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Agthe, Maria; Spörrle, Matthias und Försterling, Friedrich (2008): Success Attributions and More: Multidimensional Extensions of the Sexual Attribution Bias to Failure Attributions, Social Emotions, and the Desire for Social Interaction. In: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Vol. 34, No. 12: pp. 1627-1638 [PDF, 230kB]

Agthe, Maria; Spörrle, Matthias und Maner, Jon K. (2011): Does Being Attractive Always Help? Positive and Negative Effects of Attractiveness on Social Decision Making. In: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Vol. 37, No. 8: pp. 1042-1054 [PDF, 384kB]

Akturk, Tuba; de Graaf, Tom A.; Abra, Yasemin; Sahoglu-Goktas, Sevilay; Ozkan, Dilek; Kula, Aysun und Guntekin, Bahar (2021): Event-related EEG oscillatory responses elicited by dynamic facial expression. In: Biomedical Engineering Online, Vol. 20, No. 1, 41

Aydin, Nilüfer; Fischer, Peter und Frey, Dieter (2010): Turning to God in the Face of Ostracism: Effects of Social Exclusion on Religiousness. In: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Vol. 36, No. 6: pp. 742-753 [PDF, 313kB]

Bergmann, Christina; Paulus, Markus und Fikkert, Paula (September 2012): Preschoolers' comprehension of pronouns and reflexives: the impact of the task. In: Journal of Child Language, Vol. 39, No. 4: pp. 777-803 [PDF, 811kB]

Bischof, Norbert (1980): Detachment. The Breaking of Bonds as a Biocultural Phenomenon. In: Kongressbericht des 22. Internationalen Kongresses für Psychologie. 6-12 Juli, Leipzig: pp. 39-47 [PDF, 1MB]

Bischof, Norbert (1978): On the Necessity of "Appropriate Behavior" on the Part of teh Caregiver. In: The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 3: pp. 438-439 [PDF, 2MB]

Bischof, Norbert (1974): Optic-Vestibular Orientation to the Vertical. In: Benson, A. J. und Kornhuber, Hans Helmut (eds.) : Vestibular system ; part 2, Psychophysics, applied aspects and general interpretations. Handbook of sensory physiology, Vol. 6. Berlin: Springer. pp. 150-190 [PDF, 11MB]

Bischof, Norbert (1983): Remarks on Lorenz and Piaget. How Can "Working Hypotheses" Be "Necessary"? In: Piattelli-Palmarini, Massimo (ed.) : Language & Learning. The Debate between Jean Piaget and Naom Chomsky. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. pp. 233-241 [PDF, 1MB]

Braun, Susanne und Peus, Claudia (2018): Crossover of Work-Life Balance Perceptions: Does Authentic Leadership Matter? In: Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 149, No. 4: pp. 875-893

Conci, Markus und Zellin, Martina (2021): Stimulus-driven updating of long-term context memories in visual search. In: Psychological Research-Psychologische Forschung, Vol. 86, No. 1: pp. 252-267

Diaz, John Alexander Silva; Koehler, Carmen und Hartig, Johannes (2022): Performance of Infit and Outfit Confidence Intervals Calculated via Parametric Bootstrapping. In: Applied Measurement in Education, Vol. 35, No. 2: pp. 116-132

Dodwell, Gordon; Liesefeld, Heinrich R.; Conci, Markus; Müller, Hermann J. und Töllner, Thomas (2021): EEG evidence for enhanced attentional performance during moderate-intensity exercise. In: Psychophysiology, Vol. 58, No. 12, e13923

Eller, Eric und Frey, Dieter (March 2019): Psychological Perspectives on Perceived Safety: Social Factors of Feeling Safe. In: Raue, Martina; Streicher, Bernhard und Lermer, Eva (eds.) : Perceived Safety: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. Risk Engineering (RISK), Cham: Springer. pp. 43-60

Ertl, Bernhard; Fischer, Frank und Mandl, Heinz (April 2004): Conceptual and socio-cognitive support for collaborative learning in videoconferencing environments. (Research report No. 168). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336

Ertl, Bernhard; Kopp, Birgitta und Mandl, Heinz (March 2005): Supporting Collaborative Learning in Videoconferencing using Collaboration Scripts and Content Schemes. (Research report No. 176). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336 [PDF, 212kB]

Ertl, Bernhard; Kopp, Birgitta und Mandl, Heinz (November 2004): Effects of individual prior knowledge on collaborative knowledge construction and individual learning outcome in videoconferencing. (Research report No. 171). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336 [PDF, 205kB]

Ertl, Bernhard; Reiserer, Markus und Mandl, Heinz (October 2002): Cooperative Learning in Videoconferencing: The Influence of Content Schemes and Cooperation Scripts on Shared External Representations and Individual Learning Outcomes. (Research report No. 154). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336 [PDF, 92kB]

Fastenmeier, Wolfgang und Gstalter, Herbert (1994): Applications of error data in traffic safety evaluation. A review on our recent field studies. 6th ICTCT workshop Salzburg, Salzburg, Österreich, Oktober 1993. ICTCT (ed.) , In: Safety evaluation of traffic systems: traffic conflicts and other measures. Proceedings of the 6th ICTCT-Workshop in Salzburg, Salzburg: Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit. pp. 25-32 [PDF, 108kB]

Fastenmeier, Wolfgang und Gstalter, Herbert (1992): Driving tasks and new information technologies. 4th Workshop of ICTCT, Wien, Österreich, November 1991. ICTCT (ed.) , In: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop of ICTCT in Vienna, Vol. 110 Lund: University of Lund. pp. 21-32 [PDF, 205kB]

Faulmüller, Nadira; Kerschreiter, Rudolf; Mojzisch, Andreas und Schulz-Hardt, Stefan (2010): Beyond group-level explanations for the failure of groups to solve hidden profiles: The individual preference effect revisited. In: Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, Vol. 13, No. 5: pp. 653-671 [PDF, 484kB]

Fischer, Frank; Kollar, Ingo; Stegmann, Karsten und Wecker, Christof (17. January 2013): Toward a script theory of guidance in computer-supported collaborative learning. In: Educational Psychologist, Vol. 48, No. 1: pp. 56-66 [PDF, 1MB]

Fischer, Frank und Mandl, Heinz (April 2001): Fostering shared knowledge with active graphical representation in different collaboration scenarios. (Research report No. 135). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336 [PDF, 3MB]

Fischer, Frank und Mandl, Heinz (March 2000): Being there or being where? Videoconferencing and cooperative learning. (Research report No. 122). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336

Fischer, Frank; Tröndle, Pamela und Mandl, Heinz (September 2001): Using the Internet to improve university education: Problem-oriented web-based learning and the MUNICS environment. (Research report No. 138). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336 [PDF, 1MB]

Fischer, Martin; Gräsel, Cornelia; Bruckmoser, Sepp; Konschak, Jana; Baehring, Thomas; Mandl, Heinz und Scriba, Peter Christian (August 1998): Formative evaluation of the CASUS authoring system for problem-based learning. (Research report No. 94). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336

Fischer, Peter und Greitemeyer, Tobias (2006): Music and Aggression: The Impact of Sexual-Aggressive Song Lyrics on Aggression-Related Thoughts, Emotions, and Behavior Toward the Same and the Opposite Sex. In: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Vol. 32, No. 9: pp. 1165-1176 [PDF, 120kB]

Fischer, Peter; Greitemeyer, Tobias und Frey, Dieter (2007): Ego Depletion and Positive Illusions: Does the Construction of Positivity Require Regulatory Resources? In: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Vol. 33, No. 3: pp. 1306-1321 [PDF, 183kB]

Fischer, Peter; Greitemeyer, Tobias; Kastenmüller, Andreas; Jonas, Eva und Frey, Dieter (2006): Coping With Terrorism: The Impact of Increased Salience of Terrorism on Mood and Self-Efficacy of Intrinsically Religious and Nonreligious People. In: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Vol. 32, No. 2: pp. 365-377 [PDF, 142kB]

Fischer, Peter; Greitemeyer, Tobias; Morton, Thomas; Kastenmüller, Andreas; Postmes, Tom; Frey, Dieter; Kubitzki, Jörg und Odenwälder, Jörg (2009): The Racing-Game Effect: Why Do Video Racing Games Increase Risk-Taking Inclinations? In: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Vol. 35, No. 10: pp. 1395-1409 [PDF, 220kB]

Fischer, Peter; Postmes, Tom; Koeppl, Julia; Conway, Lianne und Fredriksson, Tom (2011): The Meaning of Collective Terrorist Threat: Understanding the Subjective Causes of Terrorism Reduces Its Negative Psychological Impact. In: Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Vol. 26, No. 7: pp. 1432-1445 [PDF, 234kB]

Fladerer, Martin P. und Braun, Susanne (2020): Managers’ Resources for Authentic Leadership – a Multi‐study Exploration of Positive Psychological Capacities and Ethical Organizational Climates. In: British Journal of Management, Vol. 31, No. 2: pp. 325-343 [PDF, 450kB]

Försterling, Friedrich und Binser, Martin J. (2002): Depression, School Performance, and the Veridicality of Perceived Grades and Causal Attributions. In: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Vol. 28, No. 10: pp. 1441-1449 [PDF, 121kB]

Goretzko, David und Finja Israel, Laura Sophia (2021): Pitfalls of Machine Learning-Based Personnel Selection Fairness, Transparency, and Data Quality. In: Journal of Personnel Psychology, Vol. 21, No. 1: pp. 37-47

Greitemeyer, Tobias und Weiner, Bernard (2003): Asymmetrical Attributions for Approach Versus Avoidance Behavior. In: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Vol. 29, No. 11: pp. 1371-1382 [PDF, 159kB]

Gruber, Hans; Renkl, Alexander; Mandl, Heinz und Reiter, Wilfried (June 1993): Exploration strategies in an economics simulation game. (Research report No. 21). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336

Gruber, Hans und Ziegler, Albert (November 1995): Components of expertise: Looking for SEEK in sorting. (Research report No. 59). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336

Gstalter, Herbert (1985): Workload and stress in driving. In: Brown, I. D. (ed.) : Ergonomics International 85. Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the International Ergonomics Association 2-6 Sept. 1985, Bournemouth. London: Taylor & Francis. pp. 994-996 [PDF, 1MB]

Gstalter, Herbert und Fastenmeier, Wolfgang (1992): Safety impacts of in-car navigation systems. 4th Workshop of ICTCT, Wien, Österreich, November 1991. ICTCT (ed.) , In: International Co-operation on Theories and Concepts in Traffic Safety: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop of ICTCT in Vienna, Vol. 110 Lund: University of Lund. pp. 39-59 [PDF, 155kB]

Gubler, Harry und Bischof, Norbert (1991): A Systems Theory Perspective. In: Lamb, Michael E. und Keller, Heidi (eds.) : Infant Development. Perspectives from German-Speaking Countries. 1. Auflage. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 35-66 [PDF, 1MB]

Hany, Ernst A. und Heller, Kurt A. (1990): How Teachers Find their Gifted Students for Enrichment Courses. Describing, Explaining, and Improving their Selection Strategies. In: Bailey, Stan; Braggett, E. und Robinson, M. (eds.) : The challenge of excellence. Melbourne: Barker & Co.. pp. 71-84 [PDF, 1MB]

Hartl, Anna; Holzberger, Doris; Hugo, Julia; Wolf, Kristin und Kunter, Mareike (2022): Promoting Student Teachers' Well-Being A Multi-Study Approach Investigating the Longitudinal Relationship Between Emotional Exhaustion, Emotional Support, and the Intentions of Dropping Out of University. In: Zeitschrift für Psychologie - Journal of Psychology, Vol. 230, No. 3: pp. 241-252

Heller, Kurt A. (1989): Perspectives on the Diagnosis of Giftedness. In: German Journal of Psychology, Vol. 13, No. 2: pp. 140-159 [PDF, 2MB]

Heller, Kurt A. (1993): Structural Tendencies and Issues of Research on Giftedness and Talent. In: Heller, Kurt A.; Mönks, F.J. und Passow, A.H. (eds.) : International handbook of research and development of giftedness and talent. Oxford: Pergamon. pp. 49-67 [PDF, 8MB]

Heller, Kurt A. (1992): Aims and Methodological Problems of an Intervention Study in Gifted and Talented Girls. In: Mönks, Franz J. und Peters, Willy A. M. (eds.) : Talent for the future. Social and personality development of gifted children. Assen: Van Gorcum. pp. 149-154 [PDF, 855kB]

Heller, Kurt A. (1992): Issues and Practices of the Diagnosis of Giftedness. In: Wilpert, Bernhard; Motoaki, M. und Misumi, J. (eds.) : General psychology and environmental psychology. Vol. 2. London: Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 266-270 [PDF, 524kB]

Heller, Kurt A. und Menacher, Pauline (1992): Research on Giftedness and Talent in the Proceedings to WCGT Conferences 1975-1989. In: Mönks, Franz J. und Peters, Willy A. M. (eds.) : Talent for the Future: Social and Personality Development of Gifted Children. Assen: Van Gorcum. pp. 138-148 [PDF, 1MB]

Henninger, Michael; Hörfurter, Andreas und Mandl, Heinz (January 2001): Training soft skills with software. (Research report No. 130). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336 [PDF, 236kB]

Henninger, Michael und Mandl, Heinz (February 2003): Fostering reflection in the training of speech-receptive action. (Research report No. 157). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336 [PDF, 289kB]

Henninger, Michael und Mandl, Heinz (August 1998): Doing evaluation in a process-oriented way: Theoretical implications and methodological problems. (Research report No. 95). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336

Henninger, Michael; Mandl, Heinz und Nistor, Nicolae (August 1992): CaiMan. Computer aided interactive-multimedial Manager-Training - Ein konstruktivistisches Tool zum Erwerb kommunikativer Fertigkeiten. (Research report No. 11). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336

Hoppen, Thole H.; Schlechter, Pascal; Arntz, Arnoud; Rameckers, Sophie A.; Ehring, Thomas und Morina, Nexhmedin (2022): A brief measure of guilt and shame: validation of the Guilt and Shame Questionnaire (GSQ-8). In: European Journal of Psychotraumatology, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2146720

Kaiser, Jakob; Belenya, Roman und Schütz-Bosbach, Simone ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0937-9454 (February 2021): Learning something new versus changing your ways. Distinct effects on midfrontal oscillations and cardiac activity for learning and flexible adjustments. In: NeuroImage, Vol. 226, 117550 [PDF, 3MB]

Kammermeier, Marina und Paulus, Markus (2021): Maternal sensitivity and non-intrusiveness at 12 months predict attention to emotional facial expressions at 24 months: A cross-lagged panel approach. In: Social Development, Vol. 31, No. 2: pp. 319-338

Kayser, Daniela Niesta; Graupmann, Verena; Fryer, James W. und Frey, Dieter (2016): Threat to Freedom and the Detrimental Effect of Avoidance Goal Frames: Reactance as a Mediating Variable. In: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 7, 632 [PDF, 302kB]

Kerschreiter, Rudolf; Schulz-Hardt, Stefan; Mojzisch, Andreas und Frey, Dieter (2008): Biased Information Search in Homogeneous Groups: Confidence as a Moderator for the Effect of Anticipated Task Requirements. In: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Vol. 34, No. 5: pp. 679-691 [PDF, 129kB]

Krämer, Tanya; Schneider, Anna; Spieß, Erika; Angerer, Peter und Weigl, Matthias ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2408-1725 (2016): Associations between job demands, work-related strain and perceived quality of care: a longitudinal study among hospital physicians. In: International Journal for Quality In Health Care, Vol. 28, No. 6: pp. 824-829

Kuhbandner, Christof und Pekrun, Reinhard (2013): Affective state influences retrieval-induced forgetting for integrated knowledge.
In: PLOS ONE 8(2), e56617 [PDF, 271kB]

Law, Lai Chong (August 1998): Bridging the gap between knowledge and action: A situated cognition view. (Research report No. 92). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336

Law, Lai Chong (January 1998): A situated action view of the role of plans and planning in program design and program debugging>. (Research report No. 86). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336

Law, Lai Chong (March 1995): Constructivist instructional theories and acquisition of expertise. (Research report No. 48). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336

Law, Lai Chong (September 1994): The role of plan and planning in computer programming expertise: A situated action view. (Research report No. 42). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336

Law, Lai Chong (February 1994): Transfer of learning: Situated cognition perspectives. (Research report No. 32). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336

Law, Lai Chong (August 1993): Symbolic processing vs. situated action: A dialectical synthesis? (Research report No. 24). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336

Law, Lai Chong; Ertl, Bernhard und Mandl, Heinz (October 1999): Collaborative learning of Java programming in the graphic-enhanced videoconferencing environment: A pilot study. (Research report No. 113). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336

Law, Lai Chong; Mandl, Heinz und Henninger, Michael (February 1998): Training of reflection: Its feasibility and boundary conditions. (Research report No. 89). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336

Lee, Mikyoung und Jang, Keum-Seong (2021): Nursing Students' Meditative and Sociocognitive Mindfulness, Achievement Emotions, and Academic Outcomes Mediating Effects of Emotions. In: Nurse Educator, Vol. 46, No. 3, E39-E43

Lesperance, Kaley; Hofer, Sarah; Retelsdorf, Jan und Holzberger, Doris (2022): Reducing gender differences in student motivational-affective factors: A meta-analysis of school-based interventions. In: British Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol. 92, No. 4: pp. 1502-1536

Lichtenfeld, Stephanie; Pekrun, Reinhard; Marsh, Herbert W.; Nett, Ulrike E. und Reiss, Kristina (2022): Achievement Emotions and Elementary School Children's Academic Performance: Longitudinal Models of Developmental Ordering. In: Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol. 115, No. 4: pp. 552-570

Limburg, Karina; Radziej, Katharina; Sattel, Heribert; Henningsen, Peter; Dieterich, Marianne; Probst, Thomas; Dale, Rachel und Lahmann, Claas (2021): A Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluating Integrative Psychotherapeutic Group Treatment Compared to Self-Help Groups in Functional Vertigo/Dizziness. In: Journal of Clinical Medicine, Vol. 10, No. 10, 2215 [PDF, 626kB]

Maier, Markus A. ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8115-4612; Bernier, Annie; Pekrun, Reinhard; Zimmermann, Peter und Grossmann, Klaus E. (2004): Attachment working models as unconscious structures: An experimental test. In: International Journal of Behavioral Development, Vol. 28, No. 2: pp. 180-189 [PDF, 119kB]

Mandl, Heinz; Balk, Michael; Reiserer, Markus; Hinkofer, Ludwig und Kren, Franci (January 2001): Evaluation of the interactive multimedia business simulation SPACE (Simulating Project Auditing and Controlling Excellence). (Report of Best practice No. 24). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology [PDF, 81kB]

Mandl, Heinz; Ertl, Bernhard und Kopp, Birgitta (November 2005): Computer support for collaborative learning environments. (Research report No. 181). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336 [PDF, 88kB]

Mandl, Heinz; Gruber, Hans und Renkl, Alexander (January 1994): Communities of practice towards expertise: The role of social interaction in learning. (Research report No. 28). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336

Mandl, Heinz; Gruber, Hans und Renkl, Alexander (May 1993): Learning to apply: From "school garden instruction" to technology-based learning environments. (Research report No. 15). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336

Mandl, Heinz; Gruber, Hans und Renkl, Alexander (April 1993): Misconceptions and knowledge compartmentalization. (Research report No. 14). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336

Mandl, Heinz; Gruber, Hans und Renkl, Alexander (August 1992): Problems of knowledge utilization in the development of expertise. (Research report No. 9). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336

Mandl, Heinz; Gräsel, Cornelia und Fischer, Frank (October 1997): Facilitating problem-orientated learning: The role of strategy modeling by experts. (Research report No. 84). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336

Mandl, Heinz; Gräsel, Cornelia; Prenzel, Manfred; Bruckmoser, Sepp; Lyon, Harold C. und Eitel, Florian H. (December 1991): Clinical reasoning in the context of a computer-based learning environment. (Research report No. 4). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336

Marsh, Herbert W.; Pekrun, Reinhard und Ludtke, Oliver (2022): Directional Ordering of Self-Concept, School Grades, and Standardized Tests Over Five Years: New Tripartite Models Juxtaposing Within- and Between-Person Perspectives. In: Educational Psychology Review, Vol. 34, No. 4: pp. 2697-2744

Mojzisch, Andreas; Schulz-Hardt, Stefan; Kerschreiter, Rudolf und Frey, Dieter (2008): Combined Effects of Knowledge About Others' Opinions and Anticipation of Group Discussion on Confirmatory Information Search. In: Small Group Research, Vol. 39, No. 2: pp. 203-223 [PDF, 183kB]

Mues, Anna; Birtwistle, Efsun; Wirth, Astrid und Niklas, Frank (2021): Parental (STEM) Occupations, the Home Numeracy Environment, and Kindergarten Children's Numerical Competencies. In: Education Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 12, 819

Mönks, F. J. und Heller, Kurt A. (1994): Identification and Programming of the Gifted and Talented. In: Husén, Torsten und Postlethwaite, T. N. (eds.) : The international encyclopedia of education. Vol. 5. Oxford: Pergamon. pp. 2725-2732 [PDF, 1MB]

Mühlenen, Adrian von; Müller, Hermann J. und Müller, Dagmar (2003): Sit-and-Wait Strategies in Dynamic Visual Search. In: Psychological Science, Vol. 14, No. 4: pp. 309-314 [PDF, 103kB]

Oerter, Rolf (1996): Are There Universals and Why? A Reply to Minoura and Weisz et al. In: Culture & Psychology, Vol. 2: pp. 203-209 [PDF, 709kB]

Oerter, Rolf (1995): On Slightly Bowing Researchers: Jurg Wassmann's Das Ideal Des Leicht Gebeugten Menschen. In: Culture & Psychology, Vol. 1, No. 3: pp. 381-392 [PDF, 1MB]

Oerter, Rolf; Oerter, Rosemarie; Agostiani, Hendriati; Kim, Hye-On und Wibowo, Sutji (1996): The Concept of Human Nature in East Asia: Etic and Emic Characteristics. In: Culture & Psychology, Vol. 2, No. 1: pp. 9-51 [PDF, 4MB]

Ossig, Johannes; Hinkofer, Simone; Cramer, Stephanie und Bengler, Klaus (2022): Longitudinal Dynamics during Lane Changes: Assessment of Automated Driving Styles under Real-World Conditions. 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Macau, China, 08-12 October 2022. In: 2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. pp. 1240-1247

Page, Jane; Murray, Lisa; Cock, Megan L.; Eadie, Patricia; Nossar, Victor; Niklas, Frank; Scull, Janet und Sparling, Joseph (2021): Aboriginal children's health, playgroup participation and early learning outcomes in two remote Northern Territory communities. In: Health Education Journal, Vol. 80, No. 5, 17896921994162: pp. 596-610

Paulus, Markus; Licata, Maria; Gniewosz, Burkhard und Sodian, Beate (2018): The impact of mother-child interaction quality and cognitive abilities on children's self-concept and self-esteem. In: Cognitive Development, Vol. 48: pp. 42-51

Pavlov, Yuri G.; Adamian, Nika; Appelhoff, Stefan; Arvaneh, Mahnaz; Benwell, Christopher S. Y.; Beste, Christian; Bland, Amy R.; Bradford, Daniel E.; Bublatzky, Florian; Busch, Niko A.; Clayson, Peter E.; Cruse, Damian; Czeszumski, Artur; Dreber, Anna; Dumas, Guillaume; Ehinger, Benedikt; Ganis, Giorgio; He, Xun; Hinojosa, Jose A.; Huber-Huber, Christoph; Inzlicht, Michael; Jack, Bradley N.; Johannesson, Magnus; Jones, Rhiannon; Kalenkovich, Evgenii; Kaltwasser, Laura; Karimi-Rouzbahani, Hamid; Keil, Andreas; Konig, Peter; Kouara, Layla; Kulke, Louisa; Ladouceur, Cecile D.; Langer, Nicolas; Liesefeld, Heinrich R.; Luque, David; MacNamara, Annmarie; Mudrik, Liad; Muthuraman, Muthuraman; Neal, Lauren B.; Nilsonne, Gustav; Niso, Guiomar; Ocklenburg, Sebastian; Oostenveld, Robert; Pernet, Cyril R.; Pourtois, Gilles; Ruzzoli, Manuela; Sass, Sarah M.; Schaefer, Alexandre; Senderecka, Magdalena; Snyder, Joel S.; Tamnes, Christian K.; Tognoli, Emmanuelle; Vugt, Marieke K. van; Verona, Edelyn; Vloeberghs, Robin; Welke, Dominik; Wessel, Jan R.; Zakharov, Ilya und Mushtaq, Faisal (2021): #EEGManyLabs: Investigating the replicability of influential EEG experiments. In: Cortex, Vol. 144: pp. 213-229

Pekrun, Reinhard (2021): Emotions in Reading and Learning from Texts: Progress and Open Problems. In: Discourse Processes, Vol. 59, No. 1-2: pp. 116-125

Petters, Dean; Waters, Everett und Schönbrodt, Felix D. ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8282-3910 (1. June 2010): Strange Carers. Robots as Attachment Figures and Aids to Parenting. In: Interaction Studies, Vol. 11, No. 2: pp. 246-252 [PDF, 50kB]

Prenzel, Manfred und Mandl, Heinz (March 1992): Transfer of learning from a constructivist perspective. (Research report No. 6). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336

Raue, Martina; Streicher, Bernhard ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2964-6393; Lermer, Eva und Frey, Dieter (March 2019): Perceived Safety While Engaging in Risk Sports. In: Raue, Martina; Streicher, Bernhard und Lermer, Eva (eds.) : Perceived Safety: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. Risk Engineering (RISK), Cham: Springer. pp. 139-150

Reiserer, Markus; Ertl, Bernhard und Mandl, Heinz (October 2001): Fostering collaborative knowledge construction in desktop videoconferencing. Effects of content schemes and cooperation scripts in peer teaching settings. (Research report No. 143). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336 [PDF, 116kB]

Ren, Yue; Allenmark, Fredrik ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3127-4851; Müller, Hermann J. ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4774-5654 und Shi, Zhuanghua ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2388-6695 (October 2020): Logarithmic encoding of ensemble time intervals. In: Scientific Reports, Vol. 10, 18174 [PDF, 1MB]

Renkl, Alexander (March 1997): Intrinsic motivation, self-explanations, and transfer. (Research report No. 78). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336

Renkl, Alexander (April 1995): Learning from worked-out examples: A study on interindividual differences. (Research report No. 51). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336

Renkl, Alexander (February 1994): Learning for later teaching: Encouraging or threatening? (Research report No. 31). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336

Renkl, Alexander; Gruber, Hans und Mandl, Heinz (November 1996): Situated learning in instructional settings: From euphoria to feasibility. (Research report No. 74). LMU Munich: Chair of Education and Educational Psychology, Internet, ISSN 1614-6336

Schuster, Beate (1999): Outsiders at School: The Prevalence of Bullying and its Relation with Social Status. In: Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, Vol. 2, No. 2: pp. 175-190 [PDF, 2MB]

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This list was generated on Tue Feb 18 18:38:59 2025 CET.