Anzahl der Publikationen: 70
Wimmer, T.; Gückelhorn, J.; Wimmer, S.; Mankovsky, S.; Ebert, H.; Opel, M.; Geprägs, S.; Gross, R.; Huebl, H. und Althammer, M.
Low-temperature suppression of the spin Nernst angle in Pt.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 104, Nr. 14, L140404
Rothenbach, N.; Gruner, M. E.; Ollefs, K.; Schmitz-Antoniak, C.; Salamon, S.; Zhou, P.; Li, R.; Mo, M.; Park, S.; Shen, X.; Weathersby, S.; Yang, J.; Wang, X. J.; Sipr, O.; Ebert, H.; Sokolowski-Tinten, K.; Pentcheva, R.; Bovensiepen, U.; Eschenlohr, A. und Wende, H.
Effect of lattice excitations on transient near-edge x-ray absorption spectroscopy.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 104, Nr. 14, 144302
Mangelsen, S.; Zimmer, P.; Nather, C.; Mankovsky, S.; Polesya, S.; Ebert, H. und Bensch, W.
Interplay of sample composition and anomalous Hall effect in CoxNbS2.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 103, Nr. 18, 184408
Honolka, J.; Krotzky, S.; Herzog, M.; Herden, T.; Sessi, V.; Ebert, H.; Minar, J.; Bergmann, K. von; Wiesendanger, R. und Sipr, O.
Spin-spiral state of a Mn monolayer on W(110) studied by soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy at variable temperature.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 103, Nr. 17, 174419
Gorbatov, O. I.; Johansson, G.; Jakobsson, A.; Mankovsky, S.; Ebert, H.; Di Marco, I.; Minar, J. und Etz, C.
Magnetic exchange interactions in yttrium iron garnet: A fully relativistic first-principles investigation.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 104, Nr. 17, 174401
Bentmann, H.; Maass, H.; Braun, J.; Seibel, C.; Kokh, K. A.; Tereshchenko, O. E.; Schreyeck, S.; Brunner, K.; Molenkamp, L. W.; Miyamoto, K.; Arita, M.; Shimada, K.; Okuda, T.; Kirschner, J.; Tusche, C.; Ebert, H.; Minar, J. und Reinert, F.
Profiling spin and orbital texture of a topological insulator in full momentum space.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 103, Nr. 16, L161107
Elmers, H. J.; Regel, J.; Mashoff, T.; Braun, J.; Babenkov, S.; Chernov, S.; Fedchenko, O.; Medjanik, K.; Vasilyev, D.; Minar, J.; Ebert, H. und Schoenhense, G.
Rashba splitting of the Tamm surface state on Re(0001) observed by spin-resolved photoemission and scanning tunneling spectroscopy.
In: Physical Review Research, Bd. 2, Nr. 1, 013296
Back, C.; Cros, V.; Ebert, H.; Everschor-Sitte, K.; Fert, A.; Garst, M.; Ma, Tianping; Mankovsky, S.; Monchesky, T. L.; Mostovoy, M.; Nagaosa, N.; Parkin, S. S. P.; Pfleiderer, C.; Reyren, N.; Rosch, A.; Taguchi, Y.; Tokura, Y.; Bergmann, K. von und Zang, Jiadong
The 2020 skyrmionics roadmap.
In: Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, Bd. 53, Nr. 36, 363001
Polesya, S.; Mankovsky, S.; Ebert, H.; Naumov, P. G.; ElGhazali, M. A.; Schnelle, W.; Medvedev, S.; Mangelsen, S. und Bensch, W.
Mn1/4NbS2: Magnetic and magnetotransport properties at ambient pressure and ferro- to antiferromagnetic transition under pressure.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 102, Nr. 17, 174423
Beaulieu, S.; Schusser, J.; Dong, S.; Schuler, M.; Pincelli, T.; Dendzik, M.; Maklar, J.; Neef, A.; Ebert, H.; Hricovini, K.; Wolf, M.; Braun, J.; Rettig, L.; Minar, J. und Ernstorfer, R.
Revealing Hidden Orbital Pseudospin Texture with Time-Reversal Dichroism in Photoelectron Angular Distributions.
In: Physical Review Letters, Bd. 125, Nr. 21, 216404
Rienks, E. D. L.; Wimmer, S.; Sanchez-Barriga, J.; Caha, O.; Mandal, P. S.; Ruzicka, J.; Ney, A.; Steiner, H.; Volobuev, V. V.; Groiss, H.; Albu, M.; Kothleitner, G.; Michalicka, J.; Khan, S. A.; Minar, J.; Ebert, H.; Bauer, G.; Freyse, F.; Varykhalov, A.; Rader, O. und Springholz, G.
Large magnetic gap at the Dirac point in Bi2Te3/MnBi2Te4 heterostructures.
In: Nature, Bd. 576, Nr. 7787
Nicolai, L.; Mariot, J-M; Djukic, U.; Wang, W.; Heckmann, O.; Richter, M. C.; Kanski, J.; Leandersson, M.; Balasubramanian, T.; Sadowski, J.; Braun, J.; Ebert, H.; Vobornik, I.; Fujii, J.; Minar, J. und Hricovini, K.
Bi ultra-thin crystalline films on InAs(111)A and B substrates: a combined core-level and valence-band angle-resolved and dichroic photoemission study.
In: New Journal of Physics, Bd. 21, Nr. 12, 123012
Bakonyi, I.; Isnaini, V. A.; Kolonits, T.; Czigany, Zs.; Gubicza, J.; Varga, L. K.; Toth-Kadar, E.; Pogany, L.; Peter, L. und Ebert, H.
The specific grain-boundary electrical resistivity of Ni.
In: Philosophical Magazine, Bd. 99, Nr. 9: S. 1139-1162
Mu, Sai; Yin, J.; Samolyuk, G. D.; Wimmer, S.; Pei, Z.; Eisenbach, M.; Mankovsky, S.; Ebert, H. und Stocks, G. M.
Hidden Mn magnetic-moment disorder and its influence on the physical properties of medium-entropy NiCoMn solid solution alloys.
In: Physical Review Materials, Bd. 3, Nr. 1, 014411
Gladii, O.; Frangou, L.; Hallal, A.; Seeger, R. L.; Noel, P.; Forestier, G.; Auffret, S.; Rubio-Roy, M.; Warin, P.; Vila, L.; Wimmer, S.; Ebert, H.; Gambarelli, S.; Chshiev, M. und Baltz, V
Self-induced inverse spin Hall effect in ferromagnets: Demonstration through nonmonotonic temperature dependence in permalloy.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 100, Nr. 17, 174409
Fedchenko, O.; Medjanik, K.; Chernov, S.; Kutnyakhov, D.; Ellguth, M.; Oelsner, A.; Schönhense, B.; Peixoto, T. R. F.; Lutz, P.; Min, C-H; Reinert, F.; Daester, S.; Acremann, Y.; Viefhaus, J.; Wurth, W.; Braun, J.; Minar, J.; Ebert, H.; Elmers, H. J. und Schönhense, G.
4D texture of circular dichroism in soft-x-ray photoemission from tungsten.
In: New Journal of Physics, Bd. 21, 013017
Samolyuk, G. D.; Mu, S.; May, A. F.; Sales, B. C.; Wimmer, S.; Mankovsky, S.; Ebert, H. und Stocks, G. M.
Temperature dependent electronic transport in concentrated solid solutions of the 3d-transition metals Ni, Fe, Co and Cr from first principles.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 98, Nr. 16, 165141
Srichandan, S.; Wimmer, S.; Poellath, S.; Kronseder, M.; Ebert, H.; Back, C. H. und Strunk, C.
Magnon scattering in the transport coefficients of CoFe thin films.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 98, Nr. 2, 20406
Chen, L.; Mankovsky, S.; Wimmer, S.; Schön, M. A. W.; Koerner, H. S.; Kronseder, M.; Schuh, D.; Bougeard, D.; Ebert, H.; Weiss, D. und Back, C. H.
Emergence of anisotropic Gilbert damping in ultrathin Fe layers on GaAs(001).
In: Nature Physics, Bd. 14, Nr. 5: S. 490-494
Ketterl, A. S.; Otto, S.; Bastian, M.; Andres, B.; Gahl, C.; Minar, J.; Ebert, H.; Braun, J.; Tereshchenko, O. E.; Kokh, K. A.; Fauster, Th und Weinelt, M.
Origin of spin-polarized photocurrents in the topological surface states of Bi2Se3.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 98, Nr. 15, 155406
Mangelsen, S.; Naumov, P. G.; Barkalov, O. I.; Medvedev, S. A.; Schnelle, W.; Bobnar, M.; Mankovsky, S.; Polesya, S.; Näther, C.; Ebert, H. und Bensch, W.
Large nonsaturating magnetoresistance and pressure-induced phase transition in the layered semimetal HfTe2.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 96, Nr. 20, 205148
Mankovsky, S.; Polesya, S.; Chadova, K.; Ebert, H.; Staunton, J. B.; Grünbaum, T.; Schoen, M. A. W.; Back, C. H.; Chen, X. Z. und Song, C.
Temperature- dependent transport properties of FeRh.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 95, Nr. 15, 155139
Schönhense, G.; Medjanik, K.; Chernov, S.; Kutnyakhov, D.; Fedchenko, O.; Ellguth, M.; Vasilyev, D.; Zaporozhchenko-Zymakova, A.; Panzer, D.; Oelsner, A.; Tusche, C.; Schonhense, B.; Braun, J.; Minar, J.; Ebert, H.; Viefhaus, J.; Wurth, W. und Elmers, H. J.
Spin-filtered time-of-flight k-space microscopy of Ir - Towards the "complete" photoemission experiment.
In: Ultramicroscopy, Bd. 183: S. 19-29
Sanchez-Barriga, J.; Battiato, M.; Krivenkov, M.; Golias, E.; Varykhalov, A.; Romualdi, A.; Yashina, L. V.; Minar, J.; Kornilov, O.; Ebert, H.; Held, K. und Braun, J.
Subpicosecond spin dynamics of excited states in the topological insulator Bi2Te3.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 95, Nr. 12, 125405
Chimata, R.; Delczeg-Czirjak, E. K.; Szilva, A.; Cardias, R.; Kvashnin, Y. O.; Pereiro, M.; Mankovsky, S.; Ebert, H.; Thonig, D.; Sanyal, B.; Klautau, A. B. und Eriksson, O.
Magnetism and ultrafast magnetization dynamics of Co and CoMn alloys at finite temperature.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 95, Nr. 21, 214417
Meyer, S.; Chen, Y.-T.; Wimmer, S.; Althammer, M.; Wimmer, T.; Schlitz, R.; Geprägs, S.; Huebl, H.; Ködderitzsch, D.; Ebert, H.; Bauer, G. E. W.; Gross, R. und Goennenwein, S. T. B.
Observation of the spin Nernst effect.
In: Nature Materials, Bd. 16, Nr. 10: S. 977-981
Nemšák, S.; Conti, G.; Gray, A. X.; Palsson, G. K.; Conlon, C.; Eiteneer, D.; Keqi, A.; Rattanachata, A.; Saw, A. Y.; Bostwick, A.; Moreschini, L.; Rotenberg, E.; Strocov, V. N.; Kobayashi, M.; Schmitt, T.; Stolte, W.; Ueda, S.; Kobayashi, K.; Gloskovskii, A.; Drube, W.; Jackson, C. A.; Moetakef, P.; Janotti, A.; Bjaalie, L.; Himmetoglu, B.; Walle, C. G. van de; Borek, S.; Minár, J.; Braun, J.; Ebert, H.; Plucinski, L.; Kortright, J. B.; Schneider, C. M.; Balents, L.; de Groot, F. M. F.; Stemmer, S. und Fadley, C. S.
Energetic, spatial, and momentum character of the electronic structure at a buried interface: The two-dimensional electron gas between two metal oxides.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 93, Nr. 24, 245103
Kronenberg, A.; Braun, J.; Minár, J.; Elmers, H.-J.; Kutnyakhov, D.; Zaporozhchenko, A. V.; Wallauer, R.; Chernov, S.; Medjanik, K.; Schönhense, G.; Kläui, M.; Chadov, S.; Ebert, H. und Jourdan, M.
Dirac cone and pseudogapped density of states in the topological half-Heusler compound YPtBi.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 94, Nr. 16, 161108
Potapkin, V.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Sergueev, I.; Ekholm, M.; Kantor, I.; Bessas, D.; Bykova, E.; Prakapenka, V.; Hermann, R. P.; Rüffer, R.; Cerantola, V.; Jönsson, H. J. M.; Olovsson, W.; Mankovsky, S.; Ebert, H. und Abrikosov, I. A.
Magnetic interactions in NiO at ultrahigh pressure.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 93, Nr. 20, 201110
Chadova, K.; Ködderitzsch, D.; Minár, J.; Ebert, H.; Kiss, J.; D'Souza, S. W.; Wollmann, L.; Felser, C. und Chadov, S.
Resonant impurity states in chemically disordered half-Heusler Dirac semimetals.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 93, Nr. 19, 195102
Sánchez-Barriga, J.; Golias, E.; Varykhalov, A.; Braun, J.; Yashina, L. V.; Schumann, R.; Minár, J.; Ebert, H.; Kornilov, O. und Rader, O.
Ultrafast spin-polarization control of Dirac fermions in topological insulators.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 93, Nr. 15, 155426
Sánchez-Barriga, J.; Varykhalov, A.; Springholz, G.; Steiner, H.; Kirchschlager, R.; Bauer, G.; Caha, O.; Schierle, E.; Weschke, E.; Ünal, A. A.; Valencia, S.; Dunst, M.; Braun, J.; Ebert, H.; Minár, J.; Golias, E.; Yashina, L. V.; Ney, A.; Holy, V. und Rader, O.
Nonmagnetic band gap at the Dirac point of the magnetic topological insulator (Bi1-xMnx)(2)Se-3.
In: Nature Communications, Bd. 7, 10559
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Kutnyakhov, D.; Chernov, S.; Medjanik, K.; Wallauer, R.; Tusche, C.; Ellguth, M.; Nepijko, S. A.; Krivenkov, M.; Braun, J.; Borek, S.; Minár, J.; Ebert, H.; Elmers, H. J. und Schönhense, G.
Spin texture of time-reversal symmetry invariant surface states on W(110).
In: Scientific Reports, Bd. 6, 29394
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Krempasky, J.; Muff, S.; Bisti, F.; Fanciulli, M.; Volfová, H.; Weber, A. P.; Pilet, N.; Warnicke, P.; Ebert, H.; Braun, J.; Bertran, F.; Volobuev, V. V.; Minár, J.; Springholz, G.; Dil, J. H. und Strocov, V. N.
Entanglement and manipulation of the magnetic and spin-orbit order in multiferroic Rashba semiconductors.
In: Nature Communications, Bd. 7, 13071
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Mlynczak, E.; Eschbach, M.; Borek, S.; Minár, J.; Braun, J.; Aguilera, I.; Bihlmayer, G.; Döring, S.; Gehlmann, M.; Gospodaric, P.; Suga, S.; Plucinski, L.; Blügel, S.; Ebert, H. und Schneider, C. M.
Fermi Surface Manipulation by External Magnetic Field Demonstrated for a Prototypical Ferromagnet.
In: Physical Review X, Bd. 6, Nr. 4, 041048
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Vondráček, M.; Cornils, L.; Minár, J.; Warmuth, J.; Michiardi, M.; Piamonteze, C.; Barreto, L.; Miwa, J. A.; Bianchi, M.; Hofmann, Ph.; Zhou, L.; Kamlapure, A.; Khajetoorians, A. A.; Wiesendanger, R.; Mi, J.-L.; Iversen, B.-B.; Mankovsky, S.; Borek, St.; Ebert, H.; Schüler, M.; Wehling, T.; Wiebe, J. und Honolka, J.
Nickel: The time-reversal symmetry conserving partner of iron on a chalcogenide topological insulator.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 94, Nr. 16, 161114
Elmers, H. J.; Wallauer, R.; Liebmann, M.; Kellner, J.; Morgenstern, M.; Wang, R. N.; Boschker, J. E.; Calarco, R.; Sánchez-Barriga, J.; Rader, O.; Kutnyakhov, D.; Chernov, S. V.; Medjanik, K.; Tusche, C.; Ellguth, M.; Volfova, H.; Borek, St.; Braun, J.; Minár, J.; Ebert, H. und Schönhense, G.
Spin mapping of surface and bulk Rashba states in ferroelectric alpha-GeTe(111) films.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 94, Nr. 20, 201403
Krempaský, J.; Volfová, H.; Muff, S.; Pilet, N.; Landolt, G.; Radović, M.; Shi, M.; Kriegner, D.; Holý, V.; Braun, J.; Ebert, H.; Bisti, F.; Rogalev, V. A.; Strocov, V. N.; Springholz, G.; Minár, J. und Dil, J. H.
Disentangling bulk and surface Rashba effects in ferroelectric alpha-GeTe.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 94, Nr. 20, 205111
Obstbaum, M.; Decker, M.; Greitner, A. K.; Haertinger, M.; Meier, T. N. G.; Kronseder, M.; Chadova, K.; Wimmer, S.; Ködderitzsch, D.; Ebert, H. und Back, C. H.
Tuning Spin Hall Angles by Alloying.
In: Physical Review Letters, Bd. 117, Nr. 16, 167204
Borek, St; Braun, J.; Minár, J.; Kutnyakhov, D.; Elmers, H.-J.; Schönhense, G. und Ebert, H.
Determination of surface and interface magnetic properties for the multiferroic heterostructure Co/BaTiO3 using spleed and arpes.
In: Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Bd. 28, Nr. 43, 436004
Collins, S. P.; Laundy, D.; Connolley, T.; Laan, G. van der; Fabrizi, F.; Janssen, O.; Cooper, M. J.; Ebert, H. und Mankovsky, S.
On the possibility of using X-ray Compton scattering to study magnetoelectrical properties of crystals.
In: Acta Crystallographica A-Foundation and Advances, Bd. 72: S. 197-205
Sanchez-Barriga, J.; Varykhalov, A.; Braun, J.; Xu, S. -Y.; Alidoust, N.; Kornilov, O.; Minar, J.; Hummer, K.; Springholz, G.; Bauer, G.; Schumann, R.; Yashina, L. V.; Ebert, H.; Hasan, M. Z. und Rader, O.
Photoemission of Bi2Se3 with Circularly Polarized Light: Probe of Spin Polarization or Means for Spin Manipulation?
In: Physical Review X, Bd. 4, Nr. 1, 011046
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Jourdan, M.; Minár, J.; Braun, J.; Kronenberg, A.; Chadov, S.; Balke, B.; Gloskovskii, A.; Kolbe, M.; Elmers, H. J.; Schönhense, G.; Ebert, H.; Felser, C. und Kläui, M.
Direct observation of half-metallicity in the Heusler compound Co2MnSi.
In: Nature Communications, Bd. 5, 3974
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Gray, A.X.; Minár, J.; Plucinski, L.; Huijben, M.; Bostwick, A.; Rotenberg, E.; Yang, S.-H.h; Braun, J.; Winkelmann, A.; Conti, G.; Eiteneer, D.; Rattanachata, A.; Greer, A.A.; Ciston, J.; Ophus, C.; Rijnders, G.; Blank, D. H. A.; Doennig, D.; Pentcheva, Rossitza; Kortright, J.B.; Schneider, C.M.; Ebert, H. und Fadley, C. S.
Momentum-resolved electronic structure at a buried interface from soft X-ray standing-wave angle-resolved photoemission.
In: EPL, Bd. 104, Nr. 1
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