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Number of items at this level: 28.


Hinz, Nina-Alisa; Ciardo, Francesca und Wykowska, Agnieszka (January 2021): ERP markers of action planning and outcome monitoring in human – robot interaction. In: Acta Psychologica, Vol. 212, 103216: pp. 1-12 [PDF, 3MB]

Köksal, Özgün; Sodian, Beate ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1844-5908 und Legare, Cristine H. (May 2021): Young children’s metacognitive awareness of confounded evidence. In: Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Vol. 205, 105080

Lenz, Samantha und Paulus, Markus ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0446-4956 (2021): Friendship is more than strategic reciprocity: Preschoolers’ selective sharing with friends cannot be reduced to strategic concerns. In: Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Vol. 206, 105101

Liesner, Marvin; Hinz, Nina-Alisa und Kunde, Wilfried (6. July 2021): How Action Shapes Body Ownership Momentarily and Throughout the Lifespan. In: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Vol. 15, 697810: pp. 1-13 [PDF, 1MB]


Christner, Natalie; Pletti, Carolina und Paulus, Markus (2020): Emotion understanding and the moral self-concept as motivators of prosocial behavior in middle childhood. In: Cognitive Development, Vol. 55, No. 100893 [PDF, 669kB]

Essler, Samuel; Lepach, Anja C.; Petermann, Franz und Paulus, Markus (28. January 2020): Equality, equity, or inequality duplication? How preschoolers distribute necessary and luxury resources between rich and poor others. In: Social Development, Vol. 29, No. 1: pp. 110-125

Essler, Samuel; Wörle, Monika; Moore, Chris und Paulus, Markus (March 2020): Preschoolers’ sharing expectations towards friends relate to their kindergarten peer status. In: The British journal of developmental psychology / The British Psychological Society, Vol. 38, No. 1: pp. 1-14

Filevich, Elisa; Forlim, Caroline Garcia; Fehrman, Carmen; Forster, Carina; Paulus, Markus; Shing, Yee Lee und Kühn, Simone (February 2020): I know that I know nothing. Cortical thickness and functional connectivity underlying meta-ignorance ability in preschoolers. In: Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Vol. 41, 100738

Paulus, Markus (2020): Die Einheit der Psychologie ist die Basis der Entwicklungspsychologie. Kommentar zu Daum, M. M., Greve, W., Pauen, S., Schuhrke, B. und Schwarzer, G. (2020). Positionspapier der Fachgruppe Entwicklungspsychologie: Ein Versuch einer Standortbestimmung. In: Psychologische Rundschau, Vol. 71, No. 1: pp. 44-46

Paulus, Markus (2020): Sind kleine Kinder Wissenschaftler und Philosophen? Eine kritische Erörterung aus entwicklungspsychologischer Perspektive. In: Heinrich, Caroline; Berner-Zumpf, Daniela und Teichert, Michael (eds.) : »Alle Tassen fliegen hoch!« Eine Kritik der Kinderphilosophie. Gegendarstellung. Beiträge zu Philosophie und Bildung, 1. Weinheim, Basel: Beltz Juventa. pp. 76-91

Paulus, Markus ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0446-4956; Wörle, Monika und Christner, Natalie ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5751-8324 (2020): The emergence of human altruism. Preschool children develop a norm for empathy-based comforting. In: Journal of Cognition and Development, Vol. 21, No. 1: pp. 104-124

Wörle, Monika; Essler, Samuel ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9498-866X und Paulus, Markus (October 2020): Paying it back and forward: The impact of experiencing and observing others’ sharing and stinginess on preschoolers’ own sharing behavior and expectations. In: Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Vol. 198, 104886


Burgstaller, J.; Paulus, Markus und Pfundmair, Michaela (January 2019): Oxytocin promotes action prediction. In: Hormones and Behavior, Vol. 107: pp. 46-48

Essler, Samuel ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9498-866X (2019): Dynamiken menschlicher Entwicklung. Eine psycho-soziologische Annäherung. Frankfurt am Main: Wochenschau Verlag.

Ganglmayer, Kerstin; Attig, Manja; Daum, Moritz M. und Paulus, Markus (November 2019): Infants’ perception of goal-directed actions. A multi-lab replication reveals that infants anticipate paths and not goals. In: Infant Behavior and Development, Vol. 57, 101340

Meinhardt, Jörg (2019): Gehirn und Lernen. In: Urhahne, Detlef; Dresel, Markus und Fischer, Frank (eds.) : Psychologie für den Lehrberuf. Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer; Berlin; Heidelberg. pp. 85-106

Nijssen, Sari R.R.; Müller, Barbara C. N.; Baaren, Rick B. van und Paulus, Markus (2019): Saving the robot or the human? Robots who feel deserve moral care. In: Social Cognition, Vol. 37, No. 1: pp. 41-56

Paulus, Markus (2019): Schlüsselexperimente der Entwicklungspsychologie. UTB, Vol. 5258. 1. München: Ernst Reinhardt bei UTB.

Paulus, Markus (2019): Psychosexuelle und soziale Entwicklung. In: Urhahne, Detlef; Dresel, Markus und Fischer, Frank (eds.) : Psychologie für den Lehrberuf. 1. Berlin: Springer. pp. 253-272

Paulus, Markus und Wörle, Monika (April 2019): Young children protest against the incorrect use of novel words. Towards a normative pragmatic account on language acquisition. In: Journal of Experimental Child Psychology JECP, Vol. 180: pp. 113-122

Pletti, Carolina; Decety, Jean und Paulus, Markus (April 2019): Moral identity relates to the neural processing of third-party moral behavior. In: Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience SCAN, Vol. 14, No. 4: pp. 435-445

Wörle, Monika und Paulus, Markus (December 2019): Normative foundations of reciprocity in preschoolers. In: Journal of experimental child psychology JECP, Vol. 188, No. 104693


Dahl, Audun und Paulus, Markus (23. October 2018): From Interest to Obligation: The Gradual Development of Human Altruism. In: Child Development Perspectives, Vol. 13, No. 1: pp. 10-14 [PDF, 307kB]

Kammermeier, Marina und Paulus, Markus ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0446-4956 (2018): Stichwort: Kooperatives Handeln. In: Frühförderung interdisziplinär, Vol. 37, No. 3: pp. 151-155

Köksal, Özgün und Sodian, Beate ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1844-5908 (October 2018): The development of scientific reasoning: Hypothesis testing and argumentation from evidence in young childrenn. In: Cognitive Development, Vol. 48: pp. 135-145

Paulus, Markus ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0446-4956 und Kammermeier, Marina (2018): How to deal with a failed replication of the Duplo task? A response to Rubio-Fernández (2019). In: Cognitive Development, Vol. 48: pp. 217-218


Paulus, Markus (15. September 2017): The multidimensional nature of early prosocial behavior: a motivational perspective. In: Current Opinion in Psychology, Vol. 20: pp. 111-116 [PDF, 373kB]

Pletti, Carolina; Scheel, Anne und Paulus, Markus (5. December 2017): Intrinsic Altruism or Social Motivation—What Does Pupil Dilation Tell Us about Children's Helping Behavior? In: Frontiers in Psychology, No. 8: pp. 1-4 [PDF, 239kB]

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