Anzahl der Publikationen: 2552
Aad, G.; Abajyan, T.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdelalim, A. A.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Addy, T. N.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Aefsky, S.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahles, F.; Ahmad, A.; Ahsan, M.; Aielli, G.; Akesson, T. P.; Akimoto, G.; Akimov, A. V.; Alam, M. A.; Albert, J. und Albrand, S.
Muon reconstruction efficiency and momentum resolution of the ATLAS experiment in proton–proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV in 2010.
In: European Physical Journal C, Bd. 74, Nr. 9
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Aad, G.; Abajyan, T.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdelalim, A. A.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Addy, T. N.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adragna, P.; Adye, T.; Aefsky, S.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Aharrouche, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahles, F.; Ahmad, A.; Ahsan, M. und Aielli, G.
The differential production ross section of the ϕ (1020) meson in √s = 7 TeV pp collisions measured with the ATLAS detector.
In: European Physical Journal C, Bd. 74, Nr. 7, 2895
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Aad, G.; Abajyan, T.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Addy, T. N.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Aefsky, S.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, P.; Ahmad, A.; Ahmadov, F. und Aielli, G.
Measurement of χ c1 and χ c2 production with √s = 7 TeV pp collisions at ATLAS.
In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Bd. 7, 154
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Aad, G.; Abajyan, T.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Addy, T. N.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Aefsky, S.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmad, A.; Ahmadov, F.; Ahsan, M. und Aielli, G.
Measurement of the mass difference between top and anti-top quarks in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector.
In: Physics Letters B, Bd. 728: S. 363-379
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Aad, G.; Abajyan, T.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Addy, T. N.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Aefsky, S.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmad, A.; Ahmadov, F.; Ahsan, M. und Aielli, G.
Measurement of dijet cross-sections in pp collisions at 7 TeV centre-of-mass energy using the ATLAS detector.
In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Bd. 5, 59
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Aad, G.; Abajyan, T.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Addy, T. N.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Aefsky, S.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmad, A.; Ahmadov, F. und Aielli, G.
Measurement of the top quark pair production charge asymmetry in proton-proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector.
In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Nr. 2
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Aad, G.; Abajyan, T.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Addy, T. N.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Aefsky, S.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmad, A.; Ahsan, M. und Aielli, G.
Erratum: Search for new phenomena in final states with large jet multiplicities and missing transverse momentum at √s = 8 TeV proton-proton collisions using the ATLAS experiment.
In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Bd. 1, 109
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Aad, G.; Abajyan, T.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Addy, T. N.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Aefsky, S.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmad, A. und Aielli, G.
Measurement of the production cross section of prompt J/ψ mesons in association with a W ± boson in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector.
In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Bd. 4, 172
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Aad, G.; Abajyan, T.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Addy, T. N.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmad, A.; Ahmadov, F. und Aielli, G.
Measurement of the electroweak production of dijets in association with a Z-boson and distributions sensitive to vector boson fusion in proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 TeV using the ATLAS detector.
In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Bd. 4, 31
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Aad, G.; Abajyan, T.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Addy, T. N.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmad, A.; Ahmadov, F. und Aielli, G.
Electron reconstruction and identification efficiency measurements with the ATLAS detector using the 2011 LHC proton-proton collision data.
In: European Physical Journal C, Bd. 74, Nr. 7
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Aad, G.; Abajyan, T.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Addy, T. N.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmad, A.; Ahmadov, F.; Aielli, G.; Zurzolo, G.; Zutshi, V. und Zwalinski, L.
Measurement of the production of a W boson in association with a charm quark in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector.
In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Bd. 5, 68: S. 1-67
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Aad, G.; Abajyan, T.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Addy, T. N.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmadov, F.; Aielli, G.; Akesson, T. P.; Akimoto, G.; Akimov, A. V.; Albert, J. und Albrand, S.
Measurement of the underlying event in jet events from 7 TeV proton–proton collisions with the ATLAS detector.
In: European Physical Journal C, Bd. 74, Nr. 8
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Aad, G.; Abajyan, T.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M. und Ahlen, S. P.
Search for direct production of charginos and neutralinos in events with three leptons and missing transverse momentum in √s = 8 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector.
In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Bd. 4, 169
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Aad, G.; Abajyan, T.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmad, A.; Ahmadov, F. und Aielli, G.
Measurement of the low-mass Drell-Yan differential cross section at √s = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector.
In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Bd. 6, 112
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Aad, G.; Abajyan, T.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmad, A.; Ahmadov, F. und Aielli, G.
Search for direct top-squark pair production in final states with two leptons in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector.
In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Bd. 6, 124
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Aad, G.; Abajyan, T.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abulaitia, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Addy, T. N.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmad, A.; Ahmadov, F. und Aielli, G.
Search for Higgs boson decays to a photon and a Z boson in pp collisions at √s = 7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS detecto.
In: Physics Letters B, Bd. 732: S. 8-27
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Aad, G.; Abajyan, T.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abulaitia, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Addy, T. N.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmadov, F.; Aielli, G.; Akesson, T. P.; Akimoto, G.; Akimov, A. V.; Albert, J. und Albrand, S.
Measurement of the cross-section of high transverse momentum vector bosons reconstructed as single jets and studies of jet substructure in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector.
In: New Journal of Physics, Bd. 16, 113013
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abreu, R.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmad, A.; Ahmadov, F. und Aielli, G.
Light-quark and gluon jet discrimination in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector.
In: European Physical Journal C, Bd. 74, Nr. 8, 3023
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abreu, R.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmad, A.; Ahmadov, F. und Aielli, G.
Search for top quark decays t → qH with H → γγ using the ATLAS detector.
In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Nr. 6, 8
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abreu, R.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmad, A.; Ahmadov, F. und Aielli, G.
Search for direct top squark pair production in events with a Z boson, b -jets and missing transverse momentum in √s = 8 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector.
In: European Physical Journal C, Bd. 74, Nr. 6, 2883
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abreu, R.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmad, A.; Ahmadov, F.; Aielli, G.; Zurzolo, G.; Zutshi, V. und Zwalinski, L.
Search for supersymmetry at N√s = 8 TeV in final states with jets and two same-sign leptons or three leptons with the ATLAS detector.
In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Bd. 6
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abreu, R.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmad, A.; Ahmadov, F.; Aielli, G.; Zurzolo, G.; Zutshi, V. und Zwalinski, L.
Search for direct production of charginos, neutralinos and sleptons in final states with two leptons and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at √s = 8TeV with the ATLAS detector.
In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Bd. 5: S. 1-52
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abreu, R.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmadov, F. und Aielli, G.
Measurement of the centrality and pseudorapidity dependence of the integrated elliptic flow in lead–lead collisions at √sNN=2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector.
In: European Physical Journal C, Bd. 74, Nr. 8, 2982
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abreu, R.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmadov, F.; Aielli, G. und Akerstedt, H.
Search for microscopic black holes and string balls in final states with leptons and jets with the ATLAS detector at √s = 8 TeV.
In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Bd. 8, 103
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abreu, R.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmadov, F.; Aielli, G. und Akerstedt, H.
Measurement of inclusive jet charged-particle fragmentation functions in Pb + Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector.
In: Physics Letters B, Bd. 739: S. 320-342
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abreu, R.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmadov, F.; Aielli, G. und Akerstedt, H.
Search for neutral Higgs bosons of the minimal supersymmetric standard model in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector.
In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Bd. 11, 56
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abreu, R.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmadov, F.; Aielli, G. und Akerstedt, H.
Electron and photon energy calibration with the ATLAS detector using LHC Run 1 data.
In: European Physical Journal C, Bd. 74, Nr. 10, 3071
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abreu, R.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmadov, F.; Aielli, G. und Akerstedt, H.
Search for contact interactions and large extra dimensions in the dilepton channel using proton–proton collisions at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector.
In: European Physical Journal C, Bd. 74, Nr. 12, 3134
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abreu, R.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmadov, F.; Aielli, G. und Akerstedt, H.
Search for long-lived neutral particles decaying into lepton jets in proton-proton collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector.
In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Bd. 11, 88
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abreu, R.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmadov, F.; Aielli, G. und Akerstedt, H.
Search for new particles in events with one lepton and missing transverse momentum in
pp collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector.
In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Bd. 9, 37
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abreu, R.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmadov, F.; Aielli, G. und Akerstedt, H.
Measurement of the production cross-section of ψ(2S)→J/ψ(→μ⁺μ⁻)π⁺π⁻ in pp collisions at
√s=7 TeV at ATLAS.
In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Bd. 9, 79: S. 1-49
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abreu, R.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmadov, F.; Aielli, G. und Akerstedt, H.
Search for squarks and gluinos with the ATLAS detector in final states with jets and missing transverse momentum using s√=8 TeV proton-proton collision data.
In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Bd. 9, 176
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abreu, R.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmadov, F.; Aielli, G. und Akerstedt, H.
Search for pair and single production of new heavy quarks that decay to a Z boson and a third-generation quark in pp collisions at s√=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector.
In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Nr. 11, 104
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abreu, R.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmadov, F.; Aielli, G.; Akerstedt, H.; Akess, T. P.; Akimoto, G.; Akimov, A. V.; Alberghi, G. L.; Albert, J. und Albrand, S.
Measurements of jet vetoes and azimuthal decorrelations in dijet events produced in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector.
In: European Physical Journal C, Bd. 74, Nr. 11
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abreu, R.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmadov, F.; Aielli, G.; Akerstedt, H.; Akesson, A.; Akimoto, G.; Akimov, A. V.; Alberghi, G. L.; Albert, J. und Albrand, S.
Measurement of differential production cross-sections for a Z boson in association with b-jets in 7 TeV proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector.
In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Bd. 10, 141
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abreu, R.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmadov, F.; Aielli, G.; Akerstedt, H.; Akesson, T. P.; Akimoto, G.; Akimov, A. V.; Alberghi, G. L.; Albert, J. und Albrand, S.
Measurements of fiducial and differential cross sections for Higgs boson production in the diphoton decay channel at √s=8 TeV with ATLAS.
In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Bd. 9, 112: S. 1-61
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abreu, R.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmadov, F.; Aielli, G.; Akerstedt, H.; Akesson, T. P.; Akimoto, G.; Akimov, A. V.; Alberghi, G. L.; Albert, J. und Albrand, S.
Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson decay to μ⁺μ¯ with the ATLAS detector.
In: Physics Letters B, Bd. 738: S. 68-86
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abreu, R.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmadov, F.; Aielli, G.; Akerstedt, H.; Akesson, T. P.; Akimoto, G.; Akimov, A. V.; Alberghi, G. L.; Albert, J. und Albrand, S.
Measurement of distributions sensitive to the underlying event in inclusive Z-boson production in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector.
In: European Physical Journal C, Bd. 74, Nr. 12, 3195
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abreu, R.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmadov, F.; Aielli, G.; Akerstedt, H. und Akesson, T. P. A.
Measurement of the total cross section from elastic scattering in pp.
In: Nuclear Physics B, Bd. 889: S. 486-548
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abreu, R.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmadov, F.; Aielli, G.; Akerstedt, H. und Akesson, T. P. A.
Search for new resonances in W gamma and Z gamma final states in pp.
In: Physics Letters B, Bd. 738: S. 428-447
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abreu, R.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmadov, F.; Aielli, G.; Akerstedt, H.; Zurzolo, G.; Zutshi, V. und Zwalinski, L.
Search for strong production of supersymmetric particles in final states with missing transverse momentum and at least three b -jets at √s=8 TeV proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector.
In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Bd. 10, 24
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abreu, R.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmadov, F.; Aielli, G.; Akerstedt, H.; Zurzolo, G.; Zutshi, V. und Zwalinski, L.
Measurement of the Z/γ* boson transverse
momentum distribution in pp collisions at
√s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector.
In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Bd. 9, 145
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Addy, T. N.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Aefsky, S.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmad, A.; Ahsan, M. und Aielli, G.
Search for new phenomena in photon + jet events collected in proton–proton collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector.
In: Physics Letters B, Bd. 728: S. 562-578
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Biebel, Otmar; Bortfeldt, Jonathan; Bock, Christopher; Calfayan, Philippe; Chow, Bonnie Kar Bo; Duckeck, Günter; Elmsheuser, Johannes; Hertenberger, Ralf; Hönig, Friedrich; Legger, Federica; Lorenz, Jeanette; Heller, C.; Mann, Alexander; Mehlhase, Sascha; Meineck, Christian; Mitrevski, Jovan; Nunnemann, Thomas; Rauscher, Felix; Ruschke, Alexander; Sanders, Michiel Paul; Schaile, Dorothee; Schieck, Jochen; Unverdorben, Christopher; Vladoiu, Dan-Nicolae; Walker, Rodney und Will, J. Z.
A measurement of the ratio of the production cross sections for W and Z bosons in association with jets with the ATLAS detector.
In: European Physical Journal C, Bd. 74, Nr. 12, 3168
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; AbdelKhalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; AbouZeid, O. S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abreu, R.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmadov, F.; Aielli, G. und Akerstedt, H.
Measurement of the muon reconstruction performance of the ATLAS detector using 2011 and 2012 LHC proton-proton collision data.
In: European Physical Journal C, Bd. 74, Nr. 11, 3130
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Becker, S.; Biebel, Otmar; Bock, Christopher; Bortfeldt, Jonathan; Calfayan, Philippe; Chow, Bonnie Kar Bo; Duckeck, Günter; Ebke, J.; Elmsheuser, Johannes; Heller, C.; Hertenberger, Ralf; Hoenig, F.; Legger, Federica; Lorenz, J.; Mann, A.; Mehlhase, Sascha; Meineck, C.; Mitrevski, Jovan; Nunnemann, Thomas; Rauscher, F.; Ruschke, Alexander; Sanders, Michiel Paul; Schaile, Dorothee; Schieck, J.; Unverdorben, Christopher; Vladoiu, Dan-Nicolae; Walker, R.; Will, J. Z. und Wittkowski, J.
Fiducial and differential cross sections of Higgs boson production measured in the four-lepton decay channel in pp collisions at √s=8TeV with the ATLAS detector.
In: Physics Letters B, Bd. 738: S. 234-253
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Becker, S.; Biebel, Otmar; Bock, Christopher; Bortfeldt, Jonathan; Calfayan, Philippe; Chow, Bonnie Kar Bo; Duckeck, Günter; Ebke, J.; Elmsheuser, Johannes; Heller, C.; Hertenberger, Ralf; Legger, Federica; Lorenz, J.; Mann, A.; Meineck, C.; Mitrevski, Jovan; Nunnemann, Thomas; Rauscher, F.; Ruschke, Alexander; Sanders, Michiel Paul; Schaile, Dorothee; Schieck, J.; Schmitt, C.; Vladoiu, Dan-Nicolae; Walker, R.; Will, J. Z. und Wittkowski, J.
Measurement of the cross section of high transverse momentum Z → b¯b production in proton–proton collisions at √s = 8TeVwith the ATLAS detector.
In: Physics Letters B, Bd. 738: S. 25-43
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Becker, S.; Biebel, Otmar; Bock, Christopher; Bortfeldt, Jonathan; Calfayan, Philippe; Chow, Bonnie Kar Bo; Duckeck, Günter; Ebke, J.; Elmsheuser, Johannes; Heller, C.; Hertenberger, Ralf; Legger, Federica; Lorenz, Jeanette; Mann, Alexander; Mehlhase, Sascha; Meineck, Christian; Mitrevski, Jovan; Nunnemann, Thomas; Rauscher, Felix; Ruschke, Alexander; Sanders, Michiel Paul; Schaile, Dorothee; Schieck, Jochen; Unverdorben, Christopher; Vladoiu, Dan-Nicolae; Walker, Rodney; Will, J. Z. und Wittkowski, J.
Search for direct pair production of the top squark in all-hadronic final states in proton-proton collisions at s√ = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector.
In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Bd. 9, 15
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Becker, S.; Biebel, Otmar; Bock, Christopher; Bortfeldt, Jonathan; Calfayan, Philippe; Chow, Bonnie Kar Bo; Duckeck, Günter; Ebke, J.; Elmsheuser, Johannes; Heller, C.; Hertenberger, Ralf; Legger, Federica; Lorenz, Jeanette; Mann, Alexander; Mehlhase, Sascha; Meineck, Christian; Mitrevski, Jovan; Nunnemann, Thomas; Rauscher, Felix; Ruschke, Alexander; Sanders, Michiel Paul; Schaile, Dorothee; Schieck, Jochen; Unverdorben, Christopher; Vladoiu, Dan-Nicolae; Walker, Rodney; Will, J. Z. und Wittkowski, J.
Measurement of flow harmonics with multi-particle cumulants in Pb+Pb collisions at
√sNN = 2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector.
In: European Physical Journal C, Bd. 74, Nr. 11, 3157
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Becker, S.; Biebel, Otmar; Bock, Christopher; Bortfeldt, Jonathan; Calfayan, Philippe; Chow, Bonnie Kar Bo; Duckeck, Günter; Ebke, J.; Elmsheuser, Johannes; Heller, C.; Hertenberger, Ralf; Legger, Federica; Lorenz, Jeanette; Mann, Alexander; Mehlhase, Sascha; Meineck, Christian; Mitrevski, Jovan; Nunnemann, Thomas; Rauscher, Felix; Ruschke, Alexander; Sanders, Michiel Paul; Schaile, Dorothee; Schieck, Jochen; Unverdorben, Christopher; Vladoiu, Dan-Nicolae; Walker, Rodney; Will, J. Z. und Wittkowski, J.
Search for supersymmetry in events with large missing transverse momentum, jets, and at least one tau lepton in 20 fb−1 of s√ = 8 TeV proton-proton collision data with the ATLAS detector.
In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Bd. 9, 103
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Becker, S.; Biebel, Otmar; Bock, Christopher; Bortfeldt, Jonathan; Calfayan, Philippe; Chow, Bonnie Kar Bo; Duckeck, Günter; Ebke, J.; Elmsheuser, Johannes; Heller, C.; Hertenberger, Ralf; Legger, Federica; Lorenz, Jeanette; Mann, Alexander; Mehlhase, Sascha; Meineck, Christian; Mitrevski, Jovan; Nunnemann, Thomas; Rauscher, Felix; Ruschke, Alexander; Sanders, Michiel Paul; Schaile, Dorothee; Schieck, Jochen; Unverdorben, Christopher; Vladoiu, Dan-Nicolae; Walker, Rodney; Will, J. Z. und Wittkowski, J.
Search for the direct production of charginos, neutralinos and staus in final states with at least two hadronically decaying taus and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at s√=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector.
In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Bd. 9, 96
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Becker, S.; Biebel, Otmar; Bock, Christopher; Bortfeldt, Jonathan; Calfayan, Philippe; Chow, Bonnie Kar Bo; Duckeck, Günter; Elmsheuser, Johannes; Heller, C.; Hertenberger, Ralf; Hönig, Friedrich; Legger, Federica; Lorenz, Jeanette; Mann, Alexander; Mehlhase, Sascha; Meineck, Christian; Mitrevski, Jovan; Nunnemann, Thomas; Rauscher, Felix; Ruschke, Alexander; Sanders, Michiel Paul; Schaile, Dorothee; Schieck, Jochen; Unverdorben, Christopher; Vladoiu, Dan-Nicolae; Walker, Rodney und Will, J. Z.
Search for top squark pair production in final states with one isolated lepton, jets, and missing transverse momentum in s√ = 8 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector.
In: Journal of High Energy Physics, Nr. 11, 118
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Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Adomeit, Stefanie; Becker, S.; Biebel, Otmar; Bortfeldt, Jonathan; Bock, Christopher; Calfayan, Philippe; Chow, Bonnie Kar Bo; Duckeck, Günter; Ebke, J.; Elmsheuser, Johannes; Heller, C.; Hertenberger, Ralf; Hönig, Friedrich; Legger, Federica; Lorenz, Jeanette; Mann, Alexander; Mehlhase, Sascha; Meineck, Christian; Mitrevski, Jovan; Nunnemann, Thomas; Rauscher, Felix; Ruschke, Alexander; Sanders, Michiel Paul; Schaile, Dorothee; Schieck, Jochen; Schmitt, C.; Vladoiu, Dan-Nicolae; Walker, Rodney; Will, J. Z. und Wittkowski, J.
Measurement of the tt production cross-section using eμ events with b-tagged jets in pp collisions at √s = 7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector.
In: European Physical Journal C, Bd. 74, Nr. 10, 3109
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Abazov, V. M.; Abbott, B.; Acharya, B. S.; Adams, M.; Adams, T.; Agnew, J. P.; Alexeev, G. D.; Alkhazov, G.; Alton, A.; Askew, A.; Atkins, S.; Augsten, K.; Avila, C.; Badaud, F.; Bagby, L.; Baldin, B.; Bandurin, D. V.; Banerjee, S.; Barberis, E.; Baringer, P.; Bartlett, J. F.; Bassler, U.; Bazterra, V.; Bean, A.; Begalli, M.; Bellantoni, L.; Beri, S. B.; Bernardi, G.; Bernhard, R.; Bertram, I.; Besancon, M.; Beuselinck, R.; Bhat, P. C.; Boehnlein, A.; Boline, D.; Boos, E. E.; Borissov, G.; Borysova, M.; Brandt, A.; Brandt, O.; Brock, R.; Bross, A.; Brown, D.; Bu, X. B.; Buehler, M.; Buescher, V.; Bunichev, V.; Burdin, S.; Buszello, C. P.; Camacho-Perez, E. und Nunnemann, Thomas
Measurement of the differential γ +2b-jet cross section and the ratio σ(γ +2b-jets)/σ(γ +b-jet) in p¯p collisions at √s = 1.96 TeV.
In: Physics Letters B, Bd. 737: S. 357-365
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Abdel-Aziz, Amira; Strickert, Marc und Hüllermeier, Eyke
Learning Solution Similarity in Preference-Based CBR.
In: Lamontagne, Luc und Plaza, Enric (Hrsg.):
Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development. 22nd International Conference, ICCBR 2014, Cork, Ireland, September 29, 2014 - October 1, 2014. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bd. 8765. Cham: Springer. S. 17-31
Ade, P. A. R.; Aghanim, N.; Alves, M. I. R.; Armitage-Caplan, C.; Arnaud, M.; Ashdown, M.; Atrio-Barandela, F.; Aumont, J.; Aussel, H.; Baccigalupi, C.; Banday, A. J.; Barreiro, R. B.; Barrena, R.; Bartelmann, M.; Bartlett, J. G.; Bartolo, N.; Basak, S.; Battaner, E.; Battye, R.; Benabed, K.; Benoit, A.; Benoit-Levy, A.; Bernard, J. P.; Bersanelli, M.; Bertincourt, B.; Bethermin, M.; Bielewicz, P.; Bikmaev, I.; Blanchard, A.; Bobin, J.; Bock, J. J.; Bohringer, H.; Bonaldi, A.; Bonavera, L.; Bond, J. R.; Borrill, J.; Bouchet, F. R.; Boulanger, F.; Bourdin, H.; Bowyer, J. W.; Bridges, M.; Brown, M. L.; Bucher, M.; Burenin, R.; Burigana, C.; Butler, R. C.; Calabrese, E.; Cappellini, B.; Cardoso, J. F.; Carr, R.; Carvalho, P.; Casale, M.; Castex, G.; Catalano, A.; Challinor, A.; Chamballu, A.; Chary, R. R.; Chen, X.; Chiang, H. C.; Chiang, L. Y.; Chon, G.; Christensen, P. R.; Churazov, E.; Church, S.; Clemens, M.; Clements, D. L.; Colombi, S.; Colombo, L. P. 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P. S.; Smith, K.; Smoot, G. F.; Souradeep, T.; Spencer, L. D.; Starck, J. L.; Stolyarov, V.; Stompor, R.; Sudiwala, R.; Sunyaev, R.; Sureau, F.; Sutter, P.; Sutton, D.; Suur-Uski, A. S.; Sygnet, J. F.; Tauber, J. A.; Tavagnacco, D.; Taylor, D.; Terenzi, L.; Texier, D.; Toffolatti, L.; Tomasi, M.; Torre, J. P.; Tristram, M.; Tucci, M.; Tuovinen, J.; Turler, M.; Tuttlebee, M.; Umana, G.; Valenziano, L.; Valiviita, J.; Van Tent, B.; Varis, J.; Vibert, L.; Viel, M.; Vielva, P.; Villa, F.; Vittorio, N.; Wade, L. A.; Wandelt, B. D.; Watson, C.; Watson, R.; Wehus, I. K.; Welikala, N.; Weller, Jochen
ORCID:; White, M.; White, S. D. M.; Wilkinson, A.; Winkel, B.; Xia, J. Q.; Yvon, D.; Zacchei, A.; Zibin, J. P. und Zonca, A.
Planck 2013 results. I. Overview of products and scientific results.
In: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Bd. 571, A1
Ade, P. A. R.; Aghanim, N.; Armitage-Caplan, C.; Arnaud, M.; Ashdown, M.; Atrio-Barandela, F.; Aumont, J.; Baccigalupi, C.; Banday, A. J.; Barreiro, R. B.; Barrena, R.; Bartlett, J. G.; Battaner, E.; Battye, R.; Benabed, K.; Benoit, A.; Benoit-Levy, A.; Bernard, J. P.; Bersanelli, M.; Bielewicz, P.; Bikmaev, I.; Blanchard, A.; Bobin, J.; Bock, J. J.; Bohringer, H.; Bonaldi, A.; Bond, J. R.; Borrill, J.; Bouchet, F. R.; Bourdin, H.; Bridges, M.; Brown, M. L.; Bucher, M.; Burenin, R.; Burigana, C.; Butler, R. C.; Cardoso, J. F.; Carvalho, P.; Catalano, A.; Challinor, A.; Chamballu, A.; Chary, R. R.; Chiang, L. Y.; Chiang, H. C.; Chon, G.; Christensen, P. R.; Church, S.; Clements, D. L.; Colombi, S.; Colombo, L. P. L.; Couchot, F.; Coulais, A.; Crill, B. P.; Curto, A.; Cuttaia, F.; Da Silva, A.; Dahle, H.; Danese, L.; Davies, R. D.; Davis, R. J.; de Bernardis, P.; de Rosa, A.; de Zotti, G.; Delabrouille, J.; Delouis, J. M.; Democles, J.; Desert, F. X.; Dickinson, C.; Diego, J. M.; Dolag, K.; Dole, H.; Donzelli, S.; Dore, O.; Douspis, M.; Dupac, X.; Efstathiou, G.; Ensslin, T. A.; Eriksen, H. K.; Finelli, F.; Flores-Cacho, I.; Forni, O.; Frailis, M.; Franceschi, E.; Fromenteau, S.; Galeotta, S.; Ganga, K.; Genova-Santos, R. T.; Giard, M.; Giardino, G.; Giraud-Heraud, Y.; Gonzalez-Nuevo, J.; Gorski, K. M.; Gratton, S.; Gregorio, A.; Gruppuso, A.; Hansen, F. K.; Hanson, D.; Harrison, D.; Henrot-Versille, S.; Hernandez-Monteagudo, C.; Herranz, D.; Hildebrandt, S. R.; Hivon, E.; Hobson, M.; Holmes, W. A.; Hornstrup, A.; Hovest, W.; Huffenberger, K. M.; Hurier, G.; Jaffe, T. R.; Jaffe, A. H.; Jones, W. C.; Juvela, M.; Keihanen, E.; Keskitalo, R.; Khamitov, I.; Kisner, T. S.; Kneissl, R.; Knoche, J.; Knox, L.; Kunz, M.; Kurki-Suonio, H.; Lagache, G.; Lahteenmaki, A.; Lamarre, J. M.; Lasenby, A.; Laureijs, R. J.; Lawrence, C. R.; Leahy, J. P.; Leonardi, R.; Leon-Tavares, J.; Lesgourgues, J.; Liddle, A.; Liguori, M.; Lilje, P. B.; Linden-Vornle, M.; Lopez-Caniego, M.; Lubin, P. M.; Macias-Perez, J. F.; Maffei, B.; Maino, D.; Mandolesi, N.; Marcos-Caballero, A.; Maris, M.; Marshall, D. J.; Martin, P. G.; Martinez-Gonzalez, E.; Masi, S.; Matarrese, S.; Matthai, F.; Mazzotta, P.; Meinhold, P. R.; Melchiorri, A.; Melin, J. B.; Mendes, L.; Mennella, A.; Migliaccio, M.; Mitra, S.; Miville-Deschenes, M. A.; Moneti, A.; Montier, L.; Morgante, G.; Mortlock, D.; Moss, A.; Munshi, D.; Naselsky, P.; Nati, F.; Natoli, P.; Netterfield, C. B.; Norgaard-Nielsen, H. U.; Noviello, F.; Novikov, D.; Novikov, I.; Osborne, S.; Oxborrow, C. A.; Paci, F.; Pagano, L.; Pajot, F.; Paoletti, D.; Partridge, B.; Pasian, F.; Patanchon, G.; Perdereau, O.; Perotto, L.; Perrotta, F.; Piacentini, F.; Piat, M.; Pierpaoli, E.; Pietrobon, D.; Plaszczynski, S.; Pointecouteau, E.; Polenta, G.; Ponthieu, N.; Popa, L.; Poutanen, T.; Pratt, G. W.; Prezeau, G.; Prunet, S.; Puget, J. L.; Rachen, J. P.; Rebolo, R.; Reinecke, M.; Remazeilles, M.; Renault, C.; Ricciardi, S.; Riller, T.; Ristorcelli, I.; Rocha, G.; Roman, M.; Rosset, C.; Roudier, G.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Rubino-Martin, J. A.; Rusholme, B.; Sandri, M.; Santos, D.; Savini, G.; Scott, D.; Seiffert, M. D.; Shellard, E. P. S.; Spencer, L. D.; Starck, J. L.; Stolyarov, V.; Stompor, R.; Sudiwala, R.; Sunyaev, R.; Sureau, F.; Sutton, D.; Suur-Uski, A. S.; Sygnet, J. F.; Tauber, J. A.; Tavagnacco, D.; Terenzi, L.; Toffolatti, L.; Tomasi, M.; Tristram, M.; Tucci, M.; Tuovinen, J.; Turler, M.; Umana, G.; Valenziano, L.; Valiviita, J.; Van Tent, B.; Vielva, P.; Villa, F.; Vittorio, N.; Wade, L. A.; Wandelt, B. D.; Weller, Jochen
ORCID:; White, M.; White, S. D. M.; Yvon, D.; Zacchei, A. und Zonca, A.
Planck 2013 results. XX. Cosmology from Sunyaev–Zeldovich cluster counts.
In: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Bd. 571, A20
Adolph, C.; Akhunzyanov, R.; Alekseev, M. G.; Alexakhin, V. Yu.; Alexandrov, Yu.; Alexeev, G. D.; Amoroso, A.; Andrieux, V.; Anosov, V.; Austregesilo, A.; Badelek, B.; Balestra, F.; Barth, J.; Baum, G.; Beck, R.; Bedfer, Y.; Berlin, A.; Bernhard, J.; Bertini, R.; Bicker, K.; Bieling, J.; Birsa, R.; Bisplinghoff, J.; Bodlak, M.; Boer, M.; Bordalo, P.; Bradamante, F.; Braun, C.; Bravar, A.; Bressan, A.; Buehele, M.; Burtin, E.; Capozza, L.; Chiosso, M.; Chung, S. U.; Cicuttin, A.; Crespo, M. L. und Curiel, Q.
Transverse target spin asymmetries in exclusive ρ(rho)⁰ muoproduction.
In: Physics Letters B, Bd. 731: S. 19-26
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Adolph, C.; Akhunzyanov, R.; Alekseev, M. G.; Alexandrov, Y.; Alexeev, G. D.; Amoroso, A.; Andrieux, V.; Anosov, V.; Austregesilo, A.; Badelek, B.; Balestra, F.; Barth, J.; Baum, G.; Beck, R.; Bedfer, Y.; Berlin, A.; Bernhard, J.; Bertini, R.; Bicker, K.; Bieling, J.; Birsa, R.; Bisplinghoff, J.; Bodlak, M.; Boer, M.; Bordalo, P.; Bradamante, F.; Braun, C.; Bravar, A.; Bressan, A.; Buechele, M.; Burtin, E.; Capozza, L.; Chiosso, M.; Chung, S. U.; Cicuttin, A.; Crespo, M. L.; Curiel, Q.; Tessaro, S.; Tessarotto, F.; Thibaud, F.; Uhl, S.; Uman, I.; Vandenbroucke, M.; Virius, M.; Vondra, J.; Wang, L.; Weisrock, T.; Wilfert, M.; Windmolders, R.; Wislicki, W.; Wollny, H.; Zaremba, K.; Zavertyaev, M.; Zemlyanichkina, E. und Ziembicki, M.
A high-statistics measurement of transverse spin effects in dihadron production from muon-proton semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering.
In: Physics Letters B, Bd. 736: S. 124-131
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Adolph, C.; Akhunzyanov, R.; Alexeev, M. G.; Alexandrov, Y.; Alexeev, G. D.; Amoroso, A.; Andrieux, V.; Anosov, V.; Austregesilo, A.; Badelek, B.; Balestra, F.; Barth, J.; Baum, G.; Beck, R.; Bedfer, Y.; Berlin, A.; Bernhard, J.; Bertini, R.; Bicker, K.; Bieling, J.; Birsa, R.; Bisplinghoff, J.; Bodlak, M.; Boer, M.; Bordalo, P.; Bradamante, F.; Braun, C.; Bravar, A.; Bressan, A.; Buechele, M.; Burtin, E.; Capozza, L.; Chiosso, M.; Chung, S. U.; Cicuttin, A.; Crespo, M. L.; Curiel, Q.; Torre, S. Dalla; Dasgupta, S. S.; Dasgupta, S.; Denisov, O. Yu.; Donskov, S. V.; Doshita, N.; Duic, V.; Duennweber, W.; Dziewiecki, M.; Efremov, A.; Elia, C.; Eversheim, P. D.; Eyrich, W.; Faessler, M.; Ferrero, A.; Filin, A.; Finger, M.; Tessaro, S.; Tessarotto, F.; Thibaud, F.; Uhl, S.; Uman, I.; Vandenbroucke, M.; Virius, M.; Vondra, J.; Wang, L.; Weisrock, T.; Wilfert, M.; Windmolders, R.; Wislicki, W.; Wollny, H.; Zaremba, K.; Zavertyaev, M.; Zemlyanichkina, E. und Ziembicki, M.
Measurement of azimuthal hadron asymmetries in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering off unpolarised nucleons.
In: Nuclear Physics B, Bd. 886: S. 1046-1077
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Adolph, C.; Akhunzyanov, R.; Alexeev, M. G.; Alexeev, G. D.; Amoroso, A.; Andrieux, V.; Anosov, V.; Austregesilo, A.; Badelek, B.; Balestra, F.; Barth, J.; Baum, G.; Beck, R.; Bedfer, Y.; Berlin, A.; Bernhard, J.; Bicker, K.; Bieling, J.; Birsax, R.; Bisplinghoff, J.; Bodlak, M.; Boer, M.; Bordalo, P.; Bradamante, F.; Braun, C.; Bressan, A.; Buechele, M.; Burtin, E.; Capozza, L.; Chiosso, M.; Chung, S. U.; Cicuttin, A.; Crespo, M. L.; Curiel, Q.; Tessaro, S.; Tessarotto, F.; Thibaud, F.; Uhl, S.; Uman, I.; Virius, M.; Wang, L.; Weisrock, T.; Wilfert, M.; Windmolders, R.; Wollny, H.; Zaremba, K.; Zavertyaev, M.; Zemlyanichkina, E.; Ziembicki, M. und Zink, A.
Spin alignment and violation of the OZI rule in exclusive ω and ϕ production in pp collisions.
In: Nuclear Physics B, Bd. 886: S. 1078-1101
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Adomeit, Stefanie
Hard And Soft QCD Physics In ATLAS.
1st International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece, 10-16 Jun 2012.
EPJ Web of Conferences.
Bd. 70, 00030
Edition Diffusion Presse Sciences.
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Adomeit, Stefanie; Becker, S.; Biebel, Otmar; Bock, Christopher; Bortfeldt, Jonathan; Calfayan, Philippe; Chow, Bonnie Kar Bo; Duckeck, Günter; Ebke, J.; Elmsheuser, Johannes; Heller, C.; Hertenberger, Ralf; Legger, Federica; Lorenz, J.; Aad, G. und Abbott, B.
Search for WZ resonances in the fully leptonic channel using pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector.
In: Physics Letters B, Bd. 737: S. 223-243
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Agrawal, A.
Rydberg atom in gravity.
In: Vishwa Mimansa: An interpretative Exposition of The Universe. Proceedings of The 7th International Conference On Gravitation and Cosmology, Bd. 484, 012051
Ahlberg, Sebastian; Antonopulos, Alexandra; Diendorf, Jörg; Dringen, Ralf; Epple, Matthias; Flöck, Rebekka; Goedecke, Wolfgang; Graf, Christina; Haberl, Nadine; Helmlinger, Jens; Herzog, Fabian; Heuer, Frederike; Hirn, Stephanie; Johannes, Christian; Kittler, Stefanie; Köller, Manfred; Korn, Katrin; Kreyling, Wolfgang G.; Krombach, Fritz; Lademann, Jürgen; Loza, Kateryna; Luther, Eva M.; Malissek, Marcelina; Meinke, Martina C.; Nordmeyer, Daniel; Pailliart, Anne; Raabe, Jörg; Rancan, Fiorenza; Rothen-Rutishauser, Barbara; Rühl, Eckart; Schleh, Carsten; Seibel, Andreas; Sengstock, Christina; Treuel, Lennart; Vogt, Annika; Weber, Katrin und Zellner, Reinhard
PVP-coated, negatively charged silver nanoparticles: A multi-center study of their physicochemical characteristics, cell culture and in vivo experiments.
In: Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, Bd. 5: S. 1944-1965
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Al-Herz, Waleed; Bousfiha, Aziz; Casanova, Jean-Laurent; Chatila, Talal; Conley, Mary Ellen; Cunningham-Rundles, Charlotte; Etzioni, Amos; Franco, Jose Luis; Gaspar, H. Bobby; Holland, Steven M.; Klein, Christoph; Nonoyama, Shigeaki; Ochs, Hans D.; Oksenhendler, Erik; Picard, Capucine; Puck, Jennifer M.; Sullivan, Kate und Tang, Mimi L. K.
Primary immunodeficiency diseases: an update on the classification from the International Union of Immunological Societies Expert Committee for Primary Immunodeficiency.
In: Frontiers in Immunology, Bd. 5, 162
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Ala-Houhala, Meri J.; Karppinen, Toni; Vahavihu, Katja; Kautiainen, Hannu; Dombrowski, Yvonne; Snellman, Erna; Schauber, Jürgen und Reunala, Timo
Narrow-band Ultraviolet B Treatment Boosts Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D in Patients with Psoriasis on Oral Vitamin D Supplementation.
In: Acta Dermato-Venereologica, Bd. 94, Nr. 2: S. 146-151
Albrecht, E.; Sillanpaa, E.; Karrasch, Stefan
ORCID:; Alves, A. C.; Codd, V.; Hovatta, I.; Buxton, J. L.; Nelson, C. P.; Broer, L.; Hagg, S.; Mangino, M.; Willemsen, G.; Surakka, I.; Ferreira, M. A. R.; Amin, N.; Oostra, B. A.; Backmand, H. M.; Peltonen, M.; Sarna, S.; Rantanen, T.; Sipila, S.; Korhonen, T.; Madden, P. A. F.; Gieger, C.; Jörres, Rudolf A.
ORCID:; Heinrich, Joachim
ORCID:; Behr, Jürgen
ORCID:; Huber, R. M.; Peters, Annette
ORCID:; Strauch, K.; Wichmann, H. E.; Waldenberger, M.; Blakemore, A. I. F.; de Geus, E. J. C.; Nyholt, D. R.; Henders, A. K.; Piirila, P. L.; Rissanen, A.; Magnusson, P. K. E.; Vinuela, A.; Pietilainen, K. H.; Martin, N. G.; Pedersen, N. L.; Boomsma, D. I.; Spector, T. D.; Duijn, C. M. van; Kaprio, J.; Samani, N. J.; Jarvelin, M.-R. und Schulz, H.
Telomere length in circulating leukocytes is associated with lung function and disease.
In: European Respiratory Journal, Bd. 43, Nr. 4: S. 983-992
Albrecht, Heinz; Hagel, Alexander; De Rossi, Thomas; Rau, Tilman T.; Kirchner, Thomas; Neurath, Markus F. und Raithel, Martin
Brown bowel syndrome: A rare complication in diseases associated with long-standing malabsorption.
In: Digestion, Bd. 89, Nr. 2: S. 105-109
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Ali-von Laue, C.; Zoschke, C.; Do, N.; Lehnen, D.; Kuchler, S.; Mehnert, W.; Blaschke, T.; Kramer, K. D.; Plendl, J.; Weindl, G.; Korting, H. C.; Hoeller Obrigkeit, D.; Merk, H.-F. und Schäfer-Korting, M.
Improving topical non-melanoma skin cancer treatment: In vitro efficacy of a novel guanosine-analog phosphonate.
In: Skin Pharmacology and Physiology, Bd. 27, Nr. 4: S. 173
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Aljutaili, Majed; Becker, Christian; Witt, Sabine; Holle, Rolf; Leidl, Reiner
ORCID:; Block, Michael; Brachmann, Johannes; Silber, Sigmund; Bestehorn, Kurt und Stollenwerk, Björn
Should health insurers target prevention of cardiovascular disease? A cost-effectiveness analysis of an individualised programme in Germany based on routine data.
In: BMC Health Services Research
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Allebrandt, Karla V.; Teder-Laving, Maris; Kantermann, Thomas; Peters, Annette; Campbell, Harry; Rudan, Igor; Wilson, James F.; Metspalu, Andres und Roenneberg, Till
Chronotype and sleep duration: The influence of season of assessment.
In: Chronobiology International, Bd. 31, Nr. 5: S. 731-740
Allmann, Stefan; Mazet, Muriel; Ziebart, Nicole; Bouyssou, Guillaume; Fouillen, Laetitia; Dupuy, Jean-William; Bonneu, Marc; Moreau, Patrick; Bringaud, Frederic und Boshart, Michael
Triacylglycerol Storage in Lipid Droplets in Procyclic Trypanosoma brucei.
9(12), e114628
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Almouzni, Genevieve; Altucci, Lucia; Amati, Bruno; Ashley, Neil; Baulcombe, David; Beaujean, Nathalie; Bock, Christoph; Bongcam-Rudloff, Erik; Bousquet, Jean; Braun, Sigurd; Bressac-de Paillerets, Brigitte; Bussemakers, Marion; Clarke, Laura; Conesa, Ana; Estivill, Xavier; Fazeli, Alireza; Grgurevic, Neza; Gut, Ivo; Heijmans, Bastiaan T.; Hermouet, Sylvie; Houwing-Duistermaat, Jeanine; Iacobucci, Ilaria; Ilas, Janez; Kandimalla, Raju; Krauss-Etschmann, Susanne; Lasko, Paul; Lehmann, Soeren; Lindroth, Anders; Majdic, Gregor; Marcotte, Eric; Martinelli, Giovanni; Martinet, Nadine; Meyer, Eric; Miceli, Cristina; Mills, Ken; Moreno-Villanueva, Maria; Morvan, Ghislaine; Nickel, Dörthe; Niesler, Beate; Nowacki, Mariusz; Nowak, Jacek; Ossowski, Stephan; Pelizzola, Mattia; Pochet, Roland; Potocnik, Uros; Radwanska, Magdalena; Raes, Jeroen; Rattray, Magnus; Robinson, Mark D.; Roelen, Bernard; Sauer, Sascha; Schinzer, Dieter; Slagboom, Eline; Spector, Tim; Stunnenberg, Hendrik G.; Tiligada, Ekaterini; Torres-Padilla, Maria-Elena; Tsonaka, Roula; Van Soom, Ann; Vidakovic, Melita und Widschwendter, Martin
Relationship between genome and epigenome - challenges and requirements for future research.
In: BMC Genomics
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Alnaser, A. S.; Kuebel, M.; Siemering, R.; Bergues, B.; Kling, Nora G.; Betsch, K. J.; Deng, Y.; Schmidt, J.; Alahmed, Z. A.; Azzeer, A. M.; Ullrich, J.; Ben-Itzhak, I.; Moshammer, R.; Kleineberg, U.; Krausz, Ferenc
ORCID:; Vivie-Riedle, Regina de und Kling, M. F.
Subfemtosecond steering of hydrocarbon deprotonation through superposition of vibrational modes.
In: Nature Communications, Bd. 5, 3800
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Altenburg, Arwen F.; Kreijtz, Joost H. C. M.; de Vries, Rory D.; Song, Fei; Fux, Robert; Rimmelzwaan, Guus F.; Sutter, Gerd
ORCID: und Volz, Asisa
(Juli 2014):
Modified Vaccinia Virus Ankara (MVA) as Production Platform for Vaccines against Influenza and Other Viral Respiratory Diseases.
In: Viruses, Bd. 6, Nr. 7: S. 2735-2761
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Amaral, André F S; Ramasamy, Adaikalavan; Castro-Giner, Francesc; Minelli, Cosetta; Accordini, Simone; Sørheim, Inga-Cecilie; Pin, Isabelle; Kogevinas, Manolis; Jõgi, Rain; Balding, David J.; Norbäck, Dan; Verlato, Giuseppe; Olivieri, Mario; Probst-Hensch, Nicole; Janson, Christer; Zock, Jan-Paul; Heinrich, Joachim
ORCID: und Jarvis, Deborah L
Interaction between gas cooking andGSTM1null genotype in bronchial responsiveness: results from the European Community Respiratory Health Survey.
In: Thorax, Bd. 69, Nr. 6: S. 558-564
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Andreas, S.; Batra, A.; Behr, J.; Chenot, J.-F.; Gillissen, A.; Hering, T.; Herth, F.; Kreuter, M.; Meierjürgen, R.; Mühlig, S.; Nowak, Dennis
ORCID:; Pfeifer, M.; Raupach, T.; Schultz, K.; Sitter, H.; Walther, J. und Worth, H.
Tabakentwöhnung bei COPD. S3-Leitlinie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie und Beatmungsmedizin e.V.
In: Pneumologie, Bd. 68, Nr. 4: S. 237-258
Andrist, Patrick
Présentations de manuscrits.
In: Méla, C. und Möri, F. (Hrsg.):
Alexandrie la Divine. Bd. 2. Genève: Editions de la Baconnière. S. 1032
Androutsos, Odysseas; Apostolidou, E.; Iotova, Violeta; Socha, Piotr; Birnbaum, Julia; Moreno, Luis A.; Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse de; Koletzko, Berthold und Manios, Yannis
Process evaluation design and tools used in a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention to prevent obesity in early childhood. The ToyBox-study.
In: Obesity reviews, Bd. 15, Nr. Suppl 3: S. 74-80
Androutsos, Odysseas; Katsarou, C.; Payr, A.; Birnbaum, Julia; Geyer, Christine; Wildgruber, A.; Kreichauf, S.; Lateva, Mina; Decker, Ellen de; Craemer, Marieke de; Socha, Piotr; Moreno, Luis A.; Iotova, Violeta; Koletzko, Berthold und Manios, Yannis
Designing and implementing teachers' training sessions in a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention to prevent obesity in early childhood. The ToyBox-study.
In: Obesity reviews, Bd. 15, Nr. Suppl 3: S. 48-52
Angele, Martin K.; Albertsmeier, Markus; Prix, Niclas; Hohenberger, Peter; Abdel-Rahman, Sultan; Dieterle, Nelli; Schmidt, Michael; Mansmann, Ulrich; Bruns, Christiane J.; Issels, Rolf D.; Jauch, Karl-Walter und Lindner, Lars H.
Effectiveness of Regional Hyperthermia With Chemotherapy for High-Risk Retroperitoneal and Abdominal Soft-Tissue Sarcoma After Complete Surgical Resection. A Subgroup Analysis of a Randomized Phase-III Multicenter Study.
In: Annals of Surgery, Bd. 260, Nr. 5: S. 749-756
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Angeletti, L.; Taviani, M.; Canese, S.; Foglini, F.; Mastrototaro, F.; Argnani, A.; Trincardi, F.; Bakran-Petricioli, T.; Ceregato, A.; Chimienti, G.; Macic, V. und Poliseno, A.
New deep-water cnidarian sites in the southern Adriatic Sea.
In: Mediterranean Marine Science, Bd. 15, Nr. 2: S. 263-273
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Aoqui, Cristiane; Chmielewski, Stefan; Scherer, Elias; Eissler, Ruth; Sollinger, Daniel; Heid, Irina; Braren, Rickmer; Schmaderer, Christoph; Megens, Remco T. A.; Weber, Christian; Heemann, Uwe; Tschöp, Matthias und Baumann, Marcus
Microvascular dysfunction in the course of metabolic syndrome induced by high-fat diet.
In: Cardiovascular Diabetology
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Apfelbacher, Christian J.; Molin, Sonja; Weisshaar, Elke; Bauer, Andrea; Elsner, Peter; Mahler, Vera; Weiss, Melanie; Ruzicka, Thomas und Diepgen, Thomas L.
Characteristics and Provision of Care in Patients with Chronic Hand Eczema: Updated Data from the CARPE Registry.
In: Acta Dermato-Venereologica, Bd. 94, Nr. 2: S. 163-167
Arabanian, Laleh S.; Fierro, Fernando A.; Stölzel, Friedrich; Heder, Carolin; Poitz, David M.; Strasser, Ruth H.; Wobus, Manja; Borhäuser, Martin; Ferrer, Ruben A.; Platzbecker, Uwe; Schieker, Matthias; Docheva, Denitsa; Ehninger, Gerhard und Illmer, Thomas
MicroRNA-23a mediates post-transcriptional regulation of CXCL12 in bone marrow stromal cells.
In: Haematologica, Bd. 99, Nr. 6: S. 997-1005
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Arango-Gonzalez, Blanca; Trifunović, Dragana; Sahaboglu, Ayse; Kranz, Katharina; Michalakis, Stylianos; Farinelli, Pietro; Koch, Susanne; Koch, Fred; Cottet, Sandra; Janssen-Bienhold, Ulrike; Dedek, Karin; Biel, Martin; Zrenner, Eberhart; Euler, Thomas; Ekstrom, Per; Ueffing, Marius und Paquet-Durand, François
Identification of a Common Non-Apoptotic Cell Death Mechanism in Hereditary Retinal Degeneration.
9(11), e112142
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Arbuckle, Benjamin S.; Kansa, Sarah Whitcher; Kansa, Eric; Orton, David; Çakırlar, Canan; Gourichon, Lionel; Atici, Levent; Galik, Alfred; Marciniak, Arkadiusz; Mulville, Jacqui; Buitenhuis, Hijlke; Carruthers, Denise; De Cupere, Bea; Demirergi, Arzu; Frame, Sheelagh; Helmer, Daniel; Martin, Louise; Peters, Joris; Poellath, Nadja; Pawlowska, Kamilla; Russell, Nerissa; Twiss, Katheryn und Wuertenberger, Doris
Data Sharing Reveals Complexity in the Westward Spread of Domestic Animals across Neolithic Turkey.
9(6), e99845
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Arenz, Stefan; Ramu, Haripriya; Gupta, Pulkit; Berninghausen, Otto; Beckmann, Roland; Vazquez-Laslop, Nora; Mankin, Alexander S. und Wilson, Daniel N.
Molecular basis for erythromycin-dependent ribosome stalling during translation of the ErmBL leader peptide.
In: Nature Communications, Bd. 5, 3501
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Arweiler, Nicole B.; Netuschil, Lutz; Beier, Daniel; Grunert, Sebastian; Heumann, Christian; Altenburger, Markus J.; Sculean, Anton; Nagy, Katalin; Al-Ahmad, Ali und Auschill, Thorsten M.
Action of food preservatives on 14-days dental biofilm formation, biofilm vitality and biofilm-derived enamel demineralisation in situ.
In: Clinical Oral Investigations, Bd. 18, Nr. 3: S. 829-838
Asang, Corinna; Laws, Hans-J.; Adams, Ortwin; Enczmann, Jürgen; Feiterna-Sperling, Cornelia; Notheis, Gundula; Buchholz, Bernd; Borkhardt, Arndt und Neubert, Jennifer
HIV-1 seroreversion in HIV-1-infected children: do genetic determinants play a role?
In: AIDS, Bd. 28, Nr. 4: S. 543-547
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Ascherl, Laura; Nordheider, Andreas; Arachchige, Kasun S. Athukorala; Cordes, David B.; Karaghiosoff, Konstantin; Buhl, Michael; Slawin, Alexandra M. Z. und Woollins, J. Derek
The activation of Woollins' reagent. Isolation of pyridine stabilised PhPSe2.
In: Chemical communications, Bd. 50, Nr. 47: S. 6214-6216
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Ataseven, Beyhan; Gunesch, Angela; Eiermann, Wolfgang; Kates, Ronald E.; Högel, Bernhard; Knyazev, Pjotr; Ullrich, Axel und Harbeck, Nadia
PTK7 as a potential prognostic and predictive marker of response to adjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer patients, and resistance to anthracycline drugs.
In: Oncotargets and Therapy, Bd. 7: S. 1723-1731
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Augustin, Thomas; Walter, Gero und Coolen, Frank P. A.
Statistical inference.
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Introduction to Imprecise Probabilities. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. S. 135-189
Austermann, Judith; Friesenhagen, Judith; Fassl, Selina Kathleen; Ortkras, Theresa; Burgmann, Johanna; Barczyk-Kahlert, Katarzyna; Faist, Eugen; Zedler, Siegfried; Pirr, Sabine; Rohde, Christian; Müller-Tidow, Carsten; Koeckritz-Blickwede, Maren von; Kaisenberg, Constantin S. von; Flohe, Stefanie B.; Ulas, Thomas; Schultze, Joachim L.; Roth, Johannes; Vogl, Thomas und Viemann, Dorothee
Alarmins MRP8 and MRP14 Induce Stress Tolerance in Phagocytes under Sterile Inflammatory Conditions.
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Synthetic retinal analogues modify the spectral and kinetic characteristics of microbial rhodopsin optogenetic tools.
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Babin, Sergey A.; Podivilov, Evgeniy V.; Kharenko, Denis S.; Bednyakova, Anastasia E.; Fedoruk, Mikhail P.; Kalashnikov, Vladimir L. und Apolonski, Alexander
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Backes, Christina; Rühle, Frank; Stoll, Monika; Haas, Jan; Frese, Karen; Franke, Andre; Lieb, Wolfgang; Wichmann, Heinz-Erich; Weis, Tanja; Kloos, Wanda; Lenhof, Hans-Peter; Meese, Eckart; Katus, Hugo; Meder, Benjamin und Keller, Andreas
Systematic permutation testing in GWAS pathway analyses: identification of genetic networks in dilated cardiomyopathy and ulcerative colitis.
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Baier, Paul C.; Brzózka, Magdalena M.; Shahmoradi, Ali; Reinecke, Lisa; Kroos, Christina; Wichert, Sven P.; Oster, Henrik; Wehr, Michael C.; Taneja, Reshma; Hirrlinger, Johannes und Rossner, Moritz J.
Mice Lacking the Circadian Modulators SHARP1 and SHARP2 Display Altered Sleep and Mixed State Endophenotypes of Psychiatric Disorders.
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IL-37 protects against obesity-induced inflammation and insulin resistance.
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(Oktober 2014):
Which spinal lesions are associated with new bone formation in patients with ankylosing spondylitis treated with anti-TNF agents? A long-term observational study using MRI and conventional radiography.
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Preparedness of Americans for the Affordable Care Act.
In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Bd. 111, Nr. 15: S. 5497-5502
Barricelli, Michele
Anderssein hat Geschichte.
In: Magazin für historisch-politische Bildung ; Geschichtswettbewerb des Bundespräsidenten ; Jugendliche forschen vor Ort Spuren suchen, Bd. 28: S. 18-21
Barricelli, Michele; Deuble, Lena; Kölbl, Carlos; Konrad, Lisa und Straub, Jürgen
In: Psychosozial, Bd. 136, Nr. Heft II: S. 5-9
Barricelli, Michele und Golgath, Tabea
In: Barricelli, Michele und Golgath, Tabea (Hrsg.):
Historische Museen heute. Forum historisches Lernen; Wochenschau Geschichte, Schwalbach: Wochenschau-Verlag. S. 5-14
Barth, Sophia
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Maria Almas-Dietrich.
Fakultät für Geschichts- und Kunstwissenschaften, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.
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Basilico, Federica; Maffini, Stefano; Weir, John R.; Prumbaum, Daniel; Rojas, Ana M.; Zimniak, Tomasz; De Antoni, Anna; Jeganathan, Sadasivam; Voss, Beate; Gerwen, Suzan van; Krenn, Veronica; Massimiliano, Lucia; Valencia, Alfonso; Vetter, Ingrid R.; Herzog, Franz; Raunser, Stefan; Pasqualato, Sebastiano und Musacchio, Andrea
The pseudo GTPase CENP-M drives human kinetochore assembly.
In: eLife, Bd. 3, e02978
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Baumert, Jens; Huang, Jie; McKnight, Barbara; Sabater-Lleal, Maria; Steri, Maristella; Chu, Audrey Y.; Trompet, Stella; Lopez, Lorna M.; Fornage, Myriam; Teumer, Alexander; Tang, Weihong; Rudnicka, Alicja R.; Mälarstig, Anders; Hottenga, Jouke-Jan; Kavousi, Maryam; Lahti, Jari; Tanaka, Toshiko; Hayward, Caroline; Huffman, Jennifer E.; Morange, Pierre-Emmanuel; Rose, Lynda M.; Basu, Saonli; Rumley, Ann; Stott, David J.; Buckley, Brendan M.; Craen, Anton J. M. de; Sanna, Serena; Masala, Marco; Biffar, Reiner; Homuth, Georg; Silveira, Angela; Sennblad, Bengt; Goel, Anuj; Watkins, Hugh; Müller-Nurasyid, Martina
ORCID:; Rückerl, Regina; Taylor, Kent; Chen, Ming-Huei; Geus, Eco J. C. de; Hofman, Albert; Witteman, Jacqueline C. M.; Maat, Moniek P. M. de; Palotie, Aarno; Davies, Gail; Siscovick, David S.; Kolcic, Ivana; Wild, Sarah H.; Song, Jaejoon; McArdle, Wendy L.; Ford, Ian; Sattar, Naveed; Schlessinger, David; Grotevendt, Anne; Franzosi, Maria Grazia; Illig, Thomas; Waldenberger, Melanie; Lumley, Thomas; Tofler, Geoffrey H.; Willemsen, Gonneke; Uitterlinden, Andre G.; Rivadeneira, Fernando; Raeikkonen, Katri; Chasman, Daniel I.; Folsom, Aaron R.; Lowe, Gordon D.; Westendorp, Rudi G. J.; Slagboom, P. Eline; Cucca, Francesco; Wallaschofski, Henri; Strawbridge, Rona J.; Seedorf, Udo; Koenig, Wolfgang; Bis, Joshua C.; Mukamal, Kenneth J.; Dongen, Jenny van; Widen, Elisabeth; Franco, Oscar H.; Starr, John M.; Liu, Kiang; Ferrucci, Luigi; Polasek, Ozren; Wilson, James F.; Oudot-Mellakh, Tiphaine; Campbell, Harry; Navarro, Pau; Bandinelli, Stefania; Eriksson, Johan; Boomsma, Dorret I.; Dehghan, Abbas; Clarke, Robert; Hamsten, Anders; Boerwinkle, Eric; Jukema, J. Wouter; Naitza, Silvia; Ridker, Paul M.; Voezke, Henry; Deary, Ian J.; Reiner, Alexander P.; Trégouët, David-Alexandre
ORCID:; O'Donnell, Christopher J.; Strachan, David P.; Peters, Annette und Smith, Nicholas L.
No Evidence for Genome-Wide Interactions on Plasma Fibrinogen by Smoking, Alcohol Consumption and Body Mass Index: Results from Meta-Analyses of 80, 607 Subjects.
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Beard, Philippa M.; Griffiths, Samantha J.; Gonzalez, Orland; Haga, Ismar R.; Jowers, Tali Pechenick; Reynolds, Danielle K.; Wildenhain, Jan; Tekotte, Hille; Auer, Manfred; Tyers, Mike; Ghazal, Peter; Zimmer, Ralf und Haas, Jürgen
A Loss of Function Analysis of Host Factors Influencing Vaccinia virus Replication by RNA Interference.
9(6), e98431
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Bechtold, Susanne; Beyerlein, Andreas; Bonfig, Walter; Dalla Pozza, Robert; Putzker, Stephanie; Otto, Ragna; Schmidt, Heinrich und Schwarz, Hans Peter
Sexual difference in bone geometry of adult patients with classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia: Data using peripheral quantitative computed tomography.
In: Hormone Research in Paediatrics, Bd. 82, Nr. 3: S. 171-178
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Becker, Lore; Kling, Eva; Schiller, Evelyn; Zeh, Ramona; Schrewe, Anja; Hölter, Sabine M.; Mossbrugger, Ilona; Calzada-Wack, Julia; Strecker, Valentina; Wittig, Ilka; Dumitru, Iulia; Wenz, Tina; Bender, Andreas; Aichler, Michaela; Janik, Dirk; Neff, Frauke; Walch, Axel; Quintanilla-Fend, Leticia; Floss, Thomas; Bekeredjian, Raffi; Gailus-Durner, Valerie; Fuchs, Helmut; Wurst, Wolfgang; Meitinger, Thomas; Prokisch, Holger; Hrabé de Angelis, Martin und Klopstock, Thomas
MTO1-Deficient Mouse Model Mirrors the Human Phenotype Showing Complex I Defect and Cardiomyopathy.
9(12), e114918
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Beckervordersandforth, Ruth; Deshpande, Aditi; Schäffner, Iris; Huttner, Hagen B.; Lepier, Alexandra; Lie, Dieter Chichung und Götz, Magdalena
In Vivo Targeting of Adult Neural Stem Cells in the Dentate Gyrus by a Split-Cre Approach.
In: Stem Cell Reports, Bd. 2, Nr. 2: S. 153-162
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Beelen, Rob; Raaschou-Nielsen, Ole; Stafoggia, Massimo; Andersen, Zorana Jovanovic; Weinmayr, Gudrun; Hoffmann, Barbara; Wolf, Kathrin
ORCID:; Samoli, Evangelia; Fischer, Paul; Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark; Vineis, Paolo; Xun, Wei W; Katsouyanni, Klea; Dimakopoulou, Konstantina; Oudin, Anna; Forsberg, Bertil; Modig, Lars; Havulinna, Aki S; Lanki, Timo; Turunen, Anu; Oftedal, Bente; Nystad, Wenche; Nafstad, Per; De Faire, Ulf; Pedersen, Nancy L; Östenson, Claes-Göran; Fratiglioni, Laura; Penell, Johanna; Korek, Michal; Pershagen, Göran; Eriksen, Kirsten Thorup; Overvad, Kim; Ellermann, Thomas; Eeftens, Marloes; Peeters, Petra H; Meliefste, Kees; Wang, Meng; Bueno-de-Mesquita, Bas; Sugiri, Dorothea; Krämer, Ursula; Heinrich, Joachim
ORCID:; de Hoogh, Kees; Key, Timothy; Peters, Annette; Hampel, Regina; Concin, Hans; Nagel, Gabriele; Ineichen, Alex; Schaffner, Emmanuel; Probst-Hensch, Nicole; Künzli, Nino; Schindler, Christian; Schikowski, Tamara; Adam, Martin; Phuleria, Harish; Vilier, Alice; Clavel-Chapelon, Françoise; Declercq, Christophe; Grioni, Sara; Krogh, Vittorio; Tsai, Ming-Yi; Ricceri, Fulvio; Sacerdote, Carlotta; Galassi, Claudia; Migliore, Enrica; Ranzi, Andrea; Cesaroni, Giulia; Badaloni, Chiara; Forastiere, Francesco; Tamayo, Ibon; Amiano, Pilar; Dorronsoro, Miren; Katsoulis, Michail; Trichopoulou, Antonia; Brunekreef, Bert und Hoek, Gerard
(März 2014):
Effects of long-term exposure to air pollution on natural-cause mortality: an analysis of 22 European cohorts within the multicentre ESCAPE project.
In: Lancet, Bd. 383, Nr. 9919: S. 785-795
Beelen, Rob; Stafoggia, Massimo
ORCID:; Raaschou-Nielsen, Ole; Andersen, Zorana Jovanovic; Xun, Wei W.; Katsouyanni, Klea
ORCID:; Dimakopoulou, Konstantina; Brunekreef, Bert; Weinmayr, Gudrun; Hoffmann, Barbara
ORCID:; Wolf, Kathrin
ORCID:; Samoli, Evangelia
ORCID:; Houthuijs, Danny; Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark; Oudin, Anna; Forsberg, Bertil; Olsson, David; Salomaa, Veikko
ORCID:; Lanki, Timo; Yli-Tuomi, Tarja; Oftedal, Bente; Aamodt, Geir; Nafstad, Per; De Faire, Ulf; Pedersen, Nancy L.; Östenson, Claes-Göran; Fratiglioni, Laura; Penell, Johanna; Korek, Michal; Pyko, Andrei; Eriksen, Kirsten Thorup; Tjønneland, Anne; Becker, Thomas; Eeftens, Marloes; Bots, Michiel; Meliefste, Kees; Wang, Mengzhe; Bueno-de-Mesquita, Bas; Sugiri, Dorothea; Krämer, Ursula; Heinrich, Joachim
ORCID:; de Hoogh, Kees; Key, Timothy; Peters, Annette
ORCID:; Cyrys, Josef
ORCID:; Concin, Hans; Nagel, Gabriele; Ineichen, Alex; Schaffner, Emmanuel; Probst-Hensch, Nicole
ORCID:; Dratva, Julia; Ducret-Stich, Regina; Vilier, Alice; Clavel-Chapelon, Françoise; Stempfelet, Morgane; Grioni, Sara; Krogh, Vittorio; Tsai, Ming-Yi; Marcon, Alessandro
ORCID:; Ricceri, Fulvio; Sacerdote, Carlotta; Galassi, Claudia; Migliore, Enrica; Ranzi, Andrea; Cesaroni, Giulia; Badaloni, Chiara; Forastiere, Francesco; Tamayo, Ibon; Amiano, Pilar; Dorronsoro, Miren; Katsoulis, Michail; Trichopoulou, Antonia; Vineis, Paolo und Hoek, Gerard
Long-term Exposure to Air Pollution and Cardiovascular Mortality.
In: Epidemiology, Bd. 25, Nr. 3: S. 368-378
Behmel, Andreas; Höhl, Wolfgang
ORCID: und Kienzl, Thomas
MRI design review system: A mixed reality interactive design review system for architecture, serious games and engineering using game engines, standard software, a tablet computer and natural interfaces.
IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2014), Technische Universität München, Deutschland, 10. - 12. September 2014.
ISMAR 2014 - IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality - Science and Technology 2014, Proceedings.
Beigel, Florian; Friedrich, Matthias; Probst, Corina; Sotlar, Karl; Göke, Burkhard; Diegelmann, Julia und Brand, Stephan
Oncostatin M Mediates STAT3-Dependent Intestinal Epithelial Restitution via Increased Cell Proliferation, Decreased Apoptosis and Upregulation of SERPIN Family Members.
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Bente, Gary; Dratsch, Thomas; Rieger, Diana und Al-Issa, Ahmad
Emotional Contagion with Artificial Others. Effects of Culture, Physical Appearance, and Nonverbal Behavior on the Perception of Positive/Negative Affect in Avatars.
6th International Conference on Social Computing and Social Media, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 22-27, 2014.
Meiselwitz, Gabriele (Hrsg.):
In: Social Computing and Social Media,
Bd. 8531
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Berens-Riha, Nicole; Kroidl, Inge; Schunk, Mirjam; Alberer, Martin; Beissner, Marcus; Pritsch, Michael; Kroidl, Arne; Fröschl, Günter; Hanus, Ingrid; Bretzel, Gisela; Sonnenburg, Frank von; Nothdurft, Hans Dieter; Löscher, Thomas und Herbinger, Karl-Heinz
Evidence for significant influence of host immunity on changes in differential blood count during malaria.
In: Malaria Journal
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Bergström, Joakim H.; Berg, Katarina A.; Rodriguez-Piñeiro, Ana M.; Stecher, Bärbel; Johansson, Malin E. V. und Hansson, Gunnar C.
AGR2, an Endoplasmic Reticulum Protein, Is Secreted into the Gastrointestinal Mucus.
9(8), e104186
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Bertau, Marie-Cécile
On displacement.
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Bertschinger, Dolores Zoé
In: facultativ – Magazinbeilage zur Reformierten Presse, Bd. 2: S. 13
Betzler, Sophia B.; Wisnet, Andreas; Breitbach, Benjamin; Mitterbauer, Christoph; Weickert, Jonas; Schmidt-Mende, Lukas und Scheu, Christina
(9. Juni 2014):
Template-free synthesis of novel, highly-ordered 3D hierarchical Nb3O7(OH) superstructures with semiconductive and photoactive properties.
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Bhatia, Aatish; Yadav, Anupama; Zhu, Chenchen; Gagneur, Julien; Radhakrishnan, Aparna; Steinmetz, Lars M.; Bhanot, Gyan und Sinha, Himanshu
Yeast Growth Plasticity Is Regulated by Environment-Specific Multi-QTL Interactions.
In: G3-Genes Genomes Genetics, Bd. 4, Nr. 5: S. 769-777
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Biela, Artur; Coste, Franck; Culard, Françoise; Guerin, Martine; Goffinont, Stéphane; Gasteiger, Karola; Cieśla, Jarosław; Winczura, Alicja; Kazimierczuk, Zygmunt; Gasparutto, Didier; Carell, Thomas; Tudek, Barbara und Castaing, Bertrand
Zinc finger oxidation of Fpg/Nei DNA glycosylases by 2-thioxanthine: biochemical and X-ray structural characterization.
In: Nucleic Acids Research, Bd. 42, Nr. 16: S. 10748-10761
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Bielfeldt, Ruth
The Lure and Lore of Light. Roman Lamps in the Harvard Art Museums.
In: Ebbinghaus, Susanne (Hrsg.):
Ancient Bronzes through a modern lens : introductory essays on the study of Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Bronzes ; in honor of David Gordon Mitten. New Haven [u.a.]: Yale Univ. Press [u.a.]. S. 171-191
Bielohuby, Maximilian; Zarkesh-Esfahani, Sayyed Hamid; Manolopoulou, Jenny; Wirthgen, Elisa; Walpurgis, Katja; Khorasgani, Mohaddeseh Toghiany; Aghili, Zahra Sadat; Wilkinson, Ian Robert; Hoeflich, Andreas; Thevis, Mario; Ross, Richard J. und Bidlingmaier, Martin
Validation of serum IGF-I as a biomarker to monitor the bioactivity of exogenous growth hormone agonists and antagonists in rabbits.
In: Disease Models & Mechanisms, Bd. 7, Nr. 11: S. 1263-1273
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Binder, Andreas; Lambert, Jayne; Morbitzer, Robert; Popp, Claudia; Ott, Thomas; Lahaye, Thomas und Parniske, Martin
A Modular Plasmid Assembly Kit for Multigene Expression, Gene Silencing and Silencing Rescue in Plants.
9(2), e88218
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Bisdorff, Betty; Kenn, Klaus; Nowak, Dennis
ORCID:; Schlichtiger, Jenny; Bäuml, Jennifer; Orban, Ester und Radon, Katja
Asthma and vocal cord dysfunction related symptoms in the general population — a pilot study.
In: Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, Bd. 113, Nr. 5: S. 576-577
Blanchet, Xavier; Cesarek, Katja; Brandt, Johanna; Herwald, Heiko; Teupser, Daniel; Küchenhoff, Helmut
ORCID:; Karshovska, Ela; Mause, Sebastian F.; Siess, Wolfgang; Wasmuth, Hermann; Soehnlein, Oliver; Koenen, Rory R.; Weber, Christian und Hundelshausen, Philipp von
Inflammatory role and prognostic value of platelet chemokines in acute coronary syndrome.
In: Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Bd. 112, Nr. 6: S. 1277-1287
Blaschek, A.; Decke, Siona; Albers, L.; Schroeder, A. S.; Lehmann, S.; Straube, A.; Landgraf, M. N.; Heinen, F. und Kries, R. von
Self-reported neck pain is associated with migraine but not with tension-type headache in adolescents.
In: Cephalalgia, Bd. 34, Nr. 11: S. 895-903
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Boeck, S.; Ormanns, S.; Haas, M.; Bachmann, S.; Laubender, Rüdiger P.; Siveke, J. T.; Jung, A.; Kirchner, T. und Heinemann, V.
Translational research in pancreatic cancer: KRAS and beyond.
In: Pancreas, Bd. 43, Nr. 1: S. 150-152
Boldog, Ishtvan; Domasevitch, Konstantin V.; Sanchiz, Joaquin; Mayer, Peter und Janiak, Christoph
(23. Juni 2014):
1,3,5,7-Tetrakis(tetrazol-5-yl)-adamantane: the smallest tetrahedral tetrazole-functionalized ligand and its complexes formed by reaction with anhydrous M(II)Cl-2 (M = Mn, Cu, Zn, Cd).
In: Dalton transactions, Bd. 43, Nr. 33: S. 12590-12605
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Bonizec, Mélanie; Hérissant, Lucas; Pokrzywa, Wojciech; Geng, Fuqiang; Wenzel, Sabine; Howard, Gregory C.; Rodriguez, Paco; Krause, Sabine; Tansey, William P.; Hoppe, Thorsten und Dargemont, Catherine
The ubiquitin-selective chaperone Cdc48/p97 associates with Ubx3 to modulate monoubiquitylation of histone H2B.
In: Nucleic Acids Research, Bd. 42, Nr. 17: S. 10975-10986
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Boysen, Lena R.; Brovkin, V.; Arora, Vivek K.; Cadule, P.; de Noblet-Ducoudre, N.; Kato, E.; Pongratz, Julia
ORCID: und Gayler, V.
Global and regional effects of land-use change on climate in 21st century simulations with interactive carbon cycle.
In: Earth System Dynamics, Bd. 5, Nr. 2: S. 309-319
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Braig, S.; Wiedmann, R. M.; Liebl, J.; Singer, M.; Kubisch, R.; Schreiner, L.; Abhari, B. A.; Wagner, E.; Kazmaier, U.; Fulda, S. und Vollmar, Angelika M.
Pretubulysin: a new option for the treatment of metastatic cancer.
In: Cell Death & Disease, Bd. 5, e1001
Brameyer, Sophie; Kresovic, Darko; Bode, Helge B. und Heermann, Ralf
LuxR solos in Photorhabdus species.
In: Frontiers in Cellular and infection Microbiology, Bd. 4, 166
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Brand, Judith S.; Rovers, Maroeska M.; Yeap, Bu B.; Schneider, Harald J.; Tuomainen, Tomi-Pekka; Haring, Robin; Corona, Giovanni; Onat, Altan; Maggio, Marcello; Bouchard, Claude; Tong, Peter C. Y.; Chen, Richard Y. T.; Akishita, Masahiro; Gietema, Jourik A.; Gannagé-Yared, Marie-Hélène; Undén, Anna-Lena; Hautanen, Aarno; Goncharov, Nicolai P.; Kumanov, Philip; Chubb, S. A. Paul; Almeida, Osvaldo P.; Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich; Klotsche, Jens; Wallaschofski, Henri; Voelzke, Henry; Kauhanen, Jussi; Salonen, Jukka T.; Ferrucci, Luigi und Schouw, Yvonne T. van der
Testosterone, Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin and the Metabolic Syndrome in Men: An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies.
9(7), e100409
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Brandl, Susanne; Falk, Wolfgang; Klemmt, Hans-Joachim; Stricker, Georg; Bender, Andreas; Rötzer, Thomas und Pretzsch, Hans
(November 2014):
Possibilities and Limitations of Spatially Explicit Site Index Modelling for Spruce Based on National Forest Inventory Data and Digital Maps of Soil and Climate in Bavaria (SE Germany).
In: Forests, Bd. 5, Nr. 11: S. 2626-2646
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Breier, Michaela; Wahl, Simone; Prehn, Cornelia; Fugmann, Marina; Ferrari, Uta; Weise, Michaela; Banning, Friederike; Seissler, Jochen; Grallert, Harald; Adamski, Jerzy und Lechner, Andreas
Targeted Metabolomics Identifies Reliable and Stable Metabolites in Human Serum and Plasma Samples.
9(2), e89728
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Breitkopf, Sven; Eidam, Tino; Klenke, Arno; Grafenstein, Lorenz von; Carstens, Henning; Holzberger, Simon; Fill, Ernst; Schreiber, Thomas; Krausz, Ferenc
ORCID:; Tünnermann, Andreas; Pupeza, Ioachim und Limpert, Jens
A concept for multiterawatt fibre lasers based on coherent pulse stacking in passive cavities.
In: Light-Science & Applications, Bd. 3, e211
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Breitsameter, Christof und Tapp, Christian
In: Tapp, Christian und Breitsameter, Christof (Hrsg.):
Theologie und Naturwissenschaften. Berlin: De Gruyter. S. 1-18
Broichhagen, Johannes; Schönberger, Matthias; Cork, Simon C.; Frank, James A.; Marchetti, Piero; Bugliani, Marco; Shapiro, A. M. James; Trapp, Stefan; Rutter, Guy A.; Hodson, David J. und Trauner, Dirk
Optical control of insulin release using a photoswitchable sulfonylurea.
In: Nature Communications, Bd. 5, 5116
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Brug, Johannes; Uijtdewilligen, Léonie; Stralen, Maartje M. van; Singh, Amika S.; Chinapaw, Mai J. M.; Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse de; Lien, Nanna; Bere, Elling; Maes, Lea; Fernández-Alvira, Juan M.; Jan, Nataša; Kovacs, Eva; Dössegger, Alain; Manios, Yannis und te Velde, Saskia J.
Differences in beliefs and home environments regarding energy balance behaviors according to parental education and ethnicity among schoolchildren in Europe: The ENERGY cross sectional study.
In: BMC Public Health
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Brumann, M.; Matz, M.; Kusmenkov, Thomas; Stegmaier, J.; Biberthaler, P.; Kanz, Karl-Georg; Mutschler, Wolf und Bogner, V.
Impact of STAT/SOCS mRNA Expression Levels after Major Injury.
In: Mediators of Inflammation, Bd. 2014, 749175
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Bucher, Andreas M.; De Cecco, Carlo N.; Schoepf, U. Joseph; Meinel, Felix G.; Krazinski, Aleksander W.; Spearman, James V.; McQuiston, Andrew D.; Wang, Rui; Bucher, Judith; Vogl, Thomas J. und Katzberg, Richard W.
Is Contrast Medium Osmolality a Causal Factor for Contrast-Induced Nephropathy?
In: Biomed Research International, Bd. 2014, 931413
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Cernat, Laura; Blaj, Cristina; Jackstadt, Rene; Brandl, Lydia; Engel, Jutta; Hermeking, Heiko; Jung, Andreas; Kirchner, Thomas und Horst, David
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Applying the Intervention Mapping protocol to develop a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention to increase European preschool children's physical activity levels: the ToyBox-study.
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Cyran, Clemens C.; Paprottka, Philipp M.; Eisenblätter, Michel; Clevert, Dirk-André; Rist, Carsten; Nikolaou, Konstantin; Lauber, Kirsten; Wenz, Frederik; Hausmann, Daniel; Reiser, Maximilian F.; Belka, Claus und Niyazi, Maximilian
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Dasgupta, B.; Combe, B.; Durez, P.; Schulze-Koops, Hendrik; Louw, I.; Wollenhaupt, J.; Zerbini, C.; Beaulieu, A.; Yao, R.; Huyck, S.; Govoni, M.; Weng, H. H. und Vastesaeger, N.
Predictors of Low Disease Activity and Remission after One Dose of Golimumab in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
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Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome Due to Choline Acetyltransferase Mutations in Infants. Clinical Suspicion and Comprehensive Electrophysiological Assessment Are Important for Early Diagnosis.
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Subcellular expression and neuroprotective effects of SK channels in human dopaminergic neurons.
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Dominguez, Gerardo; Mcleod, A. S.; Gainsforth, Zack; Kelly, P.; Bechtel, Hans A.; Keilmann, Fritz; Westphal, Andrew; Thiemens, Mark und Basov, D. N.
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Dunn, Halina K.; Feckl, Johann M.; Müller, Alexander; Fattakhova-Rohlfing, Dina; Morehead, Samuel G.; Roos, Julian; Peter, Laurence M.; Scheu, Christina und Bein, Thomas
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Duvinage, K.; Ibrugger, S.; Kreichauf, S.; Wildgruber, A.; Craemer, Marieke de; Decker, Ellen de; Androutsos, Odysseas; Lateva, Mina; Iotova, Violeta; Socha, Piotr; Zych, K.; Mouratidou, Theodora; Mesana Graffe, M. I.; Manios, Yannis und Koletzko, Berthold
Developing the intervention material to increase physical activity levels of European preschool children: the ToyBox-study.
In: Obesity reviews, Bd. 15, Nr. Suppl 3: S. 27-39
Dwyer, Markryan; Shan, Qiang; D'Ortona, Samantha; Maurer, Rie; Mitchell, Robert; Olesen, Hanne; Thiel, Steffen; Hübner, Johannes und Gadjeva, Mihaela
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Health determining concepts important to people with Crohn's disease and their coverage by patient-reported outcomes of health and wellbeing.
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Levodopa therapy in Parkinson’s disease: influence on liquid chromatographic tandem mass spectrometric-based measurements of plasma and urinary normetanephrine, metanephrine and methoxytyramine.
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Erhardt, E.; Foraita, R.; Pigeot, I.; Barba, G.; Veidebaum, T.; Tornaritis, M.; Michels, N.; Eiben, G.; Ahrens, W.; Moreno, Luis A.; Kovacs, Eva und Molnár, Dénes
Reference values for leptin and adiponectin in children below the age of 10 based on the IDEFICS cohort.
In: International Journal of Obesity, Bd. 38, Nr. Suppl. 2:
Escott-Price, Valentina; Bellenguez, Céline; Wang, Li-San; Choi, Seung-Hoan; Harold, Denise; Jones, Lesley; Holmans, Peter; Gerrish, Amy; Vedernikov, Alexey; Richards, Alexander; DeStefano, Anita L.; Lambert, Jean-Charles; Ibrahim-Verbaas, Carla A.; Naj, Adam C.; Sims, Rebecca; Jun, Gyungah; Bis, Joshua C.; Beecham, Gary W.; Grenier-Boley, Benjamin; Russo, Giancarlo; Thornton-Wells, Tricia A.; Denning, Nicola; Smith, Albert V.; Chouraki, Vincent; Thomas, Charlene; Ikram, M. Arfan; Zelenika, Diana; Vardarajan, Badri N.; Kamatani, Yoichiro; Lin, Chiao-Feng; Schmidt, Helena; Kunkle, Brian; Dunstan, Melanie L.; Vronskaya, Maria; Johnson, Andrew D.; Ruiz, Agustin; Bihoreau, Marie-Thérèse; Reitz, Christiane; Pasquier, Florence; Hollingworth, Paul; Hanon, Olivier; Fitzpatrick, Annette L.; Buxbaum, Joseph D.; Campion, Dominique; Crane, Paul K.; Baldwin, Clinton; Becker, Tim; Gudnason, Vilmundur; Cruchaga, Carlos; Craig, David; Amin, Najaf; Berr, Claudine; Lopez, Oscar L.; De Jager, Philip L.; Deramecourt, Vincent; Johnston, Janet A.; Evans, Denis; Lovestone, Simon; Letenneur, Luc; Hernandez, Isabel; Rubinsztein, David C.; Eiriksdottir, Gudny; Sleegers, Kristel; Goate, Alison M.; Fievet, Nathalie; Huentelman, Matthew J.; Gill, Michael; Brown, Kristelle; Kamboh, M. Ilyas; Keller, Lina; Barberger-Gateau, Pascale; McGuinness, Bernadette; Larson, Eric B.; Myers, Amanda J.; Dufouil, Carole; Todd, Stephen; Wallon, David; Love, Seth; Rogaeva, Ekaterina; Gallacher, John; St George-Hyslop, Peter; Clarimon, Jordi; Lleo, Alberto; Bayer, Anthony; Tsuang, Debby W.; Yu, Lei; Tsolaki, Magda; Bossu, Paola; Spalletta, Gianfranco; Proitsi, Petra; Collinge, John; Sorbi, Sandro; Garcia, Florentino Sanchez; Fox, Nick C.; Hardy, John; Deniz Naranjo, Maria Candida; Bosco, Paolo; Clarke, Robert; Brayne, Carol; Galimberti, Daniela; Scarpini, Elio; Bonuccelli, Ubaldo; Mancuso, Michelangelo; Siciliano, Gabriele; Moebus, Susanne; Mecocci, Patrizia; Del Zompo, Maria; Maier, Wolfgang; Hampel, Harald; Pilotto, Alberto; Frank-Garcia, Ana; Panza, Francesco; Solfrizzi, Vincenzo; Caffarra, Paolo; Nacmias, Benedetta; Perry, William; Mayhaus, Manuel; Lannfelt, Lars; Hakonarson, Hakon; Pichler, Sabrina; Carrasquillo, Minerva M.; Ingelsson, Martin; Beekly, Duane; Alvarez, Victoria; Zou, Fanggeng; Valladares, Otto; Younkin, Steven G.; Coto, Eliecer; Hamilton-Nelson, Kara L.; Gu, Wei; Razquin, Cristina; Pastor, Pau; Mateo, Ignacio; Owen, Michael J.; Faber, Kelley M.; Jonsson, Palmi V.; Combarros, Onofre; O'Donovan, Michael C.; Cantwell, Laura B.; Soininen, Hilkka; Blacker, Deborah; Mead, Simon; Mosley, Thomas H.; Bennett, David A.; Harris, Tamara B.; Fratiglioni, Laura; Holmes, Clive; de Bruijn, Renee F. A. G.; Passmore, Peter; Montine, Thomas J.; Bettens, Karolien; Rotter, Jerome I.; Brice, Alexis; Morgan, Kevin; Foroud, Tatiana M.; Kukull, Walter A.; Hannequin, Didier; Powell, John F.; Nalls, Michael A.; Ritchie, Karen; Lunetta, Kathryn L.; Kauwe, John S. K.; Boerwinkle, Eric; Riemenschneider, Matthias; Boada, Merce; Hiltunen, Mikko; Martin, Eden R.; Schmidt, Reinhold; Rujescu, Dan; Dartigues, Jean-Francois; Mayeux, Richard; Tzourio, Christophe; Hofman, Albert; Nöthen, Markus M.; Graff, Caroline; Psaty, Bruce M.; Haines, Jonathan L.; Lathrop, Mark; Pericak-Vance, Margaret A.; Launer, Lenore J.; Broeckhoven, Christine Van; Farrer, Lindsay A.; Duijn, Cornelia M. van; Ramirez, Alfredo; Seshadri, Sudha; Schellenberg, Gerard D.; Amouyel, Philippe und Williams, Julie
Gene-Wide Analysis Detects Two New Susceptibility Genes for Alzheimer's Disease.
9(6), e94661
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Escribano, Joaquin; Rubio-Torrents, Carmen; Ferre, Natalia; Luque, Veronica; Grote, Veit; Zaragoza-Jordana, Marta; Gispert-Llaurado, Mariona und Closa-Monasterolo, Ricardo
Reduced bone mass in 7-year-old children with asymptomatic idiopathic hypercalciuria.
In: Annals of nutrition & metabolism, Bd. 64, Nr. 3-4: S. 304-313
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Eser, Philipp; Demel, Carina; Maier, Kerstin C.; Schwalb, Björn; Pirkl, Nicole; Martin, Dietmar E.; Cramer, Patrick und Tresch, Achim
Periodic mRNA synthesis and degradation co-operate during cell cycle gene expression.
In: Molecular Systems Biology, Bd. 10, Nr. 1
Evers, Lisa; Perez-Mancera, Pedro A.; Lenkiewicz, Elizabeth; Tang, Nanyun; Aust, Daniela; Knösel, Thomas; Ruemmele, Petra; Holley, Tara; Kassner, Michelle; Aziz, Meraj; Ramanathan, Ramesh K.; Hoff, Daniel D. von; Yin, Holly; Pilarsky, Christian und Barrett, Michael T.
STAG2 is a clinically relevant tumor suppressor in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
In: Genome Medicine
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Farinelli, P.; Perera, A.; Arango-Gonzalez, B.; Trifunovic, D.; Wagner, M.; Carell, T.; Biel, M.; Zrenner, E.; Michalakis, S.; Paquet-Durand, F. und Ekström, P. A. R.
DNA methylation and differential gene regulation in photoreceptor cell death.
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Pentacyclic triterpenes from Terminalia arjuna show multiple benefits on aged and dry skin.
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FemZone trial: a randomized phase II trial comparing neoadjuvant letrozole and zoledronic acid with letrozole in primary breast cancer patients.
In: BMC Cancer
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Fees, Irmgard
Friedrich Barbarossa in seinen Siegeln.
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Barbarossabilder : Entstehungskontexte, Erwartungshorizonte, Verwendungszusammenhänge ; Barbarossa Bilder. Regensburg: Schnell & Steiner. S. 60-75
Fees, Irmgard
Konzeption. 3. Format und Layout.
In: Kluge, Mathias Franc (Hrsg.):
Handschriften des Mittelalters : Grundwissen Kodikologie und Paläographie. Ostfildern: Thorbecke. S. 28-31
Fees, Irmgard
Textproduktion. 4. Interpunktion.
In: Kluge, Mathias Franc (Hrsg.):
Handschriften des Mittelalters : Grundwissen Kodikologie und Paläographie. Ostfildern: Thorbecke. S. 48-55
Fees, Irmgard und Weileder, Magdalena
Spätmittelalterliche Notarsurkunden im Fuldaer Urkundenbestand.
In: Zwies, Sebastian (Hrsg.):
Das Kloster Fulda und seine Urkunden ; moderne archivische Erschließung und ihre Perspektiven für die historische Forschung ; [... Tagung zum Abschluss des Projektes "Online-Erschließung des Urkundenbestandes der Reichsabtei Fulda (751 - 837)" ...]. Fuldaer Studien, Bd. 19. Freiburg i. Br.: Herder. S. 144-164
Fensterer, Veronika; Küchenhoff, Helmut
ORCID:; Maier, Verena; Wichmann, Heinz-Erich; Breitner, Susanne; Peters, Annette; Gu, Jianwei und Cyrys, Josef
(Mai 2014):
Evaluation of the Impact of Low Emission Zone and Heavy Traffic Ban in Munich (Germany) on the Reduction of PM10 in Ambient Air.
In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Bd. 11, Nr. 5: S. 5094-5112
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Fensterer, Veronika; Küchenhoff, Helmut
ORCID:; Maier, Verena; Wichmann, Heinz-Erich; Breitner, Susanne; Peters, Annette; Gu, Jinwei und Cyrys, Josef
Evaluation of the Impact of Low Emission Zone and Heavy Traffic Ban in Munich (Germany) on the Reduction of PM10 in Ambient Air.
In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Bd. 11, Nr. 5: S. 5094-5112
Fernandez-Alvira, J. M.; Bammann, K.; Pala, V.; Krogh, V.; Barba, G.; Eiben, G.; Hebestreit, A.; Veidebaum, T.; Reisch, L.; Tornaritis, M.; Kovacs, Eva; Huybrechts, Inge und Moreno, Luis A.
Country-specific dietary patterns and associations with socioeconomic status in European children: the IDEFICS study.
In: European journal of clinical nutrition, Bd. 68, Nr. 7: S. 811-821
Ferrer, P.; Ballarín, E.; Sabaté, M.; Vidal, X.; Rottenkolber, Marietta; Amelio, J.; Hasford, Joerg; Schmiedl, S. und Ibáñez, L.
Antiepileptic Drugs and Suicide: A Systematic Review of Adverse Effects.
In: Neuroepidemiology, Bd. 42, Nr. 2: S. 107-120
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Fichna, Jakub; Bawa, Misha; Thakur, Ganesh A.; Tichkule, Ritesh; Makriyannis, Alexandros; McCafferty, Donna-Marie; Sharkey, Keith A. und Storr, Martin
Cannabinoids Alleviate Experimentally Induced Intestinal Inflammation by Acting at Central and Peripheral Receptors.
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Fischer, Martin
Truth and Speed-Up.
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Fischer (geb. Schirmer), Nadine
Competitive Clutter – Not Too Bad After All?
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Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations (Hrsg.),
In: Proceedings of the 2014 Global Marketing Conference at Singapore,
S. 640-645
Flaquer, Antònia; Baumbach, Clemens; Kriebel, Jennifer; Meitinger, Thomas; Peters, Annette; Waldenberger, Melanie; Grallert, Harald und Strauch, Konstantin
Mitochondrial Genetic Variants Identified to Be Associated with BMI in Adults.
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Flexeder, Claudia; Thiering, Elisabeth; Kratzsch, J.; Klümper, C.; Koletzko, Berthold; Müller, M. J.; Koletzko, Sibylle und Heinrich, Joachim
Is a child's growth pattern early in life related to serum adipokines at the age of 10 years?
In: European journal of clinical nutrition, Bd. 68, Nr. 1: S. 25-31
Floyd, Desiree Hunt; Zhang, Ying; Dey, Bijan K.; Kefas, Benjamin; Breit, Hannah; Marks, Kaitlyn; Dutta, Anindya; Herold-Mende, Christel; Synowitz, Michael; Glass, Rainer; Abounader, Roger und Purow, Benjamin W.
Novel Anti-Apoptotic MicroRNAs 582-5p and 363 Promote Human Glioblastoma Stem Cell Survival via Direct Inhibition of Caspase 3, Caspase 9, and Bim.
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Foerster, F.; Braig, S.; Moser, C.; Kubisch, R.; Busse, J.; Wagner, E.; Schmoeckel, E.; Mayr, D.; Schmitt, S.; Huettel, S.; Zischka, H.; Mueller, R. und Vollmar, Angelika M.
Targeting the actin cytoskeleton: selective antitumor action via trapping PKCε.
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Formowitz, Beate und Riepl, Carolin
Landwirtschaft im Fokus der Energiewende.
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Frei, Remo; Roduit, Caroline; Bieli, Christian; Loeliger, Susanne; Waser, Marco; Scheynius, Annika; Hage, Marianne van; Pershagen, Goran; Doekes, Gert; Riedler, Josef; Mutius, Erika von; Sennhauser, Felix; Akdis, Cezmi A.; Braun-Fahrländer, Charlotte und Lauener, Roger P.
Expression of Genes Related to Anti-Inflammatory Pathways Are Modified Among Farmers' Children.
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Frischlich, Lena; Rieger, Diana und Rutkowski, Olivia
I’d Rather Die Than Be with You: The Effects of Mortality Salience and Negative Social Identity on Identification with a Virtual Group.
6th International Conference on Social Computing and Social Media, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 22-27, 2014.
Meiselwitz, Gabriele (Hrsg.):
In: Social Computing and Social Media,
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Fritz, Georg; Megerle, Judith A.; Westermayer, Sonja A.; Brick, Delia; Heermann, Ralf; Jung, Kirsten; Rädler, Joachim O. und Gerland, Ulrich
Single Cell Kinetics of Phenotypic Switching in the Arabinose Utilization System of E. coli.
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Fruth, Barbara; Ikombe, Nono Bondjengo; Matshimba, Gaby Kitengie; Metzger, Sonja; Muganza, Desire Musuyu; Mundry, Roger und Fowler, Andrew
New Evidence for Self-Medication in Bonobos: Manniophyton fulvum Leaf- and Stemstrip-Swallowing From LuiKotale, Salonga National Park, DR Congo.
In: Animal Behaviour, Bd. 76, Nr. 2: S. 146-158
Fu, Ming; Qian, Lihua; Long, Hua; Wang, Kai; Lu, Peixiang; Rakovich, Yury P.; Hetsch, Frederik; Susha, Andrei S. und Rogach, Andrey L.
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Tunable plasmon modes in single silver nanowire optical antennas characterized by far-field microscope polarization spectroscopy.
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Fuertes, Elaine; Markevych, Iana; Berg, Andrea von; Bauer, Carl-Peter; Berdel, Dietrich; Koletzko, Sibylle
ORCID:; Sugiri, Dorothea und Heinrich, Joachim
(August 2014):
Greenness and allergies: evidence of differential associations in two areas in Germany.
In: Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, Bd. 68, Nr. 8: S. 787-790
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Fügert, Anja; Kreppner, Florian Janoscha; Kühne, Hartmut und Rohde, Jens
Early Neo-Assyrian Dur-Katlimmu.
In: Bieliński, Piotr; Gawlikowski, Michał; Koliński, Rafał; Ławecka, Dorota; Sołtysiak, Arkadiusz und Wygnańska, Zuzanna (Hrsg.):
Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East : 30 April - 4 May 2012, University of Warsaw. Volume 1, Plenary Sessions, Township and Villages, High and Low – The Minor Arts for the Elite and for the Populace. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. S. 217-239
Gaber, Rania; Watermann, Iris; Kugler, Christian; Reinmuth, Nils; Huber, Rudolf M.; Schnabel, Philipp A.; Vollmer, Ekkehard; Reck, Martin und Goldmann, Torsten
Correlation of EGFR expression, gene copy number and clinicopathological status in NSCLC.
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Gage, Heather; Egan, Bernadette; Williams, P.; Gyorei, Eszter; Brands, Brigitte; Lopez-Robles, Juan-Carlos; Campoy, Cristina; Koletzko, Berthold; Decsi, Tamás und Raats, Monique M.
Views of parents in four European countries about the effect of food on the mental performance of primary school children.
In: European journal of clinical nutrition, Bd. 68, Nr. 1: S. 32-37
Gallmeier, K.; Becker, E.; Kirsten, A.; Wolke, G.; Manuwald, O.; Meyer, H.; Magnussen, H.; Nowak, Dennis
ORCID: und Heinrich, Joachim
Prediction of new-onset asthma and nasal allergy by skin prick test and RAST in a cohort of adults.
In: European Respiratory Journal, Bd. 43, Nr. 1: S. 92-102
Garcia, Samuel; Guarino, Domenico; Jaillet, Florent; Jennings, Todd; Pröpper, Robert; Rautenberg, Philipp L.; Rodgers, Chris C.; Sobolev, Andrey; Wachtler, Thomas
ORCID:; Yger, Pierre und Davison, Andrew P.
Neo: an object model for handling electrophysiology data in multiple formats.
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Gerlini, Alice; Colomba, Leonarda; Furi, Leonardo; Braccini, Tiziana; Manso, Ana Sousa; Pammolli, Andrea; Wang, Bo; Vivi, Antonio; Tassini, Maria; Rooijen, Nico van; Pozzi, Gianni; Ricci, Susanna; Andrew, Peter W.; Koedel, Uwe; Moxon, E. Richard und Oggioni, Marco R.
The Role of Host and Microbial Factors in the Pathogenesis of Pneumococcal Bacteraemia Arising from a Single Bacterial Cell Bottleneck.
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Gerstner, D.; Walser, S.; Brenner, B.; Bünger, J.; Eikmann, T.; Raulf-Heimsoth, M.; Kolk, A.; Nowak, Dennis
ORCID:; Sagunski, H.; Sedlmaier, N.; Suchenwirth, R.; Wiesmüller, G.; Wollin, K.-M.; Tesseraux, I. und Herr, Caroline
Bewertung der gesundheitlichen Risiken bei Exposition gegenüber Bioaerosolen.
In: Allergologie, Bd. 37, Nr. 5: S. 190-197
Gewies, Andreas; Gorka, Oliver; Bergmann, Hanna; Pechloff, Konstanze; Petermann, Franziska; Jeltsch, Katharina M.; Rudelius, Martina; Kriegsmann, Mark; Weichert, Wilko; Horsch, Marion; Beckers, Johannes; Wurst, Wolfgang; Heikenwalder, Mathias; Korn, Thomas; Heissmeyer, Vigo und Ruland, Jürgen
Uncoupling Malt1 Threshold Function from Paracaspase Activity Results in Destructive Autoimmune Inflammation.
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Ghannam, Khetam; Martinez-Gamboa, Lorena; Spengler, Lydia; Krause, Sabine; Smiljanovic, Biljana; Bonin, Marc; Bhattarai, Salyan; Grützkau, Andreas; Burmester, Gerd-R.; Häupl, Thomas und Feist, Eugen
Upregulation of Immunoproteasome Subunits in Myositis Indicates Active Inflammation with Involvement of Antigen Presenting Cells, CD8 T-Cells and IFN gamma.
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Giannantonio, Tommaso; Ross, Ashley J.; Percival, Will J.; Crittenden, Robert; Bacher, David; Kilbinger, Martin; Nichol, Robert und Weller, Jochen
Improved Primordial Non-Gaussianity Constraints from Measurements of Galaxy Clustering and the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe Effect.
In: Physical Review D, Bd. 89, Nr. 2, 023511
Gietl, Andreas; Holzmeister, Phil; Blombach, Fabian; Schulz, Sarah; Voithenberg, Lena Voith von; Lamb, Don C.; Werner, Finn; Tinnefeld, Philip und Grohmann, Dina
Eukaryotic and archaeal TBP and TFB/TF(II)B follow different promoter DNA bending pathways.
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Gilbert, Dustin A.; Zimanyi, Gergely T.; Dumas, Randy K.; Winklhofer, Michael; Gomez, Alicia; Eibagi, Nasim; Vicent, J. L. und Liu, Kai
Quantitative Decoding of Interactions in Tunable Nanomagnet Arrays Using First Order Reversal Curves.
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Evaluating the use of prostate-specific antigen as an instrument for early detection of prostate cancer beyond urologists: Results of a representative cross-sectional questionnaire study of general practitioners and internal specialists.
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Gomez-Mancilla, Baltazar; Brand, Ronald; Jürgens, Tim P.; Göbel, Hartmut; Sommer, Claudia; Straube, Andreas; Evers, Stefan; Sommer, Martin; Campos, Victor; Kalkman, Hans O.; Hariry, Sam; Pezous, Nicole; Johns, Donald und Diener, Hans-Christoph
Randomized, multicenter trial to assess the efficacy, safety and tolerability of a single dose of a novel AMPA receptor antagonist BGG492 for the treatment of acute migraine attacks.
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Gonon, Lukas und Rogers, L. C. G.
Evolution of Firm Size.
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Gonzalez, Christina M.; Iqbal, Muhammad; Dasog, Mita; Piercey, Davin G.; Lockwood, Ross; Klapötke, Thomas M. und Veinot, Jonathan G. C.
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Reliability of primary caregivers reports on lifestyle behaviours of European pre-school children: the ToyBox-study.
In: Obesity reviews /~Supplement, Bd. 15, Nr. 3: S. 61-66
Gosling, Simon N.; Bryce, Erin K.; Dixon, P. Grady; Gabriel, Katharina M. A.; Gosling, Elaine Y.; Hanes, Jonathan M.; Hondula, David M.; Liang, Liang; Bustos Mac Lean, Priscilla Ayleen; Muthers, Stefan; Nascimento, Sheila Tavares; Petralli, Martina; Vanos, Jennifer K. und Wanka, Eva R.
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Grabmaier, Ulrich; Theiss, Hans D.; Keithahn, Alexandra; Kreiner, Julia; Brenner, Christoph; Huber, Bruno; Helm, Christine von der; Gross, Lisa; Klingel, Karin; Franz, Wolfgang-M. und Brunner, Stefan
The Role of 1.5 Tesla MRI and Anesthetic Regimen Concerning Cardiac Analysis in Mice with Cardiomyopathy.
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Grandl, Susanne; Willner, Marian; Herzen, Julia; Sztrokay-Gaul, Aniko; Mayr, Doris; Auweter, Sigrid D.; Hipp, Alexander; Birnbacher, Lorenz; Marschner, Mathias; Chabior, Michael; Reiser, Maximilian; Pfeiffer, Franz; Bamberg, Fabian und Hellerhoff, Karin
Visualizing Typical Features of Breast Fibroadenomas Using Phase-Contrast CT: An Ex-Vivo Study.
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Greif, Martin; Lange, Philipp; Näbauer, Michael; Schwarz, Florian; Becker, Christoph; Schmitz, Christoph; Pohl, Tilmann; D'Anastasi, Melvin; Boekstegers, Peter; Massberg, Steffen und Kupatt, Christian
Transcutaneous aortic valve replacement with the Edwards SAPIEN XT and Medtronic CoreValve prosthesis under fluoroscopic guidance and local anaesthesia only.
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Grimm, Christian; Holdt, Lesca M.; Chen, Cheng-Chang; Hassan, Sami; Müller, Christoph; Jörs, Simone; Cuny, Hartmut; Kissing, Sandra; Schröder, Bernd; Butz, Elisabeth; Northoff, Bernd; Castonguay, Jan; Luber, Christian A.; Moser, Markus; Spahn, Saskia; Luellmann-Rauch, Renate; Fendel, Christina; Klugbauer, Norbert; Griesbeck, Oliver; Haas, Albert; Mann, Matthias; Bracher, Franz; Teupser, Daniel; Saftig, Paul; Biel, Martin und Wahl-Schott, Christian
High susceptibility to fatty liver disease in two-pore channel 2-deficient mice.
In: Nature Communications, Bd. 5, 4699
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Grimm, Jochen M.; Schindler, Andreas; Schwarz, Florian; Cyran, Clemens C.; Bayer-Karpinska, Anna; Freilinger, Tobias; Yuan, Chun; Linn, Jennifer; Trelles, Miguel; Reiser, Maximilian F.; Nikolaou, Konstantin und Saam, Tobias
Computed tomography angiography vs 3 T black-blood cardiovascular magnetic resonance for identification of symptomatic carotid plaques.
In: Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
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Gruzieva, Olena; Gehring, Ulrike; Aalberse, Rob; Agius, Raymond; Beelen, Rob; Behrendt, Heidrun; Bellander, Tom; Birk, Matthias; de Jongste, Johan C.; Fuertes, Elaine
ORCID:; Heinrich, Joachim
ORCID:; Hoek, Gerard; Klümper, Claudia; Koppelmann, Gerard H.
ORCID:; Korek, Michal; Krämer, Ursula; Lindley, Sarah; Mölter, Anna; Simpson, Angela; Standl, Marie
ORCID:; van Hage, Marianne; von Berg, Andrea; Wijga, Alet; Brunekreef, Bert und Pershagen, Göran
(März 2014):
Meta-analysis of air pollution exposure association with allergic sensitization in European birth cohorts.
In: Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Bd. 133, Nr. 3: S. 767-776
Gräff, I.; Passauer-Baierl, S.; Thiessen, N.; Delis, A.; Biber, D.; Schleifer, G.; Lenkeit, S.; Podlogar, M.; Glien, P.; Körfer, F.; Nähle, C. P.; Goost, H.; Hoeft, A. und Kim, S.-C.
Bonner Schockraummanagement-Kurs®.
In: Notfall + Rettungsmedizin, Bd. 17, Nr. 1: S. 59-65
Gründler, Katharina; Angstwurm, Matthias; Hilge, Robert; Baumann, Philipp; Annecke, Thorsten; Crispin, Alexander; Sohn, Hae-Young; Massberg, Steffen und Kraemer, Bjoern F.
Platelet mitochondrial membrane depolarization reflects disease severity in patients with sepsis and correlates with clinical outcome.
In: Critical Care
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Görich, Knut
Wie heiratete man in der Stauferzeit?
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Haensch, Rudolf
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Haering, Stephan
Ausgewählte Rechtsfragen um den kanonischen Jungfrauenstand.
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Iustitia est constans et perpetua voluntas ius suum cuique tribuendi : 20 Jahre Studiengang Lizentiat im Kanonischen Recht an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster ; Festschrift für Klaus Lüdicke zum 70. Geburtstag. Münsterischer Kommentar zum Codex iuris canonici / Beiheft, Bd. 70. Essen: Ludgerus-Verlag. S. 143-162
Haering, Stephan und Schäfer, Cyrill
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Die Männer- und Frauenklöster der Benediktiner in Bayern : Band 3. Germania Benedictina, Bd. 2. St. Ottilien: EOS. S. 2065-2095
Haghighi, Alireza; Haack, Tobias B.; Atiq, Mehnaz; Mottaghi, Hassan; Haghighi-Kakhki, Hamidreza; Bashir, Rani A.; Ahting, Uwe; Feichtinger, Rene G.; Mayr, Johannes A.; Rötig, Agnes; Lebre, Anne-Sophie; Klopstock, Thomas; Dworschak, Andrea; Pulido, Nathan; Saeed, Mahmood A.; Saleh-Gohari, Nasrollah; Holzerova, Eliska; Chinnery, Patrick F.; Taylor, Robert W. und Prokisch, Holger
Sengers syndrome: six novel AGK mutations in seven new families and review of the phenotypic and mutational spectrum of 29 patients.
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Hahn, Sabine; Griesshaber, Erika; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Neuser, Rolf D.; Ritter, Ann-Christine; Hoffmann, Rene; Buhl, Dieter; Niedermayr, Andrea; Geske, Anna und Immenhauser, Adrian
Exploring aberrant bivalve shell ultrastructure and geochemistry as proxies for past sea water acidification.
In: Sedimentology, Bd. 61, Nr. 6: S. 1625-1658
Han, Kyung-Hun; Zaytseva, Yuliya; Bao, Yan; Pöppel, Emst; Chung, Sun Yong; Kim, Jong Woo und Kim, Hyun Taek
Impairment of vocal expression of negative emotions in patients with Alzheimer's disease.
In: Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, Bd. 6, 101
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Hanfstein, B.; Shlyakhto, V.; Lauseker, Michael; Hehlmann, R.; Saussele, S.; Dietz, C. T.; Erben, P.; Fabarius, A.; Proetel, U.; Schnittger, S.; Krause, S. W.; Schubert, J.; Einsele, H.; Hänel, M.; Dengler, J.; Falge, C.; Kanz, L.; Neubauer, A.; Kneba, M.; Stegelmann, F.; Pfreundschuh, M.; Waller, C. F.; Spiekermann, K.; Baerlocher, G. M.; Pfirrmann, Markus; Hasford, Joerg; Hofmann, W. K.; Hochhaus, A. und Muller, M. C.
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Velocity of early BCR-ABL transcript elimination as an optimized predictor of outcome in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients in chronic phase on treatment with imatinib.
In: Leukemia, Bd. 28, Nr. 10: S. 1988-1992
Hanfstein, Benjamin; Lauseker, Michael; Hehlmann, Rüdiger; Saussele, Susanne; Erben, Philipp; Dietz, Christian; Fabarius, Alice; Proetel, Ulrike; Schnittger, Susanne; Haferlach, Claudia; Krause, Stefan W.; Schubert, Joerg; Einsele, Hermann; Hänel, Mathias; Dengler, Jolanta; Falge, Christiane; Kanz, Lothar; Neubauer, Andreas; Kneba, Michael; Stegelmann, Frank; Pfreundschuh, Michael; Waller, Cornelius F.; Spiekermann, Karsten; Baerlocher, Gabriela M.; Pfirrmann, Markus; Hasford, Jörg; Hofmann, Wolf-Karsten; Hochhaus, Andreas und Müller, Martin C.
Distinct characteristics of e13a2 versus e14a2 BCR-ABL1 driven chronic myeloid leukemia under first-line therapy with imatinib.
In: Haematologica, Bd. 99, Nr. 9: S. 1441-1447
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Second International Consensus Conference on Advanced Breast Cancer (ABC2), Lisbon, 11/09/2013: The German Perspective.
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Evidence-based decision-making in infectious diseases epidemiology, prevention and control: matching research questions to study designs and quality appraisal tools.
In: BMC Medical Research Methodology
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Hartley, Sally; McArthur, Maggie; Coenen, Michaela; Cabello, Maria; Covelli, Venusia; Roszczynska-Michta, Joanna; Pitkänen, Tuuli; Bickenbach, Jerome und Cieza, Alarcos
Narratives Reflecting the Lived Experiences of People with Brain Disorders: Common Psychosocial Difficulties and Determinants.
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Hartmann, Jens-Uwe und Harrison, Paul
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Hartmann, Jens-Uwe und Wille, Klaus
The Manuscript of the Dirghāgama and the Private Collection in Virginia.
In: Harrison, Paul und Hartmann, Jens-Uwe (Hrsg.):
From Birch Bark to Digital Data: Recent Advances in Buddhist Manuscript Research. Papers Presented at the Conference Indic Buddhist Manuscripts: The State of the Field, Stanford, June 15-19 2009. Denkschriften / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Bd. 460. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. S. 137-155
Hartmann, Jens-Uwe und Wille, Klaus
The Central Asian Sanskrit Fragments in the Pelliot Collection (Paris).
In: Harrison, Paul (Hrsg.):
From Birch Bark to Digital Data: Recent Advances in Buddhist Manuscript Research. Papers Presented at the Conference Indic Buddhist Manuscripts: The State of the Field, Stanford, June 15-19 2009. Denkschriften / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Bd. 460. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. S. 213-222
Hartmann, Jens-Uwe und Wille, Klaus
Further Collections of Sanskrit Manuscripts from Central Asia.
In: Harrison, Paul (Hrsg.):
From Birch Bark to Digital Data: Recent Advances in Buddhist Manuscript Research. Papers Presented at the Conference Indic Buddhist Manuscripts: The State of the Field, Stanford, June 15-19 2009. Denkschriften / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Bd. 460. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. S. 247-255
Hau, Hans Michael; Fellmer, Peter; Schoenberg, Markus B.; Schmelzle, Moritz; Morgul, Mehmet Haluk; Krenzien, Felix; Wiltberger, Georg; Hoffmeister, Albrecht und Jonas, Sven
The collateral caval shunt as an alternative to classical shunt procedures in patients with recurrent duodenal varices and extrahepatic portal vein thrombosis.
In: European Journal of Medical Research
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Haunerland, Winfried
Singen im Gottesdienst der Kirche.
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Haunerland, Winfried
In: Epistula, Bd. 62: S. 3-4
Haunerland, Winfried
Reiner Kaczynski.
In: Gottesdienst : Information u. Handreichung der liturgischen Institute Deutschlands, Österreichs und der Schweiz, Bd. 48: S. 154
Haunerland, Winfried
Liturgie als lex vivendi?
In: Orthodoxes Forum : Zeitschrift des Instituts für Orthodoxe Theologie der Universität München, Bd. 28, Nr. 2: S. 37-41
Haunerland, Winfried und Adam, Adolf
Grundriss Liturgie.
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Haußmann, Annette
Suizidalität und Depression.
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Menschen mit Depression. Orientierungen und Impulse für die Praxis in Kirchengemeinden. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus. S. 36-44
Haußmann, Annette
Konfirmandenarbeit und Depressionsprävention.
In: Weyel, Birgit und Jakob, Beate (Hrsg.):
Menschen mit Depression. Orientierungen und Impulse für die Praxis in Kirchengemeinden. 1. Auflage. Gütersloh: S. 140-166
Haußmann, Annette und Bresch, Friedemann
Seelsorgerliche Gesprächsführung mit depressiven Menschen.
In: Weyel, Birgit und Jakob, Beate (Hrsg.):
Menschen mit Depression ; Orientierungen und Impulse für die Praxis in Kirchengemeinden. 1. Auflage. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus. S. 179-194
Haußmann, Annette und Eschweiler, Gerhard W.
Motivierende Gesprächsführung mit depressiven Menschen.
In: Weyel, Birgit und Jakob, Beate (Hrsg.):
Menschen mit Depression ; Orientierungen und Impulse für die Praxis in Kirchengemeinden. 1. Auflage. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus. S. 167-178
Hebestreit, A.; Börnhorst, C.; Barba, G.; Siani, A.; Huybrechts, Inge; Tognon, G.; Eiben, G.; Moreno, Luis A.; Fernandez-Alvira, J. M.; Loit, H. M.; Kovacs, Eva; Tornaritis, M. und Krogh, V.
Associations between energy intake, daily food intake and energy density of foods and BMI z-score in 2–9-year-old European children.
In: European journal of nutrition, Bd. 53, Nr. 2: S. 673-681
Heckt, Timo; Bickert, Thomas; Jeschke, Anke; Seitz, Sebastian; Schulze, Jochen; Ito, Wulf D.; Zimmermann, Wolfgang; Amling, Michael; Schinke, Thorsten; Horst, Andrea Kristina und Keller, Johannes
Increased Osteoclastogenesis in Mice Lacking the Carcinoembryonic Antigen-Related Cell Adhesion Molecule 1.
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Heermann, Ralf; Zigann, Katja; Gayer, Stefan; Rodriguez-Fernandez, Maria; Banga, Julio R.; Kremling, Andreas und Jung, Kirsten
Dynamics of an Interactive Network Composed of a Bacterial Two-Component System, a Transporter and K+ as Mediator.
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Heger, Klaus; Fierens, Kaat; Vahl, J. Christoph; Aszodi, Attila; Peschke, Katrin; Schenten, Dominik; Hammad, Hamida; Beyaert, Rudi; Saur, Dieter; Loo, Geert van; Roers, Axel; Lambrecht, Bart N.; Kool, Mirjam und Schmidt-Supprian, Marc
A20-Deficient Mast Cells Exacerbate Inflammatory Responses In Vivo.
In: PLOS Biology
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Hehlmann, R.; Müller, M. C.; Lauseker, Michael; Hanfstein, B.; Fabarius, A.; Schreiber, A.; Proetel, U.; Pletsch, N.; Pfirrmann, Markus; Haferlach, C.; Schnittger, S.; Einsele, H.; Dengler, J.; Falge, C.; Kanz, L.; Neubauer, A.; Kneba, M.; Stegelmann, F.; Pfreundschuh, M.; Waller, C. F.; Spiekermann, Karsten; Baerlocher, Gabriela M.; Ehninger, G.; Heim, D.; Heimpel, H.; Nerl, C.; Krause, S. W.; Hossfeld, D. K.; Kolb, H. J.; Hasford, Joerg; Saußele, Susanne und Hochhaus, A.
Deep Molecular Response Is Reached by the Majority of Patients Treated With Imatinib, Predicts Survival, and Is Achieved More Quickly by Optimized High-Dose Imatinib: Results From the Randomized CML-Study IV.
In: Journal of Clinical Oncology, Bd. 32, Nr. 5: S. 415-423
Hehlmann, Rüdiger; Hasford, Joerg; Pfirrmann, Markus; Lauseker, Michael; Saußele, Susanne und Hochhaus, Andreas
(September 2014):
Reply to H. Kantarjian et al.
In: Journal of Clinical Oncology, Bd. 32, Nr. 27, 3078-3078
Heim, Astrid; Grimm, Christina; Müller, Udo; Häußler, Simon; Mackeen, Mukram M.; Merl, Juliane; Hauck, Stefanie M.; Kessler, Benedikt M.; Schofield, Christopher J.; Wolf, Alexander und Boettger, Angelika
Jumonji domain containing protein 6 (Jmjd6) modulates splicing and specifically interacts with arginine-serine-rich (RS) domains of SR- and SR-like proteins.
In: Nucleic Acids Research, Bd. 42, Nr. 12: S. 7833-7850
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Heim, Manfred
Weltenburg im 16. Jahrhundert.
In: Schwaiger, Georg (Hrsg.):
Kloster Weltenburg : Geschichte und Gegenwart. Weißenhorn: Konrad. S. 37-82
Heinrich, Christophe; Bergami, Matteo; Gascon, Sergio; Lepier, Alexandra; Vigano, Francesca; Dimou, Leda; Sutor, Bernd; Berninger, Benedikt und Götz, Magdalena
Sox2-Mediated Conversion of NG2 Glia into Induced Neurons in the Injured Adult Cerebral Cortex.
In: Stem Cell Reports, Bd. 3, Nr. 6: S. 1000-1014
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Heissler, P.; Lugovoy, E.; Hoerlein, R.; Waldecker, L.; Wenz, J.; Heigoldt, M.; Khrennikov, K.; Karsch, S.; Krausz, Ferenc
ORCID:; Abel, B. und Tsakiris, G. D.
Using the third state of matter: high harmonic generation from liquid targets.
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ORCID:; Diamantopoulos, A.; Straub, D. W.; Ketchen, D. J.; Hair, J. F.; Hult, G. T. und Calantone, R. J.
Common Beliefs and Reality About PLS. Comments on Rönkkö and Evermann (2013).
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Henzgen, Sascha und Hüllermeier, Eyke
Mining Rank Data.
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Discovery Science. 17th International Conference, DS 2014, Bled, Slovenia, October 8-10, 2014. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bd. 8777. Cham: Springer. S. 123-134
Herbig, Britta
Übersicht über die Verfahren zur Erfassung von Belastungen.
In: Angerer, Peter; Glaser, Jürgen; Gündel, H.; Henningsen, P.; Lahmann, C.; Letzel, S. und Nowak, Dennis (Hrsg.):
Psychische und psychosomatische Gesundheit in der Arbeit. Wissenschaft, Erfahrungen, Lösungen aus Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitspsychologie und psychosomatischer Medizin. Thema Jahrestagung DGAUM, Bd. 2013. Heidelberg ; München ; Landsberg: Ecomed Medizin. S. 541-549
Hergt, F.; Bomhard, W. von; Wergin, M.; Hirschberger, J.; Yap, F. W.; Pawson, P.; Pratschke, K. M.; Geyer, A.; Otzdorff, C.; Daub, L.; Reese, Sven
ORCID:; Braun, J.; Walter, B.; Poulsen Nautrup, Cordula; Decker, J.; Zandt, Elisabeth; Geisweid, K.; Sauter-Louis, Carola; Mueller, R.; Hartmann, K.; Abdellatif, A.; Amort, A.; Kramer, M.; Ortuno, A.; Sanchez, N.; Blasco, X.; Salas, A.; Castella, J. und Torre, C.
20th Euro Congress of the Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations, 60th Annual Congress of the German Society for Small Animal Medicine, DGK-DVG 6th-9th November 2014, Muenchen, Summaries of Free Lectures Abstracts.
In: Kleintierpraxis, Bd. 59, Nr. 11: S. 633-644
Hermelink, Kerstin; Höhn, Henrik; Hasmueller, Stephan; Gallwas, Julia; Haertl, Kristin; Wuerstlein, Rachel und Koehm, Janna
Brief Distress Screening in Clinical Practice: Does it Help to Effectively Allocate Psycho-Oncological Support to Female Cancer Inpatients?
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Hernando, Henar; Islam, Abul B. M. M. K.; Rodriguez-Ubreva, Javier; Forne, Ignasi; Ciudad, Laura; Imhof, Axel; Shannon-Lowe, Claire und Ballestar, Esteban
Epstein-Barr virus-mediated transformation of B cells induces global chromatin changes independent to the acquisition of proliferation.
In: Nucleic Acids Research, Bd. 42, Nr. 1: S. 249-263
Herrera, Helios; Ordoñez, Guillermo und Trebesch, Christoph
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Heublein, Sabine; Mayr, Doris; Friese, Klaus; Jarrin-Franco, Maria Cristina; Lenhard, Miriam; Mayerhofer, Artur und Jeschke, Udo
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The G-Protein-Coupled Estrogen Receptor (GPER/GPR30) in Ovarian Granulosa Cell Tumors.
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Heurich, Marco; Hilger, Anton; Küchenhoff, Helmut
ORCID:; Andren, Henrik; Bufka, Ludek; Krofel, Miha; Mattisson, Jenny; Odden, John; Persson, Jens; Rauset, Geir R.; Schmidt, Krzysztof und Linnell, John D. C.
Activity Patterns of Eurasian Lynx Are Modulated by Light Regime and Individual Traits over a Wide Latitudinal Range.
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Priorities for treatment, care and information if faced with serious illness: A comparative population-based survey in seven European countries.
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Hildebrandt, Jenna; Yalcin, Ebru; Bresser, Hans-Georg; Cinel, Guzin; Gappa, Monika; Haghighi, Alireza; Kiper, Nural; Khalilzadeh, Soheila; Reiter, Karl; Sayer, John; Schwerk, Nicolaus; Sibbersen, Anke; Daele, Sabine van; Nübling, Georg; Lohse, Peter und Griese, Matthias
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Characterization of CSF2RA mutation related juvenile pulmonary alveolar proteinosis.
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MRTF-A controls vessel growth and maturation by increasing the expression of CCN1 and CCN2.
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Hinske, Ludwig Christian; Franca, Gustavo S.; Torres, Hugo A. M.; Ohara, Daniel T.; Lopes-Ramos, Camila M.; Heyn, Jens; Reis, Luiz F. L.; Ohno-Machado, Lucila; Kreth, Simone und Galante, Pedro A. F.
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Hirn, Stephanie; Haberl, Nadine; Loza, Kateryna; Epple, Matthias; Kreyling, Wolfgang G.; Rothen-Rutishauser, Barbara; Rehberg, Markus und Krombach, Fritz
Proinflammatory and cytotoxic response to nanoparticles in precision-cut lung slices.
In: Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, Bd. 5: S. 2440-2449
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Hirsch, Oliver und Strauch, Konstantin
Low Back Pain Patient Subgroups in Primary Care: Pain Characteristics, Psychosocial Determinants, and Health Care Utilization. Hirsch, Oliver; Strauch, Konstantin; Held, Heiko; Redaelli, Marcus; Chenot, Jean-Francois; Leonhardt, Corinna; Keller, Stefan; Baum, Erika; Pfingsten, Michael; Hildebrandt, Jan; Basler, Heinz-Dieter; Kochen, Michael M.; Donner-Banzhoff, Norbert; Becker, Annette.
In: Clinical Journal of Pain, Bd. 30, Nr. 12: S. 1023-1032
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Hoeksema, Marten A.; Gijbels, Marion J. J.; Bossche, Jan van den; Velden, Saskia van der; Sijm, Ayestha; Neele, Annette E.; Seijkens, Tom; Stöger, Lauran J.; Meiler, Svenja; Boshuizen, Marieke C. S.; Dallinga-Thie, Geesje M.; Levels, Johannes H. M.; Boon, Louis; Mullican, Shannon E.; Spann, Nathanael J.; Cleutjens, Jack P.; Glass, Chris K.; Lazar, Mitchell A.; Vries, Carlie J. M. de; Biessen, Erik A. L.; Daemen, Mat J. A. P.; Lutgens, Esther und Winther, Menno P. J. de
Targeting macrophage Histone deacetylase 3 stabilizes atherosclerotic lesions.
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Hoepner, Robert; Havla, Joachim; Eienbröker, Christian; Tackenberg, Björn; Hellwig, Kerstin; Meinl, Ingrid; Hohlfeld, Reinhard; Gold, Ralf; Kümpfel, Tania und Kleiter, Ingo
Predictors for multiple sclerosis relapses after switching from natalizumab to fingolimod.
In: Multiple Sclerosis Journal, Bd. 20, Nr. 13: S. 1714-1720
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Hoffmann, Ramona; Wochnik, Angela S.; Heinzl, Christoph; Betzler, Sophia B.; Matich, Sonja; Griesshaber, Erika; Schulz, Hartmut; Kucera, Michal; Young, Jeremy R.; Scheu, Christina und Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
Nanoprobe crystallographic orientation studies of isolated shield elements of the coccolithophore species Emiliania huxleyi.
In: European Journal of Mineralogy, Bd. 26, Nr. 4: S. 473-483
Hoffmann, Steve; Otto, Christian; Doose, Gero; Tanzer, Andrea; Langenberger, David; Christ, Sabina; Kunz, Manfred; Holdt, Lesca M.; Teupser, Daniel; Hackermüller, Jörg und Stadler, Peter F.
A multi-split mapping algorithm for circular RNA, splicing, trans-splicing and fusion detection.
In: Genome Biology
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Hoffmann, Susanne; Caro, Francis G. , PhD,; Gottlieb, Alison S.; Kesternich, Iris und Winter, Joachim
Contributions of Second Opinions, Outcome Forecasts, and Testimonials to Patient Decisions about Knee Replacement Surgery.
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Hollopeter, Gunther; Lange, Jeffrey J.; Zhang, Ying; Vu, Thien N.; Gu, Mingyu; Ailion, Michael; Lambie, Eric J.; Slaughter, Brian D.; Unruh, Jay R.; Florens, Laurence und Jorgensen, Erik M.
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Horsch, Marion; Beckers, Johannes; Fuchs, Helmut; Gailus-Durner, Valérie; Hrabě de Angelis, Martin; Rathkolb, Birgit; Wolf, Eckhard; Aigner, Bernhard und Kemter, Elisabeth
Uromodulin Retention in Thick Ascending Limb of Henle's Loop Affects SCD1 in Neighboring Proximal Tubule: Renal Transcriptome Studies in Mouse Models of Uromodulin-Associated Kidney Disease.
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Horster, M. und Schröder, Thoralf
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Hothorn, Torsten; Kneib, Thomas und Bühlmann, Peter
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Hubert, Mario und Poellinger, Roland
Anchoring Causal Connections in Physical Concepts.
In: Galavotti, Maria Carla; Dieks, Dennis; Gonzalez, Wenceslao J.; Hartmann, Stephan; Uebel, Thomas und Weber, Marcel (Hrsg.):
New Directions in the Philosophy of Science. The Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective, Bd. 5. Springer International Publishing. S. 501-509
Hubmann, Max; Köhnke, Thomas; Hoster, Eva; Schneider, Stephanie; Dufour, Annika; Zellmeier, Evelyn; Fiegl, Michael; Braess, Jan; Bohlander, Stefan K.; Subklewe, Marion; Sauerland, Maria-Cristina; Berdel, Wolfgang E.; Büchner, Thomas; Woermann, Bernhard; Hiddemann, Wolfgang und Spiekermann, Karsten
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Hug, Stephan; Mesch, Maria B.; Oh, Hyunchul; Popp, Nadine; Hirscher, Michael; Senker, Jürgen und Lotsch, Bettina V.
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Höhl, Wolfgang
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Höpflinger, Anna-Katharina und Heesch, Florian
Methoden der Heavy Metal-Forschung. Einleitung.
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Methoden der Heavy-Metal-Forschung : interdisziplinäre Zugänge. Münster [u.a.]: Waxmann. S. 9-30
Höpflinger, Anna-Katharina; Knauss, Stefanie und Ornella, Alexander Darius
Introduction. Body, Communication and Religion.
In: Ornella, Alexander Darius; Knauss, Stefanie und Höpflinger, Anna-Katharina (Hrsg.):
Commun(icat)ing bodies : body as a medium in religious symbol systems Communicating bodies. Religion - Wirtschaft - Politik, Bd. 11. Zürich / Baden-Baden: Pano/Nomos. S. 11-24
Hörsch, D.; Schmid, K.W.; Anlauf, M.; Darwiche, K.; Denecke, T.; Baum, R. P.; Spitzweg, C.; Grohé, C.; Presselt, N.; Stremmel, C.; Heigener, D. F.; Serke, M.; Kegel, T.; Pavel, M.; Waller, C. F.; Deppermann, K.-M.; Arnold, R.; Huber, R. M.; Weber, M. M. und Hoffmann, H.
Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Bronchopulmonary System (Typical and Atypical Carcinoid Tumors): Current Strategies in Diagnosis and Treatment. Conclusions of an Expert Meeting February 2011 in Weimar, Germany.
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A Systematic Nomenclature for the Insect Brain.
In: Neuron, Bd. 81, Nr. 4: S. 755-765
Jaeger, B. A. S.; Jückstock, Julia K.; Andergassen, Ulrich; Salmen, J.; Schochter, F.; Fink, V.; Alunni-Fabbroni, Marianna; Rezai, M.; Beck, Th.; Beckmann, M. W.; Friese, K.; Friedl, T. W. P.; Janni, W. und Rack, B.
Evaluation of Two Different Analytical Methods for Circulating Tumor Cell Detection in Peripheral Blood of Patients with Primary Breast Cancer.
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Jank, Johanna M.; Maier, Esther M.; Reiss, Dunja D.; Haslbeck, Martin; Kemter, Kristina F.; Truger, Marietta S.; Sommerhoff, Christian P.; Ferdinandusse, Sacha; Wanders, Ronald J.; Gersting, Soren W. und Muntau, Ania C.
The Domain-Specific and Temperature-Dependent Protein Misfolding Phenotype of Variant Medium-Chain acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase.
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Janke, Hanna; Pastore, Friederike; Schumacher, Daniela; Herold, Tobias; Hopfner, Karl-Peter; Schneider, Stephanie; Berdel, Wolfgang E.; Büchner, Thomas; Woermann, Bernhard J.; Subklewe, Marion; Bohlander, Stefan K.; Hiddemann, Wolfgang; Spiekermann, Karsten und Polzer, Harald
Activating FLT3 Mutants Show Distinct Gain-of-Function Phenotypes In Vitro and a Characteristic Signaling Pathway Profile Associated with Prognosis in Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
9(3), e89560
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Jobst, Andrea; Albert, Anna; Bauriedl-Schmidt, Christine; Mauer, Maria Christine; Renneberg, Babette; Buchheim, Anna; Sabass, Lena; Falkai, Peter
ORCID:; Zill, Peter und Padberg, Frank
Social exclusion leads to divergent changes of oxytocin levels in borderline patients and healthy subjects.
In: Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, Bd. 83, Nr. 4: S. 252-254
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Jobst, Andrea; Dehning, Sandra; Ruf, Simone; Notz, Tobias; Buchheim, Anna; Henning-Fast, Kristina; Meißner, Dominik; Meyer, Sebastian; Bondy, Brigitta; Müller, Norbert und Zill, Peter
Oxytocin and vasopressin levels are decreased in the plasma of male schizophrenia patients.
In: Acta Neuropsychiatrica, Bd. 26, Nr. 6: S. 347-355
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Joka, Mareile; Boeck, Stefan; Zech, Christoph J.; Seufferlein, Thomas; Wichert, Götz von; Licht, Thomas; Krause, Annekatrin; Jauch, Karl-Walter; Heinemann, Volker und Bruns, Christiane J.
Combination of antiangiogenic therapy using the mTOR-inhibitor everolimus and low-dose chemotherapy for locally advanced and/or metastatic pancreatic cancer: a dose-finding study.
In: Anti-Cancer Drugs, Bd. 25, Nr. 9: S. 1095-1101
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Jourdan, M.; Minár, J.; Braun, J.; Kronenberg, A.; Chadov, S.; Balke, B.; Gloskovskii, A.; Kolbe, M.; Elmers, H. J.; Schönhense, G.; Ebert, H.; Felser, C. und Kläui, M.
Direct observation of half-metallicity in the Heusler compound Co2MnSi.
In: Nature Communications, Bd. 5, 3974
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Jung, Julia Jeannine; Husse, Britta; Rimmbach, Christian; Krebs, Stefan; Stieber, Juliane; Steinhoff, Gustav; Dendorfer, Andreas; Franz, Wolfgang-Michael und David, Robert
Programming and Isolation of Highly Pure Physiologically and Pharmacologically Functional Sinus-Nodal Bodies from Pluripotent Stem Cells.
In: Stem Cell Reports, Bd. 2, Nr. 5: S. 592-605
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Juraeva, Dilafruz; Haenisch, Britta; Zapatka, Marc; Frank, Josef; Witt, Stephanie H.; Muehleisen, ThomasW.; Treutlein, Jens; Strohmaier, Jana; Meier, Sandra; Degenhardt, Franziska; Giegling, Ina; Ripke, Stephan; Leber, Markus; Lange, Christoph; Schulze, ThomasG.; Mössner, Rainald; Nenadic, Igor; Sauer, Heinrich; Rujescu, Dan; Maier, Wolfgang; Borglum, Anders; Ophoff, Roel; Cichon, Sven; Nöthen, Markus M.; Rietschel, Marcella; Mattheisen, Manuel und Brors, Benedikt
Integrated Pathway-Based Approach Identifies Association between Genomic Regions at CTCF and CACNB2 and Schizophrenia.
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Kakoschke, Tamara; Kakoschke, Sara; Magistro, Giuseppe; Schubert, Soeren; Borath, Marc; Heesemann, Jürgen und Rossier, Ombeline
The RNA Chaperone Hfq Impacts Growth, Metabolism and Production of Virulence Factors in Yersinia enterocolitica.
9(1), e86113
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Kallenberger, Stefan M.; Schmidt, Constanze; Dechent, Peter; Forster, Clemens; Steinbüchel, Nicole von; Wüstenberg, Torsten und Strasburger, Hans
Separating Fusion from Rivalry.
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Kalmanti, L.; Saußele, Susanne; Lauseker, Michael; Proetel, U.; Muller, M. C.; Hanfstein, B.; Schreiber, A.; Fabarius, A.; Pfirrmann, Markus; Schnittger, S.; Dengler, J.; Falge, C.; Kanz, L.; Neubauer, A.; Stegelmann, F.; Pfreundschuh, M.; Waller, C. F.; Spiekermann, Karsten; Krause, S. W.; Heim, D.; Nerl, C.; Hossfeld, D. K.; Kolb, H. J.; Hochhaus, A.; Hasford, Joerg und Hehlmann, R.
Younger patients with chronic myeloid leukemia do well in spite of poor prognostic indicators: results from the randomized CML study IV.
In: Annals of Hematology, Bd. 93, Nr. 1: S. 71-80
Kaltenecker, Natalie und Hess, Thomas
From On-Premises to On-Demand: Learning from two Cases of Transformation of Software Companies.
22st European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2014, Tel Aviv, Israel, June 9-11, 2014.
Avital, Michel; Leimeister, Jan Marco und Schultze, Ulrike (Hrsg.):
In: ECIS 2014 Proceedings: Research Papers,
Kany, Roland
Trinitätslehre im antiken Christentum.
In: Ruhstorfer, Karlheinz (Hrsg.):
Gotteslehre. Theologie studieren im modularisierten Studiengang, Bd. 7. Paderborn: Schöningh. S. 133-185
Kappler, Christoph; Kaiser, Knut; Ganzenmüller, Raphael
ORCID:; Küster,, Mathias; Nicolay, Alexander; Fülling, Alexander; Bens, Oliver und Raab, Thomas
A review of geochronological data from northeastern Germany: evaluating late Quaternary soil formation and land surface dynamics.
3rd Annual ICLEA Workshop 2014, Greifswald, Germany, March 25 - 28, 2014.
Schwab, Markus J.; Theuerkauf, Martin; Brauer, Achim; Wilmking, Martin und Lampe, Reinhard (Hrsg.):
In: 3rd Annual ICLEA Workshop 2014: Dynamics of Climate and Landscape Evolution of Cultural Landscapes in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the Last Ice Age ; Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide,
Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. S. 43
Karakhanova, Svetlana; Mosl, Beate; Harig, Sabine; Ahn, Katharina von; Fritz, Jasmin; Schmidt, Jan; Jäger, Dirk; Werner, Jens und Bazhin, Alexandr V.
(März 2014):
Influence of Interferon-Alpha Combined with Chemo (Radio) Therapy on Immunological Parameters in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma.
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Kastner, Kristin
In: Eggert, Manfred; Hahn, Hans Peter und Samida, Stefanie (Hrsg.):
Handbuch Materielle Kultur. Bedeutungen, Konzepte, Disziplinen. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. S. 222-225
Kawai, K.; Meydani, S. N.; Urassa, W.; Wu, D.; Mugusi, F. M.; Saathoff, E.; Bosch, R. J.; Villamor, Eduardo; Spiegelman, D. und Fawzi, W. W.
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Kellberger, Jessica; Peters-Weist, Astrid S.; Heinrich, Sabine; Pfeiffer, Susanne; Vogelberg, Christian; Roller, Diana; Genuneit, Jon; Weinmayr, Gudrun; Mutius, Erika von; Heumann, Christian; Nowak, Dennis
ORCID: und Radon, Katja
Predictors of workrelated sensitisation, allergic rhinitis and asthma in early work life.
In: European Respiratory Journal, Bd. 44, Nr. 3: S. 657-665
Keller, Johannes; Catala-Lehnen, Philip; Huebner, Antje K.; Jeschke, Anke; Heckt, Timo; Lueth, Anja; Krause, Matthias; Koehne, Till; Albers, Joachim; Schulze, Jochen; Schilling, Sarah; Haberland, Michael; Denninger, Hannah; Neven, Mona; Hermans-Borgmeyer, Irm; Streichert, Thomas; Breer, Stefan; Barvencik, Florian; Levkau, Bodo; Rathkolb, Birgit; Wolf, Eckhard; Calzada-Wack, Julia; Neff, Frauke; Gailus-Durner, Valerie; Fuchs, Helmut; Hrabě de Angelis, Martin; Klutmann, Susanne; Tsourdi, Elena; Hofbauer, Lorenz C.; Kleuser, Burkhard; Chun, Jerold; Schinke, Thorsten und Amling, Michael
Calcitonin controls bone formation by inhibiting the release of sphingosine 1-phosphate from osteoclasts.
In: Nature Communications, Bd. 5, 5215
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Kemter, Elisabeth; Rathkolb, Birgit; Becker, Lore; Bolle, Ines; Busch, Dirk H.; Dalke, Claudia; Elvert, Ralf; Favor, Jack; Graw, Jochen; Hans, Wolfgang; Ivandic, Boris; Kalaydjiev, Svetoslav; Klopstock, Thomas; Rácz, Ildikó; Rozman, Jan; Schrewe, Anja; Schulz, Holger; Zimmer, Andreas; Fuchs, Helmut; Gailus-Durner, Valérie; Hrabé de Angelis, Martin; Wolf, Eckhard und Aigner, Bernhard
Standardized, systemic phenotypic analysis of Slc12a(1299F) mutant mice.
In: Journal of Biomedical Science
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Kendrick, J. E.; Lavallee, Y.; Hess, K. -U.; De Angelis, S.; Ferk, A.; Gaunt, H. E.; Meredith, P. G.; Dingwell, D. B. und Leonhardt, R.
Seismogenic frictional melting in the magmatic column.
In: Solid Earth, Bd. 5, Nr. 1: S. 199-208
Kern, Selina; Agarwal, Shruti; Huber, Kilian; Gehring, André P.; Strödke, Benjamin; Wirth, Christine C.; Brügl, Thomas; Abodo, Liliane Onambele; Dandekar, Thomas; Doerig, Christian; Fischer, Rainer; Tobin, Andrew B.; Alam, Mahmood M.; Bracher, Franz und Pradel, Gabriele
Inhibition of the SR Protein-Phosphorylating CLK Kinases of Plasmodium falciparum Impairs Blood Stage Replication and Malaria Transmission.
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Ketscher, A.; Jilg, C. A.; Willmann, D.; Hummel, B.; Imhof, A.; Rüsseler, V.; Hölz, S.; Metzger, E.; Müller, J. M. und Schüle, R.
LSD1 controls metastasis of androgen-independent prostate cancer cells through PXN and LPAR6.
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Khoder, Wael Y.; Waidelich, Raphaela; Becker, Armin J.; Karl, Alexander; Haseke, Nicolas; Bauer, Ricarda M.; Stief, Christian G.; Bachmann, Alexander und Ebinger Mundorff, Nicole
Patients' perception of surgical outcomes and quality of life after retroperitoneoscopic and open pyeloplasty.
In: Urologia internationalis, Bd. 92, Nr. 1: S. 74-82
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Kicka, Sebastien; Trofimov, Valentin; Harrison, Christopher; Ouertatani-Sakouhi, Hajer; McKinney, John; Scapozza, Leonardo; Hilbi, Hubert; Cosson, Pierre und Soldati, Thierry
Establishment and Validation of Whole-Cell Based Fluorescence Assays to Identify Anti-Mycobacterial Compounds Using the Acanthamoeba castellanii - Mycobacterium marinum Host-Pathogen System.
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Kiechle, Karin; Bazarian, Jeffrey J.; Merchant-Borna, Kian; Stoecklein, Veit; Rozen, Eric; Blyth, Brian; Huang, Jason H.; Dayawansa, Samantha; Kanz, Karl und Biberthaler, Peter
Subject-Specific Increases in Serum S-100B Distinguish Sports-Related Concussion from Sports-Related Exertion.
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Kim, Yi-Yeoun; Schenk, Anna S.; Ihli, Johannes; Kulak, Alex N.; Hetherington, Nicola B. J.; Tang, Chiu C.; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Griesshaber, Erika; Hyett, Geoffrey und Meldrum, Fiona C.
A critical analysis of calcium carbonate mesocrystals.
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Kingswood, John C.; Bruzzi, Paolo; Curatolo, Paolo; de Vries, Petrus J.; Fladrowski, Carla; Hertzberg, Christoph; Jansen, Anna C.; Jozwiak, Sergiusz; Nabbout, Rima; Sauter, Matthias; Touraine, Renaud; O'Callaghan, Finbar; Zonnenberg, Bernard; Crippa, Stefania; Comis, Silvia; d'Augeres, Guillaume Beaure; Belousova, Elena; Carter, Tom; Cottin, Vincent; Dahlin, Maria; Ferreira, Jose Carlos; Macaya, Alfons; Benedik, Mirjana Perkovic; Sander, Valentin; Youroukos, Sotirios; Castellana, Ramon; Ulker, Bulent und Feucht, Martha
TOSCA - first international registry to address knowledge gaps in the natural history and management of tuberous sclerosis complex.
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Klapötke, Thomas M.; Schmid, Philipp C.; Schnell, Simon und Stierstorfer, Jörg
(25. November 2014):
Thermal stabilization of energetic materials by the aromatic nitrogen-rich 4,4′,5,5′-tetraamino-3,3′-bi-1,2,4-triazolium cation.
In: Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Bd. 3, Nr. 6: S. 2658-2668
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Kleele, Tatjana; Marinković, Petar; Williams, Philip R.; Stern, Sina; Weigand, Emily E.; Engerer, Peter; Naumann, Ronald; Hartmann, Jana; Karl, Rosa M.; Bradke, Frank; Bishop, Derron; Herms, Jochen; Konnerth, Arthur; Kerschensteiner, Martin; Godinho, Leanne und Misgeld, Thomas
An assay to image neuronal microtubule dynamics in mice.
In: Nature Communications, Bd. 5, 4827
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Klein, Matthias; Brouwer, Matthijs C.; Angele, Barbara; Geldhoff, Madelijn; Marquez, Gabriel; Varona, Rosa; Haecker, Georg; Schmetzer, Helga; Häcker, Hans; Hammerschmidt, Sven; Ende, Arie van der; Pfister, Hans-Walter; Beek, Diederik van de und Koedel, Uwe
Leukocyte Attraction by CCL20 and Its Receptor CCR6 in Humans and Mice with Pneumococcal Meningitis.
9(4), e93057
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Klier, Johny; Lehmann, B.; Fuchs, S.; Reese, Sven
ORCID:; Hirschmann, A.; Coester, C.; Winter, G. und Gehlen, Heidrun
Nanoparticulate immunotherapy in asthmatic horses.
In: Allergy, Bd. 69, Nr. 99, SI: S. 570
Kneidinger, Nikolaus; Giessen, Clemens; Wulffen, Werner von; Milger, Katrin; Schramm, René; Jäger, Gundula; Nitschko, Hans; Striebinger, Hannah; Behr, Jürgen und Neurohr, Claus
Trip to immunity: resistant cytomegalovirus infection in a lung transplant recipient.
In: International Journal of infectious Diseases, Bd. 28: S. 140-142
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Knoll, Greg A.; Koko, Madzouka B.; Lick, Ranjeeta Ma; Beck, Andrew; Buenaventura, Chieny D.; Ducharme, Robin; Barsoum, Rashad; Bernasconi, Corrado; Blydt-Hansen, Tom D.; Ekberg, Henrik; Felipe, Claudia R.; Firth, John; Gallon, Lorenzo; Gelens, Marielle; Glotz, Denis; Gossmann, Jan; Guba, Markus; Morsy, Ahmed Ali; Salgo, Rebekka; Scheuermann, Earnst H.; Tedesco-Silva, Helio; Vitko, Stefan; Watson, Christopher und Fergusson, Dean A.
(November 2014):
Effect of sirolimus on malignancy and survival after kidney transplantation: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data.
In: BMJ, Bd. 349, g6679
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Knoll, Nadja; Jarick, Ivonne; Volckmar, Anna-Lena; Klingenspor, Martin; Illig, Thomas; Grallert, Harald; Gieger, Christian; Wichmann, Heinz-Erich; Peters, Annette; Wiegand, Susanna; Biebermann, Heike; Fischer-Posovszky, Pamela; Wabitsch, Martin; Voelzke, Henry; Nauck, Matthias; Teumer, Alexander; Rosskopf, Dieter; Rimmbach, Christian; Schreiber, Stefan; Jacobs, Gunnar; Lieb, Wolfgang; Franke, Andre; Hebebrand, Johannes und Hinney, Anke
Mitochondrial DNA Variants in Obesity.
9(5), e94882
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Knorr, Rudolf; Menke, Thomas; Freudenreich, Johannes und Pires, Claudio
Carbenoid-mediated nucleophilic "hydrolysis" of 2-(dichloromethylidene)-1, 1, 3, 3-tetramethylindane with DMSO participation, affording access to one-sidedly overcrowded ketone and bromoalkene descendants.
In: Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, Bd. 10: S. 307-315
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Knösel, Thomas; Altendorf-Hofmann, Annelore; Lindner, Lars H.; Issels, Rolf; Hermeking, Heiko; Schuebbe, Gesa; Gibis, Sebastian; Siemens, Helge; Kampmann, Eric und Kirchner, Thomas
Loss of p16(INK4a) is associated with reduced patient survival in soft tissue tumours, and indicates a senescence barrier.
In: Journal of clinical pathology, Bd. 67, Nr. 7: S. 592-598
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Koch, Anne
Review essay: Religion und Wirtschaft: Endlich wieder gemeinsam im Blick? J. Stolz, J.C. Usunier (Hg.), Religions as Brands. New Perspectives on the Marketization of Religion and Spirituality, Farnham 2014. – F. Gauthier, T. Martikainen (Hg.), Religion in the Neoliberal Age. Political Economy and Modes of Governance, Farnham 2013. – F. Gauthier, T. Martikainen (Hg.), Religion and Consumer Culture, Farnham 2013.
In: Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft, Vol. 22, No. 2: S. 402-412
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Koch, Walter; Auernhammer, Christoph J.; Geisler, Julia; Spitzweg, Christine; Cyran, Clemens C.; Ilhan, Harun; Bartenstein, Peter und Haug, Alexander R.
Treatment with Octreotide in Patients with Well-Differentiated Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Ileum: Prognostic Stratification with Ga-68-DOTA-TATE Positron Emission Tomography.
In: Molecular Imaging, Bd. 13
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Kohlboeck, G.; Romanos, M.; Tiesler, C.; Koletzko, Sibylle; Kratzsch, J.; Thiery, J.; Bauer, C.-P.; Berg, A. von; Berdel, D.; Hoffmann, B.; Schaaf, B.; Lehmann, I.; Herbarth, O. und Heinrich, J.
Peer problems are associated with elevated serum leptin levels in children.
In: Psychological Medicine, Bd. 44, Nr. 2: S. 255-265
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Kolb, S.; Palm, E.; Heiden, B.; Herbig, Britta
ORCID:; Lüke, G.; Nowak, Dennis
ORCID:; Glaser, Jürgen und Herr, Caroline
FlexA-Update: Flexibilisierung, Erreichbarkeit und Entgrenzung in der Arbeitswelt – Erste Ergebnisse nach Abschluss der Beschäftigten-Befragung und der Unternehmens-Workshops.
„Daten gewinnen, Wissen nutzen für die Praxis von Prävention und Versorgung“. 51. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozialmedizin und Prävention (DGSMP) – 30. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der ..., Regensburg, 23.–25. September 2015.
Bd. 77, Nr. 08/09, A136
Kolb, S.; Palm, E.; Heiden, B.; Meyer, N.; Stadler, P.; Herbig, Britta
ORCID:; Lüke, G.; Nowak, Dennis
ORCID:; Glaser, Jürgen und Herr, Caroline
Flexibilisierung, Erreichbarkeit und Entgrenzung in der Arbeitswelt: Entwicklung eines betrieblichen Konzepts zur Prävention psychischer Fehlbeanspruchungen und Stärkung psychischer Gesundheit (FlexA).
"Permanente Verfügbarkeit in der Arbeits- und Lebenswelt – Risiken und Chancen". 50. wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozialmedizin und Prävention (DGSMP), Erlangen, 24. bis 26. September 2014.
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Koletzko, Berthold; Benninga, Marc A.; Godfrey, Keith M.; Hornnes, Peter J.; Kolacek, Sanja; Koletzko, Sibylle; Lentze, Michael J.; Mader, Silke; McAuliffe, Fionnuala M.; Oepkes, Dick; Oddy, Wendy H.; Phillips, Alan; Rzehak, Peter; Socha, Piotr; Szajewska, Hania; Symonds, Michael E.; Taminiau, Jan; Thapar, Nikhil; Troncone, Riccardo; Vandenplas, Yvan und Veereman, Gigi
Public-private collaboration in clinical research during pregnancy, lactation, and childhood: joint position statement of the Early Nutrition Academy and the European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition.
In: Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, Bd. 58, Nr. 4: S. 525-530
Koletzko, Berthold; Boey, Christopher C. M.; Campoy, Cristina; Carlson, Susan E.; Chang, Namsoo; Guillermo-Tuazon, Maria A.; Joshi, Sadhana; Prell, Christine; Quak, Seng H.; Sjarif, Damayanti R.; Su, Yixiang; Supapannachart, Sarayut; Yamashiro, Yuichiro und Osendarp, Saskia J. M.
Current information and Asian perspectives on long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in pregnancy, lactation, and infancy: systematic review and practice recommendations from an early nutrition academy workshop.
In: Annals of nutrition & metabolism, Bd. 65, Nr. 1: S. 49-80
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Koletzko, Berthold; Brands, Brigitte; Chourdakis, Michael; Cramer, Simone; Grote, Veit; Hellmuth, Christian; Kirchberg, Franca F.; Prell, Christine; Rzehak, Peter; Uhl, Olaf und Weber, Martina
The Power of Programming and the EarlyNutrition project: opportunities for health promotion by nutrition during the first thousand days of life and beyond.
In: Annals of nutrition & metabolism, Bd. 64, Nr. 3-4: S. 187-196
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Koletzko, Berthold; Chourdakis, Michael; Grote, Veit; Hellmuth, Christian; Prell, Christine; Rzehak, Peter; Uhl, Olaf und Weber, Martina
Regulation of early human growth: impact on long-term health.
In: Annals of nutrition & metabolism, Bd. 65, Nr. 2-3: S. 101-109
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Koletzko, Berthold; Kolacek, Sanja; Phillips, Alan; Troncone, Riccardo; Vandenplas, Yvan; Thapar, Nikhil; Baumann, Ulrich; Goudoever, JohannesB. van; Mihatsch, Walter; Swarte, Casper de; Benninga, Marc A. und Mearin, Maria L.
Research and the promotion of child health: a position paper of the European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition.
In: Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, Bd. 59, Nr. 2: S. 274-278
Kolinko, Isabel; Lohße, Anna; Borg, Sarah; Raschdorf, Oliver; Jogler, Christian; Tu, Qiang; Pósfai, Mihály; Tompa, Éva; Plitzko, Jürgen M.; Brachmann, Andreas
ORCID:; Wanner, Gerhard; Müller, Rolf; Zhang, Youming und Schüler, Dirk
(März 2014):
Biosynthesis of magnetic nanostructures in a foreign organism by transfer of bacterial magnetosome gene clusters.
In: Nature Nanotechnology, Bd. 9, Nr. 3: S. 193-197
Konrad, Kai A.; Morath, Florian und Müller, Wieland
Taxation and market power.
In: Canadian Journal of Economics, Bd. 47, Nr. 1: S. 173-202
Konrad, Kai A.; Morath, Florian und Müller, Wieland
Taxation and Market Power.
In: Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'economique, Bd. 47, Nr. 1: S. 173-202
Kopp, Florian; Hermawan, Adam; Oak, Prajakta Shirish; Ulaganathan, Vijay Kumar; Herrmann, Annika; Elnikhely, Nefertiti; Thakur, Chitra; Xiao, Zhiguang; Knyazev, Pjotr; Ataseven, Beyhan; Savai, Rajkumar; Wagner, Ernst und Roidl, Andreas
Sequential Salinomycin Treatment Results in Resistance Formation through Clonal Selection of Epithelial-Like Tumor Cells.
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Korr, Hubert; Angstman, Nicholas B.; Born, Tatjana B.; Bosse, Kerstin; Brauns, Birka; Demmler, Martin; Fueller, Katja; Kántor, Orsolya; Kever, Barbara M.; Rahimyar, Navida; Salimi, Sepideh; Silny, Jiri und Schmitz, Christoph
No Evidence of Persisting Unrepaired Nuclear DNA Single Strand Breaks in Distinct Types of Cells in the Brain, Kidney, and Liver of Adult Mice after Continuous Eight-Week 50 Hz Magnetic Field Exposure with Flux Density of 0.1 mT or 1.0 mT.
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Kos, Petra; Lächelt, Ulrich; Herrmann, Annika; Mickler, Frauke M.; Krhač Levačić, Ana; Morys, Stephan; Bräuchle, Christoph und Wagner, Ernst
Histidine-rich stabilized polyplexes for cMet-directed tumor-targeted gene transfer.
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Kovacs, Eva; Siani, A.; Konstabel, K.; Hadjigeorgiou, C.; Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse de; Eiben, G.; Lissner, L.; Gwozdz, W.; Reisch, L.; Pala, V.; Moreno, Luis A.; Pigeot, I.; Pohlabeln, H.; Ahrens, W. und Molnár, Dénes
Adherence to the obesity-related lifestyle intervention targets in the IDEFICS study.
In: International Journal of Obesity, Bd. 38, Nr. Suppl. 2:
Krasnianski, A.; Sanchez Juan, P.; Ponto, Claudia; Bartl, M.; Heinemann, U.; Varges, D.; Schulz-Schaeffer, W. J.; Kretzschmar, Hans A. und Zerr, I.
A proposal of new diagnostic pathway for fatal familial insomnia.
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Kraus, Petra; Sivakamasundari, V; Yu, Hong Bing; Xing, Xing; Lim, Siew Lan; Adler, Thure; Pimentel, Juan Antonio Aguilar; Becker, Lore; Bohla, Alexander; Garrett, Lillian; Hans, Wolfgang; Hölter, Sabine M.; Janas, Eva; Moreth, Kristin; Prehn, Cornelia; Puk, Oliver; Rathkolb, Birgit; Rozman, Jan; Adamski, Jerzy; Bekeredjian, Raffi; Busch, Dirk H.; Graw, Jochen; Klingenspor, Martin; Klopstock, Thomas; Neff, Frauke; Ollert, Markus; Stoeger, Tobias; Yildrim, Ali Önder; Eickelberg, Oliver; Wolf, Eckhard; Wurst, Wolfgang; Fuchs, Helmut; Gailus-Durner, Valerie; Hrabě de Angelis, Martin; Lufkin, Thomas und Stanton, Lawrence W.
Pleiotropic Functions for Transcription Factor Zscan10.
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Krause, Luciana M. Fontanari; Japp, Anna Sophia; Krause, Alexandre; Mooster, Jana; Chopra, Martin; Müschen, Markus und Bohlander, Stefan K.
Identification and characterization of OSTL (RNF217) encoding a RING-IBR-RING protein adjacent to a translocation breakpoint involving ETV6 in childhood ALL.
In: Scientific Reports, Bd. 4, 6565
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Kreißl, Sylvia; Radon, Katja
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ORCID:; Mutius, Erika von
ORCID:; Weiland, Stephan K.; Weinmayr, Gudrun; Windstetter, Doris und Vogelberg, Christian
Body mass index change and atopic diseases are not always associated in children and adolescents.
In: Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, Bd. 113, Nr. 4, 440-444.e1
Krempl, Georg; Žliobaite, Indre; Brzeziński, Dariusz; Hüllermeier, Eyke
ORCID:; Last, Mark; Lemaire, Vincent; Noack, Tino; Shaker, Ammar; Sievi, Sonja; Spiliopoulou, Myra und Stefanowski, Jerzy
Open challenges for data stream mining research.
In: ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter, Bd. 16, Nr. 1: S. 1-10
Kreppner, Florian Janoscha
The New Primary Cremation Custom of Iron Age Tell Sheikh Hamad / Dur-Katlimmu (North-Eastern Syria).
In: Pfälzner, Peter; Niehr, Herbert; Pernicka, Ernst und Lange, Sarah (Hrsg.):
Contextualising grave inventories in the Ancient Near East : proceedings of a workshop at the London 7th ICAANE in April 2010 and an International Symposium in Tübingen in November 2010, both organised by the Tübingen post-graduate school ... Qatna Studien, Bd. 3. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. S. 171-186
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Kreuter, A.; Buras, R.; Mayer, Bernhard; Webb, A.; Kift, R.; Bais, A.; Kouremeti, N. und Blumthaler, M.
Solar irradiance in the heterogeneous albedo environment of the Arctic coast: measurements and a 3-D model study.
In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Bd. 14, Nr. 12: S. 5989-6002
Kreyling, Wolfgang G.; Fertsch-Gapp, Stefanie; Schäffler, Martin; Johnston, Blair D.; Haberl, Nadine; Pfeiffer, Christian; Diendorf, Jörg; Schleh, Carsten; Hirn, Stephanie; Semmler-Behnke, Manuela; Epple, Matthias und Parak, Wolfgang J.
In vitro and in vivo interactions of selected nanoparticles with rodent serum proteins and their consequences in biokinetics.
In: Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, Bd. 5: S. 1699-1711
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Kruger, Stephan; Angele, Martin K.; Reu, Simone; Sotlar, Karl; Graser, Anno; Haas, Michael; Albertsmeier, Markus; Stemmler, Hans-Joachim; Heinemann, Volker; Lindner, Lars H. und Böck, Stefan
Complete pathological response to neoadjuvant pemetrexed/cisplatin in combination with regional hyperthermia in a patient with sarcomatoid peritoneal mesothelioma.
In: Anti-Cancer Drugs, Bd. 25, Nr. 7: S. 854-856
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Kräenbring, Jona; Penza, Tika Monzon; Gutmann, Joanna; Muehlich, Susanne; Zolk, Oliver; Wojnowski, Leszek; Maas, Renke; Engelhardt, Stefan und Sarikas, Antonio
Accuracy and Completeness of Drug Information in Wikipedia: A Comparison with Standard Textbooks of Pharmacology.
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Krüger, Jens; Grunzke, Richard; Herres-Pawlis, Sonja; Hoffmann, Alexander; de la Garza, Luis; Kohlbacher, Oliver; Nagel, Wolfgang E. und Gesing, Sandra
Performance Studies on Distributed Virtual Screening.
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Kuchenbaecker, Karoline B.; Neuhausen, Susan L.; Robson, Mark; Barrowdale, Daniel; McGuffog, Lesley; Mulligan, Anna Marie; Andrulis, Irene L.; Spurdle, Amanda B.; Schmidt, Marjanka K.; Schmutzler, Rita K.; Engel, Christoph; Wappenschmidt, Barbara; Nevanlinna, Heli; Thomassen, Mads; Southey, Melissa; Radice, Paolo; Ramus, Susan J.; Domchek, Susan M.; Nathanson, Katherine L.; Lee, Andrew; Healey, Sue; Nussbaum, Robert L.; Rebbeck, Timothy R.; Arun, Banu K.; James, Paul; Karlan, Beth Y.; Lester, Jenny; Cass, Ilana; Terry, Mary Beth; Daly, Mary B.; Goldgar, David E.; Buys, Saundra S.; Janavicius, Ramunas; Tihomirova, Laima; Tung, Nadine; Dorfling, Cecilia M.; Rensburg, Elizabeth J. van; Steele, Linda; Hansen, Thomas V. O.; Ejlertsen, Bent; Gerdes, Anne-Marie; Nielsen, Finn C.; Dennis, Joe; Cunningham, Julie; Hart, Steven; Slager, Susan; Osorio, Ana; Benitez, Javier; Duran, Mercedes; Weitzel, Jeffrey N.; Tafur, Isaac; Hander, Mary; Peterlongo, Paolo; Manoukian, Siranoush; Peissel, Bernard; Roversi, Gaia; Scuvera, Giulietta; Bonanni, Bernardo; Mariani, Paolo; Volorio, Sara; Dolcetti, Riccardo; Varesco, Liliana; Papi, Laura; Tibiletti, Maria Grazia; Giannini, Giuseppe; Fostira, Florentia; Konstantopoulou, Irene; Garber, Judy; Hamann, Ute; Donaldson, Alan; Brewer, Carole; Foo, Claire; Evans, D. Gareth; Frost, Debra; Eccles, Diana; Douglas, Fiona; Brady, Angela; Cook, Jackie; Tischkowitz, Marc; Adlard, Julian; Barwell, Julian; Ong, Kai-ren; Walker, Lisa; Izatt, Louise; Side, Lucy E.; Kennedy, M. John; Rogers, Mark T.; Porteous, Mary E.; Morrison, Patrick J.; Platte, Radka; Eeles, Ros; Davidson, Rosemarie; Hodgson, Shirley; Ellis, Steve; Godwin, Andrew K.; Rhiem, Kerstin; Meindl, Alfons; Ditsch, Nina; Arnold, Norbert; Plendl, Hansjörg; Niederacher, Dieter; Sutter, Christian; Steinemann, Doris; Bogdanova-Markov, Nadja; Kast, Karin; Varon-Mateeva, Raymonda; Wang-Gohrke, Shan; Gehrig, Andrea; Markiefka, Birgid; Buecher, Bruno; Lefol, Cedrick; Stoppa-Lyonnet, Dominique; Rouleau, Etienne; Prieur, Fabienne; Damiola, Francesca; Barjhoux, Laure; Faivre, Laurence; Longy, Michel; Sevenet, Nicolas; Sinilnikova, Olga M.; Mazoyer, Sylvie; Bonadona, Valerie; Caux-Moncoutier, Virginie; Isaacs, Claudine; Maerken, Tom van; Claes, Kathleen; Piedmonte, Marion; Andrews, Lesley; Hays, John; Rodriguez, Gustavo C.; Caldes, Trinidad; Hoya, Miguel de la; Khan, Sofia; Hogervorst, Frans B. L.; Aalfs, Cora M.; Lange, J. L. de; Meijers-Heijboer, Hanne E. J.; Hout, Annemarie H. van der; Wijnen, Juul T.; Roozendaal, K. E. P. van; Mensenkamp, Arjen R.; Ouweland, Ans M. W. van den; Deurzen, Carolien H. M. van; Luijt, Rob B. van der; Olah, Edith; Diez, Orland; Lazaro, Conxi; Blanco, Ignacio; Teule, Alex; Menendez, Mireia; Jakubowska, Anna; Lubinski, Jan; Cybulski, Cezary; Gronwald, Jacek; Jaworska-Bieniek, Katarzyna; Durda, Katarzyna; Arason, Adalgeir; Maugard, Christine; Soucy, Penny; Montagna, Marco; Agata, Simona; Teixeira, Manuel R.; Olswold, Curtis; Lindor, Noralane; Pankratz, Vernon S.; Hallberg, Emily; Wang, Xianshu; Szabo, Csilla I.; Vijai, Joseph; Jacobs, Lauren; Corines, Marina; Lincoln, Anne; Berger, Andreas; Fink-Retter, Anneliese; Singer, Christian F.; Rappaport, Christine; Kaulich, Daphne Gschwantler; Pfeiler, Georg; Tea, Muy-Kheng; Phelan, Catherine M.; Mai, Phuong L.; Greene, Mark H.; Rennert, Gad; Imyanitov, Evgeny N.; Glendon, Gord; Toland, Amanda Ewart; Bojesen, Anders; Pedersen, Inge Sokilde; Jensen, Uffe Birk; Caligo, Maria A.; Friedman, Eitan; Berger, Raanan; Laitman, Yael; Rantala, Johanna; Arver, Brita; Loman, Niklas; Borg, Ake; Ehrencrona, Hans; Olopade, Olufunmilayo I.; Simard, Jacques; Easton, Douglas F.; Chenevix-Trench, Georgia; Offit, Kenneth; Couch, Fergus J. und Antoniou, Antonis C.
Associations of common breast cancer susceptibility alleles with risk of breast cancer subtypes in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers.
In: Breast Cancer Research
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Kugler, Kathrin; Wiegrebe, Lutz; Grothe, Benedikt
ORCID:; Kössl, Manfred; Gürkov, Robert; Krause, Eike und Drexl, Markus
Low-frequency sound affects active micromechanics in the human inner ear.
In: Royal Society Open Science, Bd. 1, Nr. 2, UNSP 140166
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Kübel, Matthias; Alnaser, A. S.; Bergues, B.; Pischke, T.; Schmidt, J.; Deng, Y.; Jendrzejewski, C.; Ullrich, J.; Paulus, G. G.; Azzeer, A. M.; Kleineberg, U.; Moshammer, R. und Kling, M. F.
Strong-field control of the dissociative ionization of N2O with near-single-cycle pulses.
In: New Journal of Physics, Bd. 16, 065017
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Kübel, Matthias; Betsch, K. J.; Kling, Nora G.; Alnaser, A. S.; Schmidt, J.; Kleineberg, Ulf; Deng, Y.; Ben-Itzhak, I.; Paulus, G. G.; Pfeifer, T.; Ullrich, J.; Moshammer, R.; Kling, M. F. und Bergues, B.
Non-sequential double ionization of Ar: from the single-to the many-cycle regime.
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Lachmann, H. J.; Papa, R.; Gerhold, K.; Obici, L.; Touitou, I.; Cantarini, L.; Frenkel, J.; Anton, J.; Kone-Paut, I.; Cattalini, M.; Bader-Meunier, B.; Insalaco, A.; Hentgen, V.; Merino, R.; Modesto, C.; Toplak, N.; Berendes, R.; Ozen, S.; Cimaz, R.; Jansson, Annette Friederike; Brogan, P. A.; Hawkins, P. N.; Ruperto, N.; Martini, A.; Woo, P. und Gattorno, M.
(Dezember 2014):
The phenotype of TNF receptor-associated autoinflammatory syndrome (TRAPS) at presentation: a series of 158 cases from the Eurofever/EUROTRAPS international registry.
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Laenen, B.; Shaw, B.; Schneider, H.; Goffinet, B.; Paradis, E.; Désamoré, A.; Heinrichs, J.; Villarreal, J. C.; Gradstein, S. R.; McDaniel, S. F.; Long, D. G.; Forrest, L. L.; Hollingsworth, M. L.; Crandall-Stotler, B.; Davis, E. C.; Engel, J.; Konrat von, M.; Cooper, E. D.; Patiño, J.; Cox, C. J.; Vanderpoorten, A. und Shaw, A. J.
Extant diversity of bryophytes emerged from successive post-Mesozoic diversification bursts.
In: Nature Communications, Bd. 5, 6134
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Lamina, Claudia; Haun, Margot; Coassin, Stefan; Kloss-Brandstätter, Anita; Gieger, Christian; Peters, Annette; Grallert, Harald; Strauch, Konstantin; Meitinger, Thomas; Kedenko, Lyudmyla; Paulweber, Bernhard und Kronenberg, Florian
A Systematic Evaluation of Short Tandem Repeats in Lipid Candidate Genes: Riding on the SNP-Wave.
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Langer, Max C.; Rincón,, Ascanio D.; Ramezani, Jahandar; Solórzano,, Andrés und Rauhut, Oliver W. M.
New dinosaur (Theropoda, stem-Averostra) from the earliest Jurassic of the La Quinta formation, Venezuelan Andes.
In: Royal Society Open Science, Bd. 1, Nr. 2, 140184
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Larkin, James; Fishman, Mayer; Wood, Laura; Negrier, Sylvie; Olivier, Kara; Pyle, Linda; Gorbunova, Vera; Jonasch, Eric; Andrews, Lori und Staehler, Michael
Axitinib for the Treatment of Metastatic Renal
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In: American Journal of Clinical Oncology, Bd. 47, Nr. 4: S. 397-403
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Larque, Elvira; Pagan, Ana; Prieto, Maria T.; Blanco, Jose E.; Gil-Sanchez, Alfonso; Zornoza-Moreno, Matilde; Ruiz-Palacios, Maria; Gazquez, Antonio; Demmelmair, Hans; Parrilla, Juan J. und Koletzko, Berthold
Placental fatty acid transfer: a key factor in fetal growth.
In: Annals of nutrition & metabolism, Bd. 64, Nr. 3-4: S. 247-253
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Laryionava, Katsiaryna; Sklenarova, Halina; Heußner, Pia; Haun, Markus W.; Stiggelbout, Anne M.; Hartmann, Mechthild und Winkler, Eva C.
Cancer patients' preferences for quantity or quality of life: German translation and validation of the quality and quantity questionnaire.
In: Oncology Research and Treatment, Bd. 37, Nr. 9: S. 472-478
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Lauseker, Michael; Hanfstein, Benjamin; Haferlach, Claudia; Schnittger, Susanne; Pfirrmann, Markus; Fabarius, Alice; Schlegelberger, Brigitte; Saußele, Susanne; Dietz, Christian T.; Erben, Philipp; Hehlmann, Rüdiger; Hasford, Joerg; Hochhaus, Andreas und Müller, Martin C.
(November 2014):
Equivalence of BCR-ABL transcript levels with complete cytogenetic remission in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase.
In: Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology, Bd. 140, Nr. 11: S. 1965-1969
Lauster, Jörg
Geist und Buchstabe. Grundprobleme der Hermeneutik.
In: Danz, Christian und Murrmann-Kahl, Michael (Hrsg.):
Zwischen Geistvergessenheit und Geistversessenheit : Perspektiven der Pneumatologie im 21. Jahrhundert. Dogmatik in der Moderne, Bd. 7. 1. Aufl.. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. S. 131-142
Lauster, Jörg
Das Glück in der Religion.
In: Richter, Cornelia (Hrsg.):
Gutes Leben : fragile Vielfalt zwischen Glück, Vertrauen, Leid und Angst. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. S. 77-99
Lauster, Jörg
Der unbekannte Otto – Ottos Glaubenslehre.
In: Lauster, Jörg; Schüz, Peter; Barth, Roderich und Danz, Christian (Hrsg.):
Rudolf Otto : Theologie - Religionsphilosophie - Religionsgeschichte. Berlin: De Gruyter. S. 153-164
Lauster, Jörg und Schüz, Peter
Rudolf Otto und Das Heilige. Zur Einführung.
In: Otto, Rudolf (Hrsg.):
Das Heilige : über das Irrationale in der Idee des Göttlichen und sein Verhältnis zum Rationalen. Erw. Neuausg., 1. Aufl.. München: Beck. S. 231-253
Laverde, Diana; Wobser, Dominique; Romero-Saavedra, Felipe; Hogendorf, Wouter; Marel, Gijsbert van der; Berthold, Martin; Kropec, Andrea; Codee, Jeroen und Huebner, Johannes
Synthetic Teichoic Acid Conjugate Vaccine against Nosocomial Gram-Positive Bacteria.
9(10), e110953
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Le Moual, N.; Carsin, A.-E.; Siroux, V.; Radon, Katja
ORCID:; Norback, D.; Toren, K.; Olivieri, M.; Urrutia, I.; Cazzoletti, L.; Jacquemin, B.; Benke, G.; Kromhout, H.; Mirabelli, M. C.; Mehta, A. J.; Schlunssen, V.; Sigsgaard, T.; Blanc, P. D.; Kogevinas, M.; Anto, J. M. und Zock, J.-P.
Occupational exposures and uncontrolled adult-onset asthma in the European Community Respiratory Health Survey II.
In: European Respiratory Journal, Bd. 43, Nr. 2: S. 374-386
Lee, Y. C.; Shindell, D. T.; Faluvegi, G.; Wenig, M.; Lam, Y. F.; Ning, Z.; Hao, S. und Lai, C. S.
Increase of ozone concentrations, its temperature sensitivity and the precursor factor in South China.
In: Tellus Series B-Chemical and Physical Meteorology, Bd. 66, 23455
Lee, HaNa; Dichtl, Sabrina; Mormanova, Zuzanna; Dalla Pozza, Robert und Genzel-Boroviczeny, Orsolya
(Oktober 2014):
In adolescence, extreme prematurity is associated with significant changes in the microvasculature, elevated blood pressure and increased carotid intima-media thickness.
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ORCID:; Omenaas, Ernst; Joshi, Peter K; Fall, Tove; Viñuela, Ana
ORCID:; Launer, Lenore J; Loehr, Laura R; Fornage, Myriam; Li, Guo; Wilk, Jemma B; Tang, Wenbo; Manichaikul, Ani; Lahousse, Lies; Harris, Tamara B; North, Kari E; Rudnicka, Alicja R; Hui, Jennie; Gu, Xiangjun; Lumley, Thomas; Wright, Alan F; Hastie, Nicholas D; Campbell, Susan; Kumar, Rajesh; Pin, Isabelle; Scott, Robert A; Pietiläinen, Kirsi H; Surakka, Ida; Liu, Yongmei; Holliday, Elizabeth G; Schulz, Holger; Heinrich, Joachim
ORCID:; Davies, Gail; Vonk, Judith M; Wojczynski, Mary; Pouta, Anneli; Johansson, Åsa
ORCID:; Wild, Sarah H; Ingelsson, Erik; Rivadeneira, Fernando; Völzke, Henry; Hysi, Pirro G; Eiriksdottir, Gudny; Morrison, Alanna C; Rotter, Jerome I; Gao, Wei; Postma, Dirkje S; White, Wendy B; Rich, Stephen S; Hofman, Albert; Aspelund, Thor; Couper, David; Smith, Lewis J; Psaty, Bruce M; Lohman, Kurt; Burchard, Esteban G; Uitterlinden, André G; Garcia, Melissa; Joubert, Bonnie R; McArdle, Wendy L; Musk, A Bill; Hansel, Nadia; Heckbert, Susan R; Zgaga, Lina; van Meurs, Joyce B J; Navarro, Pau; Rudan, Igor
ORCID:; Oh, Yeon-Mok; Redline, Susan; Jarvis, Deborah L; Zhao, Jing Hua; Rantanen, Taina; O'Connor, George T; Ripatti, Samuli; Scott, Rodney J; Karrasch, Stefan
ORCID:; Grallert, Harald; Gaddis, Nathan C; Starr, John M; Wijmenga, Cisca; Minster, Ryan L; Lederer, David J; Pekkanen, Juha; Gyllensten, Ulf; Campbell, Harry; Morris, Andrew P; Gläser, Sven; Hammond, Christopher J
ORCID:; Burkart, Kristin M; Beilby, John; Kritchevsky, Stephen B; Gudnason, Vilmundur; Hancock, Dana B; Williams, O Dale; Polasek, Ozren; Zemunik, Tatijana; Kolcic, Ivana; Petrini, Marcy F; Wjst, Matthias; Kim, Woo Jin; Porteous, David J; Scotland, Generation; Smith, Blair H; Viljanen, Anne; Heliövaara, Markku; Attia, John R; Sayers, Ian; Hampel, Regina; Gieger, Christian; Deary, Ian J; Boezen, H Marike; Newman, Anne; Jarvelin, Marjo-Riitta; Wilson, James F; Lind, Lars; Stricker, Bruno H; Teumer, Alexander
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Genome-wide association analysis identifies six new loci associated with forced vital capacity.
In: Nature Genetics, Bd. 46, Nr. 7: S. 669-677
Loveman, Emma; Copley, Vicky R.; Colquitt, Jill L.; Scott, David A.; Clegg, Andy J.; Jones, Jeremy; O'Reilly, Katherine M. A.; Singh, Sally; Bausewein, Claudia und Wells, Athol
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Land management and land-cover change have impacts of similar magnitude on surface temperature.
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Designing and implementing a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention to prevent obesity in early childhood: the ToyBox-study.
In: Obesity reviews, Bd. 15, Nr. Suppl 3: S. 5-13
Manoliu, Andrei; Meng, Chun; Brandl, Felix; Doll, Anselm; Tahmasian, Masoud; Scherr, Martin; Schwerthöffer, Dirk; Zimmer, Claus; Förstl, Hans; Bäuml, Josef; Riedl, Valentin; Wohlschläger, Afra M. und Sorg, Christian
Insular dysfunction within the salience network is associated with severity of symptoms and aberrant inter-network connectivity in major depressive disorder.
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Surrounding greenness and birth weight: Results from the GINIplus and LISAplus birth cohorts in Munich.
In: Health & Place, Bd. 26: S. 39-46
Markevych, Iana; Thiering, Elisabeth; Fuertes, Elaine; Sugiri, Dorothea; Berdel, Dietrich; Koletzko, Sibylle
ORCID:; Berg, Andrea von; Bauer, Carl-Peter und Heinrich, Joachim
A cross-sectional analysis of the effects of residential greenness on blood pressure in 10-year old children: results from the GINIplus and LISAplus studies.
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35th International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2014, Auckland, New Zealand, December 14-17, 2014.
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Matthes, Michaela; Preusse, Martin; Zhang, Jingzhong; Schechter, Julia; Mayer, Daniela; Lentes, Bernd; Theis, Fabian; Prakash, Nilima; Wurst, Wolfgang und Trümbach, Dietrich
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Efficacy and safety of secukinumab, a fully human anti-interleukin-17A monoclonal antibody, in patients with moderate-to-severe psoriatic arthritis: a 24-week, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase II proof-of-concept trial.
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Radioembolization with Yttrium-90 Microspheres (SIRT) in Pancreatic Cancer Patients with Liver Metastases: Efficacy, Safety and Prognostic Factors.
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Michl, M.; Haug, A. R.; Jakobs, T. F.; Paprottka, Philipp M.; Hoffmann, R.-T.; Bartenstein, P.; Boeck, S.; Haas, M.; Laubender, R. P. und Heinemann, V.
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Outcome of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer depends on the primary tumor site (midgut vs. hindgut): analysis of the FIRE1-trial (FuFIRI or mIROX as first-line treatment).
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Tools, harmonization and standardization procedures of the impact and outcome evaluation indices obtained during a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention to prevent obesity in early childhood: the ToyBox-study.
In: Obesity reviews, Bd. 15, Nr. Suppl 3: S. 53-60
Mrass, U.; Kolb, S.; Palm, E.; Heiden, B.; Herbig, Britta
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FlexA – Flexibilisierung, Erreichbarkeit und Entgrenzung in der Arbeitswelt: Ist die arbeitsbezogene Nutzung neuer Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien außerhalb der regulären Arbeitszeit assoziiert mit somatoformen Beschwerden, Schlafquantität/qualität und Gesundheitsverhalten?
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Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception. Vol. 8: Essenes – Fideism. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter
Mäder, Marie-Therese
Europe and Russia (IX Film).
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Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception. Vol. 8: Essenes – Fideism. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter
Möller, Hans-Jürgen; Seemüller, F.; Schennach-Wolff, R.; Stübner, S.; Rüther, E. und Grohmann, R.
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Müller, Andreas; Prohn, Maria J.; Huster, Katharina M.; Nowak, Dennis
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Pilots’ Age and Incidents in Helicopter Emergency Medical Services: A 5-Year Observational Study.
In: Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, Bd. 85, Nr. 5: S. 522-528
Müller, Klaus; Scheithauer, Heike; Pietschmann, Sophie; Hoffmann, Marion; Rössler, Jochen; Graf, Norbert; Baumert, Brigitta G.; Christiansen, Hans; Kortmann, Rolf-Dieter; Kramm, Christof M. und Bueren, Andre O. von
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Specificity, propagation, and memory of pericentric heterochromatin.
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Percentile reference values for anthropometric body composition indices in European children from the IDEFICS study.
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Matching Study to Registry data: Maintaining Data Privacy in a Study on Family based Colorectal Cancer.
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Validation of the revised International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS-R) in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome: A multicenter study.
In: Leukemia Research, Bd. 38, Nr. 1: S. 57-64
Neuner, Johanna; Ovsepian, Saak V.; Dorostkar, Mario; Filser, Severin; Gupta, Aayush; Michalakis, Stylianos; Biel, Martin und Herms, Jochen
Pathological alpha-synuclein impairs adult-born granule cell development and functional integration in the olfactory bulb.
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Niethammer, Thomas R.; Safi, Elem; Ficklscherer, Andreas; Horng, Annie; Feist, Markus; Feist-Pagenstert, Isa; Jansson, Volkmar; Pietschmann, Matthias F. und Müller, Peter E.
Graft Maturation of Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation. Magnetic Resonance Investigation With T2 Mapping.
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Nissen-Meyer, T.; Driel, M. van; Stähler, Simon; Hosseini, K.; Hempel, S.; Auer, L.; Colombi, A. und Fournier, A.
AxiSEM: broadband 3-D seismic wavefields in axisymmetric media.
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Nowak, Dennis
ORCID: und Ochmann, Uta
Forschungspioniere in der modernen Arbeitswelt.
In: Löhrs, Udo; Neupert, W.; Peter, K.; Sattler, S. und Sittner, G. (Hrsg.):
Forschen, heilen, lehren : die Medizin an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Campus Innenstadt - Campus Großhadern/Martinsried. 1. Auflage. München: Dt. Verl.-Anst.. S. 159-164
Nölting, Svenja; Giubellino, Alessio; Tayem, Yasin; Young, Karen; Lauseker, Michael; Bullova, Petra; Schovanek, Jan; Anver, Miriam; Fliedner, Stephanie; Korbonits, Marta; Göke, Burkhard; Vlotides, George; Grossman, Ashley und Pacak, Karel
(Juli 2014):
Combination of 13-Cis Retinoic Acid and Lovastatin: Marked Antitumor Potential In Vivo in a Pheochromocytoma Allograft Model in Female Athymic Nude Mice.
In: Endocrinology, Bd. 155, Nr. 7: S. 2377-2390
Nübling, Georg Sebastian; Levin, Johannes; Bader, Benedikt; Lorenzl, Stefan; Hillmer, Andreas; Högen, Tobias; Kamp, Frits und Giese, Armin
Modelling Ser129 Phosphorylation Inhibits Membrane Binding of Pore-Forming Alpha-Synuclein Oligomers.
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Nützel, Anna; Dahlhaus, Anne; Fuchs, Angela; Gensichen, Jochen; König, Hans-Helmut; Riedel-Heller, Steffi; Maier, Wolfgang; Schäfer, Ingmar; Schön, Gerhard; Weyerer, Siegfried; Wiese, Birgitt; Scherer, Martin; Bussche, Hendrik van den und Bickel, Horst
Self-rated health in multimorbid older general practice patients: a cross-sectional study in Germany.
In: BMC Family Practice
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Obermeier, Andreas; Schneider, Jochen; Wehner, Steffen; Matl, Florian Dominik; Schieker, Matthias; Eisenhart-Rothe, Rüdiger von; Stemberger, Axel und Burgkart, Rainer
Novel High Efficient Coatings for Anti-Microbial Surgical Sutures Using Chlorhexidine in Fatty Acid Slow-Release Carrier Systems.
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Obiegala, Anna; Pfeffer, Martin; Pfister, Kurt; Tiedemann, Tim; Thiel, Claudia; Balling, Anneliese; Karnath, Carolin; Woll, Dietlinde und Silaghi, Cornelia
Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis and Anaplasma phagocytophilum: prevalences and investigations on a new transmission path in small mammals and ixodid ticks.
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Ochmann, Uta
ORCID:; Angerer, Peter; Nowak, Dennis
ORCID: und Jörres, Rudolf A.
Lungenfunktion, Atemwegsentzündung, Ergometrie und Spiroergometrie.
In: Triebig, Gerhard; Kentner, Michael und Schiele, Rainer (Hrsg.):
Arbeitsmedizin : Handbuch für Theorie und Praxis. 4., vollst. überarb. Auflage. Stuttgart: Gentner. S. 793-813
Oddy, Wendy H.; Mori, Trevor A.; Huang, Rae-Chi; Marsh, Julie A.; Pennell, Craig E.; Chivers, Paola T.; Hands, Beth P.; Jacoby, Peter; Rzehak, Peter; Koletzko, Berthold und Beilin, Lawrence J.
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On (semiparametric) mode regression.
29th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Göttingen, 14.-18. Juli 2014.
Kneiba, Thomas; Sobotka, Fabian; Fahrenholz, Jan und Irmer, Henriette (Hrsg.):
In: Proceedings of the 29th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling,
S. 243-248
Offenbächer, M.; Sauer, S.; Riess, J.; Müller, M.; Grill, Eva; Daubner, A.; Randzio, O.; Kohls, N. und Herold-Majumdar, A.
Contractures with special reference in elderly: definition and risk factors - a systematic review with practical implications.
In: Disability and Rehabilitation, Bd. 36, Nr. 7: S. 529-538
Okusaga, Olaoluwa; Muravitskaja, Olesja; Fuchs, Dietmar; Ashraf, Ayesha; Hinman, Sarah; Giegling, Ina; Hartmann, Annette M.; Konte, Bettina; Friedl, Marion; Schiffman, Jason; Hong, Elliot; Reeves, Gloria; Groer, Maureen; Dantzer, Robert; Rujescu, Dan und Postolache, Teodor T.
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pERK, pAKT and p53 as tissue biomarkers in erlotinib-treated patients with advanced pancreatic cancer: a translational subgroup analysis from AIO-PK0104.
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Ortiz, Miriam; Witt, Claudia M.; Binting, Sylvia; Helmreich, Cornelia; Hummelsberger, Josef; Pfab, Florian; Wullinger, Michael; Irnich, Dominik; Linde, Klaus; Niggemann, Bodo; Willich, Stefan N. und Brinkhaus, Benno
A randomised multicentre trial of acupuncture in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis - trial intervention including physician and treatment characteristics.
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Ortlieb, Sandra; Gorzelniak, Lukas; Nowak, Dennis
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ORCID:; Thorand, Barbara; Peters, Annette
ORCID:; Kuhn, Klaus A.; Karrasch, Stefan
ORCID:; Horsch, Alexander und Schulz, Holger
Associations between Multiple Accelerometry-Assessed Physical Activity Parameters and Selected Health Outcomes in Elderly People – Results from the KORA-Age Study.
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Ortlieb, Sandra; Dias, Andre; Gorzelniak, Lukas; Nowak, Dennis
ORCID:; Karrasch, Stefan
ORCID:; Peters, Annette
ORCID:; Kuhn, Klaus A.; Horsch, Alexander und Schulz, Holger
Exploring patterns of accelerometry-assessed physical activity in elderly people.
In: International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
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Ostermann, Helmut; Solano, Carlos; Jarque, Isidro; Garcia-Vidal, Carolina; Gao, Xin; Barrueta, Jon Andoni; De Salas-Cansado, Marina; Stephens, Jennifer; Xue, Mei; Weber, Bertram und Charbonneau, Claudie
Cost analysis of voriconazole versus liposomal amphotericin B for primary therapy of invasive aspergillosis among patients with haematological disorders in Germany and Spain.
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Ott, Stephanie; Jedlicka, Sheila; Wolf, Stefan; Peter, Mozes; Pudenz, Christine; Merker, Patrick; Schuerer, Ludwig und Lumenta, Christianto Benjamin
Continuous Selective Intra-Arterial Application of Nimodipine in Refractory Cerebral Vasospasm due to Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.
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The Lateral Membrane Organization and Dynamics of Myelin Proteins PLP and MBP Are Dictated by Distinct Galactolipids and the Extracellular Matrix.
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Thoracic Epidural Anesthesia with Ropivacaine Does Not Compromise the Tolerance of Acute Normovolemic Anemia in Pigs.
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Park, Mona; Gutyrchik, Evgeny; Bao, Yan; Zaytseva, Yuliya; Carl, Petra; Welker, Lorenz; Pöppel, Ernst; Reiser, Maximilian; Blautzik, Janusch und Meindl, Thomas
(30. April 2014):
Differences between musicians and non-musicians in neuro-affective processing of sadness and fear expressed in music.
In: Neuroscience Letters, Bd. 566: S. 120-124
Passauer‐Baierl, Stefanie; Hull, Louise; Miskovic, Danilo; Russ, Stephanie; Sevdalis, Nick und Weigl, Matthias
Re‐Validating the Observational Teamwork Assessment for Surgery Tool (OTAS‐D): Cultural Adaptation, Refinement, and Psychometric Evaluation.
In: World Journal of Surgery, Bd. 38, Nr. 2: S. 305-313
Pastore, Friederike; Greif, Philipp A.; Schneider, Stephanie; Ksienzyk, Bianka; Mellert, Gudrun; Zellmeier, Evelyn; Braess, Jan; Sauerland, Cristina M.; Heinecke, Achim; Krug, Utz; Berdel, Wolfgang E.; Buechner, Thomas; Woermann, Bernhard; Hiddemann, Wolfgang und Spiekermann, Karsten
The NPM1 Mutation Type Has No Impact on Survival in Cytogenetically Normal AML.
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Pastore, Friederike; Kling, Daniela; Hoster, Eva; Dufour, Annika; Konstandin, Nikola P.; Schneider, Stephanie; Sauerland, Maria C.; Berdel, Wolfgang E.; Buechner, Thomas; Woermann, Bernhard; Braess, Jan; Hiddemann, Wolfgang und Spiekermann, Karsten
Long-term follow-up of cytogenetically normal CEBPA-mutated AML.
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Paternotte, Cédric
Minimal Cooperation.
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Pausch, Hubert; Koelle, Sabine; Wurmser, Christine; Schwarzenbacher, Hermann; Emmerling, Reiner; Jansen, Sandra; Trottmann, Matthias; Fuerst, Christian; Goetz, Kay-Uwe und Fries, Ruedi
A Nonsense Mutation in TMEM95 Encoding a Nondescript Transmembrane Protein Causes Idiopathic Male Subfertility in Cattle.
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Payr, A.; Birnbaum, Julia; Wildgruber, A.; Kreichauf, S.; Androutsos, Odysseas; Lateva, Mina; Decker, Ellen de; Craemer, Marieke de; Iotova, Violeta; Manios, Yannis und Koletzko, Berthold
Concepts and strategies on how to train and motivate teachers to implement a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention to prevent obesity in early childhood. The ToyBox-study.
In: Obesity reviews, Bd. 15, Nr. Suppl 3: S. 40-47
Pecci, Alessandro; Verver, Eva J. J.; Schlegel, Nicole; Canzi, Pietro; Boccio, Carlos M.; Platokouki, Helen; Krause, Eike; Benazzo, Marco; Topsakal, Vedat und Greinacher, Andreas
Cochlear implantation is safe and effective in patients with MYH9-related disease.
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Pei, Zhengcun; Flexeder, Claudia; Fuertes, Elaine; Standl, Marie; Buyken, Anette; Berdel, Dietrich; Berg, Andrea von; Lehmann, Irina; Schaaf, Beate und Heinrich, Joachim
Food intake and overweight in school-aged children in Germany: Results of the GINIplus and LISAplus studies.
In: Annals of nutrition & metabolism, Bd. 64, Nr. 1: S. 60-70
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Pezzoli-Olgiati, Daria
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Pezzoli-Olgiati, Daria und George, Mark K.
In: Pezzoli-Olgiati, Daria und George, Mark K. (Hrsg.):
Religious Representations in Place. Exploring Meaningful Spaces at the Intersection of the Humanities and Sciences. Religion and spatial studies, New York: Association for Computing Machinery. S. 1-12
Pfeffer, Stefan; Dudek, Johanna; Gogala, Marko; Schorr, Stefan; Linxweiler, Johannes; Lang, Sven; Becker, Thomas; Beckmann, Roland; Zimmermann, Richard und Foerster, Friedrich
Structure of the mammalian oligosaccharyl-transferase complex in the native ER protein translocon.
In: Nature Communications, Bd. 5, 3072
Pfirrmann, Markus; Saussele, S.; Hochhaus, A.; Reiter, A.; Berger, U.; Hossfeld, D. K.; Nerl, C.; Scheid, C.; Spiekermann, K.; Mayer, J.; Hellmann, A.; Lechner, K.; Falge, C.; Sayer, H. G.; Bunjes, D.; Ganser, A.; Beelen, D. W.; Baldomero, H.; Schanz, U.; Heimpel, H.; Kolb, H. J.; Hasford, Joerg; Gratwohl, A. und Hehlmann, R.
(August 2014):
Explaining survival differences between two consecutive studies with allogeneic stem cell transplantation in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia.
In: Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, Bd. 140, Nr. 8: S. 1367-1381
Pfisterer, Ulrich
Kunst-Liebe, Liebes-Kunst.
In: Dickhaut, Kirsten (Hrsg.):
Liebessemantik. Frühneuzeitliche Darstellungen von Liebe in Italien und Frankreich. Culturae, Bd. 5. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. S. 583-634
Pfisterer, Ulrich
Mirrors of love and creativity around 1500.
In: Koos, Marianne und Kohl, Jeanette (Hrsg.):
Renaissance love. Eros, passion, and friendship in Italian art around 1500. I Mandorli, Bd. 19. Berlin: Deutscher Kunstverlag. S. 185-194
Pfisterer, Ulrich
Was ist ein Zeichenbuch.
In: Heilmann, Maria; Nanobashvili, Nino; Pfisterer, Ulrich und Teutenberg, Tobias (Hrsg.):
Punkt, Punkt, Komma, Strich. Zeichenbücher in Europa, ca. 1525 - 1925. Passau: Dietmar Klinger Verlag. S. 1-31
Pfisterer, Ulrich
Wer macht ein Zeichenbuch.
In: Heilmann, Maria; Nanobashvili, Nino; Pfisterer, Ulrich und Teutenberg, Tobias (Hrsg.):
Punkt, Punkt, Komma, Strich. Zeichenbücher in Europa, ca. 1525 - 1925. Passau: Dietmar Klinger Verlag. S. 57-84
Pfisterer, Ulrich
Kat. 1.8, Émile Reiber, Le Premier Volume des Albums-Reiber. Bibliothèque portative des Arts du Dessin.
In: Heilmann, Maria; Nanobashvili, Nino; Pfisterer, Ulrich und Teutenberg, Tobias (Hrsg.):
Punkt, Punkt, Komma, Strich. Zeichenbücher in Europa, ca. 1525 - 1925. Passau: Klinger. S. 24-27
Pfisterer, Ulrich
Kat. 2.8, Otto Hasslinger u. Emil Bender, Der Betrieb des Zeichenunterrichts.
Die Zeichenmaterialien und Lehrmittel sowie die Anlage und Einrichtung der Zeichensäle.
In: Heilmann, Maria; Nanobashvili, Nino; Pfisterer, Ulrich und Teutenberg, Tobias (Hrsg.):
Punkt, Punkt, Komma, Strich. Zeichenbücher in Europa, ca. 1525 - 1925. Passau: Klinger. S. 53-55
Pfisterer, Ulrich
Kat. 3.3, Anonym, Regeln Welche ein Anfänger und Lehrling der Mahlereykunst zu Observieren.
In: Heilmann, Maria; Nanobashvili, Nino; Pfisterer, Ulrich und Teutenberg, Tobias (Hrsg.):
Punkt, Punkt, Komma, Strich. Zeichenbücher in Europa, ca. 1525 - 1925. Passau: Klinger. S. 70-73
Pfisterer, Ulrich
Kat. 3.4, Anonym, Nouveau Livre du Dessein qui contient XXV figures dessinée par le célebre Jean Baptista Piazzeta.
In: Heilmann, Maria; Nanobashvili, Nino; Pfisterer, Ulrich und Teutenberg, Tobias (Hrsg.):
Punkt, Punkt, Komma, Strich. Zeichenbücher in Europa, ca. 1525 - 1925. Passau: Klinger. S. 73-75
Pfisterer, Ulrich
Kat. 4.3, Anonym, Fondamento del latre de desegnia Neceßarie e profite vela á Pictori, Intagliatori Schulptori, Orifici Schritoriari etc. Intagliate per Lucas Ciamb in Roma. Prima Pars. Fondamenten der Teyckenkonst voor Schilders, Plaet en Beeltsnyders, Steenhouwers
mitsgaders alle konstlievende geesten. gesneden door Lucas Ciamb tot Romen. Erste Deel.
In: Heilmann, Maria; Nanobashvili, Nino; Pfisterer, Ulrich und Teutenberg, Tobias (Hrsg.):
Punkt, Punkt, Komma, Strich. Zeichenbücher in Europa, ca. 1525 - 1925. Passau: Klinger. S. 96-98
Pfisterer, Ulrich
Kat. 4.6, Carl August Richter, Anweisung zum Landschaft-Zeichnen. Nach den vorzüglichsten Meistern zusammengestellt.
In: Heilmann, Maria; Nanobashvili, Nino; Pfisterer, Ulrich und Teutenberg, Tobias (Hrsg.):
Punkt, Punkt, Komma, Strich. Zeichenbücher in Europa, ca. 1525 - 1925. Passau: Klinger. S. 105-107
Pfisterer, Ulrich
Kat. 5.9, Anonym, Le Petit Maitre De Dessin: Figure.
In: Heilmann, Maria; Nanobashvili, Nino; Pfisterer, Ulrich und Teutenberg, Tobias (Hrsg.):
Punkt, Punkt, Komma, Strich. Zeichenbücher in Europa, ca. 1525 - 1925. Passau: Klinger. S. 137-139
Pfisterer, Ulrich
Kat. 6.3, Henry Peacham, The Compleat Gentleman … To Which is Added the Gentlemans Exercise ….
In: Heilmann, Maria; Nanobashvili, Nino; Pfisterer, Ulrich und Teutenberg, Tobias (Hrsg.):
Punkt, Punkt, Komma, Strich. Zeichenbücher in Europa, ca. 1525 - 1925. Passau: Klinger. S. 153-155
Pfisterer, Ulrich
Kat. 8.2, Anonym, a. Alli nobilissimi amatori del disegno Pietro Stefanoni dedica.
b. Livre de Portraiture d’Anib. Carrache. c. Scuola Perfetta Per imparare a bene Designare tutto il corpo Humano parte per parte. Cavata dalli Disegni di Caracci.
In: Heilmann, Maria; Nanobashvili, Nino; Pfisterer, Ulrich und Teutenberg, Tobias (Hrsg.):
Punkt, Punkt, Komma, Strich. Zeichenbücher in Europa, ca. 1525 - 1925. Passau: Klinger. S. 202-205
Pfisterer, Ulrich
Kat. 8.3, [Gérard Jollain], Nouveau Livre De Portraiture. Enrichy de plusieures pieces des plus Exellens Maistres de l’Europe.
In: Heilmann, Maria; Nanobashvili, Nino; Pfisterer, Ulrich und Teutenberg, Tobias (Hrsg.):
Punkt, Punkt, Komma, Strich. Zeichenbücher in Europa, ca. 1525 - 1925. Passau: Klinger. S. 206-207
Pfisterer, Ulrich
Kat. 10.5, Pieter [Petrus] Camper, Dissertation physique […] sur les différence réelles que présentent les traits du visage chez les hommes de différents pays et de différents ages […] Suivie de la proposition d’une nouvelle méthode pour déssiner toutes sortes de têtes humaines avec la plus grande sûreté. Hg. v. Andrian G. Camper, übers. aus dem Holländischen v. Denis B. Quatrième d’Isjonal.
In: Heilmann, Maria; Nanobashvili, Nino; Pfisterer, Ulrich und Teutenberg, Tobias (Hrsg.):
Punkt, Punkt, Komma, Strich. Zeichenbücher in Europa, ca. 1525 - 1925. Passau: Klinger. S. 259-261
Phillips, Richard O.; Frimpong, Michael; Sarfo, Fred S.; Kretschmer, Birte; Beissner, Marcus; Debrah, Alexander; Ampem-Amoako, Yaw; Abass, Kabiru M.; Thompson, William; Duah, Mabel Sarpong; Abotsi, Justice; Adjei, Ohene; Fleischer, Bernhard; Bretzel, Gisela; Wansbrough-Jones, Mark und Jacobsen, Marc
Infection with Mansonella perstans Nematodes in Buruli Ulcer Patients, Ghana.
In: Emerging infectious Diseases, Bd. 20, Nr. 6: S. 1000-1003
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Picot, Arnold und Hopf, Stefan
Geschäftsmodelle mit Big Data im Dienstleistungsbereich.
In: Boes, Andreas (Hrsg.):
Dienstleistungen in der digitalen Gesellschaft - Beiträge zur Dienstleistungstagung des BMBF im Wissenschaftsjahr 2014,. Frankfurt am Main: Campus-Verlag. S. 259-272
Pil, L.; Putman, K.; Cardon, Greet; Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse de; Manios, Yannis; Androutsos, Odysseas; Lateva, Mina; Iotova, Violeta; Zych, K.; Gozdz, Magdalena; González-Gil, E. M.; Miguel-Etayo, P. de; Geyer, Christine; Birnbaum, Julia und Annemans, L.
Establishing a method to estimate the cost-effectiveness of a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention to prevent obesity in early childhood. The ToyBox-study.
In: Obesity reviews, Bd. 15, Nr. Suppl 3: S. 81-89
Pinther, Kerstin
Design in Afrika.
In: Fuhs, Simone und Brochhi, David (Hrsg.):
Geschichte des nachhaltigen Designs. Welche Haltung braucht Gestaltung? Bad Homburg: VAS Verlag. S. 318-327
Piram, Maryam; Kone-Paut, Isabelle; Lachmann, Helen J.; Frenkel, Joost; Ozen, Seza; Kuemmerle-Deschner, Jasmin; Stojanov, Silvia; Simon, Anna; Finetti, Martina; Sormani, Maria Pia; Martini, Alberto; Gattorno, Marco und Ruperto, Nicolino
(Dezember 2014):
Validation of the Auto-Inflammatory Diseases Activity Index (AIDAI) for hereditary recurrent fever syndromes.
In: Annals of the rheumatic diseases, Bd. 73, Nr. 12: S. 2168-2173
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Pircher, Joachim; Czermak, Thomas; Merkle, Monika; Mannell, Hanna; Krötz, Florian; Ribeiro, Andrea; Vielhauer, Volker; Nadjiri, Jonathan; Gaitzsch, Erik; Niemeyer, Markus; Porubsky, Stefan; Gröne, Hermann-Josef und Wörnle, Markus
Hepatitis C Virus Induced Endothelial Inflammatory Response Depends on the Functional Expression of TNF alpha Receptor Subtype 2.
9(11), e113351
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Polzer, Bernhard; Medoro, Gianni; Pasch, Sophie; Fontana, Francesca; Zorzino, Laura; Pestka, Aurelia; Andergassen, Ulrich; Meier-Stiegen, Franziska; Czyz, Zbigniew T.; Alberter, Barbara; Treitschke, Steffi; Schamberger, Thomas; Sergio, Maximilian; Bregola, Giulia; Doffini, Anna; Gianni, Stefano; Calanca, Alex; Signorini, Giulio; Bolognesi, Chiara; Hartmann, Arndt; Fasching, Peter A.; Sandri, Maria T.; Rack, Brigitte; Fehm, Tanja; Giorgini, Giuseppe; Manaresi, Nicolo und Klein, Christoph A.
Molecular profiling of single circulating tumor cells with diagnostic intention.
In: Embo Molecular Medicine, Bd. 6, Nr. 11: S. 1371-1386
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Popken, Jens; Brero, Alessandro; Koehler, Daniela; Schmid, Volker J.
ORCID:; Strauss, Axel; Wuensch, Annegret; Guengoer, Tuna; Graf, Alexander; Krebs, Stefan; Blum, Helmut; Zakhartchenko, Valeri; Wolf, Eckhard und Cremer, Thomas
Reprogramming of fibroblast nuclei in cloned bovine embryos involves major structural remodeling with both striking similarities and differences to nuclear phenotypes of in vitro fertilized embryos.
In: Nucleus, Bd. 5, Nr. 6: S. 555-589
Popken, Jens; Dahlhoff, Maik; Guengoer, Tuna; Schmid, Volker J.
ORCID:; Strauss, Axel; Cremer, Thomas; Zakhartchenko, Valeri und Wolf, Eckhard
Nuclear invaginations adapt to rabbit early embryonic developement.
In: Reproduction, Fertility and Development, Bd. 27, Nr. 1: S. 139
Preis, Anne; Heuer, Andre; Barrio-Garcia, Clara; Hauser, Andreas
ORCID:; Eyler, Daniel E.; Berninghausen, Otto; Green, Rachel; Becker, Thomas und Beckmann, Roland
Cryoelectron Microscopic Structures of Eukaryotic Translation Termination Complexes Containing eRF1-eRF3 or eRF1-ABCE1.
In: Cell Reports, Bd. 8, Nr. 1: S. 59-65
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Probst, Alexander J.; Birarda, Giovanni; Holman, Hoi-Ying N.; DeSantis, Todd Z.; Wanner, Gerhard; Andersen, Gary L.; Perras, Alexandra K.; Meck, Sandra; Völkel, Jörg; Bechtel, Hans A.; Wirth, Reinhard und Moissl-Eichinger, Christine
Coupling Genetic and Chemical Microbiome Profiling Reveals Heterogeneity of Archaeome and Bacteriome in Subsurface Biofilms That Are Dominated by the Same Archaeal Species.
9(6), e99801
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Probst, Alexander J.; Weinmaier, Thomas; Raymann, Kasie; Perras, Alexandra; Emerson, Joanne B.; Rattei, Thomas; Wanner, Gerhard; Klingl, Andreas; Berg, Ivan A.; Yoshinaga, Marcos; Viehweger, Bernhard; Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe; Thomas, Brian C.; Meck, Sandra; Auerbach, Anna K.; Heise, Matthias; Schintlmeister, Arno; Schmid, Markus; Wagner, Michael; Gribaldo, Simonetta; Banfield, Jillian F. und Moissl-Eichinger, Christine
Biology of a widespread uncultivated archaeon that contributes to carbon fixation in the subsurface.
In: Nature Communications, Bd. 5, 5497
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Proetel, Ulrike; Pletsch, Nadine; Lauseker, Michael; Müller, Martin C.; Hanfstein, Benjamin; Krause, Stefan W.; Kalmanti, Lida; Schreiber, Annette; Heim, Dominik; Baerlocher, Gabriela M.; Hofmann, Wolf-Karsten; Lange, Elisabeth; Einsele, Hermann; Wernli, Martin; Kremers, Stephan; Schlag, Rudolf; Müller, Lothar; Hänel, Mathias; Link, Hartmut; Hertenstein, Bernd; Pfirrmann, Markus; Hochhaus, Andreas; Hasford, Joerg; Hehlmann, Rüdiger und Saußele, Susanne
(Juli 2014):
Older patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (≥65 years) profit more from higher imatinib doses than younger patients: a subanalysis of the randomized CML-Study IV.
In: Annals of Hematology, Bd. 93, Nr. 7: S. 1167-1176
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Projahn, Delia; Simsekyilmaz, Sakine; Singh, Smriti; Kanzler, Isabella; Kramp, Birgit K.; Langer, Marcella; Burlacu, Alexandrina; Bernhagen, Jürgen; Klee, Doris; Zernecke, Alma; Hackeng, Tilman M.; Groll, Jürgen; Weber, Christian; Liehn, Elisa A. und Koenen, Rory R.
Controlled intramyocardial release of engineered chemokines by biodegradable hydrogels as a treatment approach of myocardial infarction.
In: Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Bd. 18, Nr. 5: S. 790-800
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Py, Benedicte F.; Jin, Mingzhi; Desai, Bimal N.; Penumaka, Anirudh; Zhu, Hong; Kober, Maike; Dietrich, Alexander; Lipinski, Marta M.; Henry, Thomas; Clapham, David E. und Yuan, Junying
Caspase-11 Controls Interleukin-1 beta Release through Degradation of TRPC1.
In: Cell Reports, Bd. 6, Nr. 6: S. 1122-1128
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Péter, Szabolcs; Eggersdorfer, Manfred; Asselt, Dieneke van; Buskens, Erik; Detzel, Patrick; Freijer, Karen; Koletzko, Berthold; Kraemer, Klaus; Kuipers, Folkert; Neufeld, Lynnette; Obeid, Rima; Wieser, Simon; Zittermann, Armin und Weber, Peter
(Dezember 2014):
Selected Nutrients and Their Implications for Health and Disease across the Lifespan: A Roadmap.
In: Nutrients, Bd. 6, Nr. 12: S. 6076-6094
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Quentin, Wilm; Abosede, Olayinka; Aka, Joseph; Akweongo, Patricia; Dinard, Kouassi; Ezeh, Alex; Hamed, Ramadan; Kayembe, Patrick Kalambayi; Mitike, Getnet; Mtei, Gemini; Bonle, Marguerite Te und Sundmacher, Leonie
Inequalities in child mortality in ten major African cities.
In: BMC Medicine
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Radner, Karen
The Neo-Assyrian Empire.
In: Rollinger, Robert und Gehler, Michael (Hrsg.):
Imperien und Reiche in der Weltgeschichte: Epochenübergreifende und globalhistorische Vergleiche. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. S. 101-119
Radner, Karen
Tušhan, Tušhu(m).
Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie, Band 14, Lieferung 3-4: Tukulti-Ninurta I. - Upur-kubak. Berlin: de Gruyter. S. 213-215
Radner, Karen
Zagros Spice Mills: the Simurrean and the Hašimur grindstones.
In: Gaspa, Salvatore; Greco, Alessandro; Morandi Bonacossi, Daniele; Ponchia, Simonetta und Rollinger, Robert (Hrsg.):
From Source to History: Studies on Ancient Near Eastern Worlds and Beyond Dedicated to Giovanni Battista Lanfranchi. Alter Orient und Altes Testament, Bd. 412. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag. S. 573-580
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Raithel, Sascha und Taylor, Charles R.
Do Super Bowl Ads Build Brands?
AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference 2014, Orlando, Florida, 21-23 February 2014.
Hunter, Gary und Steenburgh, Tom (Hrsg.):
In: AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference 2014. Engaging Customers,
American Marketing Association.
Raska, Milan; Czernekova, Lydie; Moldoveanu, Zina; Zachova, Katerina; Elliott, Matt C.; Novak, Zdenek; Hall, Stacy; Hölscher, Michael; Maboko, Leonard; Brown, Rhubell; Smith, Phillip D.; Mestecky, Jiri und Novak, Jan
(August 2014):
Differential glycosylation of envelope gp120 is associated with differential recognition of HIV-1 by virus-specific antibodies and cell infection.
In: Aids Research and Therapy
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Meyer, Felix; Oja, Carol J.; Rathert, Wolfgang und Shreffler, Anne C. (Hrsg.)
Crosscurrents. American and European music in interaction, 1900 - 2000 ; [based on the International Conference "Crosscurrents: American and European Music in Interaction, 1900 - 2000", Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachussetts, USA, 30 October - 1 November 2008, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany, 7-9 May 2009].
Woodbridge [u.a.]: Boydell Press.
Rathert, Wolfgang
Der Interpret Géza Anda.
In: Steffen, Alain (Hrsg.):
Interviews mit Musikern. Band 2: "... und auf einmal kann ich fliegen". Atelier Gespräche, Bd. 3. Freiburg, Br. ; Berlin ; Wien: Rombach. S. 91-97
Rau, Markus; Heindel, Tobias; Unsleber, Sebastian; Braun, Tristan; Fischer, Julian; Frick, Stefan; Nauerth, Sebastian; Schneider, Christian; Vest, Gwenaelle; Reitzenstein, Stephan; Kamp, Martin; Forchel, Alfred; Höfling, Sven und Weinfurter, Harald
Free space quantum key distribution over 500 meters using electrically driven quantum dot single-photon sources-a proof of principle experiment.
In: New Journal of Physics, Bd. 16, 043003
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Rauh-Pfeiffer, Astrid A. M.; Handel, Uschi; Demmelmair, Hans; Peissner, Wolfgang; Niesser, Mareile; Moretti, Diego; Martens, Vanessa; Wiseman, Sheila; Weichert, Judith; Heene, Moritz; Bühner, Markus und Koletzko, Berthold
Three-month B vitamin supplementation in pre-school children affects folate status and homocysteine, but not cognitive performance.
In: European journal of nutrition, Bd. 53, Nr. 7: S. 1445-1456
Rautenberg, Philipp L.; Kumaraswamy, Ajayrama; Tejero-Cantero, Alvaro; Doblander, Christoph; Norouzian, Mohammad R.; Kai, Kazuki; Jacobsen, Hans-Arno; Ai, Hiroyuki; Wachtler, Thomas
ORCID: und Ikeno, Hidetoshi
Neuron Depot: keeping your colleagues in sync by combining modern cloud storage services, the local file system, and simple web applications.
In: Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, Bd. 8, 55
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Raziorrouh, Bijan; Heeg, Malte; Kurktschiev, Peter; Schraut, Winfried; Zachoval, Reinhart; Wendtner, Clemens; Wächtler, Martin; Spannagl, Michael; Denk, Gerald; Ulsenheimer, Axel; Bengsch, Bertram; Pircher, Hanspeter; Diepolder, Helmut M.; Grüner, Norbert H. und Jung, Maria-Christina
Inhibitory Phenotype of HBV-Specific CD4⁺ T-Cells Is Characterized by High PD-1 Expression but Absent Coregulation of Multiple Inhibitory Molecules.
9(8), e105703
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Rebholz, Cornelia E.; Chinapaw, Mai J. M.; Stralen, Maartje M. van; Bere, Elling; Bringolf, Bettina; Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse de; Jan, Nataša; Kovacs, Eva; Maes, Lea; Manios, Yannis; Moreno, Luis A.; Singh, Amika S.; Brug, Johannes und Te Velde, Saskia J.
Agreement between parent and child report on parental practices regarding dietary, physical activity and sedentary behaviours: The ENERGY cross-sectional survey.
In: BMC Public Health
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Reichel, Martin; Richter-Schmidinger, Tanja; Mühle, Christiane; Rhein, Cosima; Alexopoulos, Panagiotis; Schwab, Sibylle G.; Gulbins, Erich und Kornhuber, Johannes
The Common Acid Sphingomyelinase Polymorphism p.G508R is Associated with Self-Reported Allergy.
In: Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, Bd. 34, Nr. 1: S. 82-91
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Reinhardt, Thomas
Fixing Shadows: Photography Beyond the Indexical.
In: Genge, Gabriele und Stercken, Angela (Hrsg.):
Art history and fetishism abroad ; global shiftings in media and methods. Image, Bd. 54. Bielefeld: transcript. S. 235-248
Rensch, Christian; Lindner, Simon; Salvamoser, Ruben; Leidner, Stephanie; Böld, Christoph; Samper, Victor; Taylor, David; Baller, Marko; Riese, Stefan; Bartenstein, Peter; Wängler, Carmen und Wängler, Bjoern
(14. April 2014):
A solvent resistant lab-on-chip platform for radiochemistry applications.
In: Lab on a Chip, Bd. 14, Nr. 14: S. 2556-2564
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Reznicek, Lukas; Muhr, Johanna; Ulbig, Michael; Kampik, Anselm; Mayer, Wolfgang J.; Haritoglou, Christos; Neubauer, Aljoscha und Wolf, Armin
(Oktober 2014):
Visual acuity and central retinal thickness: fulfilment of retreatment criteria for recurrent neovascular AMD in routine clinical care.
In: British Journal of Ophthalmology, Bd. 98, Nr. 10: S. 1333-1337
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Riedel, Christina; Fenske, Nora; Müller, Manfred J.; Plachta-Danielzik, Sandra; Keil, Thomas; Grabenhenrich, Linus und Kries, Rüdiger von
Differences in BMI z-Scores between Offspring of Smoking and Nonsmoking Mothers: A Longitudinal Study of German Children from Birth through 14 Years of Age.
In: Environmental Health Perspectives, Bd. 122, Nr. 7: S. 761-767
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Riedel, Christina; Kries, Rüdiger von; Buyken, Anette E.; Diethelm, Katharina; Keil, Thomas; Grabenhenrich, Linus; Müller, Manfred J. und Plachta-Danielzik, Sandra
Overweight in Adolescence Can Be Predicted at Age 6 Years: A CART Analysis in German Cohorts.
9(3), e93581
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Rivolta, Massimo W.; Stampalija, Tamara; Casati, Daniela; Richardson, Bryan S.; Ross, Michael G.; Frasch, Martin G.; Bauer, Axel; Ferrazzi, Enrico und Sassi, Roberto
Acceleration and Deceleration Capacity of Fetal Heart Rate in an In-Vivo Sheep Model.
9(8), e104193
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Roche, Jörg
Language Acquisition and Language Pedagogy.
In: Littlemore, Jeannette und Taylor, John R. (Hrsg.):
The Bloomsbury Companion to Cognitive Linguistics. Bloomsbury Companions, London; New Delhi; New York; Sydney: Bloomsbury. S. 325-351
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Roeder, Falk; Nicolay, Nils H.; Nguyen, Tam; Saleh-Ebrahimi, Ladan; Askoxylakis, Vasilis; Bostel, Tilman; Zwicker, Felix; Debus, Juergen; Timke, Carmen und Huber, Peter E.
Intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) with concurrent chemotherapy as definitive treatment of locally advanced esophageal cancer.
In: Radiation Oncology
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Roeder, Falk; Ulrich, Alexis; Habl, Gregor; Uhl, Matthias; Saleh-Ebrahimi, Ladan; Huber, Peter E.; Schulz-Ertner, Daniela; Nikoghosyan, Anna V.; Alldinger, Ingo; Krempien, Robert; Mechtersheimer, Gunhild; Hensley, Frank W.; Debus, Juergen und Bischof, Marc
Clinical Phase I/II trial to Investigate Preoperative Dose-Escalated Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) and Intraoperative Radiation Therapy (IORT) in patients with retroperitoneal soft tissue sarcoma: interim analysis.
In: BMC Cancer
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Roehnisch, Tim; Then, Cornelia; Nagel, Wolfgang; Blumenthal, Christina; Braciak, Todd; Donzeau, Mariel; Boehm, Thomas; Flaig, Michael; Bourquin, Carole und Oduncu, Fuat S.
Phage idiotype vaccination: first phase I/II clinical trial in patients with multiple myeloma.
In: Journal of Translational Medicine
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Roehrig, N.; Strobl, Ralf; Müller, M.; Perz, S.; Kääb, Stefan
ORCID:; Martens, E.; Peters, Annette
ORCID:; Linkohr, B. und Grill, Eva
Directed acyclic graphs helped to identify confounding in the association of disability and electrocardiographic findings: results from the KORA-Age study.
In: Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, Bd. 67, Nr. 2: S. 199-206
Romero-Saavedra, Felipe; Laverde, Diana; Wobser, Dominique; Michaux, Charlotte; Budin-Verneuil, Aurélie; Bernay, Benoit; Benachour, Abdellah; Hartke, Axel und Huebner, Johannes
Identification of Peptidoglycan-Associated Proteins as Vaccine Candidates for Enterococcal Infections.
9(11), e111880
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Roth, Christian; Freilinger, Tobias; Kirovski, Georgi; Dunkel, Juliane; Shah, Yogesh; Wilken, Bernd; Rautenstrauß, Bernd und Ferbert, Andreas
Clinical spectrum in three families with familial hemiplegic migraine type 2 including a novel mutation in the ATP1A2 gene.
In: Cephalalgia, Bd. 34, Nr. 3: S. 183-190
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Roy, Olivier; Anglberger, Albert J. J. und Gratzl, Norbert
The Logic of Best Actions from a Deontic Perspective.
In: Baltag, Alexandru und Smets, Sonja (Hrsg.):
Johan van Benthem on Logic and Information Dynamics. Outstanding Contributions to Logic, Bd. 5. Cham: Springer International Publishing. S. 657-676
Roy, Sarah H.; Tobin, David V.; Memar, Nadin; Beltz, Eleanor; Holmen, Jenna; Clayton, Joseph E.; Chiu, Daniel J.; Young, Laura D.; Green, Travis H.; Lubin, Isabella; Liu, Yuying; Conradt, Barbara und Saito, R. Mako
A Complex Regulatory Network Coordinating Cell Cycles During C. elegans Development Is Revealed by a Genome-Wide RNAi Screen.
In: G3-Genes Genomes Genetics, Bd. 4, Nr. 5: S. 795-804
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Ruddat, Inga; Scholz, B.; Bergmann, S.; Buehring, A.-L.; Fischer, S.; Manton, A.; Prengel, D.; Rauch, E.; Steiner, S.; Wiedmann, S,; Kreienbrock, L. und Campe, A.
Statistical tools to improve assessing agreement between several observers.
In: Animal, Bd. 8, Nr. 4: S. 643-649
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Ruemmele, Frank; Veres, G.; Kolho, K. L.; Griffiths, A.; Levine, A.; Escher, J. C.; Amil Dias, J.; Barabino, A.; Braegger, C. P.; Bronsky, J.; Buderus, S.; Martin-de-Carpi, J.; Ridder, Lissy de; Fagerberg, U. L.; Hugot, J. P.; Kierkus, J.; Kolacek, Sanja; Koletzko, Sibylle; Lionetti, Paolo; Miele, E.; Navas Lopez, V. M.; Paerregaard, A.; Russell, Richard K.; Serban, D. E.; Shaoul, R.; Rheenen, P. van; Veereman, Gigi; Weiss, B.; Wilson, D.; Dignass, A.; Eliakim, A.; Winter, H. und Turner, Dan
Consensus guidelines of ECCO/ESPGHAN on the medical management of pediatric Crohn's disease.
In: Journal of Crohn's & colitis, Bd. 8, Nr. 10: S. 1179-1207
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Ruijven, Bas J. van; Levy, Marc A.; Agrawal, Arun; Biermann, Frank; Birkmann, Joern; Carter, Timothy R.; Ebi, Kristie L.; Garschagen, Matthias
ORCID:; Jones, Bryan; Jones, Roger; Kemp-Benedict, Eric; Kok, Marcel; Kok, Kasper; Lemos, Maria Carmen; Lucas, Paul L.; Orlove, Ben; Pachauri, Shonali; Parris, Tom M.; Patwardhan, Anand; Petersen, Arthur; Preston, Benjamin L.; Ribot, Jesse; Rothman, Dale S. und Schweizer, Vanessa J.
(Februar 2014):
Enhancing the relevance of Shared Socioeconomic Pathways for climate change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability research.
In: Climatic Change, Bd. 122, Nr. 3: S. 481-494
Runge, Simon; Sparrer, Konstantin M. J.; Lässig, Charlotte; Hembach, Katharina; Baum, Alina; Garcia-Sastre, Adolfo; Söding, Johannes; Conzelmann, Karl-Klaus und Hopfner, Karl-Peter
In Vivo Ligands of MDA5 and RIG-I in Measles Virus-Infected Cells.
In: PLOS Pathogens
10(4), e1004081
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Ruppert, Linda; Apfelbacher, Christian; Molin, Sonja; Bauer, Andrea; Mahler, Vera; Schmitt, Jochen; Elsner, Peter; Diepgen, Thomas L. und Weisshaar, Elke
Itching in patients with chronic hand eczema: Data from the CARPE registry.
In: Dermatology, Bd. 229, Nr. 2: S. 146-153
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Rusner, Carsten; Wolf, Katharina; Bandemer-Greulich, Ulrike; Engel, Jutta; Stegmaier, Christa; Holleczek, Bernd; Schubert-Fritschle, Gabriele; Tillack, Anett und Stang, Andreas
Risk of contralateral second primary breast cancer according to hormone receptor status in Germany.
In: Breast Cancer Research
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Rzehak, Peter; Hellmuth, Christian; Uhl, Olaf; Kirchberg, Franca F.; Peissner, Wolfgang; Harder, Ulrike; Grote, Veit; Weber, Martina; Xhonneux, Annick; Langhendries, Jean-Paul; Ferre, Natalia; Closa-Monasterolo, Ricardo; Verduci, Elvira; Riva, Enrica; Socha, Piotr; Gruszfeld, Dariusz und Koletzko, Berthold
Rapid growth and childhood obesity are strongly associated with lysoPC(14:0).
In: Annals of nutrition & metabolism, Bd. 64, Nr. 3-4: S. 294-303
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Rötering, Sven; Deuther-Conrad, Winnie; Cumming, Paul; Donat, Cornelius K.; Scheunemann, Matthias; Fischer, Steffen; Xiong, Guoming; Steinbach, Jörg; Peters, Dan; Sabri, Osama; Bucerius, Jan und Brust, Peter
Imaging of α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in brain and cerebral vasculature of juvenile pigs with [¹⁸F]NS14490.
In: EJNMMI Research, Bd. 4, 43
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Rößner, Gertrud E.; Bärmann, Eva Verena; Silvia, William J.; Beatty, Brian L. und Métais, Grégoire
In: Zitteliana, Bd. B 32: S. 3-4
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Sadetzki, Siegal; Langer, Chelsea Eastman; Bruchim, Revital; Kundi, Michael; Merletti, Franco; Vermeulen, Roel; Kromhout, Hans; Lee, Ae-Kyoung; Maslanyj, Myron; Sim, Malcolm R.; Taki, Masao; Wiart, Joe; Armstrong, Bruce; Milne, Elizabeth; Benke, Geza; Schattner, Rosa; Hutter, Hans-Peter; Woehrer, Adelheid; Krewski, Daniel; Mohipp, Charmaine; Momoli, Franco; Ritvo, Paul; Spinelli, John; Lacour, Brigitte; Delmas, Dominique; Remen, Thomas; Radon, Katja
ORCID:; Weinmann, Tobias
ORCID:; Klostermann, Swaantje; Heinrich, Sabine; Petridou, Eleni; Bouka, Evdoxia; Panagopoulou, Paraskevi; Dikshit, Rajesh; Nagrani, Rajini; Even-Nir, Hadas; Chetrit, Angela; Maule, Milena; Migliore, Enrica; Filippini, Graziella; Miligi, Lucia; Mattioli, Stefano; Yamaguchi, Naohito; Kojimahara, Noriko; Ha, Mina; Choi, Kyung-Hwa; Mannetje, Andrea 't; Eng, Amanda; Woodward, Alistair; Carretero, Gema; Alguacil, Juan; Aragones, Nuria; Suare-Varela, Maria Morales; Goedhart, Geertje; Schouten-van Meeteren, A. Antoinette Y. N.; Reedijk, A. Ardine M. J. und Cardis, Elisabeth
The MOBI-Kids Study Protocol: Challenges in Assessing Childhood and Adolescent Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields from Wireless Telecommunication Technologies and Possible Association with Brain Tumor Risk.
In: Frontiers in Public Health, Bd. 2
Saller, S.; Kunz, Lars
ORCID:; Berg, D.; Berg, U.; Lara, H.; Urra, J.; Hecht, S.; Pavlik, R.; Thaler, C. J. und Mayerhofer, Artur
Dopamine in human follicular fluid is associated with cellular uptake and metabolism-dependent generation of reactive oxygen species in granulosa cells: implications for physiology and pathology.
In: Human Reproduction, Bd. 29, Nr. 3: S. 555-567
Salomonsen, Jan; Chattaway, John A.; Chan, Andrew C. Y.; Parker, Aimee; Huguet, Samuel; Marston, Denise A.; Rogers, Sally L.; Wu, Zhiguang; Smith, Adrian L.; Staines, Karen; Butter, Colin; Riegert, Patricia; Vainio, Olli; Nielsen, Line; Kaspers, Bernd; Griffin, Darren K.; Yang, Fengtang; Zoorob, Rima; Guillemot, Francois; Auffray, Charles; Beck, Stephan; Skjodt, Karsten und Kaufman, Jim
Sequence of a Complete Chicken BG Haplotype Shows Dynamic Expansion and Contraction of Two Gene Lineages with Particular Expression Patterns.
In: PLOS Genetics
10(6), e1004417
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Sanchez-Barriga, J.; Varykhalov, A.; Braun, J.; Xu, S. -Y.; Alidoust, N.; Kornilov, O.; Minar, J.; Hummer, K.; Springholz, G.; Bauer, G.; Schumann, R.; Yashina, L. V.; Ebert, H.; Hasan, M. Z. und Rader, O.
Photoemission of Bi2Se3 with Circularly Polarized Light: Probe of Spin Polarization or Means for Spin Manipulation?
In: Physical Review X, Bd. 4, Nr. 1, 011046
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Sansoni, Viola; Casas-Delucchi, Corella S.; Rajan, Malini; Schmidt, Andreas; Boenisch, Clemens; Thomae, Andreas W.; Staege, Martin S.; Hake, Sandra B.; Cardoso, M. Cristina und Imhof, Axel
The histone variant H2A.Bbd is enriched at sites of DNA synthesis.
In: Nucleic Acids Research, Bd. 42, Nr. 10: S. 6405-6420
Sauer, Helene; Mack, Isabelle; Kohler, Silke; Siegle, Stefanie; Rieber, Nicole; Zipfel, Stephan; Otto, Bärbel; Ritze, Yvonne; Bischoff, Stephan C. und Enck, Paul
The Effects of 5-Hydroxytryptophan in Combination with Different Fatty Acids on Gastrointestinal Functions: A Pilot Experiment.
In: Gastroenterology Research and Practice, Bd. 2014, 424503
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Sautermeister, Jochen
In: Münchener Theologische Zeitschrift : MThZ, Bd. 65, Nr. 1: S. 1
Sautermeister, Jochen
In: Hilpert, Konrad und Sautermeister, Jochen (Hrsg.):
Organspende - Herausforderung für den Lebensschutz. Quaestiones disputatae, Bd. 267. Freiburg: Herder. S. 360-372
Sautermeister, Jochen
Begegnungen und Resonanzen.
In: Wolf, Notker (Hrsg.):
Anselm Grün begegnen. Münsterschwarzach: Vier-Türme-Verlag. S. 93-105
Sautermeister, Jochen
Hochfest Christkönigssonntag.
In: Gottes Volk : Bibel und Liturgie im Leben der Gemeinde, Bd. LjA, Nr. 8: S. 107-119
Sautermeister, Jochen und Hilpert, Konrad
In: Hilpert, Konrad und Sautermeister, Jochen (Hrsg.):
Organspende - Herausforderung für den Lebensschutz. Quaestiones disputatae, Bd. 267. Freiburg: Herder. S. 9-10
Saxer, Martin
The Journeys of Tibetan Medicine.
In: Hofer, Theresia (Hrsg.):
Bodies in balance : the art of Tibetan medicine ; [This catalog is published in conjunction with an exhibition organized and presented by the Rubin Museum of Art, New York, March 15, 2014, through September 8, 2014]. Washington: Univ. of Washington Press. S. 246-256
Schang, Laura; De Poli, Chiara; Airoldi, Mara; Morton, Alec; Bohm, Natalie; Lakhanpaul, Monica; Schilder, Anne und Bevan, Gwyn
Using an epidemiological model to investigate unwarranted variation:. The case of ventilation tubes for otitis media with effusion in England.
In: Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, Bd. 19, Nr. 4: S. 236-244
Scherer, Kai; Birnbacher, Lorenz; Chabior, Michael; Herzen, Julia; Mayr, Doris; Grandl, Susanne; Sztrokay-Gaul, Aniko; Hellerhoff, Karin; Bamberg, Fabian und Pfeiffer, Franz
Bi-Directional X-Ray Phase-Contrast Mammography.
9(5), e93502
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Schick, Hartmut
In: Pokorný, Antonín und Šolc, Karel (Hrsg.):
Dvořák, Antonín: Smyčcový kvartet č. 2 B dur : B 17. [Studienpartitur], 4. vyd. Prag [u.a.]: Bärenreiter.
Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Griesshaber, Erika; Kelm, Klemens; Goetz, Andreas; Jordan, Guntram; Ler, Alexander M. Gig; Ball, Alex; Xu, Dayin; Merkel, Casjen und Brand, Uwe
Erratum: Hierarchical structure of marine shell biomaterials: biomechanical functionalization of calcite by brachiopods.
In: Zeitschrift für Kristallographie = Crystalline Materials, Bd. 229, Nr. 4: S. 343
Schmid-Tannwald, Christine; Thomas, Stephen; Ivancevic, Marko K.; Dahi, Farid; Rist, Carsten; Sethi, Ila und Oto, Aytekin
Diffusion-weighted MRI of metastatic liver lesions: is there a difference between hypervascular and hypovascular metastases?
In: Acta Radiologica, Bd. 55, Nr. 5: S. 515-523
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Schmidt, Daniel; Kollan, Christian; Fätkenheuer, Gerd; Schuelter, Eugen; Stellbrink, Hans-Jürgen; Noah, Christian; Jensen, Björn-Erik Ole; Stoll, Matthias; Bogner, Johannes R.; Eberle, Josef; Meixenberger, Karolin; Kücherer, Claudia; Hamouda, Osamah und Bartmeyer, Barbara
Estimating Trends in the Proportion of Transmitted and Acquired HIV Drug Resistance in a Long Term Observational Cohort in Germany.
9(8), e104474
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Schmidt, Laura; Winkel, Mark op den; Fischer, Katharina; Straub, Gundula; Rauch, Barbara; Paprottka, Philipp Marius; Göke, Burkhard und Kolligs, Frank Thomas
Addition of local hepatic therapy to sorafenib in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (stage BCLC C).
In: Digestion, Bd. 90, Nr. 4: S. 219-228
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Schmiedl, Sven; Fischer, Rainald; Ibáñez, Luisa; Fortuny, Joan; Klungel, Olaf H.; Reynolds, Robert; Gerlach, Roman; Tauscher, Martin; Thürmann, Petra; Hasford, Joerg und Rottenkolber, Marietta
Utilisation and Off-Label Prescriptions of Respiratory Drugs in Children.
9(9), e105110
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Schmitt, Martin L.; Ladwein, Kathrin I.; Carlino, Luca; Schulz-Fincke, Johannes; Willmann, Dominica; Metzger, Eric; Schilcher, Pierre; Imhof, Axel; Schüle, Roland; Sippl, Wolfgang und Jung, Manfred
Heterogeneous Antibody-Based Activity Assay for Lysine Specific Demethylase 1 (LSD1) on a Histone Peptide Substrate.
In: SLAS Discovery, Bd. 19, Nr. 6: S. 973-978
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Schneeweiß, Hans; Ronning, Gerd und Schmid, Matthias
Panel model with multiplicative measurement errors.
In: Beran, Jan; Feng, Yuanhua und Hebbel, Hartmut (Hrsg.):
Empirical Economic and Financial Research - Theory, Methods and Practice. New York: Springer. S. 123-143
Schniepp, Roman; Kugler, Günter; Wuehr, Max; Eckl, Maria; Huppert, Doreen; Huth, Sabrina; Pradhan, Cauchy; Jahn, Klaus und Brandt, Thomas
Quantification of gait changes in subjects with visual height intolerance when exposed to heights.
In: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Bd. 8, 963
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Schnitzler, Fabian; Friedrich, Matthias; Wolf, Christiane; Angelberger, Marianne; Diegelmann, Julia; Olszak, Torsten; Beigel, Florian; Tillack, Cornelia; Stallhofer, Johannes; Göke, Burkhard; Glas, Jürgen; Lohse, Peter und Brand, Stephan
The NOD2 p.Leu1007fsX1008 Mutation (rs2066847) Is a Stronger Predictor of the Clinical Course of Crohn's Disease than the FOXO3A Intron Variant rs12212067.
9(11), e108503
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Schnorr, K.; Senftleben, A.; Schmid, G.; Rudenko, A.; Kurka, M.; Meyer, K.; Foucar, L.; Kübel, Matthias; Kling, Matthias F.; Jiang, Y. H.; Duesterer, S.; Treusch, R.; Schroeter, C. D.; Ullrich, J.; Pfeifer, T. und Moshammer, R.
(14. April 2014):
Multiple ionization and fragmentation dynamics of molecular iodine studied in IR-XUV pump-probe experiments.
In: Faraday Discussions, Bd. 171: S. 41-56
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Schober, Wolfgang; Szendrei, Katalin; Matzen, Wolfgang; Osiander-Fuchs, Helga; Heitmann, Dieter; Schettgen, Thomas; Jörres, Rudolf A.
ORCID: und Fromme, Hermann
Use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) impairs indoor air quality and increases FeNO levels of e-cigarette consumers.
In: International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, Bd. 217, Nr. 6: S. 628-637
Schoeler, Constantin; Malinowska, Klara H.; Bernardi, Rafael C.; Milles, Lukas F.; Jobst, Markus A.; Durner, Ellis; Ott, Wolfgang; Fried, Daniel B.; Bayer, Edward A.; Schulten, Klaus; Gaub, Hermann E. und Nash, Michael A.
Ultrastable cellulosome-adhesion complex tightens under load.
In: Nature Communications, Bd. 5, 5635
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Schorch, Philipp
Humanising "contact zones". The "faces" and stories of cross-cultural dialogue.
3rd International Critical Tourism Studies (CTS) Conference - Connecting academies of hope: Critical actions and creative vistas, Zadar, Croatia, 21 - 24 June 2009.
Richards, V. und Raguz, A. (Hrsg.):
In: Conference proceedings / 3rd International Critical Tourism Studies (CTS) Conference - Connecting academies of hope: Critical actions and creative vistas,
Zadar: S. 352-364
Schramm, Katharina; Marzi, Carola; Schurmann, Claudia; Carstensen, Maren; Reinmaa, Eva; Biffar, Reiner; Eckstein, Gertrud; Gieger, Christian; Grabe, Hans-Jörgen; Homuth, Georg; Kastenmueller, Gabriele; Maegi, Reedik; Metspalu, Andres; Mihailov, Evelin; Peters, Annette; Petersmann, Astrid; Roden, Michael; Strauch, Konstantin; Suhre, Karsten
ORCID:; Teumer, Alexander; Voelker, Uwe; Voelzke, Henry; Wang-Sattler, Rui; Waldenberger, Melanie; Meitinger, Thomas; Illig, Thomas; Herder, Christian; Grallert, Harald und Prokisch, Holger
Mapping the Genetic Architecture of Gene Regulation in Whole Blood.
9(4), e93844
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Schrauwen, Isabelle; Barber, Renee M.; Schatzberg, Scott J.; Siniard, Ashley L.; Corneveaux, Jason J.; Porter, Brian F.; Vernau, Karen M.; Keesler, Rebekah I.; Matiasek, Kaspar; Flegel, Thomas; Miller, Andrew D.; Southard, Teresa; Mariani, Christopher L.; Johnson, Gayle C. und Huentelman, Matthew J.
Identification of Novel Genetic Risk Loci in Maltese Dogs with Necrotizing Meningoencephalitis and Evidence of a Shared Genetic Risk across Toy Dog Breeds.
9(11), e112755
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Schröder, Thorsten; Rosenthal, Tobias; Giesbrecht, Nadja; Maier, Stefan; Scheidt, Ernst-Wilhelm; Scherer, Wolfgang; Snyder, G. Jeffrey; Schnick, Wolfgang
ORCID: und Oeckler, Oliver
TAGS-related indium compounds and their thermoelectric properties - the solid solution series (GeTe)xAgInySb1-yTe2 (x = 1-12; y = 0.5 and 1).
In: Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Bd. 2, Nr. 18: S. 6384-6395
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Schulte, Julia; Friedrich, Anja; Hollweck, Trixi; König, Fabian; Eblenkamp, Markus; Beiras-Fernandez, Andres; Fano, Cornelia; Hagl, Christian und Akra, Bassil
A Novel Seeding and Conditioning Bioreactor for Vascular Tissue Engineering.
In: Processes, Bd. 2, Nr. 3: S. 526-547
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Schulz, Bianka S.; Richter, Petra; Weber, Karin; Mueller, Ralf S.; Wess, Gerhard; Zenker, Isabella und Hartmann, Katrin
Detection of feline Mycoplasma species in cats with feline asthma and chronic bronchitis.
In: Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, Bd. 16, Nr. 12: S. 943-949
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Schwarz, Florian; Lange, Philipp; Zinsser, Dominik; Greif, Martin; Boekstegers, Peter; Schmitz, Christoph; Reiser, Maximilian F.; Kupatt, Christian und Becker, Hans C.
CT-Angiography Based Evaluation of the Aortic Annulus for Prosthesis Sizing in Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)-Predictive Value and Optimal Thresholds for Major Anatomic Parameters.
9(8), e103481
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Schäfer, Matthias; Willrodt, Ann-Helen; Kurinna, Svitlana; Link, Andrea S.; Farwanah, Hany; Geusau, Alexandra; Gruber, Florian; Sorg, Olivier; Huebner, Aaron J.; Roop, Dennis R.; Sandhoff, Konrad; Saurat, Jean-Hilaire; Tschachler, Erwin; Schneider, Marlon R.; Langbein, Lutz; Bloch, Wilhelm; Beer, Hans-Dietmar und Werner, Sabine
Activation of Nrf2 in keratinocytes causes chloracne (MADISH)-like skin disease in mice.
In: Embo Molecular Medicine, Bd. 6, Nr. 4: S. 442-457
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Schüle, Steffen Andreas; Clowes, Petra; Kroidl, Inge; Kowuor, Dickens O.; Nsojo, Anthony; Mangu, Chacha; Riess, Helene; Geldmacher, Christof; Laubender, Rüdiger Paul; Mhina, Seif; Maboko, Leonard; Löscher, Thomas; Hoelscher, Michael und Saathoff, Elmar
Ascaris lumbricoides Infection and Its Relation to Environmental Factors in the Mbeya Region of Tanzania, a Cross-Sectional, Population-Based Study.
9(3), e92032
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Schüler, Timo; Renkel, Jochen; Hobe, Stephan; Susewind, Moritz; Jacob, Dorrit E.; Panthöfer, Martin; Hoffmann-Röder, Anja; Paulsen, Harald und Tremel, Wolfgang
(25. März 2014):
Designed peptides for biomineral polymorph recognition: a case study for calcium carbonate.
In: Journal of Materials Chemistry B, Bd. 2, Nr. 22: S. 3511-3518
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Schürmann, Christof
(8. September 2014):
Völlig losgelöst.
In: Wirtschaftswoche, Nr. 37: S. 104
Schütte, Miriam und Thoma, Carmen
(18. Mai 2014):
Promises and Image Concerns.
Münchener Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Beiträge (VWL)
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Seelkopf, Laura
Tax Competition and National Welfare.
In: Ötsch, Walter; Grözinger, Gerd; Bräutigam, Lars und Bayer, Karl (Hrsg.):
The Political Economy of Offshore Jurisdictions. Kritische Studien zu Markt und Gesellschaft, Bd. 6. Marburg: Metropolis-Verlag. S. 27-38
Seiler, Stephan; Pirpamer, Lukas; Hofer, Edith; Duering, Marco; Jouvent, Eric; Fazekas, Franz; Mangin, Jean-Francois; Chabriat, Hugues; Dichgans, Martin; Ropele, Stefan und Schmidt, Reinhold
Magnetization transfer ratio relates to cognitive impairment in normal elderly.
In: Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, Bd. 6, 263
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Seilmaier, Michael; Hartmann, Wulf; Beissner, Marcus; Fenzl, Thomas; Haller, Cathrine; Guggemos, Wolfgang; Hesse, Jan; Harle, Adinda; Bretzel, Gisela; Sack, Stefan; Wendtner, Clemens; Löscher, Thomas und Berens-Riha, Nicole
Severe Plasmodium knowlesi infection with multi-organ failure imported to Germany from Thailand/Myanmar.
In: Malaria Journal
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Shaverdo, Helena; Sagata, Katayo; Panjaitan, Rawati; Menufandu, Herlina und Balke, Michael
Description of 23 new species of the Exocelina ekari-group from New Guinea, with a key to all representatives of the group (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae, Copelatinae).
In: Zookeys, Nr. 468: S. 1-83
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Shen, Cuihua; Riedl, Bettina; Cai, Dora; Ratan, Rabindra und Picot, Arnold
Gender and Social Network Dynamics in a Large Massively Multiplayer Online Game.
International Academic Conference on Meaningful Play 2014, East Lansing, Michigan, October 16-18, 2014.
In: Meaningful Play 2014 Conference Proceedings,
Shin, So-Youn; Petersen, Ann-Kristin; Wahl, Simone; Zhai, Guangju; Römisch-Margl, Werner; Small, Kerrin S.; Döring, Angela; Kato, Bernet S.; Peters, Annette; Grundberg, Elin; Prehn, Cornelia; Wang-Sattler, Rui; Wichmann, Heinz-Erich; Hrabe de Angelis, Martin; Illig, Thomas; Adamski, Jerzy; Deloukas, Panos; Spector, Tim D.; Suhre, Karsten
ORCID:; Gieger, Christian und Soranzo, Nicole
Interrogating causal pathways linking genetic variants, small molecule metabolites, and circulating lipids.
In: Genome Medicine
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Siegl, Daniel; Annecke, Thorsten; Johnson, Bobby L., III; Schläger, Christian; Martignoni, Andre; Huber, Nadine; Conzen, Peter; Caldwell, Charles C. und Tschöp, Johannes
Obesity-induced Hyperleptinemia Improves Survival and Immune Response in a Murine Model of Sepsis.
In: Anesthesiology, Bd. 121, Nr. 1: S. 98-114
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Silaghi, Cornelia; Knaus, Martin; Rapti, Dhimiter; Kusi, Ilir; Shukullari, Enstela; Hamel, Dietmar; Pfister, Kurt und Rehbein, Steffen
Survey of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum, haemotropic mycoplasmas and other arthropod-borne pathogens in cats from Albania.
In: Parasites & Vectors
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Skapenko, A.; Schulze-Koops, Hendrik; Devanarayan, V.; Idler, K.; Hong, F.; Smolen, J. S.; Kavanaugh, A.; Kupper, H. und Waring, J.
Identification of Genetic Variants Associated with Response to Methotrexate in Patients with Early Rheumatoid Arthritis: Results from the Optima Study.
EULAR 2014, Paris, 11-14 June2014.
Annals of the rheumatic diseases.
Bd. 73, Nr. Suppl. 2
BMJ Publishing Group. S. 72-73
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Slater, Emily P.; Strauch, Konstantin; Rospleszcz, Susanne; Ramaswamy, Annette; Esposito, Irene; Klöppel, Günter; Matthäi, Elvira; Heeger, Kristin; Fendrich, Volker; Langer, Peter und Bartsch, Detlef K.
MicroRNA-196a and-196b as Potential Biomarkers for the Early Detection of Familial Pancreatic Cancer.
In: Translational Oncology, Bd. 7, Nr. 4: S. 464-471
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Smeets, Daniel; Markaki, Yolanda; Schmid, Volker J.
ORCID:; Kraus, Felix; Tattermusch, Anna; Cerase, Andrea; Sterr, Michael; Fiedler, Susanne; Demmerle, Justin; Popken, Jens; Leonhardt, Heinrich; Brockdorff, Neil; Cremer, Thomas; Schermelleh, Lothar und Cremer, Marion
Three-dimensional super-resolution microscopy of the inactive X chromosome territory reveals a collapse of its active nuclear compartment harboring distinct Xist RNA foci.
In: Epigenetics & Chromatin
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Smeets, Daniel; Markaki, Yolanda; Schmid, Volker J.
ORCID:; Kraus, Felix; Tattermusch, Anna; Cerase, Andrea; Sterr, Michael; Fiedler, Susanne; Demmerle, Justin; Popken, Jens; Leonhardt, Heinrich; Brockdorff, Neil; Cremer, Thomas; Schermelleh, Lothar und Cremer, Marion
Three-dimensional super-resolution microscopy of the inactive X chromosome territory reveals a collapse of its active nuclear compartment harboring distinct Xist RNA foci.
In: Epigenetics & Chromatin, Bd. 7, Nr. 8
Sobolev, Andrey; Stoewer, Adrian; Leonhardt, Aljoscha; Rautenberg, Philipp L.; Kellner, Christian J.; Garbers, Christian und Wachtler, Thomas
Integrated platform and API for electrophysiological data.
In: Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, Bd. 8, 32
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Sobolev, Andrey; Stoewer, Adrian; Pereira, Michael; Kellner, Christian J.; Garbers, Christian; Rautenberg, Philipp L. und Wachtler, Thomas
Data management routines for reproducible research using the G-Node Python Client library.
In: Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, Bd. 8, 15
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Soltysinska, Ewa; Bentzen, Bo Hjorth; Barthmes, Maria; Hattel, Helle; Thrush, A. Brianne; Harper, Mary-Ellen; Qvortrup, Klaus; Larsen, Filip J.; Schiffer, Tomas A.; Losa-Reyna, Jose; Straubinger, Julia; Kniess, Angelina; Thomsen, Morten Bækgaard; Brüggemann, Andrea; Fenske, Stefanie; Biel, Martin; Ruth, Peter; Wahl-Schott, Christian; Boushel, Robert Christopher; Olesen, Søren-Peter und Lukowski, Robert
KCNMA1 Encoded Cardiac BK Channels Afford Protection against Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury.
9(7), e103402
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Song, Congdi; Feodorova, Yana; Guy, Jacky; Peichl, Leo; Jost, Katharina Laurence; Kimura, Hiroshi; Cardoso, Maria Cristina; Bird, Adrian; Leonhardt, Heinrich; Joffe, Boris und Solovei, Irina
DNA methylation reader MECP2: cell type- and differentiation stage-specific protein distribution.
In: Epigenetics & Chromatin
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Sonnenhauser, Barbara; Noel, Patrizia und Trautmann, Caroline
(14. März 2014):
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Spanjol, Jelena; Scott, Michael J.; Melamed, Stephen; Page, Albert L.; Bergh, Donald und Pfanner, Peter
Collaborative Innovation Across Industry-Academy and Functional Boundaries: How Companies Innovate with Interdisciplinary Faculty and Student Teams.
In: Noble, Charles H.; Durmusoglu, Serdar S. und Griffin, Abbie (Hrsg.):
Open Innovation: New Product Development Essentials from the PDMA. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. S. 175-223
Springer, Nina; Koschel, Friederike; Fahr, Andreas und Pürer, Heinz
Empirische Forschungstechniken der Kommunikationswissenschaft.
In: Pürer, Heinz (Hrsg.):
Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft. UTB. Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, Bd. 8249. 2., völlig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft mbH. S. 531-602
Springer, Matthias
(23. Juli 2014):
Average Information Content.
International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature and Media Conference, Torino, 21. - 25. Juli 2014.
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Springer, Matthias und Peer, Willie van
(24. Juli 2014):
Literature as Mortality Salience?
International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature and Media Conference, Torino, 21. - 25. Juli 2014.
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Spurdle, Amanda B.; Couch, Fergus J.; Parsons, Michael T.; McGuffog, Lesley; Barrowdale, Daniel; Bolla, Manjeet K.; Wang, Qin; Healey, Sue; Schmutzler, Rita Katharina; Wappenschmidt, Barbara; Rhiem, Kerstin; Hahnen, Eric; Engel, Christoph; Meindl, Alfons; Ditsch, Nina; Arnold, Norbert; Plendl, Hansjörg; Niederacher, Dieter; Sutter, Christian; Wang-Gohrke, Shan; Steinemann, Doris; Preisler-Adams, Sabine; Kast, Karin; Varon-Mateeva, Raymonda; Ellis, Steve; Frost, Debra; Platte, Radka; Perkins, Jo; Evans, D. Gareth; Izatt, Louise; Eeles, Ros; Adlard, Julian; Davidson, Rosemarie; Cole, Trevor; Scuvera, Giulietta; Manoukian, Siranoush; Bonanni, Bernardo; Mariette, Frederique; Fortuzzi, Stefano; Viel, Alessandra; Pasini, Barbara; Papi, Laura; Varesco, Liliana; Balleine, Rosemary; Nathanson, Katherine L.; Domchek, Susan M.; Offitt, Kenneth; Jakubowska, Anna; Lindor, Noralane; Thomassen, Mads; Jensen, Uffe Birk; Rantala, Johanna; Borg, Ake; Andrulis, Irene L.; Miron, Alexander; Hansen, Thomas V. O.; Caldes, Trinidad; Neuhausen, Susan L.; Toland, Amanda E.; Nevanlinna, Heli; Montagna, Marco; Garber, Judy; Godwin, Andrew K.; Osorio, Ana; Factor, Rachel E.; Terry, Mary B.; Rebbeck, Timothy R.; Karlan, Beth Y.; Southey, Melissa; Rashid, Muhammad Usman; Tung, Nadine; Pharoah, Paul D. P.; Blows, Fiona M.; Dunning, Alison M.; Provenzano, Elena; Hall, Per; Czene, Kamila; Schmidt, Marjanka K.; Broeks, Annegien; Cornelissen, Sten; Verhoef, Senno; Fasching, Peter A.; Beckmann, Matthias W.; Ekici, Arif B.; Slamon, Dennis J.; Bojesen, Stig E.; Nordestgaard, Borge G.; Nielsen, Sune F.; Flyger, Henrik; Chang-Claude, Jenny; Flesch-Janys, Dieter; Rudolph, Anja; Seibold, Petra; Aittomäki, Kristiina; Muranen, Taru A.; Heikkila, Paivi; Blomqvist, Carl; Figueroa, Jonine; Chanock, Stephen J.; Brinton, Louise; Lissowska, Jolanta; Olson, Janet E.; Pankratz, Vernon S.; John, Esther M.; Whittemore, Alice S.; West, Dee W.; Hamann, Ute; Torres, Diana; Ulmer, Hans Ulrich; Rudiger, Thomas; Devilee, Peter; Tollenaar, Robert A. E. M.; Seynaeve, Caroline; Asperen, Christi J. van; Eccles, Diana M.; Tapper, William J.; Durcan, Lorraine; Jones, Louise; Peto, Julian; dos-Santos-Silva, Isabel; Fletcher, Olivia; Johnson, Nichola; Dwek, Miriam; Swann, Ruth; Bane, Anita L.; Glendon, Gord; Mulligan, Anna M.; Giles, Graham G.; Milne, Roger L.; Baglietto, Laura; McLean, Catriona; Carpenter, Jane; Clarke, Christine; Scott, Rodney; Brauch, Hiltrud; Bruning, Thomas; Ko, Yon-Dschun; Cox, Angela; Cross, Simon S.; Reed, Malcolm W. R.; Lubinski, Jan; Jaworska-Bieniek, Katarzyna; Durda, Katarzyna; Gronwald, Jacek; Dork, Thilo; Bogdanova, Natalia; Park-Simon, Tjoung-Won; Hillemanns, Peter; Haiman, Christopher A.; Henderson, Brian E.; Schumacher, Fredrick; Le Marchand, Loic; Burwinkel, Barbara; Marme, Frederik; Surovy, Harald; Yang, Rongxi; Anton-Culver, Hoda; Ziogas, Argyrios; Hooning, Maartje J.; Collee, J. Margriet; Martens, John W. M.; Tilanus-Linthorst, Madeleine M. A.; Brenner, Hermann; Dieffenbach, Aida Karina; Arndt, Volke; Stegmaier, Christa; Winqvist, Robert; Pylkas, Katri; Jukkola-Vuorinen, Arja; Grip, Mervi; Lindblom, Annika; Margolin, Sara; Joseph, Vijai; Robson, Mark; Rau-Murthy, Rohini; Gonzalez-Neira, Anna; Arias, Jose Ignacio; Zamora, Pilar; Benitez, Javier; Mannermaa, Arto; Kataja, Vesa; Kosma, Veli-Matti; Hartikainen, Jaana M.; Peterlongo, Paolo; Zaffaroni, Daniela; Barile, Monica; Capra, Fabio; Radice, Paolo; Teo, Soo H.; Easton, Douglas F.; Antoniou, Antonis C.; Chenevix-Trench, Georgia und Goldgar, David E.
Refined histopathological predictors of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation status: a large-scale analysis of breast cancer characteristics from the BCAC, CIMBA, and ENIGMA consortia.
In: Breast Cancer Research
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Squitieri, Andrea
Stone Bar-handled Bowls: Characteristics and Values.
In: Belinski, Piotr; Gawlikowski, Michal; Kolinski, Rafal; Laweka, Dorota; Soltysiak, Arkadiusz und Wygnanska, Zuzanna (Hrsg.):
Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East 30 April - 4 May 2012, University of Warsaw. Vol. 1: Plenary Sessions, Township and Villages, High and Low - The Minor Arts for the Elite and for the Populace. Wiesbaden: Harrassowiz Verlag. S. 681-692
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Stahl, Ronny; Schilling, Sandra; Soba, Peter; Rupp, Carsten; Hartmann, Tobias; Wagner, Katja; Merdes, Gunter; Eggert, Simone und Kins, Stefan
Shedding of APP limits its synaptogenic activity and cell adhesion properties.
In: Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, Bd. 8, 410
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Stamm, T.; Hieblinger, R.; Boström, C.; Mihai, C.; Birrell, F.; Thorstensson, C.; Fialka-Moser, V.; Meriaux-Kratochvila, S.; Smolen, Josef und Coenen, Michaela
Similar Problem in the Activities of Daily Living but Different Experience: A Qualitative Analysis in Six Rheumatic Conditions and Eight European Countries.
In: Musculoskeletal Care, Bd. 12, Nr. 1: S. 22-33
Starosta, Agata L.; Lassak, Jürgen; Peil, Lauri; Atkinson, Gemma C.; Virumäe, Kai; Tenson, Tanel; Remme, Jaanus; Jung, Kirsten und Wilson, Daniel N.
Translational stalling at polyproline stretches is modulated by the sequence context upstream of the stall site.
In: Nucleic Acids Research, Bd. 42, Nr. 16: S. 10711-10719
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Starosta, Agata L.; Lassak, Jürgen; Peil, Lauri; Atkinson, Gemma C.; Woolstenhulme, Christopher J.; Virumäe, Kai; Buskirk, Allen; Tenson, Tanel; Remme, Jaanus; Jung, Kirsten und Wilson, Daniel N.
A Conserved Proline Triplet in Val-tRNA Synthetase and the Origin of Elongation Factor P.
In: Cell Reports, Bd. 9, Nr. 2: S. 476-483
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Steckling, Nadine; Böse-O’Reilly, Stephan
ORCID:; Pinheiro, Paulo; Plass, Dietrich; Shoko, Dennis; Drasch, Gustav; Bernaudat, Ludovic; Siebert, Uwe und Hornberg, Claudia
The burden of chronic mercury intoxication in artisanal small-scale gold mining in Zimbabwe: data availability and preliminary estimates.
In: Environmental Health
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Stelzhammer, Viktoria; Haenisch, Frieder; Chan, Man K.; Cooper, Jason D.; Steiner, Johann; Steeb, Hannah; Martins-de-Souza, Daniel; Rahmoune, Hassan; Guest, Paul C. und Bahn, Sabine
Proteomic changes in serum of first onset, antidepressant drug-naïve major depression patients.
In: International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, Bd. 17, Nr. 10: S. 1599-1608
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Stimming, Madlen; Mesch, Christina M.; Kersting, Mathilde; Kalhoff, Hermann; Demmelmair, Hans; Koletzko, Berthold; Schmidt, Anne; Böhm, Volker und Libuda, Lars
Vitamin E content and estimated need in German infant and follow-on formulas with and without long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) enrichment.
In: Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, Bd. 62, Nr. 41: S. 10153-10161
Stipp, Hermann-Josef
Jeremias Heilswort für Zidkija in Jer 34,5.
In: Wimmer, Stefan Jakob und Gafus, Georg (Hrsg.):
"Vom Leben umfangen" : Ägypten, das Alte Testament und das Gespräch der Religionen ; Gedenkschrift für Manfred Görg. Ägypten und Altes Testament, Bd. 80. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag. S. 173-181
Stock, Michiel; Fober, Thomas; Hüllermeier, Eyke
ORCID:; Glinca, Serghei; Klebe, Gerhard; Pahikkala, Tapio; Airola, Antti; De Baets, Bernard und Waegeman, Willem
Identification of Functionally Related Enzymes by Learning-to-Rank Methods.
In: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Bd. 11, Nr. 6: S. 1157-1169
Stralen, Maartje M. van; Yildirim, Mine; Wulp, Anouk; Te Velde, Saskia J.; Verloigne, Maïté; Doessegger, Alain; Androutsos, Odysseas; Kovacs, Eva; Brug, Johannes und Chinapaw, Mai J. M.
Measured sedentary time and physical activity during the school day of European 10- to 12-year-old children: The ENERGY project.
In: Journal of science and medicine in sport, Bd. 17, Nr. 2: S. 201-206
Stratmann, Bernd; Xu, Tao; Meisinger, Christa; Menart, Barbara; Roden, Michael; Herder, Christian; Grallert, Harald; Peters, Annette; Koenig, Wolfgang; Illig, Thomas; Wichmann, Heinz-Erich; Wang-Sattler, Rui; Rathmann, Wolfgang und Tschoepe, Diethelm
PLA1A2 platelet polymorphism predicts mortality in prediabetic subjects of the population based KORA S4-Cohort.
In: Cardiovascular Diabetology
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Strauss, R.; Angloher, G.; Bento, A.; Bucci, C.; Canonica, L.; Carli, Walter; Erb, A.; Feilitzsch, F. von; Gorla, P.; Gütlein, A.; Hauff, D.; Hellgartner, D.; Jochum, J.; Kraus, H. und Lanfranchi, J.-C.
Energy-dependent light quenching in CaWO4 crystals at mK temperatures.
In: European Physical Journal C, Bd. 74, Nr. 7, 2957
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Strobl, Florian G.; Seitz, Florian; Westerhausen, Christoph; Reller, Armin; Torrano, Adriano A.; Bräuchle, Christoph; Wixforth, Achim und Schneider, Matthias F.
Intake of silica nanoparticles by giant lipid vesicles: influence of particle size and thermodynamic membrane state.
In: Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, Bd. 5: S. 2468-2478
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Strobl, Ralf; Maier, W.; Mielck, Andreas; Fuchs, J.; Richter-Kornweitz, A.; Gostomzyk, J. und Grill, Eva
Wohnumfeld – Stolperstein oder Weg zum gesunden Altern? Ergebnisse der Augsburger Regionalkonferenz „Wohnumfeld, Alter und Gesundheit“.
In: Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz, Bd. 57, Nr. 9: S. 1120-1126
Stuckenbruck, Loren T.
Overlapping Ages at Qumran and ‘Apocalyptic’ in Pauline Theology.
In: Rey, Jean-Sébastien (Hrsg.):
The Dead Sea scrolls and Pauline literature : [lectures given during the Second International Symposium on Jewish and Christian Literature from the Hellenistic and Roman Period, held at the University of Lorraine ... June 2011]. Studies on the texts of the Desert of Judah, Bd. 102. Leiden [u.a.]: Brill. S. 309-326
Stuckenbruck, Loren T.
The Myth of Rebellious Angels. Ethics and Theological Anthropology.
In: Konradt, Matthias und Schläpfer, Esther (Hrsg.):
Anthropologie und Ethik im Frühjudentum und im Neuen Testament : wechselseitige Wahrnehmungen ; internationales Symposium in Verbindung mit dem Projekt Corpus Judaeo-Hellenisticum Novi Testamenti (CJHNT) 17. - 20. Mai 2012, Heidelberg. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, Bd. 322. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. S. 163-176
Stöckl, Doris; Peters, Annette; Thorand, Barbara; Heier, Margit; Koenig, Wolfgang; Seissler, Jochen; Thiery, Joachim; Rathmann, Wolfgang und Meisinger, Christa
Reproductive factors, intima media thickness and carotid plaques in a cross-sectional study of postmenopausal women enrolled in the population-based KORA F4 study.
In: BMC Womens Health
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Summerer, Monika; Horst, Jürgen; Erhart, Gertraud; Weißensteiner, Hansi; Schönherr, Sebastian; Pacher, Dominic; Forer, Lukas; Horst, David; Manhart, Angelika; Horst, Basil; Sanguansermsri, Torpong und Kloss-Brandstätter, Anita
Large-scale mitochondrial DNA analysis in Southeast Asia reveals evolutionary effects of cultural isolation in the multi-ethnic population of Myanmar.
In: BMC Evolutionary Biology
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Sun, Ya-Fang; Xu, Jin-Guo; Tang, Kun; Miao, Dan; Gaertner, Wolfgang; Scheer, Hugo; Zhao, Kai-Hong und Zhou, Ming
(11. Februar 2014):
Orange fluorescent proteins constructed from cyanobacteriochromes chromophorylated with phycoerythrobilin.
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Sydow, Jasmin F.; Lipsmeier, Florian; Larraillet, Vincent; Hilger, Maximiliane; Mautz, Björn; Mølhøj,, Michael; Kuentzer, Jan; Klostermann, Stefan; Schoch, Jürgen; Voelger, Hans R.; Regula, Jörg T.; Cramer, Patrick; Papadimitriou, Apollon und Kettenberger, Hubert
Structure-Based Prediction of Asparagine and Aspartate Degradation Sites in Antibody Variable Regions.
9(6), e100736
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Szkola, A.; Linares, E. M.; Worbs, S.; Dorner, B. G.; Dietrich, Richard; Märtlbauer, Erwin; Niessner, R. und Seidel, M.
(5. September 2014):
Rapid and simultaneous detection of ricin, staphylococcal enterotoxin B and saxitoxin by chemiluminescence-based microarray immunoassay.
In: Analyst, Bd. 139, Nr. 22: S. 5885-5892
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Sökefeld, Martin
Klima als Deutung.
In: Böschen, Stefan; Gill, Bernhard; Kropp, Cordula und Vogel, Katrin (Hrsg.):
Klima von unten : regionale Governance und gesellschaftlicher Wandel. Frankfurt am Main [u.a.]: Campus-Verlag. S. 103-112
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Sökefeld, Martin
Identität - Identifizierung.
In: Ezli, Özkan und Staupe, Gisela (Hrsg.):
Das neue Deutschland : von Migration und Vielfalt ; [ein Lesebuch] ; das Buch erscheint anlässlich der Ausstellung "Das neue Deutschland. Von Migration und Vielfalt" im Deutschen Hygiene-Museum, 8. März bis 12. Oktober 2014. Paderborn: Konstanz Univ. Press. S. 172-174
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Takaku, Yasuharu; Hwang, Jung Shan; Wolf, Alexander; Böttger, Angelika; Shimizu, Hiroshi; David, Charles N. und Gojobori, Takashi
Innexin gap junctions in nerve cells coordinate spontaneous contractile behavior in Hydra polyps.
In: Scientific Reports, Bd. 4, 3573
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Tang, Wenbo; Kowgier, Matthew; Loth, Daan W.; Artigas, Maria Soler; Joubert, Bonnie R.; Hodge, Emily; Gharib, Sina A.; Smith, Albert V.; Ruczinski, Ingo; Gudnason, Vilmundur; Mathias, Rasika A.; Harris, Tamara B.; Hansel, Nadia N.; Launer, Lenore J.; Barnes, Kathleen C.; Hansen, Joyanna G.; Albrecht, Eva; Aldrich, Melinda C.; Allerhand, Michael; Barr, R. Graham; Brusselle, Guy G.; Couper, David J.; Curjuric, Ivan; Davies, Gail; Deary, Ian J.; Dupuis, Josée; Fall, Tove; Foy, Millennia; Franceschini, Nora; Gao, Wei; Gläser, Sven; Gu, Xiangjun; Hancock, Dana B.; Heinrich, Joachim
ORCID:; Hofman, Albert; Imboden, Medea; Ingelsson, Erik; James, Alan; Karrasch, Stefan
ORCID:; Koch, Beate; Kritchevsky, Stephen B.; Kumar, Ashish; Lahousse, Lies; Li, Guo; Lind, Lars; Lindgren, Cecilia; Liu, Yongmei; Lohman, Kurt; Lumley, Thomas; McArdle, Wendy L.; Meibohm, Bernd; Morris, Andrew P.; Morrison, Alanna C.; Musk, Bill; North, Kari E.; Palmer, Lyle J.; Probst-Hensch, Nicole M.; Psaty, Bruce M.; Rivadeneira, Fernando; Rotter, Jerome I.; Schulz, Holger; Smith, Lewis J.; Sood, Akshay; Starr, John M.; Strachan, David P.; Teumer, Alexander; Uitterlinden, Andre G.; Völzke, Henry; Voorman, Arend; Wain, Louise V.; Wells, Martin T.; Wilk, Jemma B.; Williams, O. Dale; Heckbert, Susan R.; Stricker, Bruno H.; London, Stephanie J.; Fornage, Myriam; Tobin, Martin D.; O'Connor, George T.; Hall, Ian P. und Cassano, Patricia A.
Large-Scale Genome-Wide Association Studies and Meta-Analyses of Longitudinal Change in Adult Lung Function.
9(7), e100776
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Tappe, D.; Stich, A.; Langeheinecke, A.; Sonnenburg, F. von; Muntau, B.; Schäfer, J. und Slesak, G.
Suspected new wave of muscular sarcocystosis in travellers returning from Tioman Island, Malaysia, May 2014.
In: Eurosurveillance, Bd. 19, Nr. 21, 20816: S. 8-10
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Tavernaro, Isabella; Hartmann, Sebastian; Sommer, Laura; Hausmann, Heike; Rohner, Christian; Ruehl, Martin; Hoffmann-Röder, Anja und Schlecht, Sabine
(29. Juli 2014):
Synthesis of tumor-associated MUC1-glycopeptides and their multivalent presentation by functionalized gold colloids.
In: Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, Bd. 13, Nr. 1: S. 81-97
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Te Velde, Saskia J.; Chinapaw, Mai J. M.; Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse de; Bere, Elling; Maes, Lea; Moreno, Luis A.; Jan, Nataša; Kovacs, Eva; Manios, Yannis und Brug, Johannes
Parents and friends both matter: Simultaneous and interactive influences of parents and friends on European schoolchildren's energy balance-related behaviours - the ENERGY cross-sectional study.
In: International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
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Te Velde, Saskia J.; Singh, Amika; Chinapaw, Mai; Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse de; Jan, Natasa; Kovacs, Eva; Bere, Elling; Vik, Froydis N.; Bringolf-Isler, Bettina; Manios, Yannis; Moreno, Luis und Brug, Johannes
Energy Balance Related Behaviour: Personal, Home- and Friend-Related Factors among Schoolchildren in Europe Studied in the ENERGY-Project.
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Thacker, Vivek V.; Herrmann, Lars O.; Sigle, Daniel O.; Zhang, Tao; Liedl, Tim; Baumberg, Jeremy J. und Keyser, Ulrich F.
DNA origami based assembly of gold nanoparticle dimers for surface-enhanced Raman scattering.
In: Nature Communications, Bd. 5, 3448
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Thaler-Kall, Kathrin; Döring, Angela; Peters, Annette
ORCID:; Thorand, Barbara; Grill, Eva
ORCID:; Koenig, Wolfgang; Horsch, Alexander und Meisinger, Christa
Association between anemia and falls in community-dwelling older people: cross-sectional results from the KORA-Age study.
In: BMC Geriatrics, Bd. 14, Nr. 1, 29
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Thanisch, Katharina; Schneider, Katrin; Morbitzer, Robert; Solovei, Irina; Lahaye, Thomas; Bultmann, Sebastian und Leonhardt, Heinrich
Targeting and tracing of specific DNA sequences with dTALEs in living cells.
In: Nucleic Acids Research, Bd. 42, Nr. 6, e38
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Thieme, U.; Schelling, Gustav; Hauer, D.; Greif, R.; Dame, T.; Laubender, Rüdiger P.; Bernhard, W.; Thieme, D.; Campolongo, P. und Theiler, L.
Quantification of anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol plasma levels to examine potential influences of tetrahydrocannabinol application on the endocannabinoid system in humans.
In: Drug Testing and Analysis, Bd. 6, Nr. 1-2: S. 17-23
Thierfelder, Kolja M.; Baumgarten, Louisa von; Baumann, Alena B.; Meinel, Felix G.; Helck, Andreas D.; Opherk, Christian; Straube, Andreas; Reiser, Maximilian F. und Sommer, Wieland H.
Penumbra Pattern Assessment in Acute Stroke Patients: Comparison of Quantitative and Non-Quantitative Methods in Whole Brain CT Perfusion.
9(8), e105413
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Thierfelder, Kolja M.; Meimarakis, Georgios; Nikolaou, Konstantin; Sommer, Wieland H.; Schmitt, Peter; Kazmierczak, Philipp M.; Reiser, Maximilian F. und Theisen, Daniel
Non-Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography at 3 Tesla in Patients with Advanced Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease.
9(3), e91078
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Thirolf, P. G.; Lang, C.; Aldawood, S.; Kolff, H. G. v. d.; Maier, L.; Schaart, D. R. und Parodi, K.
Development of a Compton Camera for Online Range Monitoring of Laser-Accelerated Proton Beams via Prompt-Gamma Detection.
In: inpc 2013 - International Nuclear Physics Conference, Vol. 2, Bd. 66, 11036
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Thorwarth, Anne; Schnittert-Hübener, Sarah; Ullmann, Reinhard; Krude, Heiko; Schrumpf, Pamela; Müller, Ines; Jyrch, Sabine; Dame, Christof; Biebermann, Heike; Kleinau, Gunnar; Katchanov, Juri; Schülke, Markus; Ebert, Grit; Steininger, Anne; Bönnemann, Carsten; Brockmann, Knut; Christen, Hans-Jürgen; Crock, Patricia; Zegher, Francis de; Griese, Matthias; Hewitt, Jacqueline; Ivarsson, Sten; Hübner, Christoph; Kapelari, Klaus; Plecko, Barbara; Rating, Dietz; Stoeva, Iva; Ropers, Hans-Hilger und Grüters, Annette
Comprehensive genotyping and clinical characterisation reveal 27 novel NKX2-1 mutations and expand the phenotypic spectrum.
In: Journal of Medical Genetics, Bd. 51, Nr. 6: S. 375-387
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Thurley, Kay
ORCID:; Henke, Josephine; Hermann, Joachim; Ludwig, Benedikt; Tatarau, Christian; Wätzig, Aline; Herz, Andreas V. M.
ORCID:; Grothe, Benedikt
ORCID: und Leibold, Christian
Mongolian gerbils learn to navigate in complex virtual spaces.
In: Behavioural Brain Research, Bd. 266: S. 161-168
Tillack, Cornelia; Ehmann, Laura Maximiliane; Friedrich, Matthias; Laubender, Ruediger P.; Papay, Pavol; Vogelsang, Harald; Stallhofer, Johannes; Beigel, Florian; Bedynek, Andrea; Wetzke, Martin; Maier, Harald; Koburger, Maria; Wagner, Johanna; Glas, Jürgen; Diegelmann, Julia; Koglin, Sarah; Dombrowski, Yvonne; Schauber, Jürgen; Wollenberg, Andreas und Brand, Stephan
Anti-TNF antibody-induced psoriasiform skin lesions in patients with inflammatory bowel disease are characterised by interferon-gamma-expressing Th1 cells and IL-17A/IL-22-expressing Th17 cells and respond to anti-IL-12/IL-23 antibody treatment.
In: Gut, Bd. 63, Nr. 4: S. 567-577
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Tillack, Cornelia; Ehmann, Laura Maximiliane; Friedrich, Matthias; Laubender, Rüdiger P.; Papay, Pavol; Vogelsang, Harald; Stallhofer, Johannes; Beigel, Florian; Bedynek, Andrea; Wetzke, Martin; Maier, Harald; Koburger, Maria; Wagner, Johanna; Glas, Jürgen; Diegelmann, Julia; Koglin, Sarah; Dombrowski, Yvonne; Schauber, Jürgen; Wollenberg, Andreas und Brand, Stephan
Anti-TNF antibody-induced psoriasiform skin lesions in patients with inflammatory bowel disease are characterised by interferon-gamma-expressing Th1 cells and IL-17A/IL-22-expressing Th17 cells and respond to anti-IL-12/IL-23 antibody treatment.
In: Gut, Bd. 63, Nr. 4: S. 567-577
Tilstam, Pathricia V.; Gijbels, Marion J.; Habbeddine, Mohamed; Cudejko, Céline; Asare, Yaw; Theelen, Wendy; Zhou, Baixue; Döring, Yvonne; Drechsler, Maik; Pawig, Lukas; Simsekyilmaz, Sakine; Koenen, Rory R.; de Winther, Menno P. J.; Lawrence, Toby; Bernhagen, Jürgen; Zernecke, Alma; Weber, Christian und Noels, Heidi
Bone Marrow-Specific Knock-In of a Non-Activatable Ikk alpha Kinase Mutant Influences Haematopoiesis but Not Atherosclerosis in Apoe-Deficient Mice.
9(2), e87452
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Tognin, S.; Riecher-Rössler, A.; Meisenzahl, E. M.; Wood, S. J.; Hutton, C.; Koutsouleris, N.; Yung, A. R.; Allen, P.; Phillips, L. J.; McGorry, P. D.; Valli, I.; Velakoulis, D.; Nelson, B.; Woolley, J.; Pantelis, C.; McGuire, P. und Mechelli, A.
Reduced parahippocampal cortical thickness in subjects at ultra-high risk for psychosis.
In: Psychological Medicine, Bd. 44, Nr. 3: S. 489-498
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Toussaint, Emmanuel F. A.; Hall, Robert; Monaghan, Michael T.; Sagata, Katayo; Ibalim, Sentiko; Shaverdo, Helena V.; Vogler, Alfried P.; Pons, Joan und Balke, Michael
The towering orogeny of New Guinea as a trigger for arthropod megadiversity.
In: Nature Communications, Bd. 5, 4001
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Toyoda, Yusuke; Erkut, Cihan; Pan-Montojo, Francisco; Boland, Sebastian; Stewart, Martin P.; Müller, Daniel J.; Wurst, Wolfgang; Hyman, Anthony A. und Kurzchalia, Teymuras V.
Products of the Parkinson's disease-related glyoxalase DJ-1, D-lactate and glycolate, support mitochondrial membrane potential and neuronal survival.
In: Biology Open, Bd. 3, Nr. 8: S. 777-784
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Traylor, Matthew; Mäkelä, Kari-Matti; Kilarski, Laura L.; Holliday, Elizabeth G.; Devan, William J.; Nalls, Mike A.; Wiggins, Kerri L.; Zhao, Wei; Cheng, Yu-Ching; Achterberg, Sefanja; Malik, Rainer; Sudlow, Cathie; Bevan, Steve; Raitoharju, Emma; Oksala, Niku; Thijs, Vincent; Lemmens, Robin; Lindgren, Arne; Slowik, Agnieszka; Maguire, Jane M.; Walters, Matthew; Algra, Ale; Sharma, Pankaj; Attia, John R.; Boncoraglio, Giorgio B.; Rothwell, Peter M.; Bakker, Paul I. W. de; Bis, Joshua C.; Saleheen, Danish; Kittner, Steven J.; Mitchell, Braxton D.; Rosand, Jonathan; Meschia, James F.; Levi, Christopher; Dichgans, Martin; Lehtimäki, Terho; Lewis, Cathryn M. und Markus, Hugh S.
A Novel MMP12 Locus Is Associated with Large Artery Atherosclerotic Stroke Using a Genome-Wide Age-at-Onset Informed Approach.
In: PLOS Genetics
10(7), e1004469
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Treskatsch, Sascha; Feldheiser, Aarne; Rosin, Adrian T.; Sifringer, Marco; Habazettl, Helmut; Mousa, Shaaban A.; Shakibaei, Mehdi; Schäfer, Michael und Spies, Claudia D.
A Modified Approach to Induce Predictable Congestive Heart Failure by Volume Overload in Rats.
9(1), e87531
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Trojanowski, P.; Plotner, Josef; Grunewald, C.; Graupner, Franziska F.; Slavov, C.; Reuss, A. J.; Braun, M.; Engels, J. W. und Wachtveitl, J.
Photo-physical properties of 2-(1-ethynylpyrene)-adenosine: influence of hydrogen bonding on excited state properties.
In: Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics, Bd. 16, Nr. 27: S. 13875-13888
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Trottmann, Matthias; Stepp, Herbert; Sroka, Ronald; Heide, Michael; Liedl, Bernhard; Reese, Sven
ORCID:; Becker, Armin J.; Stief, Christian G. und Kölle, Sabine
(3. Juli 2014):
Probe‐based confocal laser endomicroscopy (pCLE) – a new imaging technique for in situ localization of spermatozoa.
In: Journal of Biophotonics, Bd. 8, Nr. 5: S. 415-421
Tuzon, Creighton T.; Spektor, Tanya; Kong, Xiaodong; Congdon, Lauren M.; Wu, Shumin; Schotta, Gunnar; Yokomori, Kyoko und Rice, Judd C.
Concerted Activities of Distinct H4K20 Methyltransferases at DNA Double-Strand Breaks Regulate 53BP1 Nucleation and NHEJ-Directed Repair.
In: Cell Reports, Bd. 8, Nr. 2: S. 429-437
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Urban, Alexander S.; Carretero-Palacios, Sol; Lutich, Andrey A.; Lohmüller, Theobald; Feldmann, Jochen und Jäckel, Frank
(24. März 2014):
Optical trapping and manipulation of plasmonic nanoparticles: fundamentals, applications, and perspectives.
In: Nanoscale, Bd. 6, Nr. 9: S. 4458-4474
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Vanderlinden, Willem; Lipfert, Jan; Demeulemeester, Jonas; Debyser, Zeger und De Feyter, Steven
(29. Januar 2014):
Structure, mechanics, and binding mode heterogeneity of LEDGF/p75-DNA nucleoprotein complexes revealed by scanning force microscopy.
In: Nanoscale, Bd. 6, Nr. 9: S. 4611-4619
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Vauclair, Christin-Melanie; Fischer, Ronald; Ferreira, Maria Cristina; Guerra, Valeschka; Hößler, Ulrich; Karabati, Serdar; de Carvalho Filho, Moises Kirk; Porto, Juliana B.; Lopez Reyes, Melissa; Rytkönen, Jenni und Spieß, Erika
What Kinds of Value Motives Guide People in Their Moral Attitudes? The Role of Personal and Prescriptive Values at the Culture Level and Individual Level.
In: Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Bd. 46, Nr. 2: S. 211-228
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Veit, Daniel; Clemons, Eric; Benlian, Alexander
ORCID:; Buxmann, Peter; Hess, Thomas
ORCID:; Kundisch, Dennis; Leimeister, Jan Marco; Loos, Peter und Spann, Martin
Business Models.
In: Business & Information Systems Engineering, Bd. 6, Nr. 1: S. 45-53
Veit, Daniel; Clemons, Eric; Benlian, Alexander
ORCID:; Buxmann, Peter; Hess, Thomas
ORCID:; Kundisch, Dennis; Leimeister, Jan Marco; Loos, Peter und Spann, Martin
Geschäftsmodelle. Eine Forschungsagenda für die Wirtschaftsinformatik.
In: Wirtschaftsinformatik, Bd. 56, Nr. 1: S. 55-64
Velroyen, Astrid; Bech, Martin; Zanette, Irene; Schwarz, Jolanda; Rack, Alexander; Tympner, Christiane; Herrler, Tanja; Staab-Weijnitz, Claudia; Braunagel, Margarita; Reiser, Maximilian; Bamberg, Fabian; Pfeiffer, Franz und Notohamiprodjo, Mike
X-Ray Phase-Contrast Tomography of Renal Ischemia-Reperfusion Damage.
9(10), e109562
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Vergetaki, Aikaterini; Jeschke, Udo; Vrekoussis, Thomas; Taliouri, Eirini; Sabatini, Luca; Papakonstanti, Evangelia A. und Makrigiannakis, Antonis
Galectin-1 Overexpression in Endometriosis and Its Regulation by Neuropeptides (CRH, UCN) Indicating Its Important Role in Reproduction and Inflammation.
9(12), e114229
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Vincent, Jean-Louis; Russell, James A.; Jacob, Matthias; Martin, Greg; Guidet, Bertrand; Wernerman, Jan; Roca, Ricard Ferrer; McCluskey, Stuart A. und Gattinoni, Luciano
Albumin administration in the acutely ill: what is new and where next?
In: Critical Care
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Voderholzer, Ulrich; Schwartz, Caroline; Thiel, Nicola; Kuelz, Anne Katrin; Hartmann, Armin; Scheidt, Carl Eduard; Schlegl, Sandra und Zeeck, Almut
A comparison of schemas, schema modes and childhood traumas in obsessive-compulsive disorder, chronic pain disorder and eating disorders.
In: Psychopathology, Bd. 47, Nr. 1: S. 24-31
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Vogt, Gabriele
In: Contemporary Japan, Bd. 26, Nr. 2: S. 171-174
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Vogt, Markus
Solidarität in einer kommenden Weltbürgergesellschaft.
In: Dal Toso, Giampietro (Hrsg.):
Nächstenliebe oder Gerechtigkeit? Zum Verhältnis von Caritastheologie und Christlicher Sozialethik. Christliche Sozialethik im Diskurs, Bd. 5. Paderborn: Schöningh. S. 239-258
Vogt, Markus
Die Theo-Logik Christlicher Sozialethik.
In: Platzer, Johann und Schaupp, Walter (Hrsg.):
Bioethik und Religion : theologische Ethik im öffentlichen Diskurs ; [Walter Schaupp zum 60. Geburtstag]. Baden-Baden: Nomos. S. 143-173
Vogt, Markus
Wie werden Werte geschaffen?
In: Magel, Holger (Hrsg.):
Verspielen wir Grund und Boden? Bestands-und Flächenentwicklung im Praxistest : Werte - Kriterien - Instrumente : 16. Müchner Tage der Bodenordnung und Landentwicklung 2014. Materialiensammlung / Lehrstuhl für Bodenordnung und Landentwicklung der Technischen Universität München, Bd. 46. München: Lehrstuhl für Bodenordnung und Landentwicklung der TU München. S. 15-24
Vogt, Markus und Ostheimer, Jochen
Die Energiewende als moralisches Problem – Hinführung.
In: Ostheimer, Jochen und Vogt, Markus (Hrsg.):
Die Moral der Energiewende : Risikowahrnehmung im Wandel am Beispiel der Atomenergie. Ethik im Diskurs, Bd. 10. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. S. 7-15
Vollmer, Klaus
In: Borgolte, Michael (Hrsg.):
Migrationen im Mittelalter : ein Handbuch. Berlin [u.a.]: De Gruyter. S. 35-49
van Damme, Eric; Binmore, Kenneth G.; Roth, Alvin; Samuelson, Larry; Winter, Eyal; Bolton, Gary E.; Ockenfels, Axel; Dufwenberg, Martin; Kirchsteiger, Georg; Gneezy, Uri; Kocher, Martin; Sutter, Matthias; Sanfey, Alan G.; Kliemt, Hartmut; Selten, Reinhard; Nagel, Rosemarie und Azar, Ofer
How Werner Güth's ultimatum game shaped our understanding of social behavior.
In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Bd. 108, Nr. C: S. 292-318
Wagner, Eva; Rosati, Marco; Molin, Jessica; Foitzik, Ulrike; Wahle, Andrea M.; Fischer, Andrea; Matiasek, Lara A.; Reese, Sven
ORCID:; Flegel, Thomas und Matiasek, Kaspar
Hippocampal Sclerosis in Feline Epilepsy.
In: Brain Pathology, Bd. 24, Nr. 6: S. 607-619
Wahl, Anna-Sophia; Omlor, W.; Rubio, Jose; Chen, J. L.; Zheng, H.; Schröter, A.; Gullo, M.; Weinmann, O.; Kobayashi, K.; Helmchen, Fritjof
ORCID:; Ommer, Björn
ORCID: und Schwab, Martin E.
Asynchronous therapy restores motor control by rewiring of the rat corticospinal tract after stroke.
In: Science, Bd. 344, Nr. 6189: S. 1250-1255
Wanka-Pail, Eva R.; Heiland, S.; Nowak, Dennis
ORCID:; Rittel, K.; Hokema, Dorothea; Wilke, T. und Bredow, L.
Gesundheitsförderung durch städtische Grünräume.
In: Umweltmedizin, Hygiene, Arbeitsmedizin, Bd. 19, Nr. 6: S. 468-475
Warnke, Clemens; Stettner, Mark; Lehmensiek, Vera; Dehmel, Thomas; Mausberg, Anne K.; Geldern, Gloria von; Gold, Ralf; Kümpfel, Tania; Hohlfeld, Reinhard; Mäurer, Mathias; Stangel, Martin; Straeten, Vera; Limmroth, Volker; Weber, Thomas; Kleinschnitz, Christoph; Wattjes, Mike P.; Svenningsson, Anders; Olsson, Tomas; Hartung, Hans-Peter; Hermsen, Derik; Tumani, Hayrettin; Adams, Ortwin und Kieseier, Bernd C.
Natalizumab exerts a suppressive effect on surrogates of B cell function in blood and CSF.
In: Multiple Sclerosis Journal, Bd. 21, Nr. 8: S. 1036-1044
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Waschbisch, Anne; Sanderson, Nicholas; Krumbholz, Markus; Vlad, George; Theil, Diethilde; Schwab, Stefan; Maeurer, Mathias und Derfuss, Tobias
Interferon Beta and Vitamin D Synergize to Induce Immunoregulatory Receptors on Peripheral Blood Monocytes of Multiple Sclerosis Patients.
9(12), e115488
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Watts, Gerald F.; Gidding, Samuel; Wierzbicki, Anthony S.; Toth, Peter P.; Alonso, Rodrigo; Brown, W. Virgil; Bruckert, Eric; Defesche, Joep; Lin, Khoo Kah; Livingston, Michael; Mata, Pedro; Parhofer, Klaus G.; Raal, Frederick J.; Santos, Raul D.; Sijbrands, Eric J. G.; Simpson, William G.; Sullivan, David R.; Susekov, Andrey V.; Tomlinson, Brian; Wiegman, Albert; Yamashita, Shizuya und Kastelein, John J. P.
Integrated Guidance on the Care of Familial Hypercholesterolaemia from the International FH Foundation: Executive Summary.
In: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, Bd. 22, Nr. 7: S. 849-854
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Wawro, Nina; Heinrich, Joachim
ORCID:; Thiering, Elisabeth; Kratzsch, Jürgen; Schaaf, Beate; Hoffmann, Barbara; Lehmann, Irina; Bauer, Carl-Peter; Koletzko, Sibylle
ORCID:; Berg, Andrea von; Berdel, Dietrich und Linseisen, Jakob
Serum 25(OH)D concentrations and atopic diseases at age 10: results from the GINIplus and LISAplus birth cohort studies.
In: BMC Pediatrics
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Weber, Martina; Grote, Veit; Closa-Monasterolo, Ricardo; Escribano, Joaquin; Langhendries, Jean-Paul; Dain, Elena; Giovannini, Marcello; Verduci, Elvira; Gruszfeld, Dariusz; Socha, Piotr und Koletzko, Berthold
Lower protein content in infant formula reduces BMI and obesity risk at school age: follow-up of a randomized trial.
In: American journal of clinical nutrition, Bd. 99, Nr. 5: S. 1041-1051
Weber, Susanne; Oser, Fritz; Achtenhagen, Frank; Fretschner, Michael und Trost, Sandra
Becoming an Entrepreneur.
In: Weber, Susanne; Oser, Fritz K.; Achtenhagen, Frank; Fretschner, Michael und Trost, Sandra (Hrsg.):
Becoming an Entrepreneur. Professional and VET learning, Bd. 3. Rotterdam: SensePublishers. S. 3-13
Weber, Susanne; Oser, Fritz; Achtenhagen, Frank; Fretschner, Michael und Trost, Sandra
Becoming an Entrepreneur - Epilog.
In: Weber, Susanne; Oser, Fritz K.; Achtenhagen, Frank; Fretschner, Michael und Trost, Sandra (Hrsg.):
Becoming an Entrepreneur. Professional and VET learning, Bd. 3. Rotterdam: SensePublishers. S. 305-318
Weber, Susanne; Trost, Sandra; Wiethe-Körprich, Michaela
ORCID:; Weiß, Christine und Achtenhagen, Frank
Intrapreneur: An Entrepreneur Within a Company.
In: Weber, Susanne; Oser, Fritz K.; Achtenhagen, Frank; Fretschner, Michael und Trost, Sandra (Hrsg.):
Becoming an Entrepreneur. Professional and VET learning, Bd. 3. Rotterdam: SensePublishers. S. 279-302
Weiger, Hubert und Barthel, Herbert
Energiewende und Umweltschutz.
In: Energiewende : ein Bürgerprojekt auf dem Prüfstand : TTN Edition - Die digitale Publikationsreihe des Instituts TTN, Nr. 3: S. 35-42
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Weissmann, Martin; Göber, Martin; Hohenegger, Cathy; Janjic, Tijana; Keller, Jan; Ohlwein, Christian; Seifert, Axel; Trömel, Silke; Ulbrich, Thorsten; Wapler, Kathrin; Bollmeyer, Christoph und Deneke, Hartwig
Initial phase of the Hans-Ertel Centre for Weather Research - A virtual centre at the interface of basic and applied weather and climate research.
In: Meteorologische Zeitschrift, Bd. 23, Nr. 3: S. 193-208
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Weiß, Dieter J.
Franken als Zentrum der katholischen Aufklärung.
In: Haas, Reimund (Hrsg.):
Fiat voluntas tua : Theologe und Historiker - Priester und Professor ; Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Harm Klueting am 23. März 2014. Münster: Aschendorff. S. 393-414
Weiß, Dieter J.
Die Schönborn – Inszenierung einer Familie.
In: Schneider, Erich und Weiß, Dieter J. (Hrsg.):
711 - 2011: 300 Jahre Schloss Weißenstein ob Pommersfelden : wissenschaftliches Symposium der Gesellschaft für Fränkische Geschichte am 15. und 16. September 2011. Veröffentlichungen der Gesellschaft für Fränkische Geschichte ; Reihe 8, Quellen und Darstellungen zur fränkischen Kunstgeschichte, Bd. 17. Würzburg: Gesellschaft für Fränkische Geschichte. S. 27-39
Weiß, Dieter J.
Bamberg, Michelsberg.
In: Kaufmann, Michael (Hrsg.):
Die Männer- und Frauenklöster der Benediktiner in Bayern. Band 2, Teilband 1. Germania Benedictina, Bd. 2. St. Ottilien: EOS-Verlag. S. 231-253
Weiß, Dieter J.
Nürnberg, Schottenkloster St. Egidien.
In: Kaufmann, Michael (Hrsg.):
Die Männer- und Frauenklöster der Benediktiner in Bayern. Band 2, Teilband 2. Germania Benedictina, Bd. 2. St. Ottilien: EOS-Verlag. S. 1475-1494
Weller, Nina; Clowes, Petra; Dobler, Gerhard; Saathoff, Elmar; Kroidl, Inge; Ntinginya, Nyanda Elias; Maboko, Leonard; Löscher, Thomas; Hoelscher, Michael und Heinrich, Norbert
Seroprevalence of Alphavirus Antibodies in a Cross-Sectional Study in Southwestern Tanzania Suggests Endemic Circulation of Chikungunya.
In: PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases
8(7), e2979
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Welzmiller, Simon; Rosenthal, Tobias; Ganter, Pirmin; Neudert, Lukas; Fahrnbauer, Felix; Urban, Philipp; Stiewe, Christian; de Boor, Johannes und Oeckler, Oliver
(13. Februar 2014):
Layered germanium tin antimony tellurides: element distribution, nanostructures and thermoelectric properties.
In: Dalton Transactions, Bd. 43, Nr. 27: S. 10529-10540
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Werner-Klein, Melanie; Proske, Judith; Werno, Christian; Schneider, Katharina; Hofmann, Hans-Stefan; Rack, Brigitte; Buchholz, Stefan; Ganzer, Roman; Blana, Andreas; Seelbach-Göbel, Birgit; Nitsche, Ulrich; Männel, Daniela N. und Klein, Christoph A.
Immune Humanization of Immunodeficient Mice Using Diagnostic Bone Marrow Aspirates from Carcinoma Patients.
9(5), e97860
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Wetzler, Meir; Mrózek, Krzysztof; Kohlschmidt, Jessica; Dombret, Herve; Döhner, Hartmut; Pilorge, Sylvain; Krug, Utz; Carroll, Andrew J.; Larson, Richard A.; Marcucci, Guido; Hiddemann, Wolfgang; Büchner, Thomas und Bloomfield, Clara D.
Intensive induction is effective in selected octogenarian acute myeloid leukemia patients: prognostic significance of karyotype and selected molecular markers used in the European LeukemiaNet classification.
In: Haematologica, Bd. 99, Nr. 2: S. 308-313
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Weyel, Birgit und Haußmann, Annette
Spiritualität und Depressivität.
In: Weyel, Birgit und Jakob, Beate (Hrsg.):
Menschen mit Depression. Orientierungen und Impulse für die Praxis in Kirchengemeinden. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus. S. 19-26
Wickles, Stephan; Singharoy, Abhishek; Andreani, Jessica; Seemayer, Stefan; Bischoff, Lukas; Berninghausen, Otto; Soeding, Johannes; Schulten, Klaus; Sluis, Eli O. van der und Beckmann, Roland
A structural model of the active ribosome-bound membrane protein insertase YidC.
In: eLife, Bd. 3, e03035
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Wiegner, M.; Madonna, F.; Binietoglou, I.; Forkel, R.; Gasteiger, J.; Geiss, A.; Pappalardo, G.; Schaefer, K. und Thomas, W.
What is the benefit of ceilometers for aerosol remote sensing? An answer from EARLINET.
In: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, Bd. 7, Nr. 7: S. 1979-1997
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Williams, Philip R.; Marincu, Bogdan-Nicolae; Sorbara, Catherine D.; Mahler, Christoph F.; Schumacher, Adrian-Minh; Griesbeck, Oliver; Kerschensteiner, Martin und Misgeld, Thomas
A recoverable state of axon injury persists for hours after spinal cord contusion in vivo.
In: Nature Communications, Bd. 5, 5683
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Wilson, Michael L.; Boesch, Christophe; Fruth, Barbara; Furuichi, Takeshi; Gilby, Ian C.; Hashimoto, Chie; Hobaiter, Catherine L.; Hohmann, Gottfried; Itoh, Noriko; Koops, Kathelijne; Lloyd, Julia N.; Matsuzawa, Tetsuro; Mitani, John C.; Mjungu, Deus C.; Morgan, David; Muller, Martin N.; Mundry, Roger; Nakamura, Michio; Pruetz, Jill; Pusey, Anne E.; Riedel, Julia; Sanz, Crickette; Schel, Anne M.; Simmons, Nicole; Waller, Michel; Watts, David P.; White, Frances; Wittig, Roman M.; Zuberbühler, Klaus und Wrangham, Richard W.
Lethal aggression in Pan is better explained by adaptive strategies than human impacts.
In: Nature, Bd. 513, Nr. 7518: S. 414-417
Wirsching, Andreas
Antikommunismus als Querschnittsphänomen politischer Kultur, 1917 - 1945.
In: Creuzberger, Stefan und Hoffmann, Dierk (Hrsg.):
"Geistige Gefahr" und "Immunisierung der Gesellschaft". Antikommunismus und politische Kultur in der frühen Bundesrepublik. Schriftenreihe der Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte : Sondernummer, München: Oldenbourg. S. 15-28
Witt, M.; Müller, F.; Leipe, J.; Prott, F.; Neumann, C.; Schulze-Koops, Hendrik und Grunke, M.
The Relevance of Flexor Tendon Tenosynovitis to Small Joint Tenderness and Swelling: Data from A Prospective Early RA Cohort.
EULAR 2014, Paris, 11-13 June 2014.
Annals of the rheumatic diseases.
Bd. 73, Nr. 2
BMJ Publishing Group. S. 662
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Witt, Matthias; Frielinghausen, J.; Clevert, D. A.; Leipe, Jan; Schulze-Koops, Hendrik; Mueller, R. B. und Grünke, Mathias
Automated Ultrasound for the Detection of Synovitis in the Feet of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA).
EULAR 2014:, Paris, 11-14 June 2014.
Annals of the rheumatic diseases.
Bd. 73, Nr. Suppl. 2
BMJ Publishing Group. S. 1128
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Witt, Sabine; Leidl, Reiner
ORCID:; Becker, Christian; Holle, Rolf; Block, Michael; Brachmann, Johannes; Silber, Sigmund und Stollenwerk, Björn
The Effectiveness of the Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Programme 'KardioPro' Initiated by a German Sickness Fund: A Time-to-Event Analysis of Routine Data.
9(12), e114720
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Wolfsgruber, Steffen; Wagner, Michael; Schmidtke, Klaus; Frölich, Lutz; Kurz, Alexander; Schulz, Stefanie; Hampel, Harald; Heuser, Isabella; Peters, Oliver; Reischies, Friedel M.; Jahn, Holger; Luckhaus, Christian; Hüll, Michael; Gertz, Hermann-Josef; Schröder, Johannes; Pantel, Johannes; Rienhoff, Otto; Ruether, Eckart; Henn, Fritz; Wiltfang, Jens; Maier, Wolfgang; Kornhuber, Johannes und Jessen, Frank
Memory Concerns, Memory Performance and Risk of Dementia in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment.
9(7), e100812
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Wollbold, Andreas
Der Zölibat - Schatz der Kirche.
In: Hastetter, Michaela Christine und Hettich, Michael (Hrsg.):
An der Bruchlinie von Kirche und Welt : Pastoral im Heute ; Festschrift für Hubert Windisch. Regensburg: Pustet. S. 320-335
Wollbold, Andreas
Nachwort: „Der Priester ist etwas Großes“.
In: Braun, Karl (Hrsg.):
Bei Christus bleiben : Gedanken zu einem Herzensanliegen Christi im Blick auf Leben und Dienst des Priesters. Kißlegg: FE-Medienverlag. S. 166-168
Wolter, H. H.; Zielinska-Pfabe, M.; Decowski, P.; Colonna, M.; Bougault, R. und Chbihi, A.
Symmetry Energy Dependence of Light Fragment Production in Heavy Ion Collisions.
In: inpc 2013 - International Nuclear Physics Conference, Vol. 1, Bd. 66, 03097
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Wu, Liya; Piotrowski, Katja; Rau, Tiina; Waldmann, Elisa; Broedl, Uli C.; Demmelmair, Hans; Koletzko, Berthold; Stark, Renee G.; Nagel, Jutta M.; Mantzoros, Christos S. und Parhofer, Klaus G.
Walnut-enriched diet reduces fasting non-HDL-cholesterol and apolipoprotein B in healthy Caucasian subjects: a randomized controlled cross-over clinical trial.
In: Metabolism: clinical and experimental, Bd. 63, Nr. 3: S. 382-391
Wunderlich, Stephanie; Kircher, Martin; Vieth, Beate; Haase, Alexandra; Merkert, Sylvia; Beier, Jennifer; Göhring, Gudrun; Glage, Silke; Schambach, Axel; Curnow, Eliza C.; Paeaebo, Svante; Martin, Ulrich und Enard, Wolfgang
Primate iPS cells as tools for evolutionary analyses.
In: Stem Cell Research, Bd. 12, Nr. 3: S. 622-629
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Xapelli, Sara; Agasse, Fabienne; Grade, Sofia; Bernardino, Liliana; Ribeiro, Filipa F.; Schitine, Clarissa S.; Heimann, Andrea S.; Ferro, Emer S.; Sebastiao, Ana M.; De Melo Reis, Ricardo A. und Malva, Joao O.
Modulation of subventricular zone oligodendrogenesis: a role for hemopressin?
In: Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, Bd. 8, 59
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Yao, Ming; Hervé, Dominique; Jouvent, Eric; Duering, Marco; Reyes, Sonia; Godin, Ophelia; Guichard, Jean Pierre; Dichgans, Martin und Chabriat, Hugues
Dilated perivascular spaces in small-vessel disease: A study in CADASIL.
In: Cerebrovascular Diseases, Bd. 37, Nr. 3: S. 155-163
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Yao, Qiang; Chen, Kai; Yao, Lan; Lyu, Peng-hui; Yang, Tian-an; Luo, Fei; Chen, Shan-quan; He, Lu-yang und Liu, Zhi-yong
Scientometric trends and knowledge maps of global health systems research.
In: Health Research Policy and Systems
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Yassin, Lina; Radtke-Schuller, Susanne; Asraf, Hila; Grothe, Benedikt
ORCID:; Hershfinkel, Michal; Forsythe, Ian D. und Kopp-Scheinpflug, Conny
Nitric oxide signaling modulates synaptic inhibition in the superior paraolivary nucleus (SPN) via cGMP-dependent suppression of KCC2.
In: Frontiers in Neural Circuits, Bd. 8, 65
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Yildirim, Mine; Schoeni, Anna; Singh, Amika S.; Altenburg, Teatske M.; Brug, Johannes; Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse de; Kovacs, Eva; Bringolf-Isler, Bettina; Manios, Yannis und Chinapaw, Mai J. M.
Daily variations in weather and the relationship with physical activity and sedentary time in European 10- to 12-year-olds: The ENERGY-Project.
In: Journal of physical activity & health, Bd. 11, Nr. 2: S. 419-425
Yoshimi, Ayami; Heuvel-Eibrink, Marry M. van den; Baumann, Irith; Schwarz, Stephan; Simonitsch-Klupp, Ingrid; de Paepe, Pascale; Campr, Vit; Kerndrup, Gitte Birk; O'Sullivan, Maureen; Devito, Rita; Leguit, Roos; Hernandez, Miguel; Dworzak, Michael; de Moerloose, Barbara; Stary, Jan; Hasle, Henrik; Smith, Owen P.; Zecca, Marco; Catala, Albert; Schmugge, Markus; Locatelli, Franco; Fuehrer, Monika; Fischer, Alexandra; Guderle, Anne; Noellke, Peter; Strahm, Brigitte und Niemeyer, Charlotte M.
Comparison of horse and rabbit antithymocyte globulin in immunosuppressive therapy for refractory cytopenia of childhood.
In: Haematologica, Bd. 99, Nr. 4: S. 656-663
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Zangl, Quirin; Martignoni, Andre; Jackson, Sharon H.; Ohta, Akio; Klaunberg, Brenda; Kaufmann, Ines; Lukashev, Dimitry; Ward, Jerrold M.; Sitkovsky, Michail V.; Thiel, Manfred und Chouker, Alexander
Postoperative Hyperoxia (60%) Worsens Hepatic Injury in Mice.
In: Anesthesiology, Bd. 121, Nr. 6: S. 1217-1225
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Zeidler, Cornelia; Grote, Ulrike A. H.; Nickel, Anna; Brand, Beate; Carlsson, Göran; Cortesão, Emilia; Dufour, Carlo; Duhem, Caroline; Notheis, Gundula; Papadaki, Helen A.; Tamary, Hannah; Tjønnfjord, Geir E.; Tucci, Fabio; Droogenbroeck, Jan Van; Vermylen, Christiane; Voglova, Jaroslava; Xicoy, Blanca und Welte, Karl
Outcome and management of pregnancies in severe chronic neutropenia patients by the European Branch of the Severe Chronic Neutropenia International Registry.
In: Haematologica, Bd. 99, Nr. 8: S. 1395-1402
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Zeindl-Eberhart, Evelyn; Brandl, Lydia; Liebmann, Sibylle; Ormanns, Steffen; Scheel, Silvio K.; Brabletz, Thomas; Kirchner, Thomas und Jung, Andreas
Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Induces Endoplasmic-Reticulum-Stress Response in Human Colorectal Tumor Cells.
9(1), e87386
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Zeytuni, Natalie; Uebe, Rene; Maes, Michal; Davidov, Geula; Baram, Michal; Raschdorf, Oliver; Friedler, Assaf; Miller, Yifat; Schüler, Dirk und Zarivach, Raz
Bacterial Magnetosome Biomineralization - A Novel Platform to Study Molecular Mechanisms of Human CDF-Related Type-II Diabetes.
9(5), e97154
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Zeytuni, Natalie; Uebe, Rene; Maes, Michal; Davidov, Geula; Baram, Michal; Raschdorf, Oliver; Nadav-Tsubery, Merav; Kolusheva, Sofiya; Bitton, Ronit; Goobes, Gil; Friedler, Assaf; Miller, Yifat; Schueler, Dirk und Zarivach, Raz
Cation Diffusion Facilitators Transport Initiation and Regulation Is Mediated by Cation Induced Conformational Changes of the Cytoplasmic Domain.
9(3), e92141
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Zhang, Yaokun; Pfeiffer, Tom; Weller, Marcel; Wieser, Wolfgang; Huber, Robert; Raczkowsky, Jörg; Schipper, Jörg; Worn, Heinz und Klenzner, Thomas
Optical Coherence Tomography Guided Laser Cochleostomy: Towards the Accuracy on Tens of Micrometer Scale.
In: Biomed Research International, Bd. 2014, 251814
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Zhang, Cong; Patschinski, Pascal; Stephenson, David S.; Panisch, Robin; Wender, Josef Heinrich; Holthausen, Max C. und Zipse, Hendrik
The calculation of 29Si NMR chemical shifts of tetracoordinated silicon compounds in the gas phase and in solution.
In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Bd. 16, Nr. 31: S. 16642-16650
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Zhu, J.; Lücke, A.; Wissel, H.; Mayr, Christoph; Enters, D.; Kim, K. Ja; Ohlendorf, C.; Schäbitz, F. und Zolitschka, B.
Climate history of the Southern Hemisphere Westerlies belt during the last glacial-interglacial transition revealed from lake water oxygen isotope reconstruction of Laguna Potrok Aike (52 degrees S, Argentina).
In: Climate of The Past, Bd. 10, Nr. 6: S. 2153-2169
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Identification of novel DNA-damage tolerance genes reveals regulation of translesion DNA synthesis by nucleophosmin.
In: Nature Communications, Bd. 5, 5437
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Zoller, Michael; Maier, Barbara; Hornuss, Cyrill; Neugebauer, Christina; Döbbeler, Gundula; Nagel, Dorothea; Holdt, Lesca Miriam; Bruegel, Mathias; Weig, Thomas; Grabein, Béatrice; Frey, Lorenz; Teupser, Daniel; Vogeser, Michael und Zander, Johannes
Variability of linezolid concentrations after standard dosing in critically ill patients: a prospective observational study.
In: Critical Care
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Zschoke, Anja und Thomsen, Ruth
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Zumbrennen-Bullough, Kimberly B.; Becker, Lore; Garrett, Lillian; Hölter, Sabine M.; Calzada-Wack, Julia; Mossbrugger, Ilona; Quintanilla-Fend, Leticia; Racz, Ildiko; Rathkolb, Birgit; Klopstock, Thomas; Wurst, Wolfgang; Zimmer, Andreas; Wolf, Eckhard; Fuchs, Helmut; Gailus-Durner, Valerie; Hrabé de Angelis, Martin; Romney, Steven J. und Leibold, Elizabeth A.
Abnormal Brain Iron Metabolism in Irp2 Deficient Mice Is Associated with Mild Neurological and Behavioral Impairments.
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Zydek, Martin; Petitt, Matthew; Fang-Hoover, June; Adler, Barbara; Kauvar, Lawrence M.; Pereira, Lenore und Tabata, Takako
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HCMV Infection of Human Trophoblast Progenitor Cells of the Placenta Is Neutralized by a Human Monoclonal Antibody to Glycoprotein B and Not by Antibodies to the Pentamer Complex.
In: Viruses, Bd. 6, Nr. 3: S. 1346-1364
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Zürch, M.; Rothhardt, J.; Hädrich, S.; Demmler, S.; Krebs, M.; Limpert, J.; Tünnermann, A.; Guggenmos, A.; Kleineberg, U. und Spielmann, C.
Real-time and Sub-wavelength Ultrafast Coherent Diffraction Imaging in the Extreme Ultraviolet.
In: Scientific Reports, Bd. 4, 7356
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