Epistēmoniku Synedriu : Leukōsia, 6-9 Oktōbriu 2012. Leukōsia: Ypurgeio Paideias kai Politismu Diethnous Epistēmonikou Synedriou Oktōbriou. pp. 391-405
Mitsou, Marilisa
Εθνικά σχήματα στις νεοελληνικές μαρξιστικές γραμματολογίες.
In: Kastrinaki, Angela; Politis, Alexēs und Tziovas, Dēmētrēs (eds.) :
Για μια ιστορία της ελληνικής λογοτεχνίας του εικοστού αιώνα / Gia mia istoria tēs ellēnikēs logotechnias tu eikostu aiōna protaseis anasynkrotēsēs, themata kai reumata ; praktika synedriu stē mnēmē tu Alexandru Argyriu ; Rethymno 20 - 22 Maïu 2011. Hērakleio: Panepistēmiakes Ekdoseis Krētēs. pp. 451-464
Mitsou, Marilisa
Christophoros Liondakis, Ciselant la lumière.
In: Coavoux, Sophie (ed.) :
Masculin, féminin dans la langue, la littérature et l'art grecs modernes : actes du XXIe Colloque international des néo-hellénistes des universités francophones. Lyon: Université Jean Moulin-Lyon 3.
Mitsou, Marilisa
In: Papageorgiοu-Venetas, Alexandros (ed.) :
Η Αθήνα του Μεσοπολέμου μέσα από τις Μέρες του Γιώργου Σεφέρη / Ē Athēna tu mesopolemu ; mesa apo tis meres tu Giōrgu Sepherē ; mia diereunētikē anagnōsē. Athēna: Ikaros. pp. 11-18
Mitsou, Marilisa
Ο Αγάθων του Wieland και οι σοφιστές της Σμύρνης.
In: Mike, Mairi (ed.) :
Ο λόγος της παρουσίας. Τιμητικός τόμος για τον Παν. Μουλλά / O logos tēs parusias. Timētikos tomos gia ton Pan. Mulla. Athēna: Ekd. Sokolēs. pp. 153-165
Primavesi, Oliver
Zur Genese der Tetraktys-Hypothese.
In: Kittler, Friedrich; Berz, Peter; Strauss, Joulia und Weibel, Peter (eds.) :
Götter und Schriften rund ums Mittelmeer. Philosophie der Antike, Vol. 33. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink. pp. 83-103
Stockhammer, Robert
Theokrits Pharmazeutik der Liebe.
In: Compar(a)ison : an international journal of comparative literature, Vol. II: pp. 163-178
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Verhasselt, Gertjan
Did Homer Nod Off? Aristotle and Homeric Problem-Solving.
In: Mesquita, António Pedro; Noriega-Olmos, Simon und Shields, Christopher (eds.) :
Revisiting Aristotle’s fragments : new essays on the fragments of Aristotle’s lost works. Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, Vol. 388. Berlin: de Gruyter. pp. 221-262
Verhasselt, Gertjan
Did Homer Nod Off? Aristotle and Homeric Problem-Solving.
In: Mesquita, António Pedro; Noriega-Olmos, Simon und Shields, Christopher (eds.) :
Revisiting Aristotle’s Fragments. New Essays on the Fragments of Aristotle’s Lost Works. Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, Vol. 388. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 221-261
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Verhasselt, Gertjan
Reconstructing Lost Prose Literature. The Fragments of Dicaearchus.
In: Derda, Tomasz; Hilder, Jennifer und Kwapisz, Jan (eds.) :
Fragments, holes, and wholes : reconstructing the ancient world in theory and practice. The journal of juristic papyrology. Supplement, Vol. 30. Warsaw: University of Warsaw, Faculty of Law and Admistration, Chair of Roman Law and the Law of Antiquity. pp. 109-126
This list was generated on Sun Feb 9 05:33:34 2025 CET.