Anzahl der Publikationen: 60
Eddicks, Matthias; Feicht, Franziska; Beckjunker, Jochen; Genzow, Marika; Alonso, Carmen; Reese, Sven
ORCID:; Ritzmann, Mathias und Stadler, Julia
(6. Oktober 2024):
Monitoring of Respiratory Disease Patterns in a Multimicrobially Infected Pig Population Using Artificial Intelligence and Aggregate Samples.
In: viruses, Bd. 16, Nr. 1575
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Eddicks, Matthias; Gründl, Julia; Seifert, Annika; Eddicks, Lina; Reese, Sven
ORCID:; Tabeling, Robert; Swam, Hanny; Strutzberg-Minder, Katrin; Ritzmann, Mathias und Fux, Robert
(27. Juni 2023):
Examination on the Occurrence of Coinfections in Diagnostic Transmittals in Cases of Stillbirth, Mummification, Embryonic Death, and Infertility (SMEDI) Syndrome in Germany.
In: Microorganisms, Bd. 11, Nr. 7, 1675
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Eddicks, Matthias; Maurer, Roland; Deffner, Pauline; Eddicks, Lina; Sipos, Wolfgang; Reese, Sven
ORCID:; Cvjetkovic, Vojislav; Krejci, Roman; Opriessnig, Tanja; Ritzmann, Mathias und Fux, Robert
(10. Juni 2022):
Cross-Sectional Study on the Prevalence of PCV Types 2 and 3 DNA in Suckling Piglets Compared to Grow–Finish Pigs in Downstream Production.
In: pathogens, Bd. 11, Nr. 671
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Winner, Eva-Maria; Beisl, Marina; Gumbert, Sophie; Härtel, Helena; Kaiser, Jennifer; Wernecke, Anja; Senf, Steffanie; Zablotski, Yury; Ritzmann, Mathias und Zöls, Susanne
(17. Mai 2022):
Implementation of piglet castration under inhalation anaesthesia on farrowing farms.
In: Porcine Health Management, Bd. 8
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Werner, Julia; Saller, Anna M.; Reiser, Judith; Senf, Steffanie; Deffner, Pauline; Abendschoen, Nora; Fischer, Johannes; Grott, Andrea; Miller, Regina; Zablotski, Yury; Steiger, Katja; Bergmann, Shana; Erhard, Michael H.; Ritzmann, Mathias; Zoels, Susanne und Baumgartner, Christine
Evaluation of Two Injection Techniques in Combination with the Local Anesthetics Lidocaine and Mepivacaine for Piglets Undergoing Surgical Castration.
In: Animals, Bd. 12, Nr. 8, 1028
Ade, Julia; Stadler, Julia; Ritzmann, Mathias; Zuebert, Christina; Hoelzle, Katharina und Hoelzle, Ludwig E.
Occurrence of 'Candidatus Mycoplasma haemosuis' in fattening pigs, sows and piglets in Germany using a novel gap-based quantitative real-time PCR assay.
In: BMC Veterinary Research, Bd. 18, Nr. 1, 40
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Stadler, Julia; Junker, Sigena; Gruendl, Julia; Froehlich, Sebastian; Beisl, Marina; Zoels, Susanne; Ritzmann, Mathias; Eddicks, Matthias; Palzer, Andreas; Sehl, Julia; Hoeper, Dirk; Unterweger, Christine; Ladinig, Andrea und Mayer, Christian
Hinterhandlähmungen bei Mastschweinen im Zusammenhang mit einem neuen Stamm des porzinen Teschovirus A11.
In: Tierärztliche Praxis / G, Großtiere, Bd. 50, Nr. 1: S. 59-67
Reiser, Judith; Kreuzer, Matthias; Werner, Julia; Saller, Anna M.; Fischer, Johannes; Senf, Steffanie; Deffner, Pauline; Abendschoen, Nora; Groll, Tanja; Grott, Andrea; Miller, Regina; Bergmann, Shana; Erhard, Michael H.; Ritzmann, Mathias; Zoels, Susanne; Schneider, Gerhard; Steiger, Katja und Baumgartner, Christine
Nociception-Induced Changes in Electroencephalographic Activity and FOS Protein Expression in Piglets Undergoing Castration under Isoflurane Anaesthesia.
In: Animals, Bd. 12, Nr. 18, 2309
Deffner, Pauline; Maurer, Roland; Cvjetković, Vojislav; Sipos, Wolfgang; Krejci, Roman; Ritzmann, Mathias und Eddicks, Matthias
Cross‐sectional study on the in‐herd prevalence of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae at different stages of pig production.
In: Veterinary Record, Bd. 191, Nr. 7
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Kleinmans, Michael; Fiebig, Kerstin; Tabeling, Robert; Swam, Hanny; Duivelshof-Crienen, Annelies; Ritzmann, Mathias und Eddicks, Matthias
Explorative Field Study on the Use of Oral Fluids for the Surveillance of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae Infections in Fattening Farms by an Apx-Real-Time PCR.
In: Veterinary Sciences, Bd. 9, Nr. 10
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Ade, Julia; Ritzmann, Mathias; Wöstmann, Christopher; Eddicks, Matthias; Reese, Sven
ORCID:; Hoelzle, Katharina; Hoelzle, Ludwig E. und Stadler, Julia
(26. August 2021):
Update on shedding and transmission routes of porcine haemotrophic mycoplasmas in naturally and experimentally infected pigs.
In: Porcine Health Management, Bd. 7, 49
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Härtel, Helena; Gumbert, Sophie; Rauh, Anna; Beisl, Marina; Schulz, Jochen; Kempf, Katrin; Senf, Steffanie; Winner, Eva; Weiß, Christine; Nüßlein, Andreas; Zablotski, Yury; Ritzmann, Mathias und Zöls, Susanne
Untersuchungen zur automatisierten Isoflurannarkose bei der Saugferkelkastration.
In: Tierärztliche Praxis Ausgabe Grosstiere Nutztiere, Bd. 49, Nr. 3: S. 167-177
Stadler, Julia; Ade, Julia; Hermanns, Walter; Ritzmann, Mathias; Wentzel, Sarah; Hölzle, Katharina und Hoelzle, Ludwig E.
Clinical, haematological and pathomorphological findings in Mycoplasma suis infected pigs.
In: BMC Veterinary Research, Bd. 17, Nr. 1, 214
Abendschön, Nora; Senf, Steffanie; Deffner, Pauline; Miller, Regina; Grott, Andrea; Werner, Julia; Saller, Anna M.; Reiser, Judith; Weiss, Christine; Zablotski, Yury; Fischer, Johannes; Bergmann, Shana; Erhard, Michael H.; Baumgartner, Christine; Ritzmann, Mathias und Zoels, Susanne
Local Anesthesia in Piglets Undergoing Castration-A Comparative Study to Investigate the Analgesic Effects of Four Local Anesthetics Based on Defensive Behavior and Side Effects.
In: Animals, Bd. 10, Nr. 10, 1752
Zoels, Susanne; Reiter, Simon; Ritzmann, Mathias; Weiss, Christine; Numberger, Jasmin; Schuetz, Aneka; Lindner, Peter; Stefanski, Volker und Weiler, Ulrike
Influences of Immunocastration on Endocrine Parameters, Growth Performance and Carcass Quality, as Well as on Boar Taint and Penile Injuries.
In: Animals, Bd. 10, Nr. 2, 346
Saller, Anna M.; Werner, Julia; Reiser, Judith; Senf, Steffanie; Deffner, Pauline; Abendschön, Nora; Weiß, Christine; Fischer, Johannes; Schörwerth, Andrea; Miller, Regina; Zablotski, Yury; Bergmann, Shana; Erhard, Michael H.; Ritzmann, Mathias; Zoels, Susanne und Baumgartner, Christine
Local anesthesia in piglets undergoing castration-A comparative study to investigate the analgesic effects of four local anesthetics on the basis of acute physiological responses and limb movements.
In: PLOS One
15(7), e0236742
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Hofmann, Katharina; Rauh, Anna; Harlizius, Jürgen; Weiss, Christine; Scholz, Tobias; Schulze-Horsel, Theodor; Escribano, Damian; Ritzmann, Mathias und Zoels, Susanne
Schmerz- und Stressbestimmung bei der Injektion und Kastration von Saugferkeln unter Lokalanästhesie mit Procain und Lidocain. Teil 1: Kortisol, Chromogranin A, Wundheilung, Gewichtsentwicklung, Saugferkelverluste.
In: Tieraerztliche Praxis Ausgabe Grosstiere Nutztiere, Bd. 47, Nr. 2: S. 87-96
Rauh, Anna; Hofmann, Katharina; Harlizius, Jürgen; Weiss, Christine; Numberger, Jasmin; Scholz, Tobias; Schulze-Horsel, Theodor; Otten, Winfried; Ritzmann, Mathias und Zoels, Susanne
Schmerz- und Stressbestimmung bei der Injektion und Kastration von Saugferkeln unter Lokalanästhesie mit Procain und Lidocain. Teil 2: Abwehrverhalten, Katecholamine, koordinierte Bewegungsabläufe.
In: Tieraerztliche Praxis Ausgabe Grosstiere Nutztiere, Bd. 47, Nr. 3: S. 160-170
Renner, Simone; Martins, Ana Sofia; Streckel, Elisabeth; Braun-Reichhart, Christina; Backman, Mattias; Prehn, Cornelia; Klymiuk, Nikolai; Bahr, Andrea; Blutke, Andreas; Landbrecht-Schessl, Christina; Wuensch, Annegret; Kessler, Barbara; Kurome, Mayuko; Hinrichs, Arne; Koopmans, Sietse-Jan; Krebs, Stefan; Kemter, Elisabeth; Rathkolb, Birgit; Nagashima, Hiroshi; Blum, Helmut; Ritzmann, Mathias; Wanke, Rüdiger; Aigner, Bernhard; Adamski, Jerzy; de Angelis, Martin Hrabe und Wolf, Eckhard
Mild maternal hyperglycemia in INSC93S transgenic pigs causes impaired glucose tolerance and metabolic alterations in neonatal offspring.
In: Disease Models & Mechanisms, Bd. 12, Nr. 8, UNSP dmm039156
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Hergt, Theresa; Ostner, Franziska; Klein, Sandrina; Zöls, Susanne; Erhard, Michael; Reese, Sven
ORCID:; Ritzmann, Mathias und Patzkewitsch, Dorian
(Dezember 2018):
Technopathies of the limbs in finishing pigs: risk factors, origin and impact on animal welfare. - Study phase 2.
In: Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe G, Grosstiere/Nutztiere, Bd. 46, Nr. 6: S. 368-377
Ostner, Franziska; Hergt, Theresa; Klein, Sandrina; Patzkewitsch, Dorian; Reese, Sven
ORCID:; Brühschwein, Andreas
ORCID:; Meyer-Lindenberg, Andrea; Schade, Benjamin; Böhm, Brigitte; Eisenreich, Rudolf; Rostalski, Anja; Götz, Kay-Uwe; Erhard, Michael; Ritzmann, Mathias und Zöls, Susanne
(1. Oktober 2018):
Technopathies of the limbs in finishing pigs: risk factors, origin and impact on animal welfare. Study phase 1.
In: Tierärztliche Praxis / G, Großtiere, Bd. 46, Nr. 5: S. 307-315
Engert, Julia; Anamur, Cihad; Engelke, Laura; Fellner, Christian; Lell, Peter; Henke, Stefan; Stadler, Julia; Zoels, Susanne; Ritzmann, Mathias und Winter, Gerhard
A pilot study using a novel pyrotechnically driven prototype applicator for epidermal powder immunization in piglets.
In: International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Bd. 545, Nr. 1-2: S. 215-228
Renner, Simone; Blutke, Andreas; Dobenecker, Britta; Dhom, Georg; Müller, Timo D.; Finan, Brian; Clemmensen, Christoffer; Bernau, Maren; Novak, Istvan; Rathkolb, Birgit; Senf, Steffanie; Zoels, Susanne; Roth, Mirjam; Götz, Anna; Hofmann, Susanna M.; Hrabe de Angelis, Martin; Wanke, Rüdiger; Kienzle, Ellen; Scholz, Armin M.; DiMarchi, Richard; Ritzmann, Mathias; Tschoep, Matthias H. und Wolf, Eckhard
Metabolic syndrome and extensive adipose tissue inflammation in morbidly obese Gottingen minipigs.
In: Molecular Metabolism, Bd. 16: S. 180-190
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Stadler, Julia; Naderer, Lena; Beffort, Lisa; Ritzmann, Mathias; Emrich, Daniela; Hermanns, Walter; Fiebig, Kerstin; Saalmüller, Armin; Gerner, Wilhelm; Glatthaar-Saalmüller, Bernadette und Ladinig, Andrea
Safety and immune responses after intradermal application of Porcilis PRRS in either the neck or the perianal region.
In: PLOS One
13(9), e0203560
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Stadler, Julia; Moser, Lisa; Numberger, Jasmin; Rieger, Anna; Strutzberg-Minder, Katrin; Stellberger, Thorsten; Ladinig, Andrea; Ritzmann, Mathias und Fux, Robert
Investigation of three outbreaks of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea in Germany in 2016 demonstrates age dependent differences in the development of humoral immune response.
In: Preventive Veterinary Medicine, Bd. 150: S. 93-100
Eddicks, Matthias; Szikora, Florian; Walhöfer, Nils; Sauter Louis, Carola; Reese, Sven
ORCID:; Banholzer, Elisabeth; Reiner, Gerald; Suter, Gerd; Ritzmann, Mathias und Fux, Robert
(22. März 2017):
Occurrence of genotypes of porcine circovirus in pig farms using different vaccination strategies.
In: Tierärztliche Praxis / G, Großtiere
Hanke, Dennis; Pohlmann, Anne; Sauter-Louis, Carola; Höper, Dirk; Stadler, Julia; Ritzmann, Mathias; Steinrigl, Adi; Schwarz, Bernd-Andreas; Akimkin, Valerij; Fux, Robert; Blome, Sandra und Beer, Martin
Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea in Europe: In-Detail Analyses of Disease Dynamics and Molecular Epidemiology.
In: Viruses-Basel, Bd. 9, Nr. 7, 177
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Blutke, Andreas; Renner, Simone; Flenkenthaler, Florian; Backman, Mattias; Häsner, Serena; Kemter, Elisabeth; Ländström, Erik; Braun-Reichhart, Christina; Albl, Barbara; Streckel, Elisabeth; Rathkolb, Birgit; Prehn, Cornelia; Palladini, Alessandra; Grzybek, Michal; Krebs, Stefan; Bauersachs, Stefan; Bähr, Andrea; Brühschwein, Andreas
ORCID:; Deeg, Cornelia A.; Monte, Erica de; Dmochewitz, Michaela; Eberle, Caroline; Emrich, Daniela; Fux, Robert; Groth, Frauke; Gumbert, Sophie; Heitmann, Antonia; Hinrichs, Arne; Kessler, Barbara; Kurome, Mayuko; Leipig-Rudolph, Miriam; Matiasek, Kaspar; Öztürk, Hazal; Otzdorff, Christiane; Reichenbach, Myriam; Reichenbach, Horst Dieter; Rieger, Alexandra; Rieseberg, Birte; Rosati, Marco; Saucedo, Manuel Nicolas; Schleicher, Anna; Schneider, Marlon R.; Simmet, Kilian; Steinmetz, Judith; Übel, Nicole; Zehetmaier, Patrizia; Jung, Andreas; Adamski, Jerzy; Coskun, Ünal; Hrabe de Angelis, Martin; Simmet, Christian; Ritzmann, Mathias; Meyer-Lindenberg, Andrea; Blum, Helmut; Arnold, Georg J.; Fröhlich, Thomas; Wanke, Rüdiger und Wolf, Eckhard
The Munich MIDY Pig Biobank - A unique resource for studying organ crosstalk in diabetes.
In: Molecular Metabolism, Bd. 6, Nr. 8: S. 931-940
Eddicks, Matthias; Hausleitner, Regina; Eddicks, Lina; Blutke, Andreas; Straubinger, Reinhard K.; Wolf, Georg; Szabo, Istvan; Heizer, Christian; Hermanns, Walter und Ritzmann, Mathias
Nachweis von Salmonella Choleraesuis var. Kunzendorf bei einem Mastschwein mit septikämischer Salmonellose.
In: Tieraerztliche Praxis Ausgabe Grosstiere Nutztiere, Bd. 44, Nr. 6: S. 381-387
Dietz, Stefanie; Lassek, Christian; Mack, Sarah-Lena; Ritzmann, Mathias; Stadler, Julia; Becher, Dörte; Hoelzle, Katharina; Riedel, Katharina und Hoelzle, Ludwig E.
Updating the proteome of the uncultivable hemotrophic Mycoplasmasuis in experimentally infected pigs.
In: Proteomics, Bd. 16, Nr. 4: S. 609-613
Palzer, Andreas; Eddicks, Matthias; Zöls, Susanne; Stark, Jasmin; Reese, Sven
ORCID:; Strutzberg-Minder, Katrin; Fiebig, Kerstin und Ritzmann, Mathias
Field evaluation of the efficacy, compatibility and serologic profiling of a combined vaccine against porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome and Haemophilus parasuis in nursery pigs.
In: Preventive veterinary medicine, Bd. 119, Nr. 3-4: S. 134-140
Metzler-Zebeli, Barbara U.; Mann, Evelyne; Ertl, Reinhard; Schmitz-Esser, Stephan; Wagner, Martin; Klein, Dieter; Ritzmann, Mathias und Zebeli, Qendrim
Dietary calcium concentration and cereals differentially affect mineral balance and tight junction proteins expression in jejunum of weaned pigs.
In: British journal of nutrition, Bd. 113, Nr. 7: S. 1019-1031
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Streckel, Elisabeth; Braun-Reichhart, Christina; Herbach, Nadja; Dahlhoff, Maik; Kessler, Barbara; Blutke, Andreas; Bähr, Andrea; Übel, Nicole; Eddicks, Matthias; Ritzmann, Mathias; Krebs, Stefan; Göke, Burkhard; Blum, Helmut; Wanke, Rüdiger; Wolf, Eckhard und Renner, Simone
Effects of the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist liraglutide in juvenile transgenic pigs modeling a pre-diabetic condition.
In: Journal of Translational Medicine
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Hanke, Dennis; Jenckel, Maria; Petrov, Anja; Ritzmann, Mathias; Stadler, Julia; Akimkin, Valerij; Blome, Sandra; Pohlmann, Anne; Schirrmeier, Horst; Beer, Martin und Höper, Dirk
Comparison of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Viruses from Germany and the United States, 2014.
In: Emerging infectious Diseases, Bd. 21, Nr. 3: S. 493-496
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Stadler, Julia; Zoels, Susanne; Fux, Robert; Hanke, Dennis; Pohlmann, Anne; Blome, Sandra; Weissenböck, Herbert; Weissenbacher-Lang, Christiane; Ritzmann, Mathias und Ladinig, Andrea
Emergence of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus in southern Germany.
In: BMC Veterinary Research
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Felder, Kathrin M.; Hoelzle, Katharina; Ritzmann, Mathias; Kilchling, Tim; Schiele, Daniela; Heinritzi, Karl; Groebel, Katrin und Hoelzle, Ludwig E.
Hemotrophic Mycoplasmas Induce Programmed Cell Death in Red Blood Cells.
In: Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, Nr. 5: S. 557-564
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