Anzahl der Publikationen: 237
Simonet Roda, Maria; Griesshaber, Erika; Angiolini, Lucia; Rollion-Bard, Claire; Harper, Elizabeth M.; Bitner, Maria Aleksandra; Milner Garcia, Sara; Ye, Facheng; Henkel, Daniela; Häussermann, Vreni; Eisenhauer, Anton; Gnägi, Helmut; Brand, Uwe; Logan, Alan und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
The architecture of Recent brachiopod shells: diversity of biocrystal and biopolymer assemblages in rhynchonellide, terebratulide, thecideide and craniide shells.
In: Marine Biology, Bd. 169, 4
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Strohm, Samuel B.; Inckemann, Sebastian E.; Gao, Kun; Schweikert, Michael; Lemloh, Marie-Louise; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Jordan, Guntram
On the nucleation of ikaite (CaCO3x6H2O) – A comparative study in the presence and absence of mineral surfaces.
In: Chemical Geology, Bd. 611, 121089
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Checa, Antonio G.; Grenier, Christian; Griesshaber, Erika; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Cartwright, Julyan H. E.; Salas, Carmen und Oudot, Morgane
The shell structure and chamber production cycle of the cephalopod Spirula (Coleoidea, Decabrachia).
In: Marine Biology, Bd. 169, Nr. 10
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Pusparizkita, Yustina M.; Aslan, Christian; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Devianto, Hary; Harimawan, Ardiyan; Setiadi, Tjandra; Ng, Yan Jer; Bayuseno, Athanasius P. und Show, Pau Loke
Microbiologically influenced corrosion of the ST-37 carbon steel tank by Bacillus licheniformis present in biodiesel blends.
In: Biomass & Bioenergy, Bd. 168, 106653
Pan, Fei; Liu, Mengdi; Altenried, Stefanie; Lei, Min; Yang, Jiaxin; Straub, Herve; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Maniura-Weber, Katharina; Guillaume-Gentil, Orane und Ren, Qun
Uncoupling bacterial attachment on and detachment from polydimethylsiloxane surfaces through empirical and simulation studies.
In: Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Bd. 622: S. 419-430
Forjanes, Pablo; Roda, Maria Simonet; Greiner, Martina; Griesshaber, Erika; Lagos, Nelson A.; Veintemillas-Verdaguer, Sabino; Astilleros, Jose Manuel; Fernandez-Diaz, Lurdes und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Experimental burial diagenesis of aragonitic biocarbonates: from organic matter loss to abiogenic calcite formation.
In: Biogeosciences, Bd. 19, Nr. 16: S. 3791-3823
Kappel, Isabella; Böcklein, Sebastian; Park, SoHyun; Wharmby, Michael; Mestl, Gerhard und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
(31. Oktober 2021):
Crystal Imperfections of Industrial Vanadium Phosphorous Oxide Catalysts.
In: Catalysts, Bd. 11, Nr. 11, 1325: S. 1-15
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Zeman, Otto E. O.; Hochleitner, Rupert; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Karaghiosoff, Konstantin und Braeuniger, Thomas
(April 2021):
Relationship between Pb-207 NMR chemical shift and the morphology and crystal structure for the apatites Pb-5(AO(4))(3)Cl, vanadinite (A = V), pyromorphite (A = P), and mimetite (A = As).
In: American Mineralogist, Bd. 106, Nr. 4: S. 541-548
Roda, Maria Simonet; Griesshaber, Erika; Angiolini, Lucia; Harper, David A. T.; Jansen, Ulrich; Bitner, Maria Aleksandra; Henkel, Daniela; Manzanero, Eloy; Muller, Tamas; Tomasovych, Adam; Eisenhauer, Anton; Ziegler, Andreas und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
The evolution of thecideide microstructures and textures: traced from Triassic to Holocene.
In: Lethaia
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Roda, Maria Simonet; Griesshaber, Erika; Angiolini, Lucia; Harper, David A. T.; Jansen, Ulrich; Bitner, Maria Aleksandra; Henkel, Daniela; Manzanero, Eloy; Müller, Tamas; Tomasovych, Adam; Eisenhauer, Anton; Ziegler, Andreas und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
The evolution of thecideide microstructures and textures: traced from Triassic to Holocene.
In: Lethaia, Bd. 54, Nr. 4: S. 558-577
Zeman, Otto E. O.; Hochleitner, Rupert; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Karaghiosoff, Konstantin und Bräuniger, Thomas
Relationship between Pb-207 NMR chemical shift and the morphology and crystal structure for the apatites Pb-5(AO(4))(3)Cl, vanadinite (A = V), pyromorphite (A = P), and mimetite (A = As).
In: American Mineralogist, Bd. 106, Nr. 4: S. 541-548
Crippa, Gaia; Griesshaber, Erika; Checa, Antonio G.; Harper, Elizabeth M.; Roda, Maria Simonet und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
(Dezember 2020):
SEM, EBSD, laser confocal microscopy and FE-SEM data from modern Glycymeris shell layers.
In: Data in Brief, Bd. 33
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Trepmann, Claudia A.; Dellefant, Fabian; Kaliwoda, Melanie; Hess, Kai-Uwe; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Hoelzl, Stefan
(November 2020):
Quartz and cristobalite ballen in impact melt rocks from the Ries impact structure, Germany, formed by dehydration of shock-generated amorphous phases.
In: Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Bd. 55, Nr. 11: S. 2360-2374
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Schenk, Anna S.; Goll, Miriam; Reith, Lukas; Roussel, Manuel; Blaschkowski, Bjoern; Rosenfeldt, Sabine; Yin, Xiaofei; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Ludwigs, Sabine
(Oktober 2020):
Hierarchically Structured Spherulitic Cobalt Hydroxide Carbonate as a Precursor to Ordered Nanostructures of Electrocatalytically Active Co3O4.
In: Crystal Growth & Design, Bd. 20, Nr. 10: S. 6407-6420
Ernst, Franziska; Fabritius, Helge-Otto; Griesshaber, Erika; Reisecker, Christian; Neues, Frank; Epple, Matthias; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Hild, Sabine und Ziegler, Andreas
(Oktober 2020):
Functional adaptations in the tergite cuticle of the desert isopod Hemilepistus reaumuri (Milne-Edwards, 1840).
In: Journal of Structural Biology, Bd. 212, Nr. 1
Yin, Xiaofei; Weitzel, Florian; Griesshaber, Erika; Fernandez-Diaz, Lurdes; Jimenez-Lopez, Concepcion; Ziegler, Andreas; Rodriguez-Navarro, Alejandro B. und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
(Juli 2020):
Bacterial EPS in Agarose Hydrogels Directs Mineral Organization in Calcite Precipitates: Species-Specific Biosignatures of Bacillus subtilis, Mycobacterium phley, Mycobacterium smagmatis, and Pseudomonas putida EPS.
In: Crystal Growth & Design, Bd. 20, Nr. 7: S. 4402-4417
Yin, Xiaofei; Weitzel, Florian; Jimenez-Lopez, Concepcion; Griesshaber, Erika; Fernandez-Diaz, Lurdes; Rodriguez-Navarro, Alejandro; Ziegler, Andreas und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
(März 2020):
Directing Effect of Bacterial Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS) on Calcite Organization and EPS-Carbonate Composite Aggregate Formation.
In: Crystal Growth & Design, Bd. 20, Nr. 3: S. 1467-1484
Pan, Fei; Altenried, Stefanie; Liu, Mengdi; Hegemann, Dirk; Bülbül, Ezgi; Moeller, Jens; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Maniura-Weber, Katharina und Ren, Qun
(Januar 2020):
A nanolayer coating on polydimethylsiloxane surfaces enables a mechanistic study of bacterial adhesion influenced by material surface physicochemistry.
In: Materials Horizons, Bd. 7, Nr. 1: S. 93-103
Angiolini, Lucia; Crippa, Gaia; Azmy, Karem; Capitani, Giancarlo; Confalonieri, Giorgia; Della Porta, Giovanna; Griesshaber, Erika; Harper, David A. T.; Leng, Melanie J.; Nolan, Leah; Orlandi, Marco; Posenato, Renato; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Banks, Vanessa J. und Stephenson, Michael H.
(November 2019):
The giants of the phylum Brachiopoda: a matter of diet?
In: Palaeontology, Bd. 62, Nr. 6: S. 889-917
Heldmann, Alexander; Hoelzel, Markus; Hofmann, Michael; Gan, Weimin; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Griesshaber, Erika; Hansen, Thomas; Schell, Norbert und Petry, Winfried
(Oktober 2019):
Diffraction-based determination of single-crystal elastic constants of polycrystalline titanium alloys.
In: Journal of Applied Crystallography, Bd. 52, Nr. 5: S. 1144-1156
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Simonet Roda, M.; Ziegler, A.; Griesshaber, E.; Yin, X.; Rupp, U.; Greiner, M.; Henkel, D.; Haussermann, V; Eisenhauer, A.; Laudien, J. und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
(August 2019):
Terebratulide brachiopod shell biomineralization by mantle epithelial cells.
In: Journal of Structural Biology, Bd. 207, Nr. 2: S. 136-157
Lauhoff, C.; Reul, A.; Langenkämper, D.; Krooß, P.; Somsen, C.; Gutmann, M. J.; Kireeva, I.; Chumlyakov, Y. I.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Niendorf, T.
(Juli 2019):
Effect of nanometric gamma'-particles on the stress-induced martensitic transformation in <001>-oriented Co49Ni21Ga30 shape memory alloy single crystals.
In: Scripta Materialia, Bd. 168: S. 42-46
Greiner, M.; Rodriguez-Navarro, A.; Heinig, M. F.; Mayer, K.; Kocsis, B.; Göhring, A.; Toncala, A.; Grupe, G. und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
(Juni 2019):
Bone incineration: An experimental study on mineral structure, colour and crystalline state.
In: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Bd. 25: S. 507-518
Nindiyasari, Fitriana; Fernandez-Diaz, Lurdes; Yin, Xiaofei; Greiner, Martina; Griesshaber, Erika; Tsige, Meaza; Ziegler, Andreas und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
(März 2019):
Influence of gel-strength and magnesium doping on the organization of calcite/hydrogel mesocrystal composites.
In: European Journal of Mineralogy, Bd. 31, Nr. 2: S. 217-229
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Ferrari, Alberto; Kadletz, Peter M.; Chakraborty, Tanmoy; Liao, Kunyen; Langenkämper, Dennis; Motemani, Yahya; Paulsen, Alexander; Lysogorskiy, Yury; Frenzel, Jan; Rogal, Jutta; Ludwig, Alfred; Somsen, Christoph; Drautz, Ralf und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
(März 2019):
Reconciling Experimental and Theoretical Data in the Structural Analysis of Ti-Ta Shape-Memory Alloys.
In: Shape Memory and Superelasticity, Bd. 5, Nr. 1: S. 6-15
Paulsen, Alexander; Frenzel, Jan; Langenkämper, Dennis; Rynko, Ramona; Kadletz, Peter; Grossmann, Lukas; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Somsen, Christoph und Eggeler, Gunther
(März 2019):
A Kinetic Study on the Evolution of Martensitic Transformation Behavior and Microstructures in Ti-Ta High-Temperature Shape-Memory Alloys During Aging.
In: Shape Memory and Superelasticity, Bd. 5, Nr. 1: S. 16-31
Krooß, P.; Lauhoff, C.; Langenkämper, D.; Paulsen, A.; Reul, A.; Degener, S.; Aminforoughi, B.; Frenzel, J.; Somsen, C.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Eggeler, G.; Maier, H. J. und Niendorf, T.
(März 2019):
Impact of Heating-Cooling Rates on the Functional Properties of Ti-20Ta-5Al High-Temperature Shape Memory Alloys.
In: Shape Memory and Superelasticity, Bd. 5, Nr. 1: S. 95-105
Roda, Maria Simonet; Griesshaber, Erika; Ziegler, Andreas; Rupp, Ulrich; Yin, Xiaofei; Henkel, Daniela; Haussermann, Vreni; Laudien, Juergen; Brand, Uwe; Eisenhauer, Anton; Checa, Antonio G. und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
(Januar 2019):
Calcite fibre formation in modern brachiopod shells.
In: Scientific Reports, Bd. 9, 598
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Schiebel, Korbinian; Jordan, Guntram; Kaestner, Anders; Schillinger, Burkhard; Georgii, Robert; Hess, Kai-Uwe; Böhnke, Sandra und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
(Dezember 2018):
Effects of heat and cyclic reuse on the properties of bentonite-bonded sand.
In: European Journal of Mineralogy, Bd. 30, Nr. 6: S. 1115-1125
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Casella, L. A.; Griesshaber, Erika; Simonet Roda, M.; Ziegler, A.; Mavromatis, V.; Henkel, D.; Laudien, J.; Haeussermann, V.; Neuser, R. D.; Angiolini, L.; Dietzel, M.; Eisenhauer, A.; Immenhauser, A.; Brand, U. und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Micro- and nanostructures reflect the degree of diagenetic alteration in modern and fossil brachiopod shell calcite: A multi-analytical screening approach (CL, FE-SEM, AFM, EBSD).
In: Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, Bd. 502: S. 13-30
Fichtner, Vanessa; Strauss, Harald; Mavromatis, Vasileios; Dietzel, Martin; Huthwelker, Thomas; Borca, Camelia N.; Guagliardo, Paul; Kilburn, Matt R.; Goettlicher, Joerg; Pederson, Chelsea L.; Griesshaber, Erika; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Immenhauser, Adrian
Incorporation and subsequent diagenetic alteration of sulfur in Arctica islandica.
In: Chemical Geology, Bd. 482: S. 72-90
Greiner, Martina; Yin, Xiaofei; Fernandez-Diaz, Lurdes; Griesshaber, Erika; Weitzel, Florian; Ziegler, Andreas; Veintemillas-Verdaguer, Sabino und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Combined Influence of Reagent Concentrations and Agar Hydrogel Strength on the Formation of Biomimetic Hydrogel-Calcite Composites.
In: Crystal Growth & Design, Bd. 18, Nr. 3: S. 1401-1414
Kadletz, Peter M.; Motemani, Yahya; Iannotta, Joy; Salomon, Steffen; Khare, Chinmay; Grossmann, Lukas; Maier, Hans Juergen; Ludwig, Alfred und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Crystallographic Structure Analysis of a Ti-Ta Thin Film Materials Library Fabricated by Combinatorial Magnetron Sputtering.
In: ACS Combinatorial Science, Bd. 20, Nr. 3: S. 137-150
Reul, A.; Lauhoff, C.; Krooss, P.; Gutmann, M. J.; Kadletz, P. M.; Chumlyakov, Y. I.; Niendorf, T. und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
In Situ Neutron Diffraction Analyzing Stress-Induced Phase Transformation and Martensite Elasticity in 001-Oriented Co49Ni21Ga30 Shape Memory Alloy Single Crystals.
In: Shape Memory and Superelasticity, Bd. 4, Nr. 1: S. 61-69
Yin, Xiaofei; Ziegler, Andreas; Kelm, Klemens; Hoffmann, Ramona; Watermeyer, Philipp; Alexa, Patrick; Villinger, Clarissa; Rupp, Ulrich; Schlueter, Lothar; Reusch, Thorsten B. H.; Griesshaber, Erika; Walther, Paul und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Formation and mosaicity of coccolith segment calcite of the marine algae Emiliania huxleyi.
In: Journal of Phycology, Bd. 54, Nr. 1: S. 85-104
Casella, Laura A.; He, Sixin; Griesshaber, Erika; Fernandez-Diaz, Lourdes; Greiner, Martina; Harper, Elizabeth M.; Jackson, Daniel J.; Ziegler, Andreas; Mavromatis, Vasileios; Dietzel, Martin; Eisenhauer, Anton; Veintemillas-Verdaguer, Sabino; Brand, Uwe und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Hydrothermal alteration of aragonitic biocarbonates: assessment of micro- and nanostructural dissolution-reprecipitation and constraints of diagenetic overprint from quantitative statistical grain-area analysis.
In: Biogeosciences, Bd. 15, Nr. 24: S. 7451-7484
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Seidl, Bastian H. M.; Griesshaber, Erika; Fabritius, Helge-Otto; Reisecker, Christian; Hild, Sabine; Taiti, Stefano; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Ziegler, Andreas
Tailored disorder in calcite organization in tergite cuticle of the supralittoral isopod Tylos europaeus Arcangeli, 1938.
In: Journal of Structural Biology, Bd. 204, Nr. 3: S. 464-480
Greiner, Martina; Fernandez-Diaz, Lurdes; Griesshaber, Erika; Zenkert, Moritz N.; Yin, Xiaofei; Ziegler, Andreas; Veintemillas-Verdaguer, Sabino und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Biomineral Reactivity: The Kinetics of the Replacement Reaction of Biological Aragonite to Apatite.
In: Minerals, Bd. 8, Nr. 8, 315
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Zeman, Otto E. O.; Moudrakovski, Igor L.; Hoch, Constantin; Hochleitner, Rupert; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Karaghiosoff, Konstantin und Bräuniger, Thomas
Determination of the P-31 and Pb-207 Chemical Shift Tensors in Pyromorphite, Pb-5(PO4)(3)Cl, by Single-Crystal NMR Measurements and DFT Calculations.
In: Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, Bd. 643, Nr. 21: S. 1635-1641
Casella, Laura A.; Griesshaber, Erika; Yin, Xiaofei; Ziegler, Andreas; Mavromatis, Vasileios; Müller, Dirk; Ritter, Ann-Christine; Hippler, Dorothee; Harper, Elizabeth M.; Dietzel, Martin; Immenhauser, Adrian; Schöne, Bernd R.; Angiolini, Lucia und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Experimental diagenesis: insights into aragonite to calcite transformation of Arctica islandica shells by hydrothermal treatment.
In: Biogeosciences, Bd. 14, Nr. 6: S. 1461-1492
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Ritter, Ann-Christine; Mavromatis, Vasileios; Dietzel, Martin; Kwiecien, Ola; Wiethoff, Felix; Griesshaber, Erika; Casella, Laura A.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Kölen, Jennifer; Neuser, Rolf D.; Leis, Albrecht; Buhl, Dieter; Niedermayr, Andrea; Breitenbach, Sebastian F. M.; Bernasconi, Stefano M. und Immenhauser, Adrian
Exploring the impact of diagenesis on (isotope) geochemical and microstructural alteration features in biogenic aragonite.
In: Sedimentology, Bd. 64, Nr. 5: S. 1354-1380
Cereser, Alberto; Strobl, Markus; Hall, Stephen A.; Steuwer, Axel; Kiyanagi, Ryoji; Tremsin, Anton S.; Knudsen, Erik B.; Shinohara, Takenao; Willendrup, Peter K.; Bastos da Silva Fanta, Alice; Iyengar, Srinivasan; Larsen, Peter M.; Hanashima, Takayasu; Moyoshi, Taketo; Kadletz, Peter M.; Krooss, Philipp; Niendorf, Thomas; Sales, Morten; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Schmidt, Soren
Time-of-Flight Three Dimensional Neutron Diffraction in Transmission Mode for Mapping Crystal Grain Structures.
In: Scientific Reports, Bd. 7
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Jamati, A. P. Bayuseno; Atweh, Bill; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Zhang, Sheng
Selected Peer-Reviewed Articles from the First International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST 2016), Bali, Indonesia, 12-13 October, 2016.
In: Advanced Science Letters, Bd. 23, Nr. 12: S. 11635-11636
Nindiyasari, Fitriana; Griesshaber, Erika; Zimmermann, Tanja; Manian, Avinash Pradip; Randow, Clemens; Zehbe, Rolf; Fernandez-Diaz, Lurdes; Ziegler, Andreas; Fleck, Claudia und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Characterization and mechanical properties investigation of the cellulose/gypsum composite.
In: Journal of Composite Materials, Bd. 50, Nr. 5: S. 657-672
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Krooß, P.; Kadletz, P. M.; Somsen, C.; Gutmann, M. J.; Chumlyakov, Y. I.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Maier, H. J. und Niendorf, T.
Cyclic Degradation of Co49Ni21Ga30 High-Temperature Shape Memory Alloy: On the Roles of Dislocation Activity and Chemical Order.
In: Shape Memory and Superelasticity, Bd. 2, Nr. 1: S. 37-49
Hochleitner, Rupert; Fehr, Karl T.; Rewitzer, Christian; Kaliwoda, Melanie; Günther, Amanda; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Park, Sohyun
Hydroniumpharmacoalumite, (H3O)Al4[(OH)4(AsO4)3].4-5 H2O, a new mineral of the pharmacosiderite supergroup from Rodalquilar, Spain.
In: Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie - Abhandlungen / Journal of Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Bd. 192, Nr. 2: S. 169-176
Jackson, Daniel J.; Mann, Karlheinz; Häussermann, Vreni; Schilhabel, Markus B.; Lüter, Carsten; Griesshaber, Erika; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Wörheide, Gert
The Magellania venosa Biomineralizing Proteome: A Window into Brachiopod Shell Evolution.
In: Genome Biology and Evolution, Bd. 7, Nr. 5: S. 1349-1362
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Hoffmann, R.; Kirchlechner, C.; Langer, G.; Wochnik, A. S.; Griesshaber, Erika; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Scheu, C.
Insight into Emiliania huxleyi coccospheres by focused ion beam sectioning.
In: Biogeosciences, Bd. 12, Nr. 3: S. 825-834
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Krooss, P.; Niendorf, T.; Kadletz, P. M.; Somsen, C.; Gutmann, M. J.; Chumlyakov, Y. I.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Eggeler, G. und Maier, H. J.
Functional Fatigue and Tension-Compression Asymmetry in 001-Oriented Co49Ni21Ga30 High-Temperature Shape Memory Alloy Single Crystals.
In: Shape Memory and Superelasticity, Bd. 1, Nr. 1: S. 6-17
Motemani, Yahya; Kadletz, Peter M.; Maier, Bernd; Rynko, Ramona; Somsen, Christoph; Paulsen, Alexander; Frenzel, Jan; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Eggeler, Gunther und Ludwig, Alfred
Microstructure, Shape Memory Effect and Functional Stability of Ti67Ta33 Thin Films.
In: Advanced Engineering Materials, Bd. 17, Nr. 10: S. 1425-1433
Nindiyasari, Fitriana; Ziegler, Andreas; Griesshaber, Erika; Fernandez-Diaz, Lurdes; Huber, Julia; Walther, Paul und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Effect of Hydrogel Matrices on Calcite Crystal Growth Morphology, Aggregate Formation, and Co-Orientation in Biomimetic Experiments and Biomineralization Environments.
In: Crystal Growth & Design, Bd. 15, Nr. 6: S. 2667-2685
Kim, Yi-Yeoun; Schenk, Anna S.; Ihli, Johannes; Kulak, Alex N.; Hetherington, Nicola B. J.; Tang, Chiu C.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Griesshaber, Erika; Hyett, Geoffrey und Meldrum, Fiona C.
A critical analysis of calcium carbonate mesocrystals.
In: Nature Communications, Bd. 5, 4341
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Hahn, Sabine; Griesshaber, Erika; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Neuser, Rolf D.; Ritter, Ann-Christine; Hoffmann, Rene; Buhl, Dieter; Niedermayr, Andrea; Geske, Anna und Immenhauser, Adrian
Exploring aberrant bivalve shell ultrastructure and geochemistry as proxies for past sea water acidification.
In: Sedimentology, Bd. 61, Nr. 6: S. 1625-1658
Hoffmann, Ramona; Wochnik, Angela S.; Heinzl, Christoph; Betzler, Sophia B.; Matich, Sonja; Griesshaber, Erika; Schulz, Hartmut; Kucera, Michal; Young, Jeremy R.; Scheu, Christina und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Nanoprobe crystallographic orientation studies of isolated shield elements of the coccolithophore species Emiliania huxleyi.
In: European Journal of Mineralogy, Bd. 26, Nr. 4: S. 473-483
Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Griesshaber, Erika; Kelm, Klemens; Goetz, Andreas; Jordan, Guntram; Ler, Alexander M. Gig; Ball, Alex; Xu, Dayin; Merkel, Casjen und Brand, Uwe
Erratum: Hierarchical structure of marine shell biomaterials: biomechanical functionalization of calcite by brachiopods.
In: Zeitschrift für Kristallographie = Crystalline Materials, Bd. 229, Nr. 4: S. 343
Jordan, Guntram; Eulenkamp, Constanze; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Calzada, Elbio; Schillinger, Burkhard; Stanjek, Helge; Steinkemper, Udo und Wolff, Horst
Neutronenradiographie an bentonitgebundenem Formstoff. Eine leistungsstarke Methode zur Untersuchung momentaner Feuchteverteilungen.
In: GIESSEREI, Bd. 100, Nr. 9: S. 24-29
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Oehlerich, Markus; Mayr, Christoph; Griesshaber, Erika; Luecke, Andreas; Oeckler, Oliver M.; Ohlendorf, Christian; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Zolitschka, Bernd
Ikaite precipitation in a lacustrine environment - implications for palaeoclimatic studies using carbonates from Laguna Potrok Aike (Patagonia, Argentina).
In: Quaternary Science Reviews, Bd. 71, Nr. SI: S. 46-53
Jungwirth, R.; Palancher, H.; Bonnin, A.; Bertrand-Drira, C.; Borca, C.; Honkimäki, V.; Jarousse, C.; Stepnik, B.; Park, Sohyun; Iltis, X.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Petry, W.
Microstructure of as-fabricated UMo/Al(Si) plates prepared with ground and atomized powder.
In: Journal of Nuclear Materials, Bd. 438, Nr. 1-3: S. 246-260
Jordan, Guntram; Eulenkamp, C.; Calzada, E.; Schillinger, B.; Hoelzel, Markus; Gigler, Alexander M.; Stanjek, H. und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Quantitative in situ study of the dehydration of bentonite-bonded molding sands.
In: Clays and Clay Minerals, Bd. 61, Nr. 2: S. 133-140
Hoelzel, Markus; Gan, W. M.; Hofmann, M.; Randau, C.; Seidl, G.; Jüttner, P.a und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Rotatable multifunctional load frames for neutron diffractometers at FRM II - Design, specifications and applications.
In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Bd. 711: S. 101-105
Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Steurer, Walter
Laue centennial.
In: Acta Crystallographica Section A, Bd. 68, Nr. 1: S. 1-2
Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Griesshaber, Erika; Kelm, Klemens; Goetz, Andreas J.; Jordan, Guntram; Ball, Alexander; Xu, Dayin; Merkel, Casjen und Brand, Uwe
Hierarchical structure of marine shell biomaterials: biomechanical functionalization of calcite by brachiopods.
In: Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, Bd. 227, Nr. 11: S. 793-804
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Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Griesshaber, Erika; Kelm, Klemens; Ball, Alexander; Goetz, Andreas J.; Xu, Dayin; Kreitmeier, Lisa und Jordan, Guntram
Towards systematics of calcite biocrystals: insight from the inside.
In: Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, Bd. 227, Nr. 8, 2: S. 604-611
Kelm, Klemens; Goetz, Andreas J.; Sehrbrock, Angelika; Irsen, Stephan; Hoffmann, Ramona; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Griesshaber, Erika
Mosaic structure in the spines of Holopneustes porossisimus.
In: Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, Bd. 227, Nr. 11: S. 758-765
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Hahn, S.; Rodolfo-Metalpa, R.; Griesshaber, Erika; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Buhl, D.; Hall-Spencer, J. M.; Baggini, C.; Fehr, K. T. und Immenhauser, A.
Marine bivalve shell geochemistry and ultrastructure from modern low pH environments: environmental effect versus experimental bias.
In: Biogeosciences, Bd. 9, Nr. 5: S. 1897-1914
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Schillinger, B.; Calzada, E.; Eulenkamp, C.; Jordan, Guntram und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Dehydration of moulding sand in simulated casting process examined with neutron radiography.
In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Bd. 651, Nr. 1: S. 312-314
Goetz, Andreas J.; Steinmetz, David R.; Griesshaber, Erika; Zaefferer, Stefan; Raabe, Dierk; Kelm, Klemens; Irsen, Stephan; Sehrbrock, Angelika und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Interdigitating biocalcite dendrites form a 3-D jigsaw structure in brachiopod shells.
In: Acta Biomaterialia, Bd. 7, Nr. 5: S. 2237-2243
Bader, Sophie R.; Kothlow, Sonja; Trapp, Sascha; Schwarz, Susanne C. N.; Philipp, Hans-Christian; Weigend, Steffen; Sharifi, Ahmad R.; Preisinger, Rudolf; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Kaspers, Bernd und Matiasek, Kaspar
(28. Januar 2010):
Acute paretic syndrome in juvenile White
Leghorn chickens resembles late stages of acute
inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathies in
In: Journal of Neuroinflammation, Bd. 7, Nr. 7
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Eberspaecher, Eva; Blobner, Manfred; Werner, Christian; Ruf, Stefanie; Eckel, Barbara; Engelhard, Kristin; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Gelb, Adrian W.
The Long-Term Effect of Four Hours of Hyperventilation on Neurocognitive Performance and Lesion Size After Controlled Cortical Impact in Rats.
In: Anesthesia and Analgesia, Bd. 110, Nr. 1: S. 181-187
Antipov, Evgeny; Bismayer, Ulrich; Grin, Yuri; Perez-Mato, J. Manuel; Poettgen, Rainer; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Zou, Xiaodong
In: Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, Bd. 225, Nr. 1:
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Bader, Sophie R.; Kothlow, Sonja; Trapp, Sascha; Schwarz, Susanne C. N.; Philipp, Hans-Christian; Weigend, Steffen; Sharifi, Ahmad R.; Preisinger, Rudolf; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Kaspers, Bernd und Matiasek, Kaspar
Acute paretic syndrome in juvenile White Leghorn chickens resembles late stages of acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathies in humans.
In: Journal of Neuroinflammation
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Goetz, Andreas J.; Griesshaber, Erika; Neuser, Rolf D.; Lueter, Carsten; Huehner, Manfred; Harper, Elisabeth und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Calcite morphology, texture and hardness in the distinct layers of rhynchonelliform brachiopod shells.
In: European Journal of Mineralogy, Bd. 21, Nr. 2: S. 303-315
Merkel, Casjen; Deuschle, Julia; Griesshaber, Erika; Enders, Susan; Steinhauser, Erwin; Hochleitner, Rupert; Brand, Uwe und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Mechanical properties of modern calcite- (Mergerlia truncata) and phosphate-shelled brachiopods (Discradisca stella and Lingula anatina) determined by nanoindentation.
In: Journal of Structural Biology, Bd. 168, Nr. 3: S. 396-408
Hasan, M.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Hackl, K.; Heinen, R.; Frenzel, J.; Gollerthan, S.; Eggeler, Gunther; Wagner, M.; Khalil-Allafi, Jafar und Baruj, A.
Hard X-ray studies of stress-induced phase transformations of superelastic NiTi shape memory alloys under uniaxial load.
In: Materials Science and Engineering A, Bd. 481-482, Nr. 1-2 C: S. 414-419
Soerensen, Jonna; Jakupoglu, Cemile; Beck, Heike; Förster, Heidi; Schmidt, Jörg; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Schweizer, Ulrich; Conrad, Marcus und Brielmeier, Markus
The role of thioredoxin reductases in brain development.
3(3), e1813
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Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Griesshaber, Erika; Merkel, Casjen; Kelm, Klemens; Deuschle, J.; Neuser, Rolf D.; Goetz, Andreas J.; Sehrbrock, Angelika und Mader, Werner
Hierarchical fibre composite structure and micromechanical properties of phosphatic and calcitic brachiopod shell biomaterials - An overview.
In: Mineralogical Magazine, Bd. 72, Nr. 2: S. 541-562
Merkel, Casjen; Griesshaber, Erika; Kelm, Klemens; Neuser, Rolf D.; Jordan, Guntram; Logan, A.; Mader, Werner und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Micromechanical properties and structural characterization of modern inarticulated brachiopod shells.
In: Journal of Geophysical Research G: Biogeosciences, Bd. 112, Nr. G2
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Sitepu, H.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Reinecke, T.; Khalil-Allafi, Jafar; Eggeler, Gunther; Pietikainen, J. und Soderberg, Eds. O.
Phase fractions of B2, B19′, R-phase and Ni4Ti3 in NiTi alloys during two-step phase transformations.
In: Journal De Physique. IV : JP, Bd. 112 II
Sitepu, H.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Khalil-Allafi, Jafar; Eggeler, Gunther; Reinecke, T.; Brokmeier, H.; Tovar, M.; Többens, D. M.; Chu, Y. Y. und Zhao, L. C.
Texture and quantitative phase analysis of aged Ni-rich NiTi using X-ray and neutron diffractions.
In: Materials Science Forum, Bd. 394-395: S. 237-240
Kaack, M.; Yohannes, T.; Gibkes, J.; Pelzl, J.; Heckmann, A.; Sitepu, H.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Tankovsky, N.; Chu, Y. Y. und Zhao, L. C.
Elastic bulk and surface properties of thermally and mechanically cycled NiTi shape-memory alloys.
In: Materials Science Forum, Bd. 394-395: S. 341-344
Sondergeld, P.; Fuess, H.; Mason, S.A.; Ishihara, H. und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Pseudo-symmetries of the phases of (Et4N)2ZnBr4.
In: Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung - Section A Journal of Physical Sciences, Bd. 55, Nr. 9-10: S. 801-809
Brecht, E.; Schweiss, P.; Wolf, Th.; Boothroyd, A. T.; Reynolds, J.M.; Andersen, N. H.; Lütgemeier, H. und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
InstituteAntiferromagnetic ordering states of oxygen-deficient NdBa2Cu3O6+x and Nd1+yBa2-y,Cu3O6+x single crystals.
In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Bd. 59, Nr. 5: S. 3870-3878
Brecht, E.; Schweiss, P.; Wolf, T.; Boothroyd, A. T.; Reynolds, J. M.; Andersen, N. H.; Lutgemeier, H. und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Antiferromagnetic ordering states of oxygen-deficient NdBa2Cu3O6+x and Nd1+yBa2-yCu3O6+x single crystals.
In: Physical Review B, Bd. 59, Nr. 5: S. 3870-3878
Brecht, E.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Fuess, H.; Schmenn, S.; Lütgemeier, H.; Andersen, N. H.; Lebech, B. und Wolf, Th.
Neutron diffraction and NQR study of the intermediate turn angle phase formed during AFI to AFII reordering in YBa2Cu3-xAlxO6+δ.
In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Bd. 56, Nr. 2: S. 940-948
Brecht, E.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Miehe, G.; Rodewald, M.; Fuess, H.; Andersen, N. H.; Hanßmann, J. und Wolf, Th.
Thermal treatment of YBa2Cu3-xAlxO6+δ single crystals in different atmospheres and neutron-diffraction study of excess oxygen pinned by the Al substituents.
In: Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, Bd. 265, Nr. 1-2: S. 53-66
Steinborn, T.; Adrian, H.; Brecht, E.; Fuess, H.; Maul, M.; Miehe, G.; Petersen, K.; Rodewald, M.; Rao, M.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Traeholt, C.; Wiesner, J.; Wirth, G.; Zandbergen, H. und Zegenhagen, J.
Orientational changes in the ab plane of YBa2Cu3O7-8 films on different substrates.
In: Journal of Applied Crystallography, Bd. 29, Nr. 2: S. 125-133
Brecht, E.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Fuess, H.; Casalta, H.; Schleger, P.; Lebech, B.; Andersen, N. H. und Wolf, Th.
Significance of Al doping for antiferromagnetic AFII ordering in YBa2Cu3-xAlxO6+ materials: A single-crystal neutron-diffraction study.
In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Bd. 52, Nr. 13: S. 9601-9610
Casalta, H.; Schleger, P.; Brecht, E.; Montfrooij, W.; Andersen, N. H.; Lebech, B.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Fuess, H.; Liang, R. X.; Hardy, W.N. und Wolf, T.
No antiferromagnetic reordering at low temperature in pure YBa2Cu3O6+x.
In: Physica C, Bd. 235, Nr. 3: S. 1623-1624
Casalta, H.; Schleger, P.; Brecht, E.; Montfrooij, W.; Andersen, N. H.; Lebech, B.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Fuess, H.; Liang, R.; Hardy, W.N. und Wolf, Th.
Absence of a second antiferromagnetic transition in pure YBa2Cu3O6+x.
In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Bd. 50, Nr. 13: S. 9688-9691
Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Putnis, A.; Salje, E.; Freeman, P.; Graeme-Barber, A.; Jones, R.; Singh, K. K.; Blunt, J.; Edwards, P. P.; Loram, J. und Mirza, K.
Twin formation and structural modulations in orthorhombic and tetragonal YBa2(Cu1-xCox)3O7-δ.
In: Philosophical Magazine Letters, Bd. 60, Nr. 6: S. 241-248
Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
In: Journal of Physics C - Solid State Physics, Bd. 21, Nr. 34: S. 5889
Schmahl, Wolfgang W. und Tillmanns, E.
In: Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie-Monatshefte, Nr. 3: S. 107-118
Grupe, Gisela; Grünewald, Martin; Gschwind, Markus; Hölzl, Stefan; Kröger, Peer; Lang, Amei; Mayr, Christoph; McGlynn, George C.; Metzner-Nebelsick, Carola; Neuberger, Ferdinand; Peters, Joris; Reuß, Simone; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Söllner, Frank; Sommer, C. Sebastian; Steidl, Bernd; Trixl, Simon und Wycisk, Dominika
Current Synthesis and Future Options.
In: Grupe, Gisela; Grigat, Andrea und McGlynn, George (Hrsg.):
Across the Alps in Prehistory : Isotopic Mapping of the Brenner Passage by Bioarchaeology. Cham: Springer International Publishing. S. 229-250
Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Putnis, A.; Salje, E.; Blunt, J.; Zhang, D. N.; Freeman, P. und Graeme-Barber, A.
Spontaneous Strain and Microstructures of YBA2 (CU1-XCOX)3O7-DELTA.
In: Freyhardt, H. C.; Flukiger, R. und Peuckert, M. (Hrsg.):
High-Temperature Superconductors : Materials Aspects, Vol 1 and 2. S. 617-622
Jordan, Guntram; Aldushin, Kirill und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Kinematics of interlayer reactions.
Goldschmidt Conference Moscow, Idaho 2005, Moscow, Idaho, 21. - 25. Mai 2005.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
Bd. 69, Nr. 10, S
Jordan, Guntram; Aldushin, Kirill; Lohkämper, T.H.K. und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Dissolution-precipitation creep under cyclic stress.
Goldschmidt Conference Moscow, Idaho 2005, Moscow, Idaho, 21. - 25. Mai 2005.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
Bd. 69, Nr. 10, S
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